The Left Refers to the Unborn as "Babies" when it suits their agenda.

But most Americans believe that women should be able to con-trol their own bodies. You do not.
There you go again, diverting the topic. Abortion concerns the babies' bodies. Not the selfish woman's.
You feel the same about rape? "Men, if you don't like rape, don't commit rape. Women, mind your own business. It's men's business what they do with their bodies". con-sider men CHOOSING rape of women as a viable option? That certainly tells us a LOT about you.
There you go again, diverting the topic. Abortion concerns the babies' bodies. Not the selfish woman's.
Not at all true. You don't care about the lives of babies...if you did, you'd be all about prenatal and postnatal care. Child care and education. But as soon as you can't con-trol a woman's body after the child leaves her body, you don't give a rat's patootie.

Also you talking about RAPE being a man's choice exposes your real mind-set about this.
Lol look at those mental gymnastics. Now that it's left to the states, people will vote pro-choice as they have consistently done since Roe was repealed. The most garbage states, like Alabama and Mississippi may vote to keep it illegal. That will just add to those states' decline.
The Marxist brain trust pushing the abortion meme have to be rubbing their hands together with delight at how easy it has been to propagandize unintelligent people into not only killing their own offspring, but also carrying their water for them. Their end game is forced abortion, but the leftwing dimwit bottom feeders think they actually care about women's choice and rights, etc. I know it's fruitless to try to reason with these people, but I will ask them to please look at what China, who is pushing this agenda, is doing. 70 years of forced abortion.
Not at all true. You don't care about the lives of babies...if you did, you'd be all about prenatal and postnatal care. Child care and education. But as soon as you can't con-trol a woman's body after the child leaves her body, you don't give a rat's patootie.

Also you talking about RAPE being a man's choice exposes your real mind-set about this.
Sure, I think women should be prenatal and postnatal care and educate their children. That's what my wife and I did. Who would oppose that?

So you don't think men should be able to do what they want with their bodies? Well, it's none of your business.
The Marxist brain trust pushing the abortion meme have to be rubbing their hands together with delight at how easy it has been to propagandize unintelligent people into not only killing their own offspring, but also carrying their water for them. Their end game is forced abortion, but the leftwing dimwit bottom feeders think they actually care about women's choice and rights, etc. I know it's fruitless to try to reason with these people, but I will ask them to please look at what China, who is pushing this agenda, is doing. 70 years of forced abortion.
There has never been a single moment in history where contraception or the means to end a pregnancy has not existed. There was no "marxist brain trust :cuckoo:" trying to artificially create a demand for abortion. "Their end game is forced abortion" - okay, you've proven to be to stupid to continue speaking with.
Right, killing babies is called infanticide.
Exactly. And now that several leftwingers in the room have admitted that the unborn can be called babies, they are hereby endorsing infanticide. I am hoping they will see that and change their minds about abortion.
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There has never been a single moment in history where contraception or the means to end a pregnancy has not existed. There was no "marxist brain trust :cuckoo:" trying to artificially create a demand for abortion. "Their end game is forced abortion" - okay, you've proven to be to stupid to continue speaking with.
And yet China has mandatory abortion aka forced abortion. Somebody thought of that.
And yet China has mandatory abortion aka forced abortion. Somebody thought of that.
Forced abortion and forced birth both take away a woman's bodily autonomy. I have no objections to you fighting against either.

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