Oakland: 14th Amendment's "Equal Protection of the Laws" Is Suspended for the Duration

from the article

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

The program is the latest experiment with a “guaranteed income,” an idea that giving poor people a set amount of money each month helps ease the stresses of poverty that often lead to poor health while hindering their ability to find full-time work.

Oakland’s project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

The reason: White households in Oakland on average make about three times as much annually than black households, according to the Oakland Equity Index.

What a bunch of discrimination against white people stuck in poverty.

democrats claim that whites are subhuman.

It's really bad that nobody is seeing what's happening. I've worked in government as an eligibility specialist a few years back. This is total discrimination based on race under the guise that race is the primer to low income when it's more about classism. I've come across many white people at the poverty level as well usually a single parent with dependant kids. So those people get nothing because they are white>?
Aren't you glad that the govt. gives equally compared to private operations?

Why is the Mayor involved at all then and endorsing it, who is paying for it?? Are you glad moon I am not?

If private organizations can discriminate based on race then can they discriminate about other things they want to exclude as well. No, I don't think it's k to do based on just the color of skin. It's what democrats supposedly are against.
from the article

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

The program is the latest experiment with a “guaranteed income,” an idea that giving poor people a set amount of money each month helps ease the stresses of poverty that often lead to poor health while hindering their ability to find full-time work.

Oakland’s project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

The reason: White households in Oakland on average make about three times as much annually than black households, according to the Oakland Equity Index.

What a bunch of discrimination against white people stuck in poverty.

democrats claim that whites are subhuman.

It's really bad that nobody is seeing what's happening. I've worked in government as an eligibility specialist a few years back. This is total discrimination based on race under the guise that race is the primer to low income when it's more about classism. I've come across many white people at the poverty level as well usually a single parent with dependant kids. So those people get nothing because they are white>?
Aren't you glad that the govt. gives equally compared to private operations?

Why is the Mayor involved at all then and endorsing it, who is paying for it?? Are you glad moon I am not?

If private organizations can discriminate based on race then can they discriminate about other things they want to exclude as well. No, I don't think it's k to do based on just the color of skin. It's what democrats supposedly are against.

The thing about private property and freedom is....the owners can give it away to whomever they choose.
Here is the problem when doing something along these lines.

The first private group that suggests setting up a guaranteed income for whites only is not going to get the same leeway...

Try again. This time, don't be an ass.

I hear democrats whine when I point out that the democrats are just the Nazi party.

But time an time again, the party, the Reich, proves that they are just Hitler's regime transplanted to the 21st century,

This is yet another example.
This is a privately funded activity, it ain't doing shit against you that doesn't happen on a daily basis somewhere in the world between rich people.

You have no problem with the GOVERNMENT - the MAYOR engaging in systematic racism, I mean it's only against whites, and whites aren't really human, right?
The thing about private property and freedom is....the owners can give it away to whomever they choose.

Oh, so the Mayor of Oakland is just a private citizen with no ties to government. :thup:

You Nazis sure are smart...

Neo Fascists Trumpests oppose private property and freedom.

The "Oakland Resilient Families" program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors including Blue Meridian Partners, a national philanthropy group. To be eligible, individuals must have at least one child under the age 18 and an income that is at or below 50% of the area median income — about $59,000 per year for a family of three.

Half the spots are reserved for people who earn less than 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $30,000 per year for a family of three. Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of applicants who meet the eligibility requirements.

Oakland's project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.
It's not a law.

Government policy carried out by the Mayor, the chief executive of the city government.

Fascism promotes the "Successful image of State". Can't have a privately funded programs helping the poor. They'll just deny the poor colored underclass exists at all.

The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color in the city $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

The program is the latest experiment with a "guaranteed income," the idea that giving low-income individuals a regular, monthly stipend helps ease the stresses of poverty and results in better health and upward economic mobility.

The idea of a guaranteed income dates to the 18th century. The U.S. government experimented with free money in the 1960s and 1970s when Republicans Donald Rumsfeld, later a defense secretary, and Dick Cheney, the future vice president, oversaw four programs across the country during the Nixon administration.

Analyses of the programs found that the money did not stop people from working, leading Nixon to recommend expanding the program. But the proposal never made it through Congress.
The thing about private property and freedom is....the owners can give it away to whomever they choose.

Oh, so the Mayor of Oakland is just a private citizen with no ties to government. :thup:

You Nazis sure are smart...

Neo Fascists Trumpests oppose private property and freedom.

The "Oakland Resilient Families" program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors including Blue Meridian Partners, a national philanthropy group. To be eligible, individuals must have at least one child under the age 18 and an income that is at or below 50% of the area median income — about $59,000 per year for a family of three.

Half the spots are reserved for people who earn less than 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $30,000 per year for a family of three. Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of applicants who meet the eligibility requirements.

Oakland's project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

So the Mayor of Oakland is overseeing a private operation?

Lie much?
It's not a law.

Government policy carried out by the Mayor, the chief executive of the city government.

Fascism promotes the "Successful image of State". Can't have a privately funded programs helping the poor. They'll just deny the poor colored underclass exists at all.

The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color in the city $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

The program is the latest experiment with a "guaranteed income," the idea that giving low-income individuals a regular, monthly stipend helps ease the stresses of poverty and results in better health and upward economic mobility.

The idea of a guaranteed income dates to the 18th century. The U.S. government experimented with free money in the 1960s and 1970s when Republicans Donald Rumsfeld, later a defense secretary, and Dick Cheney, the future vice president, oversaw four programs across the country during the Nixon administration.

Analyses of the programs found that the money did not stop people from working, leading Nixon to recommend expanding the program. But the proposal never made it through Congress.

"Privately funded" but administered by the city.

Look, I know that you are a racist and promote discrimination by skin color, both by private and governmental groups. Still, the involvement of the city does violate Title VII and the 14th Amendment.

I know that you seek to promote bigotry and racial hatred in the war your Reich wages on Der Juden, the whites, but this one might be a bit hard for you Nazis to get away with.
The thing about private property and freedom is....the owners can give it away to whomever they choose.

Oh, so the Mayor of Oakland is just a private citizen with no ties to government. :thup:

You Nazis sure are smart...

Neo Fascists Trumpests oppose private property and freedom.

The "Oakland Resilient Families" program has so far raised $6.75 million from private donors including Blue Meridian Partners, a national philanthropy group. To be eligible, individuals must have at least one child under the age 18 and an income that is at or below 50% of the area median income — about $59,000 per year for a family of three.

Half the spots are reserved for people who earn less than 138% of the federal poverty level, or about $30,000 per year for a family of three. Participants will be randomly selected from a pool of applicants who meet the eligibility requirements.

Oakland's project is significant because it is one of the largest efforts in the U.S. so far, targeting up to 600 families. And it is the first program to limit participation strictly to Black, Indigenous and people of color communities.

So the Mayor of Oakland is overseeing a private operation?

Lie much?

Stupid much?

" The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program...."
Stupid much?

" The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program...."

That means the GOVERNMENT of the City of Oakland is involved.

You may be a racist, you clearly are a bigot, but you're not real bright.
The thing about private property and freedom is....the owners can give it away to whomever they choose.

democrats gunna be racists, it's your natre.

And the city of Oakland is directly involved in this racism.

Yep nothin says I'm a racist more than giving families of color 9K over 18 months to spend as they will.

Shirley, everybody see's that huh?
Yep nothin says I'm a racist more than giving families of color 9K over 18 months to spend as they will.

Shirley, everybody see's that huh?

You do grasp that treating people based on the color of their skin is the actual definition of racism, right Herr Boo?

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