NZ shooter: trump is a "symbol of white supremacy.”

Marion Morrison, post: 22017147
Provide your rationalization for that now,

I condemn people like the NZ mass murderer not only for the violence but for being a white nationalist. Trump supporters like the OP take the opposite view.

You tell me a story about a friend’s dad who brought home a set of NAZI ears in order to tell me about how big your heroes’ balls are and that I’m not like him. Then you tell me he was not a white nationalist.

Since there is no coherent or explainable point there I have concluded that you are an idiot,

That conclusion took about 27 seconds.
Isn't the shooter a angry left wing global warming knuttjob?


He didnt murder polluters.

He murdered innocent people for being non-white and non-Christian.
NO ONE is innocent in a war. PERIOD. This is a war you can either involve yourself on one side or the other or just ignore it but its still going to happen with or without your involvement. There are SEVERAL levels of soldiers in this war the patriot in New Zealand was an armed soldier who took the war to the enemy,granted he didn't kill those that are the head of the snake he killed people who were merely listening to the call from Jews and Leftist anti white scum to come invade white countries but hey maybe it will persuade these invaders from coming. That's what I hope his actions do.

The war is in your head. In your case sanity is losing. Get help before you become a monster.
Marion Morrison, post: 22017147
Provide your rationalization for that now,

I condemn people like the NZ mass murderer not only for the violence but for being a white nationalist. Trump supporters like the OP take the opposite view.

You tell me a story about a friend’s dad who brought home a set of NAZI ears in order to tell me about how big your heroes’ balls are and that I’m not like him. Then you tell me he was not a white nationalist.

Since there is no coherent or explainable point there I have concluded that you are an idiot,

That conclusion took about 27 seconds.
No one knows he was a white nationalist, but I know, the media told you.
Typical lying scum Right-wing CON$ervoFascist photoshop!

Why do you post the "Kill all the whiteys" guys? Oh! Someone photoshopped Obama in there. Fair enough.
Yeah, he's more Muslim than that.

Fuck of you racist bigoted uneducated Trump ,loving piece of shit.


PS: My education > your education, boy.

Reason #1: I went when you had to earn it, and I didn't do too shabby.

I could have made a career out of education, you?
Ignorant, stupid people who think they know shit piss me off.
However, whenever a police officer so much as twist their ankle on the job -- its Obama's fault......
Oh shut up, Obama said stupid shit about police officers.
Did Obama say knock the crap out of a police officer and he promises to pay your legal fees?

You folks spent years and years trying to paint someone as a racist by trying to self project your own racist delusions onto him -- which is why you can't come up with any ACTUAL quotes Obama said, just what Obama made you feel..which says more about you than him...

And saying "the officer acted stupidly" isn't a call to shoot all cops -- no matter how much yo dick sucking ass tries to make it out to be...

Meanwhile your cult leader openly tells people that the whole DOJ and FBI is corrupt all because they are investigating his ass, he tells people that the media is the enemy of the people, jewish globalists like Soros are bringing illegals to destroy america, etc, etc, etc --- and the minute someone shoots up a synagogue -- then you same dick sucking trump sycophants want to pretend none of that shit he said matters...but will claim Obama made people shoot cops...gtfoh
Obama did say if they bring a knife, we bring a gun.

You got suckered on this one.

This really is a stoned Barack Hussein Obama


Wow smoked marijuana. oooooooooooooooooooo
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?

Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie. Black Lies Matter marched around screaming for cops to be killed and Obumbo rewarded them with a visit to the White House. You're a liar.
miketx, post: 22017308
No one knows he was a white nationalist, but I know, the media told you.

It was in the racist hate filled manifesto he posted. Of course the media posted that.

The OP is a white nationalist and call this Tarrant asshole a patriot.

You good with that?

Moron, he didn't like Trump....and he is an ECO-fascist....a left wing nut job.

Far Right. White nationalist. Just like you. Quit lying
He is a piece of shit killer.
Nothing else.
I will just bring this from another thread created by another idiot...
Those like the deranged OP attempting to paint the actions of a murderer to the President or his supporters are a special kind of pathetic trolls.
The shooter(murderer,terrorist, whatever) deserves a swift death sentence, just like any other killer regardless of ethnic, religious or political motives.

The OP is a piece of shit.
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?
If you actually understood my post, is that I don't give a shit about the motives of a killer, just swift justice of any menace.
The only thing that inspired the killer was his own flaming insanity.
Shove the broadbrush up your ass RealDumbass.
Keep your head up Ttrump's ass.

He had a motive.

It is important to understand what it was & how he was radicalized. I
Isn't the shooter a angry left wing global warming knuttjob?


He didnt murder polluters.

He murdered innocent people for being non-white and non-Christian.
NO ONE is innocent in a war. PERIOD. This is a war you can either involve yourself on one side or the other or just ignore it but its still going to happen with or without your involvement. There are SEVERAL levels of soldiers in this war the patriot in New Zealand was an armed soldier who took the war to the enemy,granted he didn't kill those that are the head of the snake he killed people who were merely listening to the call from Jews and Leftist anti white scum to come invade white countries but hey maybe it will persuade these invaders from coming. That's what I hope his actions do.

The war is in your head. In your case sanity is losing. Get help before you become a monster.
As I said there is a war you don't need to acknowledge it for it to continue. I enjoyed playing but this is just not fun anymore. I explain IN DETAIL you can do nothing but insult so.
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?

Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?

Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

Thank you for the link. It shows how treasonous CNN and the international Lame Stream Media are.

This Doofus from Down Under only knows what the media says about President Trump and the calumnies they launch against him. If the media would speak positive, or at least neutral about their President, this clown wouldn't get erroneous impressions about our President.
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?

Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.

muslims push hate towards muslims

Thank you for the link. It shows how treasonous CNN and the international Lame Stream Media are.

This Doofus from Down Under only knows what the media says about President Trump and the calumnies they launch against him. If the media would speak positive, or at least neutral about their President, this clown wouldn't get erroneous impressions about our President.

he played the media and the left for fools. That "manifesto" of his is chock full of land mines that any rational person would recognize as low quality bait for retards.
The shooter identified Trump as one of his inspirations.

Do you know what the word "inspire" means?

Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

I never said attacked you lying fuck
Trayvon Martin was defending himself from an apparent stalker.

Brown was walking down the street.

Neither were armed.

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