NYT clears Romney: No Evidence Romney lied

So he's not trying to distance himself from Bain post 1999? Then why not just say he was technically in charge and the largest shareholder, that he flew back for meetings etc...

Oh, right - he won't do that because he's working hard to avoid being associated with the outsourcing pioneers.

I think he should(must) come out with all his records as it is now a real issue, but you better believe that Obama should be held to the same standards.

Which Obama tax return do you want to see? I'm sure he'll release it.

But where it comes to outsourcing and how they both agree, I'm not disagreeing. I agree! that's what makes the Romney argument that much harder to swallow.

Yeah, they both suck. How about for starters the "fast and furious docs" then his college transcript. Is that fair?
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NYT clears Romney: No Evidence Romney lied

No such article exists. You are a liar.

Google search "nyt calls Obama a liar" comes up with no article.

and you are a moron.

here is the article from the NY Times, dumb ass.

page two...
Indeed, no evidence has yet emerged that Mr. Romney exercised his powers at Bain after February 1999 or directed the funds’ investments after he left, although his campaign has declined to say if he attended any meetings or had any other contact with Bain during the period.
Sounds like the NY Times cleared him to me.

dumb ass.

I read the article provided. It is not clear from any outside(of Bain) source that Romney was indeed as uninterested in Bain's activities as some of you speculate.

In fact there are clues in the same article to suggest otherwise.

“Mitt’s name were on the documents as the chief executive and sole owner of the company,” “And it took several years for us to sort out how to put the management team in place.” From this it is obvious that Bain did not have anyone in place to take over for Mittens in 1999.

In fact I see nothing independant from the authors, NICHOLAS CONFESSORE and MICHAEL D. SHEAR, that suggest RTomney is "cleared". All of the quotes provided were from people that have a vested interest in keeping Mittens happy including the guy on TV Edward W. Conard, a Bain partner at the time, said during an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday.

I see this as a puff piece not any kind of hard hitting report. Just a white wash from Bain.

What WOULD shed light on the truth would be minutes from Bain board meetings.
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NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.
I think he should(must) come out with all his records as it is now a real issue, but you better believe that Obama should be held to the same standards.

Which Obama tax return do you want to see? I'm sure he'll release it.

But where it comes to outsourcing and how they both agree, I'm not disagreeing. I agree! that's what makes the Romney argument that much harder to swallow.

Mitt Romney handed 23 years of tax returns over to the McCain campaign when he was being vetted for VP.

Why is Mitt Romney willing to disclose more information to the people interviewing him for the vice president job than he is the people interviewing him for the job of POTUS?

Maybe he is effected with the same Pompous Arrogance that Obama is that keeps him from Releasing his Grades.

Just saying.
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

The Question is are they going to stop lying?
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

The Question is are they going to stop lying?

Sadly, it appears that everyone cares more about their agenda than what's best for this nation. We should be discussing what has proven to work and thinking logically. George Washington warned us of these political parties. :badgrin:
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

The Question is are they going to stop lying?

Good question. More media are piling on with headlines like "Pinocchio has nothing on Obama".

That might influence the campaign to stop the lies, but I doubt it.
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?
yes, he was the CEO, the President, the sole shareholder....but he had no decision making authority and no role in the business.

In related news, pigs have wings and regularly fly. And I'm sure his tax returns have nothing to show, nothing at all. By the way, why is he so ashamed of what the company did in his name?

Is it too late to switch back to Santorum or Gingrich?

Obama lied. -- CNN

Obama lied -- WaPost

Obama's a liar -- NYTimes

And here's more that say Obama's a liar.:D Obama the Liar in Chief. Has a nice ring to it.

The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune fact checker wrote: "But the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999. He stated that in a federal disclosure form he signed, under threat of criminal penalties. He said he was a 'former employee' in a state disclosure form.

:eusa_whistle: A state commission concluded 10 years ago that he did, indeed, leave Bain in 1999. And investors were told he was not part of the management team."


" The Columbia Journalism Review rapped the Obama campaign for an anti-Romney ad that "distorts the facts in a Washington Post story to implicate Mitt Romney in outsourcing by firms that received funds from Bain Capital."


" The Des Moines Register'sJennifer Jacobs noted: "Independent fact checkers have debunked President Barack Obama's previous allegations that Mitt Romney was responsible for outsourcing jobs, but the Democrat will soon air his third TV ad in Iowa going after his Republican rival on the same claim."

AND this round up of fact checkers is brought to us by none other than the Chicago Tribune.

Beyond human error on Romney, Bain
Pinocchio has nothing on Obama campaign

Obama campaign's lies about Romney and Bain are beyond human error - chicagotribune.com

Those are all GOP hack sites. Why not use some real, unbiased sources like Huffington Post, Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo?
So it was just the company he was CEO, sole owner, and sole stockholder of that was doing the outsourcing and destruction. That's ok then. Where are his tax returns then- in the Caymans. Feg his elitist greedy azz....LOL Pub dupes!!
Also no evidence he didn't....Newsmax my azz...

Obama and his campaign staff are liars. I mean that's really nothing new for Obama, but it's so rare that he's called out on a bare faced lie.

For the President and his staff to actually call Romney a felon with absolutely no proof is beyond disgusting. Shows their true punk nature though.
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?

He was a successful business man up to 1999 then he left to do something else. He allowed others to manage Bain until 2002, when he finally retired. I wish he would release everything and lay it out point blank for all to see! :eusa_boohoo:

He should be honest and expect the same from Obama. :eusa_angel:
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Obama lied. -- CNN

Obama lied -- WaPost

Obama's a liar -- NYTimes

And here's more that say Obama's a liar.:D Obama the Liar in Chief. Has a nice ring to it.

The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune fact checker wrote: "But the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999. He stated that in a federal disclosure form he signed, under threat of criminal penalties. He said he was a 'former employee' in a state disclosure form.

:eusa_whistle: A state commission concluded 10 years ago that he did, indeed, leave Bain in 1999. And investors were told he was not part of the management team."


" The Columbia Journalism Review rapped the Obama campaign for an anti-Romney ad that "distorts the facts in a Washington Post story to implicate Mitt Romney in outsourcing by firms that received funds from Bain Capital."


" The Des Moines Register'sJennifer Jacobs noted: "Independent fact checkers have debunked President Barack Obama's previous allegations that Mitt Romney was responsible for outsourcing jobs, but the Democrat will soon air his third TV ad in Iowa going after his Republican rival on the same claim."

AND this round up of fact checkers is brought to us by none other than the Chicago Tribune.

Beyond human error on Romney, Bain
Pinocchio has nothing on Obama campaign

Obama campaign's lies about Romney and Bain are beyond human error - chicagotribune.com

Those are all GOP hack sites. Why not use some real, unbiased sources like Huffington Post, Mother Jones and Talking Points Memo?

or we could just keep lying about what the New York Times said.
NYT did not clear Romney,only Romney can clear Romney. you are taking one line out of context from a NYT artickle. did you also read where they said there were legal papers that lissted Romney as the CEO.

My question, are GOPers setting up Democrats for another AWOL Bushgate?

Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?

Surely you jest. Romney co founded the company in 1984 and ran it successfully for years.
Of course he was still listed as CEO. He had a leave of absence. Don't you understand what a leave of absence is?

For example, when Steve Jobs took his medical leave of absences, two of them he was still listed as CEO even though he had assigned managerial duties to someone else.

Romney's situation is similar. Documents show there were 18 managers listed in 2000. Romney was not on the list.

And at this point in time Obama and his campaign are being called liars because they are.

so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?

He was a successful business man up to 1999 then he left to do something else. He allowed others to manage Bain until 2002, when he finally retired. I wish he would release everything and lay it out point blank for all to see! :eusa_boohoo:

He should be honest and expect the same from Obama. :eusa_angel:

so he was in control until the bad stuff happened? sounds like the Enron defense.
so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?

He was a successful business man up to 1999 then he left to do something else. He allowed others to manage Bain until 2002, when he finally retired. I wish he would release everything and lay it out point blank for all to see! :eusa_boohoo:

He should be honest and expect the same from Obama. :eusa_angel:

so he was in control until the bad stuff happened? sounds like the Enron defense.


I'll be defending my turd and you will be defending yours. Both suck, but Obama has a far worse record of at least as bad as Bush's. Have fun defending it. :eusa_boohoo:

I'm going to have to get a pair of nose plugs to vote for Romney. Not going to have much fun defending this liberal.:eusa_silenced:
so Romney lied when he said he had experience at running a successful business because he was just a figurehead at Bain?

He was a successful business man up to 1999 then he left to do something else. He allowed others to manage Bain until 2002, when he finally retired. I wish he would release everything and lay it out point blank for all to see! :eusa_boohoo:

He should be honest and expect the same from Obama. :eusa_angel:

so he was in control until the bad stuff happened? sounds like the Enron defense.

Yes it does. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have been hilariously tearing Romney apart tonight. They really had fun with the "retroactive retirement"...
Which Obama tax return do you want to see? I'm sure he'll release it.

But where it comes to outsourcing and how they both agree, I'm not disagreeing. I agree! that's what makes the Romney argument that much harder to swallow.

Mitt Romney handed 23 years of tax returns over to the McCain campaign when he was being vetted for VP.

Why is Mitt Romney willing to disclose more information to the people interviewing him for the vice president job than he is the people interviewing him for the job of POTUS?

Maybe he is effected with the same Pompous Arrogance that Obama is that keeps him from Releasing his Grades.

Just saying.

What do Obama's grades have to do with Romney being willing to disclose his tax returns to the McCain campaign for vetting but not the American people?
He was a successful business man up to 1999 then he left to do something else. He allowed others to manage Bain until 2002, when he finally retired. I wish he would release everything and lay it out point blank for all to see! :eusa_boohoo:

He should be honest and expect the same from Obama. :eusa_angel:

so he was in control until the bad stuff happened? sounds like the Enron defense.


I'll be defending my turd and you will be defending yours. Both suck, but Obama has a far worse record of at least as bad as Bush's. Have fun defending it. :eusa_boohoo:

I'm going to have to get a pair of nose plugs to vote for Romney. Not going to have much fun defending this liberal.:eusa_silenced:

I'm with you... no matter who i vote for it's not a good choice.

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