NYT: Trump got 5 Draft deferments (Four for College, One for Bad Feet)

For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.

I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.

... and, I , as a Vietnam vet and a career military man, don't think you have a single fucking clue about it. You need to grow up, open your eyes, and watch the reality parade go by.
For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.

I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.

... and, I , as a Vietnam vet and a career military man, don't think you have a single fucking clue about it. You need to grow up, open your eyes, and watch the reality parade go by.

Obviously you're in denial, his cowardly attempt to run from trouble made a vacancy for someone else, maybe even you.

When did Hilary Server? Bill? Oh that's right, Bill dodged and went off to England.

Women weren't accepted in combat during the Vietnam War. Bill later served as Commander in Chief of the greatest military the world has known.

One can serve without going into combat you know. Yeah, Bill did, after dodging the draft....
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When did Hilary Server? Bill? Oh that's right, Bill dodged and went off to England.

Women weren't accepted in combat during the Vietnam War. Bill later served as Commander in Chief of the greatest military the world has known.

One can server without going into combat you know. Yeah, Bill did, after dodging the draft....

Yes they can, but this was before the Feminist movement and women weren't expected to join the military.
Trump was given a draft nubmer that was very high, so he took his chance like everyone else.

Trump's Own Secret: Vietnam Draft Records

According to his Selective Service records, first obtained by the website The Smoking Gun through a Freedom of Information Act request, Trump received four student deferments between 1964 and 1968 while in college and an additional medical deferment after graduating.

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in 1968. The lottery occurred in December 1969, conflicting with Trump's recollection of the event.

Lottery numbers ranged from 1 to 365 and were allotted according to birthdates. Trump's number was a very high, 356.

At least Trump had a draft number. He could have been drafted, and medical deferments for weird structures int he body or bad ankles/knees/feet are common.

Where is Bill Clinton's draft number? Oh, that doesnt count because he was an 'idealist?' lol

This is like the libtards hypocrisy on the nude Melania photo shoots. Libtards have been leading social degenerates for generations now, but once it is politically expedient, they magically turn into the biggest prudes sine Queen Victoria, roflma.

The demonstrated Truth of this matter is this and this alone; EVERYTHING a Democratic Party opponent does is scandalous, evil, stupid and/or self-serving, no matter who it is, even life long friends of top Democrats like Trump was to Hillary and Bill Clinton.

When did Hilary Server? Bill? Oh that's right, Bill dodged and went off to England.

Women weren't accepted in combat during the Vietnam War. Bill later served as Commander in Chief of the greatest military the world has known.

One can server without going into combat you know. Yeah, Bill did, after dodging the draft....

Yes they can, but this was before the Feminist movement and women weren't expected to join the military.

Nobody is expected to join the military. Looka, I'm just say'n, to make hay out of Trump using deferments is silly, so did Clinton and everybody was fine with it; well, most everybody.
Trump was given a draft nubmer that was very high, so he took his chance like everyone else.

Trump's Own Secret: Vietnam Draft Records

According to his Selective Service records, first obtained by the website The Smoking Gun through a Freedom of Information Act request, Trump received four student deferments between 1964 and 1968 while in college and an additional medical deferment after graduating.

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in 1968. The lottery occurred in December 1969, conflicting with Trump's recollection of the event.

Lottery numbers ranged from 1 to 365 and were allotted according to birthdates. Trump's number was a very high, 356.

At least Trump had a draft number. He could have been drafted, and medical deferments for weird structures int he body or bad ankles/knees/feet are common.

Where is Bill Clinton's draft number? Oh, that doesnt count because he was an 'idealist?' lol

This is like the libtards hypocrisy on the nude Melania photo shoots. Libtards have been leading social degenerates for generations now, but once it is politically expedient, they magically turn into the biggest prudes sine Queen Victoria, roflma.

The demonstrated Truth of this matter is this and this alone; EVERYTHING a Democratic Party opponent does is scandalous, evil, stupid and/or self-serving, no matter who it is, even life long friends of top Democrats like Trump was to Hillary and Bill Clinton.


Those nude photos of Trump's wife, Melanoma, came from uber right wing publication the New York Post. Trump claims he had a bone spur even while playing three sports, the evidence of bone spurs does not go away, show us a current X Ray proving that he had bone spurs and the left will shut up. What's he afraid of anyway?
When did Hilary Server? Bill? Oh that's right, Bill dodged and went off to England.

Women weren't accepted in combat during the Vietnam War. Bill later served as Commander in Chief of the greatest military the world has known.

One can server without going into combat you know. Yeah, Bill did, after dodging the draft....

Yes they can, but this was before the Feminist movement and women weren't expected to join the military.

Nobody is expected to join the military. Looka, I'm just say'n, to make hay out of Trump using deferments is silly, so did Clinton and everybody was fine with it; well, most everybody.

It's not silly when you figure that someone had to go in their place and fight and possibly die, because they manipulated the system.

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