NYPD: Hatchet attack an act of terror

SORRY Let me see here, Muslims crash planes into Manhattan and kill 3000 innocent Americans, blow up 250 Marines in Beirut .Cut heads off, stone people to death, intimidate and threaten cartoonists in Norway with death, encourage religious war, other than that, My bad. I am SOOO sorry for noticing Muslims are evil. They are the very definition of evil. SORRY for pointing it out. Sorry I want to Do to ISLAM what they are doing to US, it's crying shame.
Godammit, for the last time, they were not all Americans, over 100 nations lost citizens on 9-11.

No wonder the world hates us with people making statement like yours.
Yeah right, Islam needs more people like you. Are you kidding? You don't get it, do you?
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Let's invade and occupy Lebanon...kill a few more kids:confused-84:

No, I think MaryL has it about right.

Bigotry and violence is never right. We ought to be smart enough to recognzie that.
Bigotry and violence make a few people very rich.
War has to be taxed into extinction before it kills humanity.
Neither Republicans nor Democrats are currently properly incentivised to end War.
Anyone believe here in the Easter bunny? No? Because, there is just as much proof in the Easter Bunny as in Islam. That being said, they chop off heads and crash planes into Manhattan. Not too many Jews or Buddhist or Christians doing that sort of thing, despite all that. Not even nihilist. Even they haven't done such a thing. Just Muslims. The assholes of the world, they want all the pitty. Um..Nah.
Anyone believe here in the Easter bunny? No? Because, there is just as much proof in the Easter Bunny as in Islam. That being said, they chop off heads and crash planes into Manhattan. Not too many Jews or Buddhist or Christians doing that sort of thing, despite all that. Not even nihilist. Even they haven't done such a thing. Just Muslims. The assholes of the world, they want all the pitty. Um..Nah.

Sounds like you have some latent Santa Claus trauma to resolve.
Obama won't like this, he now may have to use the "T" word himself if he talks about this incident.
One international crime that qualifies as "terrorism" is a war of aggression, like the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, for example:
"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'[2]

"Article 39 of the United Nations Charter provides that the UN Security Council shall determine the existence of any act of aggression and 'shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security'".

Hatchet attacks represent one level of blow-back.
Car bombs outside US police stations and polling places represent another level that is inevitable if US voters don't demand an end to wars of aggression.

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Time for the apologies and groveling to stop?

Oh, wait, not for two more years........

Carry on.
Hatchet attacks represent one level of blow-back.
Car bombs outside US police stations and polling places represent another level that is inevitable if US voters don't demand an end to wars of aggression.
It's obvious that we need to be more aggressive, not less. Nobody got peace by giving Islamofascists what they want.
Hatchet attacks represent one level of blow-back.
Car bombs outside US police stations and polling places represent another level that is inevitable if US voters don't demand an end to wars of aggression.
It's obvious that we need to be more aggressive, not less. Nobody got peace by giving Islamofascists what they want.
You think we need to maim, murder, and displace more innocent Muslims...why?
You think we need to maim, murder, and displace more innocent Muslims...why?
All Muslims are Islamofascists? If so, none of them are innocent.
Only a small fraction of the world's one billion Muslims engage in acts of terror, and none of those who do are getting rich from killing civilians living in the US, unlike the wars of aggression the US maintains in the Middle East; the blame lies with the capitalists, as usual.
You think we need to maim, murder, and displace more innocent Muslims...why?
All Muslims are Islamofascists? If so, none of them are innocent.
Only a small fraction of the world's one billion Muslims engage in acts of terror, and none of those who do are getting rich from killing civilians living in the US, unlike the wars of aggression the US maintains in the Middle East; the blame lies with the capitalists, as usual.
Then why did you lump the Islamofascists in with the rest of them? I don't give a rat's ass about your views on capitalism, just do your socialist thing and don't go postal and you'll be fine.
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.

Long past time for Medina or Mecca to vanish in the fire of split atoms.
We don't want to say anything negative or anything, but if we burned down a mosque and slashed a Muslim or two, that might end this. Not that I advocate such a hateful thing as that, but, it might send a message. But, don't do that, just throwing it out there. Muslims do this all the time, send out hateful destructive messages all the time and then claim to be "Respectful members of the community". Yeah, right. That is all I am doing.
Yeah, that would probably smooth things over.

How's the third grade going?
Ok, I just have to ask this one question.

What the fuck are these moslems thinking? Do they really just want the the West and the U.S. to hate them? Because that is what they are trying to do.

Muslims are INDIVIDUALS.

I get that. And I am trying to stay off the "I hate all the moslems" train, but my question still begs to be answered. If Islam is such a religion of peace, why do we more and more see all this violence in the name of "Allah"? Why don't we see more of the peaceful adherents to Islam stand up and say, "This is not us".
Ok, I just have to ask this one question.

What the fuck are these moslems thinking? Do they really just want the the West and the U.S. to hate them? Because that is what they are trying to do.

Muslims are INDIVIDUALS.

I get that. And I am trying to stay off the "I hate all the moslems" train, but my question still begs to be answered. If Islam is such a religion of peace, why do we more and more see all this violence in the name of "Allah"? Why don't we see more of the peaceful adherents to Islam stand up and say, "This is not us".

Because you don't want to see it.

How many times have examples been posted where the violence has been denounced or condemned? And what is the response? It's marginalized or discounted.

There is no such thing as a "religion of peace" - neither Islam, Christianity, Judaisim, Hinduism, or Buddhism can claim that in light of real world events. But they do have peaceful attributes.
Ok, I just have to ask this one question.

What the fuck are these moslems thinking? Do they really just want the the West and the U.S. to hate them? Because that is what they are trying to do.

Muslims are INDIVIDUALS.
So were Nazis

and rightwing gun nuts
And losers on the internet who use retarded words to describe those they can't beat in a debate

Like ignorant comparisons to Nazi's?

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