NYT Crowned The King of Fake News Walks back Criticism of Reporters As On-Line Subscriptions Surge


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The NY Times was REALLY SORRY and critical of its reporters after it was busted for being the 'king of Fake News'....until they saw their on-line subscription numbers surge. Now they're not sorry at all. Their lack of journalistic integrity, lying to everyone, and reporting fake news worked - sales are up, proving journalistic integrity and honesty is not what is important to Liberal 'All-In' Propaganda organizations like the NY Times - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

- After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge
- New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge


That's Bartbreit and Infowars ect that are the equivalent to the NE.
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"In retrospect, I should have held back more, not knowing what the context was for the tweets. I think that's a fair criticism," Liz Spayd told Politico in a Tuesday report.

"But I stand by my view that journalists should be careful, sometimes more careful than they are, with what they say on social media," she maintained. "That includes how it can be interpreted."

Wow, thats amazing-ly boring
That's Bartbreit and Infowars ect that are the equivalent to the NI.
The guy whose media sources have been identified on the list of 'media' that engaged in Fake News trying to claim other sites are invalid...THAT'S FUNNY!
The NY Times was REALLY SORRY and critical of its reporters after it was busted for being the 'king of Fake News'....until they saw their on-line subscription numbers surge. Now they're not sorry at all. Their lack of journalistic integrity, lying to everyone, and reporting fake news worked - sales are up, proving journalistic integrity and honesty is not what is important to Liberal 'All-In' Propaganda organizations like the NY Times - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

- After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge
- New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge




Uh, no they're not.

I defy you to find ANYTHING false in the National Enquirer in the last decade. They may report on the sleaze, but they are HIGHLY accurate. After Carol Burnett sued their pants off, the publication became the model of fact checking.
That's Bartbreit and Infowars ect that are the equivalent to the NI.

Actually Jake, that should be NE, not NI. The OP screwed it up with the spelling, it's actually National ENQUIRER, not inquirer.

Just trying to help.

And the National Enquirer is probably the MOST accurate printed news source in the nation, with the NY Times among the 5 least accurate.

The New York Times editorial policy is simply, does the story promote the party? If not, does it slander enemies of the party? If either question is "yes," they print it. Whether the story happens to be true is irrelevant to the Times.
The NY Times was REALLY SORRY and critical of its reporters after it was busted for being the 'king of Fake News'....until they saw their on-line subscription numbers surge. Now they're not sorry at all. Their lack of journalistic integrity, lying to everyone, and reporting fake news worked - sales are up, proving journalistic integrity and honesty is not what is important to Liberal 'All-In' Propaganda organizations like the NY Times - IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

- After blowback, NYT public editor walks back criticism of reporters

New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge
- New York Times sees digital subscriptions surge



Since you've never read the NYT (much less any newspaper), it's obvious you didn't read the article you linked to, as well. Your thread title referring to your post is worse than any tweet by these NYT reporters whom the editor criticized. It's simply a lie and nothing more than your poorly-educated opinion.

Additionally, these Twitter accounts are the personal accounts of these reporters, and their comments are not published in the newspaper itself. But I didn't expect you to realize that, either.
Theres a list?
You would be amazed at what's out there...

12 Fake News Stories from the Mainstream Media

As soon as the 'Fake News' story exploded all the media scrambled to create their own lists to discredit each other and other lists. One list has Breitbart on it but omits the Huffington Post that was identified by MANT credible agencies as having engaged in fake media.

Note I used Breitbart as one of my sources just to show an example of lists being out there - that is all, not argue the validity of the list.

As stated, 'media sources' (who were identified as having engaged in 'fake news' is slamming other media for doing the same thing (again this is an example not a claim of any validity):

Here's How Fake Election News Outperformed Real Election News On Facebook

And near the top of everyone's list is the NY Times, whose CEO slammed his own reporters for engaging in it ... until he saw how Fake News SOLD SUBSCRIPTIONS! :p
That's Bartbreit and Infowars ect that are the equivalent to the NE.

Actually, I have more respect for the National Enquirer because they are in print, which means they have libel and slander laws that apply to them that Alex Jones/InfoWars and Breitbart don't have to worry about. That's why they publish batshit crazy crap on their websites.
Theres a list?
You would be amazed at what's out there...

12 Fake News Stories from the Mainstream Media

As soon as the 'Fake News' story exploded all the media scrambled to create their own lists to discredit each other and other lists. One list has Breitbart on it but omits the Huffington Post that was identified by MANT credible agencies as having engaged in fake media.

Note I used Breitbart as one of my sources just to show an example of lists being out there - that is all, not argue the validity of the list.

As stated, 'media sources' (who were identified as having engaged in 'fake news' is slamming other media for doing the same thing (again this is an example not a claim of any validity):

Here's How Fake Election News Outperformed Real Election News On Facebook

And near the top of everyone's list is the NY Times, whose CEO slammed his own reporters for engaging in it ... until he saw how Fake News SOLD SUBSCRIPTIONS! :p

Your link about fake news stories links to a fake news site, fucking idiot.
Your link about fake news stories links to a fake news site, fucking idiot.
That is the problem these 'media' outlets have created - you don't know what the hell is real and what is not anymore...which is why a large number of Americans no longer trust the media.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

Of course as far as I know Gallup could have been identified as one of those 'fake media' sites. :p
LMAO...So you're saying the news is fake because someone faked a news story and then when it was found to be fake they removed it and apologized. And that means the news is fake? LMAO

Sure! All news is fake unless it comes from you or Trump. That makes sense
You know, you really gotta admire how Trump has done things so far. He's managed to get half the people to believe that the media is lying to them, and to only trust what he says.

Once you've got the media, you can control the message. Once you control the message, you control the people.
Your link about fake news stories links to a fake news site, fucking idiot.
That is the problem these 'media' outlets have created - you don't know what the hell is real and what is not anymore...which is why a large number of Americans no longer trust the media.

Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low

Of course as far as I know Gallup could have been identified as one of those 'fake media' sites. :p

Gallup is not a media site. They are an independent polling organization. But I wouldn't expect you to know that since you don't know news from nooze.

Again, for the ignorant: print media are held liable for libel and slander, which is why we hear occasionally about a celebrity suing the National Enquirer and winning. When was the last time the New York Times was sued for printing a false story and losing?

Here, monkey brain, is another true story about the NYTimes:
The New York Times just dared Donald Trump to sue
You think they don't know where they stand? They have lawyers, too.
Put a fork in this stupid, fake thread. And hope the O/P eventually distinguishes his ass from his elbow.
LMAO...So you're saying the news is fake because someone faked a news story and then when it was found to be fake they removed it and apologized. And that means the news is fake? LMAO

1. No I am pointing out that the NY Times was apologetic for engaging in fake News...until they saw how their lack of journalistic integrity sold subscriptions - >Cha-Ching<.

2. There used to be a time in this country when journalistic integrity actually meant something in this country. Reporters diligently worked their butts off to get the story right and Publishers would not let the story go out unless it was factual and proven. 'Mistakes' were RARE!

That is NOT the case today. What we are seeing here is an intentional choice to put out KNOW LIES, manipulated stories, and the refusal to cover news that was detrimental to their partisan-preferred party.

CNN is the PERFECT example of this - they 'made no mistake'. ON AIR, openly - live on nation-wide TV - they declared they had done everything they could possibly do to help Hillary, to include giving her a pass on all of her scandals.

So don's piss on my leg, as the saying goes, and tell me that it's raining. Some media sources may have had 'errors', but no way in hell all of them did.
You know, you really gotta admire how Trump has done things so far. He's managed to get half the people to believe that the media is lying to them, and to only trust what he says.

Once you've got the media, you can control the message. Once you control the message, you control the people.

Yes, Trump sleeps with a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside.

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