NYT Tries to Dehumanize Unborn Babies, Calls Baby’s Heartbeat “Embryonic Pulsing.”

Hey! Hi there, lefties! The 1940s called, and they'd like their medical science back!

Welcome to the 21st century. Make yourselves at home.

First of our three billion heartbeats is sooner than we thought | University of Oxford

I swear, leftists are so ignorant of human reproduction, they remind me of a guy I dated in high school who told me, very earnestly, that if a woman didn't have an orgasm, she couldn't get pregnant. Seemed totally logical to him, since HIS orgasm was necessary (generally speaking).
It is an embryo at 6 weeks though, that is correct.... it's not foetus yet,

I do not believe?

I distinctly remember all three of my pregnancies, the obstetrician pressing the doppler against my belly (in my second month) and saying, "That's your baby's heartbeat", when the rapid whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound played. Funny how all three of my obstetricians, licensed and practicing medical professionals that they were, were less "knowledgeable" than Creep about whether or not a fetus has a heart.

I distinctly remember all three of my pregnancies, the obstetrician pressing the doppler against my belly (in my second month) and saying, "That's your baby's heartbeat", when the rapid whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound played. Funny how all three of my obstetricians, licensed and practicing medical professionals that they were, were less "knowledgeable" than Creep about whether or not a fetus has a heart.
They were "talking down" to you because it's tiresome to try to explain finer points to average people.
Well, that's what it is. A 6 week fetus don't have a heart.
Yes they do
Show us.
All About Baby's Heart

Have a nice day!

I distinctly remember all three of my pregnancies, the obstetrician pressing the doppler against my belly (in my second month) and saying, "That's your baby's heartbeat", when the rapid whoosh-whoosh-whoosh sound played. Funny how all three of my obstetricians, licensed and practicing medical professionals that they were, were less "knowledgeable" than Creep about whether or not a fetus has a heart.
They were "talking down" to you because it's tiresome to try to explain finer points to average people.

I hate to break it to you, dumbass, but 1) the fact that people talk to YOU like you're the village idiots dumber cousin is because it's true; it's not actually a universal experience to everyone, and 2) it's actually malpractice for a doctor to knowingly give you incorrect or false information. It's a heartbeat, moron. There is nothing else in the human body at any point in its life cycle which produces that sound, and I defy you to show me any proof anywhere to the contrary.
Science says that early "heartbeart" happens before the heart is formed.

Cite that science, Assfuck Boy. There is no "heartbeat" without a heart. My search for "embryonic pulsing" shows the term was invented by the NY Times as a way to deny the humanity of the child in the womb. Guess what covering for liars makes you?
Science says that early "heartbeart" happens before the heart is formed.

Cite that science, Assfuck Boy. There is no "heartbeat" without a heart. My search for "embryonic pulsing" shows the term was invented by the NY Times as a way to deny the humanity of the child in the womb. Guess what covering for liars makes you?

Of course it was. Effin loons
Science says that early "heartbeart" happens before the heart is formed.

Cite that science, Assfuck Boy. There is no "heartbeat" without a heart. My search for "embryonic pulsing" shows the term was invented by the NY Times as a way to deny the humanity of the child in the womb. Guess what covering for liars makes you?
The idea that there is no heartbeat before the heart is formed is the point.
the "hearts" of lots of dead people also beat. Chickens without heads can RUN. Why define "human life" ----by a pulsating blood vessel. ----I have
had the unfortunate experience of having to explain to grieving mothers that
the fact that her son's legs moved------does not mean he is not BRAIN DEAD. The heart-beat thing is a very arbitrary cut-off for abortion purposes. Hearts pulse on their own-----it is the nature of the tissues of which hearts are made. It does not require a brain or even a spinal cord. Little spermatozoans can SWIM-------their little tails wiggle. Pollen particles also move
When your heart stops you are officially declared dead is why.
And what is the "YOU"?
Embyonic pulsing is what it is----the pulsation of BLOOD VESSELS that
predate the development of the heart. Defining LIFE as "heartbeat"
is a silly idea. Even today------a BRAIN DEAD person is------DEAD----with the kind of support an embryo has IN UTERO -----the
can to ON AND ON
I didn’t murder him officer, I just stopped his post embryonic pulse!
What is "HIM"?
Look, no matter how you wordplay it, abortion is premeditated murder. Adopt it, accept it and move on. Doesn't mean its right doesn't mean its wrong-its the law.
The idea that there is no heartbeat before the heart is formed is the point.
The point of what? No one claims a heart beat before there is a heart to pump the body's blood around.
The real point is "embryonic pulsing" is bullshit made up by leftist shitbag journalists to deny the formation of the fetal heart and therefore negate some of these new state laws that say abortions cannot be performed once a heart beat is detected.
It's an absolute invention of the NY Times and a lie! It's not science at all! Put your bottle down.
The idea that there is no heartbeat before the heart is formed is the point.
The point of what? No one claims a heart beat before there is a heart to pump the body's blood around.
The real point is "embryonic pulsing" is bullshit made up by leftist shitbag journalists to deny the formation of the fetal heart and therefore negate some of these new state laws that say abortions cannot be performed once a heart beat is detected.
It's an absolute invention of the NY Times and a lie!

I've given birth to four babies and never once heard that idiotic term once during all four

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