O How the times have changed at HuffPo


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Back when BHO was President, politics ended at the water's edge:

"To me, “bipartisan foreign policy” means a mutual effort, under our indispensable two-party system, to unite our official voice at the water’s edge so that America speaks with maximum authority against those who would divide and conquer us and the free world. It does not involve the remotest surrender of free debate in determining our position. On the contrary, frank co-operation and free debate are indispensable to ultimate unity. In a word, it simply seeks national security ahead of partisan advantage. Every foreign policy must be totally debated (and I think the record proves it has been) and the “loyal opposition” is under special obligation to see that this occurs.

Senator Vandenberg was speaking of the need for political unity when facing the rest of the world, and (as you can see) he was speaking of policies that had plenty of time to be worked out in advance. But what his phrase has come to mean in the political lexicon (now changed to the simpler: “politics ends at the water’s edge”) is that when presidents act in fast-developing situations around the world, they shouldn’t be undercut by partisan griping at home, while the events are still in motion.

This doesn’t mean blind obedience or unquestioned following of any leader. But it does mean “don’t bump his elbow” deference to our elected leader when the country needs to speak with one voice.

This is precisely where we find ourselves with Egypt right now. There will be plenty of time for Monday-morning quarterbacking later on, for those who disagree with how President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are handling the Egyptian situation. But for now, the bottom line is that nobody really knows how the situation is being handled. And this is exactly as it should be."

Politics Ends at the Water's Edge | HuffPost

Now the times (and President) have changed, and there is no limit to the attacks on President Trump's foreign policies, even if they provide aid and comfort to America's adversaries. Doesn't that bother you, fascisti?
They do exactly what Soros tells them to do:
ProPublica is new and prominent, but it's far from the only Soros-funded organization that is stacked with members of the supposedly neutral press. The Center for Public Integrity is another great example. Its board of directors is filled with working journalists like Amanpour from ABC, right along side blatant liberal media types like Arianna Huffington, of the Huffington Post and now AOL.

Like ProPublica, the CPI board is a veritable Who's Who of journalism and top media organizations, including:

  • Christiane Amanpour - Anchor of ABC's Sunday morning political affairs program, 'This Week with Christiane Amanpour.' A reliable lefty, she has called tax cuts 'giveaways,' the Tea Party 'extreme,' and Obama 'very Reaganesque.'
  • Arianna Huffington - Co-founder of the popular left-wing website named after her, The Huffington Post, a nationally syndicated columnist, and thanks to a recent $315 million sale, the person in charge of AOL's news divisions.
  • Paula Madison - Executive vice president and chief diversity officer for NBC Universal, who leads NBC Universal's corporate diversity initiatives, spanning all broadcast television, cable, digital, and film properties.
  • Matt Thompson - Editorial product manager at National Public Radio and an adjunct faculty member at the prominent Poynter Institute.

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