Oak Island


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
OK, I am hooked on watching. I remember the Reader's Digest story from, I believe 1963, and it did fascinate me then as it does now. But I have to say it seems they waste a whole lot of money, good that THC picked up some of the tab.

So, Why do you suppose they think that at the bottom of a shaft dug 30+ years ago there could be a man made chamber 235 feet down? Especially one where it was dug because of dowsing. First they say that Blankenship saw a dead body a chest and a square pillar. They then send down sonar that indicates two pillars, a dead body, chest and what appears to look like man made tunnels. Which they then send down an ROV and see none of that. They see what appears to be drill casings but no body, no chest, no man made tunnels. What is impressive is that Blankenship had the money and the ability to dig the 10X shaft in the first place.

The sword they found is just too convenient. Plant or shear luck?

So into the second season they have pretty well discovered NOTHING.

First of all, if I think there is an underground cavern dug by someone they didn't dig it straight down there has to be tunnels leading to it, I would be looking for those tunnels.

And who in the hell would put treasure at the bottom of the money pit and booby trap it so even they couldn't retrieve the treasure?

I think that the guy who did it right, although not very environmentally sound, was the guy who just dug a huge hole in the ground. He too never found a thing to speak of and went broke.

So there are three options which I adhere to the latter. One there is a treasure which will never be discovered because of all the searching already done, there never was a treasure and the whole story was made up, or I am crazy for wasting my time.

Waste of money, but oddly fascinating, especially if one is familiar with the history of the story.

If you built the pit and the booby traps, wouldn't you know how to defeat them when you returned for the "booty?"

The most annoying part of the whole thing are the goofballs who show up with the ridiculous (yes I realize the use of that word is subjective) theories. Aztecs? Really?

It's not must watch television for me, but if I see it's on I'll watch.
best line so far....'we drove sixty miles'

i watch....i have heard of oak island a lot of times...i had the misfortune of hanging around with a 3rd degree mason who belonged to all this bullshit and was into oak island....its just like the masons...going no where....
I find the show to be boring

More evidence that Reality TV is not real. They misrepresent what they find and present wild theories about holy grails, arc of the covenant and Knights Templar to make it seem more exciting

They do not want to find treasure. The real treasure is finding suckers to watch the stupid show
guess who got coal for christmas lol.....come on right....its a hoot to watch....they roll in the mudd and brought in a diver for what a foot of mudd....they could just wave their hands in the mudd searching lol
I watched it from the beginning also. I want to tell the brothers to stick to one project without calling in a drilling team every time they get a notion to follow a tip. I'd be all over the island with high tech metal detectors but it seems as if the brothers are determined to promote the economy of Nova Scotia and create drama without actually finding anything.
For those who keep asking why someone would booby trap something where they can't go back to fetch it later on.....the whole idea of hiding something is to keep it hidden. Forever. Not to go back to and pilfer from the stockpile. IF the templars put stuff there, the point was to put it there and keep it there. For all time.

But, I think it's all a crock of shit, myself. And if not, it will never be found anyway. And there is no reason for it to never be found what with all the technology available. Which brings me back to the crock pot again that is full of crap.
The brothers seem so sincere, that is what keeps me watching but they do so many things that are just for the show. Like buying the excavating equipment, new no less. The one brother is a lawyer the other a retired postal worker, where do they get the money? The brothers seem so happy when they dig up pieces of timber.
The money comes from the producers of the show. Free advertisement for the big equipment people.
It's as bad as that stupid Brown family in Alaska. What a rip off.
Right up there with Ancient Aliens. The question as to why peoples from thousands of years ago built the stuff they did. Probably because they could. After all, that is why the chicken crossed the road, it seemed like a good idea at the time. Duh!
BTW, these guys are intent on stressing mystic portals to the Orion Nebula through which our visitors travel. As a side note, were we to have a machine with which we could travel at "C", the speed of light, it would take 1344 light years to go one way to or from the Nebula itself. 9900 Greenhill Dr would take a little longer as the Orion Nebula is a fairly big place just as the Milky Way is. Moving at the speed of our current ability you would have to multiply that by 100 times or roughly 134,000 years. Take a lunch and a couple books with you.
They found a nice coin with a metal detector and then they went and drilled another useless hole. What is it with those Lagina guys and their drilling machines? After reading the book "Shadow Divers" I have a lot of admiration for John Chatterton. He was a heroic Army Medic in Vietnam and went on to become a commercial diver. As a deep recreational diver found the German Sub off the New Jersey coast that everyone said wasn't there. I hope the brothers paid him a lot of money to go down that freaking hole.

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