NYT Tries to Dehumanize Unborn Babies, Calls Baby’s Heartbeat “Embryonic Pulsing.”

Embyonic pulsing is what it is----the pulsation of BLOOD VESSELS that
predate the development of the heart. Defining LIFE as "heartbeat"
is a silly idea. Even today------a BRAIN DEAD person is------DEAD----with the kind of support an embryo has IN UTERO -----the pulse
can go ON AND ON
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Embyonic pulsing is what it is----the pulsation of BLOOD VESSELS that
predate the development of the heart. Defining LIFE as "heartbeat"
is a silly idea. Even today------a BRAIN DEAD person is------DEAD----with the kind of support an embryo has IN UTERO -----the
can to ON AND ON
I didn’t murder him officer, I just stopped his post embryonic pulse!

sorta----the "heart" is nothing more than a structure made of a few VERY ELABORATE blood vessels------the brain is nothing more than a very elaborate
ROSTRAL TIP OF THE NEURAL TUBE -----ontology marches on ------sorta linearly-------. the anus is a kinda elaborate caudal end of the gastrula. The mouth is also OVERLY ELABORATED
Rather than say the word “heartbeat,” the New York Times used the words “the pulsing of what becomes the fetus’s heart.”

Okay, what the hell do these mental midgets think it is, if not a heart? First it was "this is just an unliving object which BOOM! suddenly becomes a baby"; now it's "here's this strange foreign object that 'pulses', which BOOM! suddenly becomes a heart". It's an object inside the body which pulses. Normal people call that "a heart". I am not aware of any other medical term for such a thing designating "what becomes a fetus's heart". Leftists are inventing "science" all over the place.

In 2016, researchers at the University of Oxford published an amazing new study about how early a human being’s heartbeat begins. They found that the heartbeat may begin earlier than initially thought, as soon as 21 days of pregnancy.

The language that the world-renowned scientists used did not mention “embryonic pulsing” or “so-called.” They used words like “heartbeat,” “human embryo” and “heart muscle.”

“First of our three billion heartbeats is sooner than we thought,” the university wrote in its news release about the research.

Later, it noted, “The heart is the first organ to form during pregnancy and is critical in providing oxygen and nutrients to the developing embryo.”

Apparently, the NYT needs to inform these scientists and doctors about their newly-invented "scientific" terms.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.

Weeeeellll . . . when it stops and they can't restart it, yeah.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.

Weeeeellll . . . when it stops and they can't restart it, yeah.
Even if they restart your heart you were legally dead.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.

Weeeeellll . . . when it stops and they can't restart it, yeah.
Even if they restart your heart you were legally dead.

Oh, let's not even talk about "legally" anything on this subject. They don't officially declare you dead until they determine that they can't resuscitate you - or that they don't intend to try, for whatever reason.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.

Weeeeellll . . . when it stops and they can't restart it, yeah.
Even if they restart your heart you were legally dead.

Oh, let's not even talk about "legally" anything on this subject. They don't officially declare you dead until they determine that they can't resuscitate you - or that they don't intend to try, for whatever reason.
Correct, legal point is not the issue. Issue is stopping a beating heart that will not be resuscitated.

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