NYT clears Romney: No Evidence Romney lied


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Grab your diapers libs! Run for your Immodium Ad! The New York Times has publically announced that Mitt Romney is guilty of nothing! The Grey Lady has spoken.

NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

Monday, 16 Jul 2012 11:55 AM
There is no evidence that Mitt Romney exercised his powers at private equity firm Bain Capital after 1999 or directed funds’ investments after leaving, The New York Times reported.

Although some documents place the Republican presidential hopeful in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy, it is not related to who was running Bain at the time, the Times reported.

Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain's history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999.

“It’s a disconnect between the ownership interest and managerial functions,” Harvey Pitt, who served as S.E.C. chairman under President George W. Bush, told the Times.

“When Bain takes positions in public companies, they’re required to show anyone who has an ownership interest that could be the effective equivalent of control. So Romney has to be shown on those filings.

"If they didn’t show them on those filings, they would have broken the law. But it has nothing to do with who’s actually running Bain Capital,” Pitt added.

Read more on Newsmax.com: NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business
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NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business
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bwahahahahahahhahahaa the poor libs must be coming up with a new lie to spread.
How could the NY Times know without having access to all internal Bain documents for the years in question? Have they seen such documents?
Only problem is President Obama will continue to lie about it and say Romney still outsourced jobs. The truth doesn't matter to this administration, they, he don't care.
How could the NY Times know without having access to all internal Bain documents for the years in question? Have they seen such documents?

The same reason everyone else know: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.
Does that mean he will return all the money he was paid?????????????
Does that mean he will return all the money he was paid?????????????

You mean his retirement package? The package he specifically recieved because he was no longer working there?

Why on earth would he do that?
How could the NY Times know without having access to all internal Bain documents for the years in question? Have they seen such documents?

Where's the documents for fast and furious? O'yes it doesn't matter how many people DIE to you leftist as your agenda means far more to you than the law.

Time to get back to holding our government credible for their actions....Two can play at this game. Unless Romney broke a law what the fuck is the point?
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People think the NYT is partisan because a few of their op-ed writers are on the Left.

But in issue after issue, the NYT shows no clear loyalty to party. Indeed, the NYT actively suppressed the illegal wiretapping scandal on the eve of the 2004 election. Additionally, they were a vocal supporter of the Iraq War in the beginning. They would not let Noam Chomsky - an MIT professor - author an article.

The reality is that the NYT is the true paper of record. Two weeks ago they gave prime space to a global warming denier. William Crystal - far Right neocon - was an op-ed writer. Strong conservative, David Brooks, is a regular contributor. Before him there was William Safire. The NYT has always had rightwing elements.

Truth is, the right demonizes all media sources that are not tightly controlled by movement conservatism.

This allows the party to control what people think about Bin Laden's relationship to Hussein or (say) the existence of death panels in ObamaCare (first proposed by a Republican who wanted to reign in Medicare costs by having a doctor counsel the elderly (and their family) on end of life care)

Consider Bush's Medicare Part D - the greatest expansion of our entitlement system since LBJ. Did anybody notice how little protest there was from the Right? Had conservative voters been allowed to stray from their very small number of newspapers, radio stations, magazines, and websites - that is, had they not been so strategically prejudiced against papers like the NYT - they would have learned about Bush's expansion of the entitlement system. As it stood, they didn't even know about this.

Every time a conservative turns on one of their news sources, they hear how terrible the NYT is. This is text book information-control. Every Republican president benefits from the fact that his base will never be exposed to the "wrong" kinds of information.

If Obama did something as big as Medicare Part D - if he expanded government to this extent - the Tea Party would pour into the streets in every city in America. If Bush or Romney does it, you don't hear a peep.

God Help Us. We no longer have a free press. 1/2 the country has been 100% captured, and the other half is not far behind.
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Where is the link to the "actual" NY Times article?

Again, where is the link to the "actual" NY Times article? I'm not interested in Newsmax's interpretation of the article, and the Newsmax link to the NY Times article doesn't work for my computer.
Grab your diapers libs! Run for your Immodium Ad! The New York Times has publically announced that Mitt Romney is guilty of nothing! The Grey Lady has spoken.

NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

Monday, 16 Jul 2012 11:55 AM
There is no evidence that Mitt Romney exercised his powers at private equity firm Bain Capital after 1999 or directed funds’ investments after leaving, The New York Times reported.

Although some documents place the Republican presidential hopeful in charge of Bain from 1999 to 2001, a period in which the company outsourced jobs and ran companies that fell into bankruptcy, it is not related to who was running Bain at the time, the Times reported.

Romney has tried to distance himself from this period in Bain's history, saying on financial disclosure forms he had no active role in Bain as of February 1999.

“It’s a disconnect between the ownership interest and managerial functions,” Harvey Pitt, who served as S.E.C. chairman under President George W. Bush, told the Times.

“When Bain takes positions in public companies, they’re required to show anyone who has an ownership interest that could be the effective equivalent of control. So Romney has to be shown on those filings.

"If they didn’t show them on those filings, they would have broken the law. But it has nothing to do with who’s actually running Bain Capital,” Pitt added.

Read more on Newsmax.com: NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Newsmax is about as credible as you are: not at all.
bwahahahahahahhahahaa the poor libs must be coming up with a new lie to spread.

Unfortunately, they're typically unfazed by The Truth. It's the nature of "The Big Lie"... make up a whopper and then stick to it. You'd think they'd be embarrassed, but alas... not so much.

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