NYPD Sergeants Union Blasts Protesters In Oakland For Violence

By Matt Sledge

NEW YORK -- A union representing 5,000 New York City Police Department sergeants blasted Occupy Wall Street protesters on Thursday and threatened to sue them should they injure police.

More: NYPD Sergeants Union Blasts Protesters In Oakland For Violence

from the linked piece...

He made particular reference to "recent events in Oakland" as a trigger for his warning, which inflamed a lawyer working on Occupy Wall Street's legal defense team.

Journalists who witnessed events in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday night did report protesters throwing bottles at the police.

Gee... a cop, seeing this, using it as a warning that it better not happen in NYC.... HORRORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another FAIL of a thread, from Shitting Bull himself.
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The threat of a lawsuit seems unusual. Police officers already have the obvious deterrent power of initiating criminal proceedings against violent protesters (not to mention employing violence themselves). Even conceding that some OWS protesters are criminal, it would be a strange world if police officers fought criminals by suing them.
"Journalists who witnessed events in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday night did report protesters throwing
bottles at the police.

Throwing bottles is assault with a deadly weapon. Other people-includeing police-have a right to defend themselves from such.
"Journalists who witnessed events in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday night did report protesters throwing
bottles at the police.

Throwing bottles is assault with a deadly weapon. Other people-includeing police-have a right to defend themselves from such.

So, throwing plastic bottles at police in riot gear is assault with a deadly weapon?
So who said anything about" plastic" bottles? If they were maybe that would explain why the police only used rubber bullets.
I wonder how long these protesters would stay and protest if the police brought out the real ammo?
"Journalists who witnessed events in Oakland, Calif., on Tuesday night did report protesters throwing
bottles at the police.

Throwing bottles is assault with a deadly weapon. Other people-includeing police-have a right to defend themselves from such.

So, throwing plastic bottles at police in riot gear is assault with a deadly weapon?
It is an aggressive and provocative action and is counterproductive to the purpose of the protest movement. I believe the protest should establish an organizing committee, announce that such behavior will not be tolerated and warn that anyone who does initiate aggressive action will be turned over to the police.

The reason for doing that is to eliminate the very strong possibility that those who did throw the bottles were undercover cops acting as agents provocateur, which is a very common (and effective) anti-demonstration tactic. It enables the police to do what the Oakland police did on Tuesday and the Seattle police did during the WTO protest in Seattle.

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