NYT: Trump got 5 Draft deferments (Four for College, One for Bad Feet)

Did you NOT hear the head of the FBI stand before the American people and tell you that she committed all those crimes? Were you out sick that day? Did you not get the email?

Politics prevented charges .... but she has been proven guilty.

Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

He was clearly given the call on that one. The DOJ did that to prevent even a hint of impropriety on with that decision. The FBI did the investigation, and the FBI made their recommendation. It's that simple. Are you trying to say Comey, a hard core republican, passed up a legitimate chance to nail Hillary? Why would he do that?

Who knows, I think it was predetermined when the dear leader came out months before the investigation concluded and said she did nothing wrong. Then he endorsed her just before Comey made the announcement. In the military they call that undo command influence.

HaHa, The FBI Director has been approved by Congress to continue his term until 2023. He doesn't answer to influence.

Seriously? And clouds are pink and unicorns fly where you live, too?
Comey's statement.
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

So you think Comey is part of the conspiracy too? Just how big is your conspiracy theory?

What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

He was clearly given the call on that one. The DOJ did that to prevent even a hint of impropriety on with that decision. The FBI did the investigation, and the FBI made their recommendation. It's that simple. Are you trying to say Comey, a hard core republican, passed up a legitimate chance to nail Hillary? Why would he do that?

Who knows, I think it was predetermined when the dear leader came out months before the investigation concluded and said she did nothing wrong. Then he endorsed her just before Comey made the announcement. In the military they call that undo command influence.

HaHa, The FBI Director has been approved by Congress to continue his term until 2023. He doesn't answer to influence.

Seriously? And clouds are pink and unicorns fly where you live, too?

I forgot that nothing works in right brained folks without the mandatory conspiracy theory.
NYT: Trump got 5 Draft deferments (Four for College, One for Bad Feet)

No wonder Dick Cheney supported Trump. They're both democrats/RINOs at their core and both of them dodged Vietnam 5 times each! Birds of a feather...
Trump got a deferment because his hands are too small

I think it's disgusting that Trump was getting deferments when Hillary was braving sniper fire in the service of her country.
I think it's disgusting that Trump was getting deferments when Hillary was braving sniper fire in the service of her country.

Pantsuit Hillary got closer to fire than toughguy Trump
For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.
For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.

I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.
I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.
Ah, the husband of the Beast.
I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.
Ah, the husband of the Beast.

Actually, the last line fits the majority of the Republican Party during the Vietnam War.
For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.

I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.

I agree with you on those who took a moral stand as conscientious objectors. I think the others, they all just didn't want to fight and die in war. I feel sorry for all the conscripts who did go. Insane policy.
For this, dodging the Vietnam war, I don't blame him one bit. I don't blame the hippies who burned their draft cards, went to Canada, or kids who got special treatment.

I think people who were conscientious objectors and publicly took a stand and were willing to pay the consequences, were very brave men, I think people who ran off to Canada just took the easier route, but were willing to forsake their very citizenship for something they believed in, I think people who used influence to get doctor notes, change draft board notices, or faked mental capacity to get out of the draft were the same as cowards.

I agree with you on those who took a moral stand as conscientious objectors. I think the others, they all just didn't want to fight and die in war. I feel sorry for all the conscripts who did go. Insane policy.

Yes, I feel sorry for the conscripts too, 58,000 of them never saw home again, which is why I have little respect for those who took cheap shortcuts.
It was a war to prop up the remnants of the imperialist French Indochina which the French lost. I don't blame them for not going. I do respect the service of those who volunteered and those who answer the call of the draft. But I don't hold it against anyone who avoided that war. Including GASP Donald "The Liar" Trump.
It was a war to prop up the remnants of the imperialist French Indochina which the French lost. I don't blame them for not going. I do respect the service of those who volunteered and those who answer the call of the draft. But I don't hold it against anyone who avoided that war. Including GASP Donald "The Liar" Trump.

Well I do hold it against them. For every excuse and phony deferment someone else had to take their place to fight and perhaps die..
What you fail to understand is that determination is not the job of the FBI, they investigate to determine if the law as written was broken, if yes the refer the case to the DOJ for a determination for prosecution. It's not Comey's job to make that determination on his own. He clearly showed the law was broken.

He was clearly given the call on that one. The DOJ did that to prevent even a hint of impropriety on with that decision. The FBI did the investigation, and the FBI made their recommendation. It's that simple. Are you trying to say Comey, a hard core republican, passed up a legitimate chance to nail Hillary? Why would he do that?

Who knows, I think it was predetermined when the dear leader came out months before the investigation concluded and said she did nothing wrong. Then he endorsed her just before Comey made the announcement. In the military they call that undo command influence.

HaHa, The FBI Director has been approved by Congress to continue his term until 2023. He doesn't answer to influence.

Seriously? And clouds are pink and unicorns fly where you live, too?

I forgot that nothing works in right brained folks without the mandatory conspiracy theory.

I didn't mention conspiracy ... feeling nervous?

It isn't a conspiracy when the administration intentionally circumvents the rule of law ... it's a crime. I'm amazed that progressives, such as you, are unwilling to admit (surely, you're not so dumb that you can't see) the irreparable harm being done by Obama and Clinton.

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