Oath Keeper unable to cope with being jailed.

Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?
I don't know that guy's story, what he had done prior or posted prior, what statements he made or other made that he may or may not have been involved in. I do know he went before a judge, charges were made and the judge listened to a prosecutor and came to a decision. I have neither the authority to over rule or the inclination to plead for a different judicial ruling. You have that inclination. Write an Amicus brief. If we were talking about violent left wing nut ball rioters out in Portland or any other city that had BLM (WARNING FALSE BUZZ NAME USED) riots my answer would be the same. I'll go with the decision of the judges a thousand miles or more away from Jackson, TN. You sound like you plead the case on emotional patriotic constitutional grounds. Sorry. No go. Those people are not patriots. Patriots do not attack the capitol or commit violence in the streets in support of their cause. Those people got into trouble committing acts by their own decision, calculating that they would not get into much trouble. Their calculation was wrong and now they are the fly that got stuck in the soup. Well, sucks to be them. What I do know is I have had to listen to their weeping and wailing incriminations of the the other sides entirely too much for the last few years from the far left and the far right. I am in the center, the moderate, and a patriot in my own rights. I didn't attack the capitol. I didn't burn liquor stores or break in and loot sporting goods or auto parts stores or approve those that do. I know a lot of patriotic people, moderates, left leaning, right leaning and we share things in common. We didn't get carried away with cause politics, as we are not easily led or manipulated. We didn't strike out against our country or the man or the white man, the black man, the Asian or the border wetbacks. We just went about our own lives and what was actually important to us and our families. Also, know most people closer to the center are fed up with the bickering scoring of points to boost their self esteem against those they tell me are oppressing them and damn sure fed up with violent overthrow of society by the radical left and radical right. So do not try to enlist me or reason me into supporting your current cause dejure of those poor people languishing behind bars awaiting adjudication for their crimes. They should have known what they were doing was wrong and could get them into trouble before they decided to follow somebody down that road to begin with.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.

OCO, you have to know better than that! Obviously there are levels of crimes; simple rioting in the street compared to insurrection on Capitol grounds? I think I'd put the insurrectionists underneath the jail with no possibility of parole! That's just the way it goes; SORRY! In this instance it doesn't bother me in the least that there are possibly inequities in justice! I've seen it over and over again with a dead, Black body on the ground after a traffic stop went bad! Talk to someone else about that crybaby who had the nerve to attack the very halls of our democracy! :cheeky-smiley-018:
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

Is there a flight risk with this defendant?


If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial?

Because he is charged with federal crimes.

How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records?


This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

Horse shit.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?
I don't know that guy's story, what he had done prior or posted prior, what statements he made or other made that he may or may not have been involved in. I do know he went before a judge, charges were made and the judge listened to a prosecutor and came to a decision. I have neither the authority to over rule or the inclination to plead for a different judicial ruling. You have that inclination. Write an Amicus brief. If we were talking about violent left wing nut ball rioters out in Portland or any other city that had BLM (WARNING FALSE BUZZ NAME USED) riots my answer would be the same. I'll go with the decision of the judges a thousand miles or more away from Jackson, TN. You sound like you plead the case on emotional patriotic constitutional grounds. Sorry. No go. Those people are not patriots. Patriots do not attack the capitol or commit violence in the streets in support of their cause. Those people got into trouble committing acts by their own decision, calculating that they would not get into much trouble. Their calculation was wrong and now they are the fly that got stuck in the soup. Well, sucks to be them. What I do know is I have had to listen to their weeping and wailing incriminations of the the other sides entirely too much for the last few years from the far left and the far right. I am in the center, the moderate, and a patriot in my own rights. I didn't attack the capitol. I didn't burn liquor stores or break in and loot sporting goods or auto parts stores or approve those that do. I know a lot of patriotic people, moderates, left leaning, right leaning and we share things in common. We didn't get carried away with cause politics, as we are not easily led or manipulated. We didn't strike out against our country or the man or the white man, the black man, the Asian or the border wetbacks. We just went about our own lives and what was actually important to us and our families. Also, know most people closer to the center are fed up with the bickering scoring of points to boost their self esteem against those they tell me are oppressing them and damn sure fed up with violent overthrow of society by the radical left and radical right. So do not try to enlist me or reason me into supporting your current cause dejure of those poor people languishing behind bars awaiting adjudication for their crimes. They should have known what they were doing was wrong and could get them into trouble before they decided to follow somebody down that road to begin with.
Why is it worse to protest at the Capital than it is to riot across multiple cities across the US? How is a riot that lasted a few hours with very little damage done worse than riots that lasted months and turned whole blocks into burned out hulks?
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

Is there a flight risk with this defendant?


If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial?

Because he is charged with federal crimes.

How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records?


This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

Horse shit.
So you admit he's not a flight risk nor does he have a criminal record...but you claim he shouldn't be eligible for bail because he is charged with Federal crimes? Liberal rioters that were charged with damaging Federal property got bail...why was this man denied it?
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.

OCO, you have to know better than that! Obviously there are levels of crimes; simple rioting in the street compared to insurrection on Capitol grounds? I think I'd put the insurrectionists underneath the jail with no possibility of parole! That's just the way it goes; SORRY! In this instance it doesn't bother me in the least that there are possibly inequities in justice! I've seen it over and over again with a dead, Black body on the ground after a traffic stop went bad! Talk to someone else about that crybaby who had the nerve to attack the very halls of our democracy! :cheeky-smiley-018:
You can call this an "insurrection" as much as you want but the truth of the matter is this was a protest that turned violent...no different from dozens of liberal protests that turned violent except this "riot" only lasted a few hours and no real damage was done to the Capital. Now compare that to liberal riots that lasted months and did billions of dollars in damages! Which was REALLY worse?
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?
I don't know that guy's story, what he had done prior or posted prior, what statements he made or other made that he may or may not have been involved in. I do know he went before a judge, charges were made and the judge listened to a prosecutor and came to a decision. I have neither the authority to over rule or the inclination to plead for a different judicial ruling. You have that inclination. Write an Amicus brief. If we were talking about violent left wing nut ball rioters out in Portland or any other city that had BLM (WARNING FALSE BUZZ NAME USED) riots my answer would be the same. I'll go with the decision of the judges a thousand miles or more away from Jackson, TN. You sound like you plead the case on emotional patriotic constitutional grounds. Sorry. No go. Those people are not patriots. Patriots do not attack the capitol or commit violence in the streets in support of their cause. Those people got into trouble committing acts by their own decision, calculating that they would not get into much trouble. Their calculation was wrong and now they are the fly that got stuck in the soup. Well, sucks to be them. What I do know is I have had to listen to their weeping and wailing incriminations of the the other sides entirely too much for the last few years from the far left and the far right. I am in the center, the moderate, and a patriot in my own rights. I didn't attack the capitol. I didn't burn liquor stores or break in and loot sporting goods or auto parts stores or approve those that do. I know a lot of patriotic people, moderates, left leaning, right leaning and we share things in common. We didn't get carried away with cause politics, as we are not easily led or manipulated. We didn't strike out against our country or the man or the white man, the black man, the Asian or the border wetbacks. We just went about our own lives and what was actually important to us and our families. Also, know most people closer to the center are fed up with the bickering scoring of points to boost their self esteem against those they tell me are oppressing them and damn sure fed up with violent overthrow of society by the radical left and radical right. So do not try to enlist me or reason me into supporting your current cause dejure of those poor people languishing behind bars awaiting adjudication for their crimes. They should have known what they were doing was wrong and could get them into trouble before they decided to follow somebody down that road to begin with.
Why is it worse to protest at the Capital than it is to riot across multiple cities across the US? How is a riot that lasted a few hours with very little damage done worse than riots that lasted months and turned whole blocks into burned out hulks?
Why is it worse to protest at the Capital than it is to riot across multiple cities across the US? I don't give a damn about those cities, especially if those people and those elected city and state politicians wish to put up with it, and they apparently do. It is their problem, but I do care about The Capital of my country, the Constitution of my country, the ability of our elected official to lawfully conduct our business in that place, under that constitution, free from violent attacks, death threats in the halls, and scaffolds built on the lawn as they searched to find the Vice President (I didn't even vote for) to have a lynching party for him on The Capital grounds. You don't get it, because you don't give a Fk about the country, as you believe in party (or despot ruler) over country.
So you admit

I admit nothing, you fool. You don't get to put words in people's mouths.

he's not a flight risk nor does he have a criminal record..

Then he will get his due process.

.but you claim he shouldn't be eligible for bail because he is charged with Federal crimes?

If it were up to me, he'd be in a box for the rest of his wretched existence because of the nature of federal crimes for which he's convicted. Fortunately for the perp in question, it's not up to me, you tedious moron.

Liberal rioters that were charged with damaging Federal property got bail...why was this man denied it?

Who knows, asshole. Certainly not us. Maybe because 'they' have a stronger cause than 'you' do right now. Maybe their cause is more palatable to the majority of society. :dunno: Perhaps normal Americans simply tire of the natural entitlement 'causes' Qult45 snowflake Karen pieces of shit invent these days.
Sounds like he fucked around and found out.

that conservative rioters get treated very differently that lefty brownshirts.

I think they should be all held accountable for their crimes.

But they are not. Many are being let go. That makes it unequal application of justice. That makes it an INJUSTICE and a violation of his rights.

That’s a shame if true.

From the article: “ In a recent interview with KGW, Williams explained the cases were dismissed in instances where prosecutors didn’t believe they could prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Looks like they’re focusing on the ones they believe they can actually convict. Makes sense to me.

Ideally, anyone who commuted a crime would be convicted for said crime.

Oh, you expected them to admit that they were letting them go because of the rioters were of the right political side?

Did you read further where they said that they expect to be dismissing a lot more soon? Or that the state that normally handles these crimes, just refused to, to "save resources for more serious crimes".?

Unequal application of the law, is an injustice and a violation of the rights of those being targeted.

Those who end up serving time, after such a political prosecution, will literally be political prisoners.

That's just your unsupported opinion that they're playing favorites. I'm fine with letting the authorities handle these matters.

Your trust in the government to not play favorites, even while they obviously are, is not a good thing.

I trust the input of the experts who deal with these matters over your uneducated input on the matter.

So, as long as the dems remember to clearly state, that they have a good reason for their actions, they get your support.

GOt it.

Did the article say that it was Dems who did this or are you just lying?

You don't have to answer that. I already know.

The Trump administration fought to gain control of hte riots, they took steps to arrest rioters..

Biden wins, and suddenly the charges are just fading away.

Your inability to see the obvious, is not a good trait.

Notice that you lied and you didn't even bother to attempt to show otherwise.

YOur support of political prosecutions and imprisonment of republicans, is clear. Me spending time tracking down the party registration of the mentioned officials, is not going to change your mind.
Poor Republicans. Always the victim.


NOt always. But these days, quite often.

Politically motivated prosecutions means the result is a political prisoner.

America is not really a free country anymore.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

The "liberal protestors" who attacked, injured and killed the police, as well as those who tried to overthrow the legally elected government officials are all currently being held in jail. Every single one of them.
You've got to be kidding me? Does anyone else on the left want to agree with Dragonlady that every single liberal protester that attacked the police is currently sitting in jail? Anyone that stupid? Anyone? Anyone?

Maybe because they weren't stupid enough to be recorded like the insurrectionists were on Jan. 6th, actually bragging about what they were going to do beforehand! I'm surprised more people weren't killed because those animals were cretinous Troglodytes roaming Congress! :cheeky-smiley-018:
So liberal protesters that were caught performing criminal acts by Police and brought to jail were bailed out because they didn't talk about it before doing it? I ask once more...why are liberal protesters bailed out of jail and this man refused bail and kept in jail? What makes HIS form of protest different from liberal protesters?
No, because they didn't try to kill lawmakers.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?
I would expect the ones released were not considered flight risks.
Jail sucks...not surprised they dislike it...I am also not surprised to see anyone in the GOP paying their bail...unlike the Dems...for example Harris, who helped fund and support insurrectionist through out the USA
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.
Good thing I carry a Liberal membership card on me in case I get arrested.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.

None of the BLM protestors attack tried to overthrow the government, nor did the attack any government officials. This is not the same crime - not even in the same ballpark.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

The "liberal protestors" who attacked, injured and killed the police, as well as those who tried to overthrow the legally elected government officials are all currently being held in jail. Every single one of them.
You've got to be kidding me? Does anyone else on the left want to agree with Dragonlady that every single liberal protester that attacked the police is currently sitting in jail? Anyone that stupid? Anyone? Anyone?

You're clearly stupid enough to believe that the protestors this summer did ANYTHING that approaches what happened on January 6th.

Even Kyle Rittenhouse, who is neither liberal nor peaceful, got out on bail, and he murdered two people.

Does it begin to sink in to you fools the seriousness of the insurrection on January 6th? This wasn't a march to protest government action. This was an attempt to overthrow the US government - to install an authoritarian dictator, which you fools continue to equate to the racial justice marches last summer.

Nothing that happened this past summer comes close to the attempt to decapitate the US government so Trump could declare Martial Law and cancel the Inauguration.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.

Americans have NEVER had equal protection under the law. But to equate what happened on January 6th with the racial unrest last summer is WRONG. They are NOT THE SAME CRIME. Not even in the same ballpark.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!
Who cares? It was a choice he and others of his ilk made.
Who cares if the Party in power punishes the opposition by jailing them for protesting and keeping them there without bail? With all due respect, White? EVERYONE should care about that and it shouldn't be an "us" or "them" thing! One of the great things about America is that our justice system is based on the premise of equal justice under the law! I would never ask that anyone be kept in jail pending trial if they aren't a flight risk and have no criminal record that would indicate they're a danger to the public if let free. You keep murderers and rapists locked up without bail. You don't keep protesters locked up without bail. You especially don't do that if you've released OTHER protesters on bail that were far more violent than the rioters at the Capital!
If they have committed by word and deed, acts that say they are a continuing threat to society, I have no problem. Same for those rioter, caught burning, looting or physically attacking people over the supposed BLM cause. If they can bring a habeas corpus ad subjiciendum case before a judge and attain release, more power to them. I am not the one that deemed them a continuing risk to society. Go talk to them.
I just want you to explain why liberal protesters caught by Police committing violent crimes were released on bail yet this man who has no criminal record and doesn't seem to be a flight risk in any way languishes in jail, White? Why is it that one group has a different result from the other? What would your reaction be if it was conservatives that were allowed to go free while liberals were kept incarcerated? Would you be so unconcerned then?

If it were reversed you'd have no problem of course! Typical White guy who thinks he should be able to do whatever TF he wants with no consequences! If a Black or Mexican person jaywalks, you want their voting rights taken away! Very typical of this country and the a-holes who run it! Heaven knows it isn't as equal as we BS the world with! :rolleyes:
As I stated earlier EVERYONE should be concerned when American's are not longer receiving equal protection under the law and that includes myself! It's wrong if it's liberals that are receiving preferential treatment...it's wrong if conservatives are receiving preferential treatment! You can't grant bail for one group and then deny it for another for the same crime.

None of the BLM protestors attack tried to overthrow the government, nor did the attack any government officials. This is not the same crime - not even in the same ballpark.
Is there a flight risk with this defendant? If not then why is he sitting in jail awaiting trial? How many liberal protestors were kept in jail while awaiting THEIR trials if they had no criminal records? This is being done to punish...not in the pursuit of justice!

The "liberal protestors" who attacked, injured and killed the police, as well as those who tried to overthrow the legally elected government officials are all currently being held in jail. Every single one of them.
You've got to be kidding me? Does anyone else on the left want to agree with Dragonlady that every single liberal protester that attacked the police is currently sitting in jail? Anyone that stupid? Anyone? Anyone?

You're clearly stupid enough to believe that the protestors this summer did ANYTHING that approaches what happened on January 6th.

Even Kyle Rittenhouse, who is neither liberal nor peaceful, got out on bail, and he murdered two people.

Does it begin to sink in to you fools the seriousness of the insurrection on January 6th? This wasn't a march to protest government action. This was an attempt to overthrow the US government - to install an authoritarian dictator, which you fools continue to equate to the racial justice marches last summer.

Nothing that happened this past summer comes close to the attempt to decapitate the US government so Trump could declare Martial Law and cancel the Inauguration.
These moronic whataboutisms will not help Trump's domestic terrorists in court. Imagine if Ted Bundy's defense in court was, but... but... but Charles Manson!!!
Sounds like he fucked around and found out.

that conservative rioters get treated very differently that lefty brownshirts.

I think they should be all held accountable for their crimes.

But they are not. Many are being let go. That makes it unequal application of justice. That makes it an INJUSTICE and a violation of his rights.

That’s a shame if true.

From the article: “ In a recent interview with KGW, Williams explained the cases were dismissed in instances where prosecutors didn’t believe they could prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt.”

Looks like they’re focusing on the ones they believe they can actually convict. Makes sense to me.

Ideally, anyone who commuted a crime would be convicted for said crime.

Oh, you expected them to admit that they were letting them go because of the rioters were of the right political side?

Did you read further where they said that they expect to be dismissing a lot more soon? Or that the state that normally handles these crimes, just refused to, to "save resources for more serious crimes".?

Unequal application of the law, is an injustice and a violation of the rights of those being targeted.

Those who end up serving time, after such a political prosecution, will literally be political prisoners.

That's just your unsupported opinion that they're playing favorites. I'm fine with letting the authorities handle these matters.

Your trust in the government to not play favorites, even while they obviously are, is not a good thing.

I trust the input of the experts who deal with these matters over your uneducated input on the matter.

So, as long as the dems remember to clearly state, that they have a good reason for their actions, they get your support.

GOt it.

Did the article say that it was Dems who did this or are you just lying?

You don't have to answer that. I already know.

The Trump administration fought to gain control of hte riots, they took steps to arrest rioters..

Biden wins, and suddenly the charges are just fading away.

Your inability to see the obvious, is not a good trait.

Notice that you lied and you didn't even bother to attempt to show otherwise.

YOur support of political prosecutions and imprisonment of republicans, is clear. Me spending time tracking down the party registration of the mentioned officials, is not going to change your mind.
Poor Republicans. Always the victim.


NOt always. But these days, quite often.

Politically motivated prosecutions means the result is a political prisoner.

America is not really a free country anymore.
Politically motivated seditionists/insurrectionists, results in criminal arrests.
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Does it begin to sink in to you fools the seriousness of the insurrection on January 6th? This wasn't a march to protest government action. This was an attempt to overthrow the US government - to install an authoritarian dictator, which you fools continue to equate to the racial justice marches last summer.

Nothing that happened this past summer comes close to the attempt to decapitate the US government so Trump could declare Martial Law and cancel the Inauguration.

Simmer down now Dragonlady. I know you are happy to parrot the Democrat talking points and blow things out of proportion so that it benefits the political party that you support.

Oh, and Rittenhouse didn't murder anyone.

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