'Oath Keepers' spotted carrying guns, walking along Ferguson streets

If they start a fire fight, they LEO will gun them down. The officers know where the clowns are at all times.
Yo. Attention whore here, and attention whores there. Why am I not surprised? YoYo.

And cowards.

They're hoping to start a fire fight so they have an excuse for murder.

YoYo is all show and no go. No way would he go anywhere near any place where he might break a nail.

He might if someone fixed him a sack lunch and he could stay way back from the action, and then there is the question of who would drive him.
Yo. Attention whore here, and attention whores there. Why am I not surprised? YoYo.

And cowards.

They're hoping to start a fire fight so they have an excuse for murder.

YoYo is all show and no go. No way would he go anywhere near any place where he might break a nail.

He might if someone fixed him a sack lunch and he could stay way back from the action, and then there is the question of who would drive him.

Apparently, the ones pictured got permission from their mommies and wives. Hell, they were probably glad to get rid of the bums for a while.

YoYo is a typical keyboard cowboy tough guy. Big talk and nothing to back it up.

Note to YoYo: You're a sad joke. Real men don't have to use avi's of fictional heroes and swagger around an internet message board.
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At least they're somewhat truthful in their intent:

"Go armed, at all times, as free men and women, and be ready to do sudden battle, anywhere, anytime, and with utter recklessness"

Yo, that is what you call a True American, something you idiots on the Left
in the Socialist Progressive Democrat Party don`t understand!!!

When the police can't protect you, your right to protect yourself takes precedent, and if outside help is needed, so be it.
That's clear.
But what they do is provocation, not protection. Look, they have their web-site and logo. Do you need web-site and logo to protect yourself, your property and civilians around you?
When the police can't protect you, your right to protect yourself takes precedent, and if outside help is needed, so be it.
That's clear.
But what they do is provocation, not protection. Look, they have their web-site and logo. Do you need web-site and logo to protect yourself, your property and civilians around you?

So having a logo and a website suddenly makes you a provoker and not a protector? Have they shot any people?
Oath Keepers spotted carrying guns walking along Ferguson str - wave3.com-Louisville News Weather Sports

First they defended businesses during the second wave of unrest, now they walk the streets with guns. Okay, it’s their right to secure the free state, civil order and property. But these guys can become real superstars if they would start some firefight being white civvies against black rioters. Risky they act, reminds me of the beginning of civil war. What do you think?
It's a sad state when civilians actually have to form posses to help the sheriff, again.

Of course luddy the leftist pile of regurgitated dog shit, hates these brave people that are willing to help their neighbor.

must suck to live off so much hate and cowardice.
When you said they were armed and walking the streets how'd I know they were going to be a gang of white people allowed to do so.

The black panthers did the same thing...but it was taken completely different so some DARK strange reason.
When you said they were armed and walking the streets how'd I know they were going to be a gang of white people allowed to do so.

The black panthers did the same thing...but it was taken completely different so some DARK strange reason.
They're still crying about TWO black guys with night sticks in front of a polling place in 2008 who left when asked to. Still crying.

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