Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Nope, ya did not.
Capitalism relies on regulation and government intervention

Capitalism does not exist without government

Economics 101

You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning without government
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Where? When?
Long before America was even formed, merchants used to travel with mercenaries, trade, and live outside of established governments. Of course that has changed, but that doesn't change that it's capitalism that has functioned without government-provided... anything.

Little girl, and I say that with respect, youd better start looking for truth rather than partisan bull shit. You can have everything we talk about here and still have plenty. Why do you want everyone to have nothing? You dont agree for prosperity for all?[/QUOTE]

That's a filthy socialist talking, I knew it.[/QUOTE]

Oh now this is funny, these two twits hurling "filthy socialist" at each other.
You're too stupid to be in this thread. Now run along to the FZ where you're more at home, loon. It's obvious you're an economic illiterate with that garbage

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning withou government
During Medieval times, and before them. Merchants traded for goods, and traveled with their own mercenaries or armed servants, protected themselves, and operated under no legal system. Contrary to what seems to be Lefttard gospel, governments haven't always existed.

I've now answered this question twice.
As is the case with Bill Clinton, Obama isn’t ‘running’ for anything – these moronic attacks on both by the right are pointless, without merit, and futile; indeed, they succeed in only helping Clinton get elected.

But rightwing nitwits are at liberty to wallow in their ridiculous ODS.
if subsidies and tax cuts didnt exist youd be crying the loudest you see...your full of it. You dont have a single problem with bailouts, subsadies and tax cuts as long as its for the rich. You say you do but it just doesnt jive with the rest of your unfettered capitalistic views. The ceo's are capitalists....they take the tax cuts then give themselves multi-million dollar bonus' after the bailouts, and subsidies...they're capitalistic companies....oh, this is a different type of capitalism than you speak of. Right? The working, middle class and the poor get nothing. You parents are defiling your brain. If capitalism doesnt need regulations, why do you say that capitalism "regulates itself"?
or subsidies or tax cuts for the rich and corporations.
Subsidies shouldn't exist, and tax cuts for businesses help the economy. If a business has more money, that's more to put back into the economy.

Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning withou government
During Medieval times, and before them. Merchants traded for goods, and traveled with their own mercenaries or armed servants, protected themselves, and operated under no legal system. Contrary to what seems to be Lefttard gospel, governments haven't always existed.

I've now answered this question twice.

During mid evil times...speculators were hung. Fact.
As is the case with Bill Clinton, Obama isn’t ‘running’ for anything – these moronic attacks on both by the right are pointless, without merit, and futile; indeed, they succeed in only helping Clinton get elected.

But rightwing nitwits are at liberty to wallow in their ridiculous ODS.

I see you're here defending the Big Eared disaster. "watches Jonesy scamper off" LMAO
Even his own Treasury Sec knew it was a folly.....

On May 6, 1939, Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt’s treasury secretary, confirmed the total failure of the New Deal to stop the Great Depression: “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”[/QUOTE]

Lmao. Ok, If you deny this had anything to do with our economy, what built our economy after the industrial revolution?
Pumpkin, look up what builds a strong economy because you dont know and see if that parallels your unfettered capitalism? Your a selfish person. All you capitalists are. The class war is comin. You rich are forcing it because you ignore history. I wish I were younger.
Your ignorance is astounding

Capitalism cannot function without a stable monetary system, a legal system, security, military, public infrastructure

All compliments of government
It can and has functioned without all of those. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
Example por favor
Read the thread, I already replied to that quote.

Example por favor

I say you are full of shit. Provide an example of Capitalism functioning withou government
During Medieval times, and before them. Merchants traded for goods, and traveled with their own mercenaries or armed servants, protected themselves, and operated under no legal system. Contrary to what seems to be Lefttard gospel, governments haven't always existed.

I've now answered this question twice.

So you are basing our economy on Medieval times?

You do realize why they call those the Dark Ages? What happened during Medeival times without government

Black Plague due to a lack of government regulation, endless wars, extreme poverty, rampant inflation
Burnett identifies 5 factors which are responsible for the failure of global corporate capitalism:

  1. Global corporations are too big and too big to fail, but their bureaucracies are unmanageable;
  2. Global corporations disdain civil society, with a culture of self-interest disconnected from the lives of most people;
  3. Global corporations operate outside the law, with super-wealthy people and corporations manipulating an unregulated economy;
  4. Global corporations are ruining and depleting our natural capital resources;
  5. Global corporations control the media, which projects a false image of the wealthy good life being available to all people, while in fact the middle class declines, and poverty spreads.
None, Zip, Zero, Nada. I wish all questions were this easy to answer.
No President can make "Promises"

They have to rely on Congress to pass needed legislation. What the can do is propose an agenda

Obama has delivered on most of his
Far from it

Stopped a depression
Saved the auto companies
Repealed Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
Pulled combat troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Cut the deficit in half

Mission accomplished
No President can make "Promises"

They have to rely on Congress to pass needed legislation. What the can do is propose an agenda

Obama has delivered on most of his
Far from it

Stopped a depression
Saved the auto companies
ith 9lRepealed Bush tax cuts on the wealthy
w a fail..Obama care Pulled combat troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Cut the deficit in half

Mission accomplished
More bullshit..over 90% of the insurance carriers bailing out, costing millions of hard working citizens many thousands of dollars more per year

We are still in a depression, the mulatto hasn't had 3% growth since he fucked the country....The only reason the stock market is up is the Fed has 0% interest rates.

Saved auto companies, Ford did well without it, and Chrysler isn't owned by American's because of his stupidity.

Bush tax cuts were for everyone.. because your a fucking lying socialist all you can talk about is the rich, and ignore everyone else for your agenda

The Manchurian muslim just sent a few thousands boots back to Iraq....dumbass!

What a fucking failure he is!
..Just like you!
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Mulatto is a term used to refer to persons born of one white parent and one black parent, or to persons born of a mulatto parent or parents. The term today is generally confined to an historical context, and English-speakers of mixed white and black ancestry seldom choose to identify themselves as "mulatto".

I was saddened to hear BO has increased the number of Soldiers killed/wounded in Afghanistan over his term. I had thought he was the anti-war president?

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