NZ shooter: trump is a "symbol of white supremacy.”

You're not like my friend's dad, bro. No

Dont know if your friend’s dad was a white nationalist or not. Being a WWII vet does not make him one. How could I be like your friends dad since I was not born until after thank god men like him helped the world defeat the Nazis.

What’s your point.
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OMG OMG OMG Saul Alinsjky. Dop you assfucks have anything else?

You have no clue who or what Alinski was.

He wasn't a racist or bigot

Oh, right, nothing RADICAL about Saul Alinsky and his famous book, "Rules for Radicals". Alinsky was a Community Organizer, just like failed former President Hussein Obama.

Did you know that Mr. Alinsky dedicated his book to the devil?

You have no clue what a community organizer dies,

'If you had a fucking brain, you would appreciate the work Obama did community organizing. Burt hey, you're a dumbfuck.

As for your other lie: Did Saul Alinsky Dedicate 'Rules for Radicals' to Lucifer?
Typical lying scum Right-wing CON$ervoFascist photoshop!

Why do you post the "Kill all the whiteys" guys? Oh! Someone photoshopped Obama in there. Fair enough.
Yeah, he's more Muslim than that.

Fuck of you racist bigoted uneducated Trump ,loving piece of shit.
You're not like my friend's dad, bro. No

Dont know if your friend’s dad was a white nationalist or not. Being a WWII vet does not make him one. How could I be like your friends dad since I was not born until after thank god men like him help defeat the Nazis.

What’s your point.

You do not have the intestinal fortitude or Americanism.

You have no clue and are a directionless lemming. No, my friend's dad was not a "White Nationalist"

He was a nationalist.
Typical lying scum Right-wing CON$ervoFascist photoshop!

Why do you post the "Kill all the whiteys" guys? Oh! Someone photoshopped Obama in there. Fair enough.
Yeah, he's more Muslim than that.

Fuck of you racist bigoted uneducated Trump ,loving piece of shit.


PS: My education > your education, boy.

Reason #1: I went when you had to earn it, and I didn't do too shabby.

I could have made a career out of education, you?
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Odium, post: 22016813
Yes. Any more stupid questions. They aren't WANTED nor WELCOMED in my country nor ANY country that is inhabited by WHITES and is FOR WHITES ONLY.

So how do you propose to get rid of the non-white invaders from your whites only country wherever that mythical place may exist?
The shooter said that Trump was a "symbol of white supremacy”.
That's not a complement.
He sounds just like a typical dumb liberal Troglocrat.
The Fake Journalist are missleading the public again.
Odium, post: 22016813
Yes. Any more stupid questions. They aren't WANTED nor WELCOMED in my country nor ANY country that is inhabited by WHITES and is FOR WHITES ONLY.

So how do you propose to get rid of the non-white invaders from your whites only country wherever that mythical place may exist?
Those places would be ALL of Europe,Australia,New Zealand,America,Canada. I don't think I missed any. You forcibly remove them by boat,plane,train whatever. Those that don't go are to be declared armed combatants since their mere existence is a threat to our nation and people and they are enemies so.
Immediately following the 9/11 attacks, Bush said and often repeated that Islam is a peaceful religion.

He was correct and honorable to hold that position.

Not so with Uskamophobr and downright hater Trumpo:

He gives veiled blessings to wouid be weak minded obsessed with fear whackos who conclude that shooting up a Mosque wouid be one way of dealing with the Muslin problem and how to get rid of those people coming out of mosques with death in their eyes.

">12/6/2015 — Trump: “You Have People Coming Out of Mosques with Hatred and Death in their Eyes”
In an interview on CBS News, Trump expresses support for surveillance of Muslims, saying we “have to show vigilance.”

>12/7/2015 — Trump Calls for a “Total and Complete Shutdown of Muslims Entering the United States”
At a campaign rally in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, Trump announces that he has issued a statement calling for the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

“During a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Trump does not correct a rally attendee who states that President Obama is a Muslim and “not even an American.” The attendee goes on to say, “We have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims” and asks Trump, “When can we get rid of them?” Trump responds, “We’re going to be looking at that and plenty of other things.”

“In an interview with Fox News, Bill O’Reilly asks Trump if there is a “Muslim problem” in the world. Trump responds, “Absolutely. I mean, I don’t notice Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center. There is a Muslim problem in the world, and you know it and I know it.”

86 Times Donald Trump Displayed or Promoted Islamophobia

This nation has never been united and whites like you are the reason.

Shocking Audio Obama has to Redistribute WHITE Suburbia’s Wealth for both His and Our Salvation

Obama: Police Acted 'stupidly' in Scholar Arrest

Barack Hussein Obama campaign for black votes 2012

Obama Says--White Folk's Greed Runs a World In Need


Barack Obama's mentor Hillary ain’t never been called a ....

GOD DAMN AMERICA Rev Jeremiah Wright, Farrakhan & Obama

Obama Appeals Court Nominee - Goodwin Liu - on Reparations for Slavery

Eric Holder Drops Charges on Black Panthers for Voter Intimidation - Bill O'Reilly Reports

Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!

Malik Shabazz Reacts to Barack Obama and Rev Wright!

VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words VAN JONES RESIGNS Blames Smear Campaign Of True Facts & Tape Recordings Of His Own Words

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”
Isn't the shooter a angry left wing global warming knuttjob?


He didnt murder polluters.

He murdered innocent people for being non-white and non-Christian.
NO ONE is innocent in a war. PERIOD. This is a war you can either involve yourself on one side or the other or just ignore it but its still going to happen with or without your involvement. There are SEVERAL levels of soldiers in this war the patriot in New Zealand was an armed soldier who took the war to the enemy,granted he didn't kill those that are the head of the snake he killed people who were merely listening to the call from Jews and Leftist anti white scum to come invade white countries but hey maybe it will persuade these invaders from coming. That's what I hope his actions do.

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