O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It

Just saw this VIDEO a few nights ago, interesting... (cut and paste)

Is anyone really so f-ing stupid that they think OJ is innocent.

OJ's blood was at the crime scene. His glove was at the crime scene. His victim's blood was in his car and on his gloves. His victim's blood was found on his socks in his house. OJ's house guest and OJ's chauffeur both gave testimony consistent with OJ being guilty and contradicting OJ's alibi. Only one member of the jury was white, and she was a woman (talk about a stacked jury!).
The LAPD thinks Jason Simpson helped - but they don't have enough evidence to charge him.
It's not hard to prove a man innocent of a crime that was already adjudicated in a court of law. The hard part is coming up with a logical suspect. My guess is that the book doesn't specify a logical suspect.
OJ said, "Yoo haff to ax yer mother first"

OJ is such a stupid Afro, to think that slut's mixed kids are his. Well, maybe he figured it out.

You'd think that Afros would have evolved a gene by now to let them instinctively know that they have no idea if some kid is theirs.
Won't it be funny if this guy is actually able to prove that O.J. didn't do it? It will make a LOT of people look really bad. :)

No single person can kill two people with a knife without being heard LOUDLY in the neighborhood. The entire thing of Simpson being a lone madman killer is absurd.

They tell me Zimmerman could be heard screaming while Trayvon Martin was pummeling his head into the concrete. But not a peep from TWO people during a knife attack?

Get real.
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No single person can kill two people with a knife without being heard LOUDLY in the neighborhood. The entire thing of Simpson being a lone madman killer is absurd.

They tell me Zimmerman could be heard screaming while Trayvon Martin was pummeling his head into the concrete. But not a peep from TWO people during a knife attack?

OJ did do it. Of that, there is no doubt (the opinions of shitbrains to the contrary). But, that doesn't mean that he didn't have help, like maybe his son or close friend. On the other hand, I've seen no significant evidence of anyone else involved. E.g. it was OJ's footprints in blood, nothing for another assailant.

The defensive wounds on Goldman reveal he had the opportunity to scream, but might have chosen not to. Nichole had her throat slit, which would have prevented screaming. Probably, she was killed without warning and Goldman decided his best chance to was focus on fighting rather than screaming, because yelling for help probably isn't going to help. Too bad the cracker didn't have a gun to shoot that Afro shit OJ.
O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It

In New Book, P.I. William Dear Claims O.J. Simpson's Son Was The Killer


The latest installment in the Simpson library is not another "If I Did It," in which the former gridiron great speculated on how he might have killed his former wife. Instead, the new book points the finger of guilt away from Simpson and lays the blame on his son, Jason Simpson.

"Everything we have in the book is documented. It is not theory or hypothesis. It is fact," renowned private investigator William C. Dear told The Huffington Post about his book, "O.J. Is Innocent and I Can Prove It."


"I flew out two weeks after the murders," he said. "I climbed over the back gate and walked the walkway to the front door, and that's when I realized O.J. could not have done it. But he was there. He was either there at the time or there afterwards [and] became part of the crime."

In his book, Dear claims that he has the knife used in the murders, along with photos and other evidence that suggest the true killer was Jason Simpson, O.J.'s son with his first wife.

"When I tell you we have the weapon -- we found the weapon in Jason's storage facility that he failed to make payments on. We know he carried it -- his initials were carved in the leather sheath," Dear said.

"We have emails from his former roommates that were in college with him. We have our suspect's diaries. We have his forged time card, and we have the vehicle he was driving on the night of the murders," said Dear.

The private investigator also claims to have photos of Jason Simpson wearing the knit cap that was found at the murder scene.


"Our suspect at the time was 5'11" and 235 pounds," Dear said. "He was 24 years old, and he was on probation for assaulting his previous employer with a knife. In addition to that, he's had three attempted suicides and has been in a psychiatric unit."


"I have been inducted into the Police Officer Hall of Fame as a private investigator, so my credentials are not [that of] some idiot guy just throwing it out there. My reputation is important to me. I would not say any of this without a great deal of backup," Dear said.

Dear also contended that he has managed to convince others that his theory has merit.

"I recently did a speech in front of 533 law enforcement investigators and prosecutors," he said. "The first statement I made was 'How many of you believe O.J. was guilty?' and everyone raised their hand. When [my speech] was over, I asked the same thing and only three people voted guilty. So when you get law enforcement and all these people to take that position, that's a pretty strong position."

Considering some of the facts I know about the case that weren't released to the public, I always figured it was either OJ or his son.
Considering some of the facts I know about the case that weren't released to the public, I always figured it was either OJ or his son.

Idiot, the whole trial was on TV.

Um, no, they didn't release all of the pictures that the jury saw, nor did they describe them, they were so...well, it's not something I would say on tv. Let's just say that for the person who killed Nicole, it wasn't any random drug killing. Her body was mutilated in a way that made it very personal.

I only know because my brother in law was working for the justice department at the time.
Um, no, they didn't release all of the pictures that the jury saw, nor did they describe them, they were so...well, it's not something I would say on tv. Let's just say that for the person who killed Nicole, it wasn't any random drug killing. Her body was mutilated in a way that made it very personal.

Pictures of the bodies were shown on TV, if only because the Prosecution had them up on a display board. Further, the content of the pictures were talked about by both sides.
Um, no, they didn't release all of the pictures that the jury saw, nor did they describe them, they were so...well, it's not something I would say on tv. Let's just say that for the person who killed Nicole, it wasn't any random drug killing. Her body was mutilated in a way that made it very personal.

Pictures of the bodies were shown on TV, if only because the Prosecution had them up on a display board. Further, the content of the pictures were talked about by both sides.

Believe what you want...
I can tell you why I know OJ Simpson is guilty of murder.

If we remember one thing about the OJ Simpson trial it is, 'If it doesn't fit, you must acquit.' It was said over and over again by OJ's attorney, Johnnie Cochran. Every newspaper in the nation had a photo of him holding up his hand with The Crumpled Leather Glove halfway on his hand which was being held up for all to see.

Prior to that they'd had OJ put on a protective surgical glove and then attempt to put The Glove on. How well we remember that he couldn't get it on.

WHAT A JOKE! I DECIDED TO DO MY OWN RESEARCH -- I got a surgical glove that fit snugly on my hand, then went to a better department store and found a pair of good quality leather gloves that fit me as if I'd bought them to fit snugly and have been wearing them for a month. In other words, they fit great and with a bit of 'give'.

HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED -- After putting on the surgical gloves I tried to put the leather gloves on and...I SIMPLY COULDN'T GET THEM ON! Absolutely no amount of tugging and pulling could get them on despite my repeated efforts.

Of course Johnnie Cochran KNEW what he was doing when he had OJ put the surgical gloves on first....but I WASN'T FOOLED!

SO I CAN SAY -- The gloves did fitted and they shouldn't have acquitted! Or perhaps, 'The glove did fit and they never should acquit!

Ciao...Ping :eusa_whistle:

"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight."
<Albert Schweitzer>

"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know."
<Donald Rumsfeld 10 Mar 2005>
That's not a definitive answer to why O.J. is guilty. There are generally only a few glove sizes which are meant to fit all men. If he put the glove on and it fit perfectly, that wouldn't have been conclusive proof that he did it. They could have asked all the men in the courtroom to try on the glove and it would have fit probably 70% of them.

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