NZ shooter: trump is a "symbol of white supremacy.”

Thank you for the link. It shows how treasonous CNN and the international Lame Stream Media are.

This Doofus from Down Under only knows what the media says about President Trump and the calumnies they launch against him. If the media would speak positive, or at least neutral about their President, this clown wouldn't get erroneous impressions about our President.

he played the media and the left for fools. That "manifesto" of his is chock full of land mines that any rational person would recognize as low quality bait for retards.
Thank you Rush Limbaugh. You are a gullible fool

Thank you for the link. It shows how treasonous CNN and the international Lame Stream Media are.

This Doofus from Down Under only knows what the media says about President Trump and the calumnies they launch against him. If the media would speak positive, or at least neutral about their President, this clown wouldn't get erroneous impressions about our President.

he played the media and the left for fools. That "manifesto" of his is chock full of land mines that any rational person would recognize as low quality bait for retards.
Thank you Rush Limbaugh. You are a gullible fool

The shooter is trolling idiots like you. We don't need Limbaugh to express that to us. All you have to do is actually read the dudes manifesto. Moron

Did you skip the part where he says his greatest inspiration was Spyro the Dragon?

Thank you for the link. It shows how treasonous CNN and the international Lame Stream Media are.

This Doofus from Down Under only knows what the media says about President Trump and the calumnies they launch against him. If the media would speak positive, or at least neutral about their President, this clown wouldn't get erroneous impressions about our President.

he played the media and the left for fools. That "manifesto" of his is chock full of land mines that any rational person would recognize as low quality bait for retards.
Thank you Rush Limbaugh. You are a gullible fool

You fell for his baloney hook line and sinker because you and the rest of your dumb shit ilk are desperate to grasp at anything to bring trump down.
Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

I never said attacked you lying fuck
Trayvon Martin was defending himself from an apparent stalker.

Brown was walking down the street.

Neither were armed.

Trayvon tried to "gay-bash" Zimmerman. He told his chubby girlfriend on the phone that he felt that Zimmerman was a creepy "ass-cracker", but was wrong. Zim was a proud Latino oozing with machismo without a gay bone in his body. After Martin jumped him , it was "say hay low to my leetle friend".
Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

I never said attacked you lying fuck
Trayvon Martin was defending himself from an apparent stalker.

Brown was walking down the street.

Neither were armed.
Trayvon attacked and the jury found Zimmerman acted in self defense. Michael Brown reached for the cop's gun and the grand jury found the cop acted in self defense. The Washington Post investigated and found that "Hands up, don't shoot" was a lie. Never happened, yet Obumbo sent Sharpton down there to stir up the ignorance. You're a liar.
miketx, post: 22017388
Sure it was.

The guy shoots up a Mosque and you doubt his motives had anything to do with race and religion?

The OP salutes Tarrant as a patriot for killing non-white invaders in a Mosque.

Again are you good with that?
Gotta love double standards.

ISIS butchers a bunch of people "for the glory of allah!" and white liberals are all: #notTrueIslam

Some white dude shoots up a place and says "Meh Donald Trump is ok I guess but he's stupid" and white liberals are all: #impeachWhiteSupremacistTrump
You have no clue what a community organizer dies,

'If you had a fucking brain, you would appreciate the work Obama did community organizing. Burt hey, you're a dumbfuck.

As for your other lie: Did Saul Alinsky Dedicate 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer?

As for failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, where is ACON today?

Here is the quote You decide.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

Why so desperate son?

Go fuck yourself and go to hell, OP (in whichever order you prefer) because you are a fucking LIAR! Trump never advocated violence against muslims. What he said was, "Islam has some very serious problems in it and we should stop muslim immigration until those problems are sorted out." That's ALL he said. And that's a common-sense safety measure for Americans. What I find so morally reprehensible about you liberals is that you don't give a FUCK if fellow Americans die, as long as you get to do your own ego-workout virtue signalling.

To be honest, I hate you liberal Islam supporters 1000x worse than the muslims themselves. At least I can dismiss the muslim cousin-inbreds as mindless animals incapable of knowing any better - the same way a Jerry Springer guest doesn't know any better than to fuck his sister, because he's only getting his dad and grandpa's sloppy seconds. But you self-loathing liberals claim to be so "enlightened" you know goddamn well that importing more Pisslam into this country will result in the deaths of fellow Americans and you traitors get off on it.
Did you skip the part where he says his greatest inspiration was Spyro the Dragon?
Except he didn't say that, so yeah.

from your hero's manifesto: "
Q: Were you taught violence and extremism by video games, music, literature, cinema?
Yes, Spyro the dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism. Fortnite trained me to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies."
You have no clue what a community organizer dies,

'If you had a fucking brain, you would appreciate the work Obama did community organizing. Burt hey, you're a dumbfuck.

As for your other lie: Did Saul Alinsky Dedicate 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer?

As for failed former President Barack Hussein Obama, where is ACON today?

Here is the quote You decide.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.
The actual dedication page:
Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

I never said attacked you lying fuck
Trayvon Martin was defending himself from an apparent stalker.

Brown was walking down the street.

Neither were armed.
Trayvon attacked and the jury found Zimmerman acted in self defense. Michael Brown reached for the cop's gun and the grand jury found the cop acted in self defense. The Washington Post investigated and found that "Hands up, don't shoot" was a lie. Never happened, yet Obumbo sent Sharpton down there to stir up the ignorance. You're a liar.
Obama got involved and the charges were expanded in potential years. Zimmerman may have been indicted on a much lesser charge with a potential of 10 years or so. The judge on the case was an extreme liberal also.
The Great Replacement — Manifesto of New Zealand Mosque Shooter, Mar 2019

Very interesting,easy to read and hard to argue with. Me and him would have been friends in real life as we think a lot alike on most subjects. Take the time to read it maybe LEARN something about why he did what he did.

Thank you. This is hard to find as they keep scrubbing it from the internet. I’m reading it now.

They will go after this guys blog now.

I am assuming this guy is an eco fascist and that’s why he disliked Trump?
Or he sees Trump as he really is,A LOT of talk and VERY little action on stopping the FLOOD of nonwhite trash into America. Sure he will probably build a wall BUT MILLIONS of nonwhites flood into America legally and then overstay a visa and Trump wants MORE worker visas!

From what I read of his manifesto he seems to see Trump as a lightening rod.
His goal was plainly give liberals an excuse to crack down on their populations in the US.
The Great Replacement — Manifesto of New Zealand Mosque Shooter, Mar 2019

Very interesting,easy to read and hard to argue with. Me and him would have been friends in real life as we think a lot alike on most subjects. Take the time to read it maybe LEARN something about why he did what he did.

Thank you. This is hard to find as they keep scrubbing it from the internet. I’m reading it now.

They will go after this guys blog now.

I am assuming this guy is an eco fascist and that’s why he disliked Trump?
Or he sees Trump as he really is,A LOT of talk and VERY little action on stopping the FLOOD of nonwhite trash into America. Sure he will probably build a wall BUT MILLIONS of nonwhites flood into America legally and then overstay a visa and Trump wants MORE worker visas!

From what I read of his manifesto he seems to see Trump as a lightening rod.
His goal was plainly give liberals an excuse to crack down on their populations in the US.
Yep. Its called Accelerationism Why Accelerationism? | The Roper Report

We will either wake up and fight back or we will rightfully be destroyed for being cowards. Its time to pick a side!
Your point being...?

Here we see failed former President Barack Hussein Obama being an inspiration to the New Black Panthers.


Obama never push violence like that fat assed Trump did.
Bullcorn. Ferguson routs. Hands up, don't shoot was all Obama, and it was a lie.

Black people should just STFU & let police shoot unarmed black men/. Is that ruight?

Obama just got it investigated. He helped stop the rioting.

Trump is pushing hate toward Muslims & you loved him for it.
And then you double down on the lie. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown ATTACKED. Liar.

I never said attacked you lying fuck

Trayvon Martin was defending himself from an apparent stalker.

Brown was walking down the street.

Neither were armed.

My highlight above.

Until you accept the truth, it is impossible for you to move forward.

As you know, Trayvon Martin was a thief and was beating on George Zimmerman. The evidence proved you wrong.

Michael Brown was a thug and was attacking a police officer. What do you expect to happen?

However, whenever a police officer so much as twist their ankle on the job -- its Obama's fault......
Oh shut up, Obama said stupid shit about police officers.
Did Obama say knock the crap out of a police officer and he promises to pay your legal fees?

You folks spent years and years trying to paint someone as a racist by trying to self project your own racist delusions onto him -- which is why you can't come up with any ACTUAL quotes Obama said, just what Obama made you feel..which says more about you than him...

And saying "the officer acted stupidly" isn't a call to shoot all cops -- no matter how much yo dick sucking ass tries to make it out to be...

Meanwhile your cult leader openly tells people that the whole DOJ and FBI is corrupt all because they are investigating his ass, he tells people that the media is the enemy of the people, jewish globalists like Soros are bringing illegals to destroy america, etc, etc, etc --- and the minute someone shoots up a synagogue -- then you same dick sucking trump sycophants want to pretend none of that shit he said matters...but will claim Obama made people shoot cops...gtfoh
Obama did say if they bring a knife, we bring a gun.
You should be banned from USMB fopr trhios obviopus fake. Fuck you.
I see the truth hurts you. So you should be banned for polishing his knob for years.

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