Oathkeepers Complicit in Capitol Riot

"Oathkeepers have sworn fealty to the local police union, city hall, and some kind of police guild or a fraternal order of police."

So, poster colmena, I'm mildly sure you have read the thoughtful assertions coming from the RightField of this chatroom about those Oathkeepers being gay. And that before anybody wholeheartedly supports the Oathkeepers they need "to check out" their homosexuality.

So, is that aspect of their personal lives have any impact on their sworn fealty to anyone?
Or, is there a record of their sworn fealty to the LBGTQ organizations too?
According to the ADL, the Oath Keepers “aim much of their propaganda at members of military and police, reminding them that they swore an oath to defend the Constitution ‘from all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ and asking them to pledge to disobey theoretical unconstitutional orders they might get from superiors—orders that explicitly or implicitly reference militia‐related conspiracy theories”. The Oath Keepers urge military and law enforcement personnel to stop the New World Order’s plans.[27]

The organization states that full membership is open to "currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, police, fire-fighters, other first responders (i.e. State Guard, Sheriff Posse/Auxiliary, Search & Rescue, EMT, other medical 1st responders, etc.) AND veterans/former members of those services," and that others who support the organization's mission can become associate members.[8] The organization says that it has up to 30,000 members, though this figure has been questioned.[28]

Oh Lesh, this is horrible.

Ah, poster Jim, you may be crossing someone's pink line-in-the-sand.

As you should know, on this very forum there is a RightWing position that those Oathkeepers you admire are really Zionist Drag Queens.

Or bluntly, "homosexuals".
And their homosexuality "should be checked out". (I'm quoting directly.) I'm sure you've seen the declarations. You know, the ones that state Jews directed ISIS, and the Oathkeepers are homosexual dirty-tricksters under a false-flag tactic to blame Trump for the Capitol assault.

I'm mildly sure you would have seen it if you participate in this chatroom.

Anyway, is your voice going to swell the RightWing chorus against homosexual Oathkeepers?
Or are you going to be a denier?

And too, speaking of the Rightwing positions........are you too in on Bill Barr committing treason by declaring the election 'theft' was bullmerde' and will be executed on August 2nd?

Well, will your voice too, swell the chorus for that execution in,........well, in about 29 days?

Are you too, all in on checking out the homosexuals and executing Barr?
Hello, Chillicothe.

Respectfully, I think your post is complete nonsense, and no, I was not aware that there was some BS posted about OathKeepers being drag queens.

Did you know that the word "gullible" is the only English word that can't be found in any dictionary?

John Karriman. a volunteer from Oath Keepers, stands guard on the rooftop of a business on November 26, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri.

Oath Keepers in Ferguson




"I was not aware that there was some BS posted about OathKeepers being drag queens."

Ah, OK. You didn't know.
Didn't know that Oathkeepers in their Kevlar costumes were gay, as alleged on USMB?
Or, you didn't know that a prolific Trump supporter on this venue alleges that Oathkeepers dressed up as Trump drag queens in order to lure innocent protesters into the Capitol.....and maybe club a cop on the way in.

Believe me, poster Jim, for some Rightfielders here, gay Oathkeepers are a thing.

An tiny nano-search got these recent catches, but there's more out there to be run up the flagpole. Bet on it.


A group of MAGAdrag queens trolled the trump supporters who were just there and egged on the rush to the Capitol. They knew the barricade was not there................ life long leftist who recently joined oath keepers under a false name, and you are a cocksucking sissy.......
thoughtful assertions coming from the RightField of this chatroom about those Oathkeepers being gay.
That would be on the money.
And that before anybody wholeheartedly supports the Oathkeepers they need "to check out" their homosexuality.
They're in a position of power to force their homosexuality on others — even gay people don't like being raped by gay cops.
So, is that aspect of their personal lives have any impact on their sworn fealty to anyone?
Or, is there a record of their sworn fealty to the LBGTQ organizations too?
The LGBTQ organizations are pro-rape gun control liberals. There's a severe case of homosexual prison lust and promotion of sex segregated housing for adults who are assumed to be registered sex offenders if not lawfully married and engaged in a permitted occupation by a certain age.
" According to the ADL " lol.
Yes....according to the ADL....is that another organization you've been groomed to believe is corrupt?
ADL/AIPAC etc. is probably one of the most irredeemably corrupt organizations in the world. The wanton destruction of the Florida condominium and the killing of many of its residents, in which they were caught red handed along with IDF/Mossad is a perfect example of their corruption, another being the attack on U.S.S. Liberty over 50 years ago. We are sick and tired of of these and many other ongoing incidents of Israeli/Palestinian lies and cover-ups for religious or secular extremist acts of terrorism and war against the the United States.
"About Oath Keepers
Sounds pretty good to me."

Ah, poster Jim, you may be crossing someone's pink line-in-the-sand.

As you should know, on this very forum there is a RightWing position that those Oathkeepers you admire are really Zionist Drag Queens.

Or bluntly, "homosexuals".
And their homosexuality "should be checked out". (I'm quoting directly.) I'm sure you've seen the declarations. You know, the ones that state Jews directed ISIS, and the Oathkeepers are homosexual dirty-tricksters under a false-flag tactic to blame Trump for the Capitol assault.

I'm mildly sure you would have seen it if you participate in this chatroom.

Anyway, is your voice going to swell the RightWing chorus against homosexual Oathkeepers?
Or are you going to be a denier?

And too, speaking of the Rightwing positions........are you too in on Bill Barr committing treason by declaring the election 'theft' was bullmerde' and will be executed on August 2nd?

Well, will your voice too, swell the chorus for that execution in,........well, in about 29 days?

Are you too, all in on checking out the homosexuals and executing Barr?
Same question I asked the dishonest dullard OP:

Why hasn't the Oath Kepers ringleader, Stewart Rhodes, been arrested and indicted?

Didn't know that Oathkeepers in their Kevlar costumes were gay, as alleged on USMB?

Whatever, homophobic troll. What do I care if they were gay anyway, as long as they don't push it in my face or hurt others. The Declaration of Independence declared all men equal, with inalienable rights to pursue happiness.

You should be ashamed of yourself for propelling a false narrative that you misinterpreted and read someone post on the interwebs...

Or maybe you are just nutty.

Whatever, homophobic troll.

Oh, that's a sad misread.
Am no fear-the-queer guy at all. Am cool about that.

Rather, I merely point out to you the forum's Rightfield messaging that the Oathkeepers, in their Kevlar soldier wannabee costumes are resonating as gay on the Rightfield side. Have read no such messaging coming from what some may consider 'Leftfield' politicos.
So, who these Soldier Wannabees canoodle with seems more of a concern by those who are messaging as conservative Trump supporters.


As an aside, and somewhat off topic of those Mealteam 6 fatboys........are you, poster Jim, all in on the claim ...also coming from the Trump supporting Rightfield that William Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd?

I'm pretty darn neutral politically speaking; however, I can't help but note that some of the, ah, nuttier stuff ain't coming from the Leftfielders. It's coming from the MAGA hats. I'm fairly sure you can see that too.
I can't help but note that some of the, ah, nuttier stuff ain't coming from the Leftfielders. It's coming from the MAGA hats
The sort gave up OUR gun rights so that THEY could drink a six-pack of beer, and attend a football game with the players were kneeling for the national anthem and absolutely certain nobody in the grandstands anywhere had a gun.
As with every other left wing fraud, they will lie and twist words.

So let us set the record straight.

Way before the election, oath keepers was "infiltrated" by frauds, people pretending to be conservative trump supporters who were really homos loyal to homO. This is how hate hoaxes start, with fraud.

Hence, when the gay fraud gets arrested, he says he is from oath keepers and a trump supporter. In reality, he is a fraudulent turncoat member of oath keepers and a left wing homo who wants trump out.

How do we prove that?

Audit the 1/6ers for homos.

Find more than 100 homos and it will be clear what really happened and who was behind it

The community hate hoax organizer
Find more than 100 homos and it will be clear what really happened and who was behind it
There are too many gay cops on the beat. They've been gang-raping suspects downtown Anchorage. Mayor Ethan Berkowitz resigned for undisclosed sexual improprieties, and the new acting mayor, Austin Quinn-Davidson, is an out-and-proud homo.
"....propelling a false narrative that you misinterpreted...."
Well, fortunately for my poor avatar, poster Jim, another comes to run interference for me.

As follows:

"..... people pretending to be conservative trump supporters who were really homos .....
Hence, when the gay fraud gets arrested, he says he is from oath keepers ..... Audit the 1/6ers for homos.

So, poster Jim, the challenge, if you so wish to seek it is --------- 'auditing' the January 6th Oathkeepers for homosexuality.

My advice?
Go cautiously.
Be careful.

And good luck.
Whatever, homophobic troll. What do I care if they were gay anyway, as long as they don't push it in my face or hurt others
You've got to get your dick out of other dudes' butts when you're a fucking cop.
The Declaration of Independence declared all men equal, with inalienable rights to pursue happiness.
All men meaning all humans. The man without the woman is not in the Lord, according to the Bible. Children need to live with mother and father, grow up, move out and find their happiness, too, without all that gay ass fraternal order of police shit.
Or maybe you are just nutty.
Damned cops need to be stretched out on a medieval rack and torn limb from limb for making medieval mental health suggestions like that.
"....propelling a false narrative that you misinterpreted...."
Well, fortunately for my poor avatar, poster Jim, another comes to run interference for me.

As follows:

"..... people pretending to be conservative trump supporters who were really homos .....
Hence, when the gay fraud gets arrested, he says he is from oath keepers ..... Audit the 1/6ers for homos.

So, poster Jim, the challenge, if you so wish to seek it is --------- 'auditing' the January 6th Oathkeepers for homosexuality.

My advice?
Go cautiously.
Be careful.

And good luck.

There is fear about the az audit.

There is fear about auditing the 1/6ers for being homo.

Indeed, the standard for "proof" that these are trump supporters is the same standard of "proof" homO, hate hoax Harris, and Smollett provided - they were wearing MAGA - never mind they were really two black gay roid heads who confessed to being paid....

Homos have a thing for dress up and hate hoaxes. They love 'em. Until they get caught.....

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