So, lol, if they werent bailed out...they would have....I dunno....FAILED.....FAIL. They would have failed but were bailed out with tax payer moneys and who pays taxes? Local biz and the working so, the working bailed out capitalism just like it has time and time again then you say capitalism never fails....lol, wow.
They only started failing because they knew the government would bail them out. A business only starts failing when there isn't a demand for them. That's how Capitalism works. If there's no demand for a business, they deserve to fail, because they aren't fulfilling their purpose properly. A business failing doesn't mean capitalism is failing, it means that business wasn't being run properly.

They were bailed out so your entire economic system wouldn't collapse actually, because capitalism got too deregulated.
The economy would not have collapsed, and government control within the economy caused the problem in the first place.

You just ignore facts dont you? The depression...remember hearin about that? well after FDR did his magic, the country became the world superpower and no 1 economy and no 1 consumer nation. Deny it all you want you dumb rich kid. When the class war starts....where will all you mfkrs that ruined millions of lives hide? Ya know?...you mess over the poor long enough what do you think will happen?

FDR never did any magic

You're right, it wasn't magic, there are things that actually work, but some of you have a labeling fetish obstruction.
FDR never did any magic[/QUOTE]

Yrs he did and it built our country. Lmfao. You hate that huh? Socialist programs built the number one world poower. He he. You just hate that...
Regulation defeats the purpose of capitalism. That's Econ 101
Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Where? When?
Long before America was even formed, merchants used to travel with mercenaries, trade, and live outside of established governments. Of course that has changed, but that doesn't change that it's capitalism that has functioned without government-provided... anything.
FDR never did any magic

Yrs he did and it built our country. Lmfao. You hate that huh? Socialist programs built the number one world poower. He he. You just hate that...[/QUOTE]

Even his own Treasury Sec knew it was a folly.....

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”
FDR never did any magic

Yrs he did and it built our country. Lmfao. You hate that huh? Socialist programs built the number one world poower. He he. You just hate that...[/QUOTE]

There, that right there, you nailed the primal urge in these folks. THAT'S why that history needs to be erased for them.
Yrs he did and it built our country. Lmfao. You hate that huh? Socialist programs built the number one world poower. He he. You just hate that...
Socialism never built anything. You're completely delusional. He destroyed our economy, and it struggled for nearly the entirety of his dynasty.
FDR never did any magic

Yrs he did and it built our country. Lmfao. You hate that huh? Socialist programs built the number one world poower. He he. You just hate that...

Even his own Treasury Sec knew it was a folly.....

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”[/QUOTE]

We can all go find a one line quite in a partisan book that support's anything. The american economy recivered and boomed until the mid 70's or so, and the planet knows this. So flail away love.
How does capitalism regulate itself?

Regulation defeats the purpose of capitalism. That's Econ 101
Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Where? When?[/QUOTE]
Long before America was even formed, merchants used to travel with mercenaries, trade, and live outside of established governments. Of course that has changed, but that doesn't change that it's capitalism that has functioned without government-provided... anything.[/QUOTE]

Little girl, and I say that with respect, youd better start looking for truth rather than partisan bull shit. You can have everything we talk about here and still have plenty. Why do you want everyone to have nothing? You dont agree for prosperity for all?
Regulation defeats the purpose of capitalism. That's Econ 101
Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.
Regulation defeats the purpose of capitalism. That's Econ 101
Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor

She's completely dodging that query. Again.
Where? When?
Long before America was even formed, merchants used to travel with mercenaries, trade, and live outside of established governments. Of course that has changed, but that doesn't change that it's capitalism that has functioned without government-provided... anything.[/QUOTE]

Little girl, and I say that with respect, youd better start looking for truth rather than partisan bull shit. You can have everything we talk about here and still have plenty. Why do you want everyone to have nothing? You dont agree for prosperity for all?[/QUOTE]

That's a filthy socialist talking, I knew it.

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