NZ shooter: trump is a "symbol of white supremacy.”

OMG OMG OMG Saul Alinsjky. Dop you assfucks have anything else?

You have no clue who or what Alinski was.

He wasn't a racist or bigot

Oh, right, nothing RADICAL about Saul Alinsky and his famous book, "Rules for Radicals". Alinsky was a Community Organizer, just like failed former President Hussein Obama.

Did you know that Mr. Alinsky dedicated his book to the devil?
I thought you wingnuts think Obama was a Muslim from Kenya.
You're deliberately ignoring the point. Is your mommy there?

The NZ mass murderer did not target Muslims because they are not eco friendly enough. He targeted them because they where not white and Christian enough to live in his country.

Trumpo is a champion for whiteys that don’t like non-whites invading their countries.

I dont recall Obama as a Muslim or Christian preaching hatred of gay people.
I don't recall Trump calling for shooting up mosques.
BS Filter, post: 22016596
I don't recall Trump calling for shooting up mosques.

Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, Bush said and often repeated that Islam is a peaceful religion.

He was correct and honorable to hold that position.

Not so with Uskamophobr and downright hater Trumpo:

He gives veiled blessings to wouid be weak minded obsessed with fear whackos who conclude that shooting up a Mosque wouid be one way of dealing with the Muslin problem and how to get rid of those people coming out of mosques with death in their eyes.

">12/6/2015 — Trump: “You Have People Coming Out of Mosques with Hatred and Death in their Eyes”
In an interview on CBS News, Trump expresses support for surveillance of Muslims, saying we “have to show vigilance.”

>12/7/2015 — Trump Calls for a “Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States”
At a campaign rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Trump announces that he has issued a statement calling for the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

“During a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Trump does not correct a rally attendee who states that President Obama is a Muslim and “not even an American.” The attendee goes on to say, “We have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims” and asks Trump, “When can we get rid of them?” Trump responds, “We’re going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.”

“In an interview with Fox News, Bill O’Reilly asks Trump if there is a “Muslim problem” in the world. Trump responds, “Absolutely. I mean, I don’t notice Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center. There is a Muslim problem in the world, and you know it and I know it.”

86 Times Donald Trump Displayed or Promoted Islamophobia
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BS Filter, post: 22016596
I don't recall Trump calling for shooting up mosques.

Immediately following the 9/11 attacked Bush said and often repeated that Islam is a peaceful religion.

He was correct and honorable to hold that position.

Not so with hater Trumpo:

He gives veiled blessings to wouid be weak minded obsessed with fear whackos who conclude that shooting up a Mosque wouid be one way of dealing with the Muslin problem and how to get rid of then.

">12/6/2015 — Trump: “You Have People Coming Out of Mosques with Hatred and Death in their Eyes”
In an interview on CBS News, Trump expresses support for surveillance of Muslims, saying we “have to show vigilance.”

>12/7/2015 — Trump Calls for a “Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States”
At a campaign rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Trump announces that he has issued a statement calling for the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

“During a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Trump does not correct a rally attendee who states that President Obama is a Muslim and “not even an American.” The attendee goes on to say, “We have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims” and asks Trump, “When can we get rid of them?” Trump responds, “We’re going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.”

“In an interview with Fox News, Bill O’Reilly asks Trump if there is a “Muslim problem” in the world. Trump responds, “Absolutely. I mean, I don’t notice Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center. There is a Muslim problem in the world, and you know it and I know it.”
Yep, there are murderers coming out of mosques. There are muslims storing bombs and other weapons in mosques. Trump isn't any more responsible for weak minded people shooting up mosques than Obama was for the Muslim shooting up a bar full of queers. The perp is responsible for his actions. Free speech doesn't hurt anyone. By the way, there is a Muslim problem in the world.
BS Filter, post: 22016596
I don't recall Trump calling for shooting up mosques.

Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, Bush said and often repeated that Islam is a peaceful religion.

He was correct and honorable to hold that position.

Not so with Uskamophobr and downright hater Trumpo:

He gives veiled blessings to wouid be weak minded obsessed with fear whackos who conclude that shooting up a Mosque wouid be one way of dealing with the Muslin problem and how to get rid of those people coming out of mosques with death in their eyes.

">12/6/2015 — Trump: “You Have People Coming Out of Mosques with Hatred and Death in their Eyes”
In an interview on CBS News, Trump expresses support for surveillance of Muslims, saying we “have to show vigilance.”

>12/7/2015 — Trump Calls for a “Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States”
At a campaign rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Trump announces that he has issued a statement calling for the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

“During a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Trump does not correct a rally attendee who states that President Obama is a Muslim and “not even an American.” The attendee goes on to say, “We have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims” and asks Trump, “When can we get rid of them?” Trump responds, “We’re going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.”

“In an interview with Fox News, Bill O’Reilly asks Trump if there is a “Muslim problem” in the world. Trump responds, “Absolutely. I mean, I don’t notice Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center. There is a Muslim problem in the world, and you know it and I know it.”

86 Times Donald Trump Displayed or Promoted Islamophobia
You’re a propaganda fool. You’re a propaganda tool.
Moron, he didn't like Trump....

He’s a white nationalist just like Trumpo is.
America is full of white, black, Latino, Asian, etc Nationalists. Are you a globalist?

I’m American of German descent and I want nothing to do with white nationalist racist haters.

You're a latent Bolshevik turd.

My friend's dad was a German-American. He went over to Germany and came back with 2 dried Nazi ears on a dogtag chain, a Luger, 2 Mausers, and some ammo. Couple other things too, I won't bring up for the wtf factor.

You're not like my friend's dad, bro. No.
Odium, post: 22012558,
The Great Replacement — Manifesto of New Zealand Mosque Shooter, Mar 2019

Very interesting,easy to read and hard to argue with. Me and him would have been friends in real life as we think a lot alike on most subjects. Take the time to read it maybe LEARN something about why he did what he did.

Do you think that all law abiding non-whites living in your society are INVADERS. Your “friend” does. So he started killing them.

I see Trumpo said something about the Massacre. No big deal something about a small minority of whiteys gone bad. Then he tweets a screed about the INVADERS at our border.

The Nazis get the code words I’ll bet.
Yes. Any more stupid questions. They aren't WANTED nor WELCOMED in my country nor ANY country that is inhabited by WHITES and is FOR WHITES ONLY.
The Great Replacement — Manifesto of New Zealand Mosque Shooter, Mar 2019

Very interesting,easy to read and hard to argue with. Me and him would have been friends in real life as we think a lot alike on most subjects. Take the time to read it maybe LEARN something about why he did what he did.

Thank you. This is hard to find as they keep scrubbing it from the internet. I’m reading it now.

They will go after this guys blog now.

I am assuming this guy is an eco fascist and that’s why he disliked Trump?
Or he sees Trump as he really is,A LOT of talk and VERY little action on stopping the FLOOD of nonwhite trash into America. Sure he will probably build a wall BUT MILLIONS of nonwhites flood into America legally and then overstay a visa and Trump wants MORE worker visas!
Another shit poor lying scum Right-wing photoshop job.
Pretty good one huh, titty baby?

I ain't heard "titty baby" in a good minute! :auiqs.jpg:

The downside is, the last time I heard it, it was my aunt calling me that. :eek:

That aunt was awesome! :113:

Cradle to grave, she never gave a fuck! Ever!

Her man stormed Normandy beach. He had nightmares if he fell asleep for the rest of his life.

How I learned about D-Day was his nightmares. I'm an American, and I do remember how it was.
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Donald Trump is the darling of white supremacists.

White supremacist terrorists are being lured out of dark places by Donald Trump.

Now they are in the open, hiding in plain sight. USMB is one of the places they expound their hatred of Muslims, immigrants and non-white people.

The murderer wrote: “I am just a regular White man, from a regular family. Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people.”

The manifesto: he perpetrated the attack “to show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homeland are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our people”.

This is an ideology he shares with many USMB conservatives.

He also has this in common with white supremacist conservatives "I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade.”

Brenton Tarrant: Christchurch shootings suspect said Trump is 'symbol of white supremacy'
Yahoo News UK Yahoo News StaffYahoo News UKMarch 15, 2019

Brenton Tarrant, the shootings suspect, is an Australian citizen. (AP)

The suspected gunman who killed dozens of people in New Zealand is an Australian ‘racist eco-fascist’ who posted a 74-page manifesto online before the shootings and described Donald Trump as a “symbol of white supremacy”.

The man, who identified himself in a livestream of the massacre as Brenton Tarrant, said he was motivated by far-right extremism he saw in the United States to carry out the attack at Al Noor Mosque.

At least 49 people were gunned down dead in two mosques in New Zealand. At least 41 people were killed at the Masjid Al Noor mosque in central Christchurch while at least seven people died inside the suburban Linwood Masjid Mosque.

The suspect has been charged with murder while three other people have been held in custody.

Police have said a man in his late 20s has been charged with murder and will appear at the Christchurch court on Saturday morning.

Footage of the attack at the Al Noor mosque was posted under the username ‘Brenton Tarrant 9’ and shows the gunman firing 205 times on men, woman and children and stopping only to reload his weapons.

Tarrant also appears to have posted a link to a manifesto on a now-deleted Twitter account and the online forum 8chan where he spoke of his hatred for Muslim immigrants in Europe.

In it, he says he was inspired by mass killer Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011. He also mentions Finsbury Park terrorist Darren Osborne as well as London mayor Sadiq Khan.

He also goes on to rail against mass immigration and said he views Donald Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity”.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the shooter was Australian and described him as an “extremist, right-wing, violent terrorist”.

The manifesto included various questions and answers, one of which asked: “Who are you?”

The reply said: “Just a ordinary White man, 28 years old. Born in Australia to working class, low income family.

“My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade.”

He added: “I am just a regular White man, from a regular family. Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people.”

The manifesto said he carried out the attack “to show the invaders that our lands will never be their lands, our homeland are our own and that, as long as a white man still lives, they will NEVER conquer our lands and they will never replace our people”.

He said he was in New Zealand temporarily while he “planned and trained” the attack.

With regard to planning the attack, he wrote: “I begun planning an attack roughly two years in advance and an attack at the location in Christchurch three months in advance.”

Four suspects have been taken into custody following the shooting and the gunman has been charged with murder.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Arden said: “This can only be described as a terrorist attack. While we do not have anything to believe at this stage that there were any other suspects, we are not assuming that at this stage.”

He’s a Marxist that is “anti-imperialist”, for “worker’s rights” and “environmentalism”.

Lol no he is a Fascist who cares about the environment (the national socialists did as well) (They passed laws to preserve the environment) who despises cuckservatism and liberalism and white genocide. He is 100% right. I wish he had expanded on why he admires Communist China though...I am assuming because of their fight to keep their history,culture and race pure and expanding it not letting it being destroyed like whites are.
I am laughing at the leftists and the rightists here. Fighting over what this patriot hero is politically. We are NOT right nor left we are third position his was Eco Fascism and MANY of my friends are the same way the NS passed laws to preserve the environment many right wing governments have.

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