Obama 2008 campaign finance fraud was presidential darkest day since Watergate

I SEE THE CONFUSION now over the law that the left seems to have, because the MSM outlets aren't educating them with all the details.
COHEN plee was to payments that were subjectively considered campaign contribution prosecuters decided were illegal (which they were not contributions so they were not illegal), but even at the prosecutions claims as it being a contribution it would only be an illegal "excessive" amount if Cohen made them as his restrictions are lower then if the President made them. This is why when Cohen said it was a
payment at direction of a ‘candidate' it became a legal amount by the Candidate and is considered legal. The semantics by the prosecution and the Clintonian defense lawyer are way to suspicious, therefore everyone including the left is confused and saying something isn't right here, why would Cohen hire a Clintonian lawyer who has him pleeing to a non crime and how can that non crime be charged after they are the ones blasting who ordered the payment which made it then a non crime? In the attempt to smear Trump the Dems helped Cohen clear up 1 of the charges, the only one they declared hurt Trump which now we see isn't a crime and busts their childlike revenge bubble. OH WELL, maybe if MSM had real lawyers instead of ones playing them on TV then perhaps they'd educate their pied pipers with the law.

Says you, citing you. And you're clueless.

Back in reality, Trump directed Cohen to make secret payments to his mistresses to benefit his campaign. That's a campaign contribution. And it was well in excess of

Trump then paid Cohen back AFTER the election via fraud. With fake invoices, shell companies, and a fraudulent reason for the payment: legal services that Cohen performed in 2017. When in fact they were reimbursements for illegal campaign contributions BEFORE the election.

And Cohen has the paper trail. And the fraudulent invoices. And audio recordings of he and Trump discussing the payments. Trump.....has an ever shifting story on an issue he has lied about again and again and again.

Remember, you don't know what you're talking about. And that tends to hamper your 'legal' arguments.
You just contradicted all your prior arguments and the law.

You just admited Cohen did not comit a crime because you said the contribution (which it was not)was the presidents and not his, which means it can't be labeled "excessive"(limitation on amount) which is only possible if Cohen alone acted and prosecutors are charging him as such.


Your reading comprehension is as poor as your command of the law. Never have I said what Cohen did was legal. Cohen absolutely committed a crime by making over $400,000 in illegal contributions before the election at Trump's direction.

Trump reimbursed him for the illegal contributions in Feburary 2017 AFTER the election. And since its the corrupt Trump, he reimbursed Cohen using lies, fraud and deception. Faked invoices, fake reasons, shell companies, and in without reporting anything.

See, Trump can't claim that he was the one that donated the money to his campaign when the money he paid

1) Wasn't paid to his campaign but the lawyer he directed to make an illegal contribution.
2) Was AFTER the election.
3) Was never reported as a campaign contribution.

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You're clueless. You have no idea what you're talking about. As you demonstrate every time you post.

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