Obama 49% GOP House 20% Approval: Sensing Anti-White + Pro-Foreclosures Bias(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Republican Party famously got its start with the attempted genocide of white working Americans in the 1860's. Roosevelt would take a more integrated approach to US economic policy, in the 1930's. The German Third Reich supported the law, killing off Jews, Slavs, Dissidents and Undesirables in that Time Frame. Republicans and Ivy League Supporters would all keep the money in the US foreclosures crisis of 2007-2011. The bias of the GOP, and Ivy League supporters, clearly shows.

Now White People mostly seem to have noticed what teachers like Gingrich, and supporters like Huntsman, Romney, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, et., al., are for. ABC news finds a 49% surge for Obama, with a 20% disparagement of The Holocaust, kinds of supporters at GOP! House Democrats do nearly 50% better than House GOP.

President Barack Obama's approval rating climbs to 49%... as House squabbles over payroll tax | Mail Online

They even seem to be polite about it, not directly so-stating(?) that White Genocide, and Black Genocide attempts are opposed! Maybe if someone does some math, or the "Nein! Nein! Nein!," GOP response to the Obama-Biden, economic lubrication--Gop later, GOP Cantor opposed to the Stimulation from the worldwide disaster relief: Then the Obama prospects would even become more excited, going into 2012!

Can anyone believe that females actually foaled any spawn, during all that time-frame(?): Unless maybe they were for Clinton, or someone(?): Not showing off a lot of trophies like Herman Cain(?). . .or Newt(?)!

Obamas supporters are getting excited again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP Senate Candidates now maybe waiting at least for Bachmann or Palin to Man Up(?): And maybe do an X-Rated film for little kids(?)!)
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I think this shows that the American public are finally beginning to see just how political Republicans like Boehner in Congress are.
Clearly, teaching is not possible--at any grade level--without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort!

"Life Is Like That," you may say. Equal Rights Are Not Like LIfe At all!

And so, legal it is! In fact, it is just like math(?): Which is all about unequal treatment under law(?), at RNC(?)--shown my McConnell-Boehner-Cantor-Romney-McCain-Palin-Huntsman--Cain-Pawlenty--Bachmann-Gingrich-Paul-Paul, et. al., on TV!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better Seen: "Who Was Mascale, anyway?! It's the L-o-o-o-o-n-e. White Man! Tune In, and See if he's dead yet!" (Actually, that has already been done: In the "Golden Age" of serial TV!)
The Republican Party famously got its start with the attempted genocide of white working Americans in the 1860's. Roosevelt would take a more integrated approach to US economic policy, in the 1930's. The German Third Reich supported the law, killing off Jews, Slavs, Dissidents and Undesirables in that Time Frame. Republicans and Ivy League Supporters would all keep the money in the US foreclosures crisis of 2007-2011. The bias of the GOP, and Ivy League supporters, clearly shows.

Now White People mostly seem to have noticed what teachers like Gingrich, and supporters like Huntsman, Romney, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, et., al., are for. ABC news finds a 49% surge for Obama, with a 20% disparagement of The Holocaust, kinds of supporters at GOP! House Democrats do nearly 50% better than House GOP.

President Barack Obama's approval rating climbs to 49%... as House squabbles over payroll tax | Mail Online

They even seem to be polite about it, not directly so-stating(?) that White Genocide, and Black Genocide attempts are opposed! Maybe if someone does some math, or the "Nein! Nein! Nein!," GOP response to the Obama-Biden, economic lubrication--Gop later, GOP Cantor opposed to the Stimulation from the worldwide disaster relief: Then the Obama prospects would even become more excited, going into 2012!

Can anyone believe that females actually foaled any spawn, during all that time-frame(?): Unless maybe they were for Clinton, or someone(?): Not showing off a lot of trophies like Herman Cain(?). . .or Newt(?)!

Obamas supporters are getting excited again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP Senate Candidates now maybe waiting at least for Bachmann or Palin to Man Up(?): And maybe do an X-Rated film for little kids(?)!)

Now thats desperation. CONGRATULATIONS.

Even using fluff polls.

By god that makes you a poll smoker.
Both the first and the second battles at Bull Run were probably like this, below:

By NBC's Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Brooke Brower

*** Cornered: To understand how House Republicans have backed themselves into a corner on extending the payroll tax cut, two Senate Republicans running in some of the most competitive contests next year are distancing themselves from the House GOP. “The House Republicans’ plan to scuttle the deal to help middle-class families is irresponsible and wrong,” said Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), who most likely will run against Democrat Elizabeth Warren in 2012. “The refusal to compromise now threatens to increase taxes on hard-working Americans and stop unemployment benefits for those out of work.” And Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), who will run against Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley, added: “What is playing out in Washington, D.C., this week is about political leverage, not about what’s good for the American people. Congress can work out a solution without stopping the payroll tax-cut extension for the middle class.” Bottom line: You know where the politics on this issue are when Brown and Heller are for/against something. Two other veteran senators, Richard Lugar and Olympia Snowe, also both up for re-election in states carried by President Obama in ‘08, have joined the chorus of Republicans asking the House GOP to simply vote out the Senate bill.

Along the California coast, a "Red Tide" is mainly dead plankton. Sometimes it even smells like that. Famously, it does glow in the dark!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Glow, Little-Glow-Worm-That-Does-Two-Fifths(?)! Hmmmmm!)
His approval rating with Warrior 102 - Minus 577.

That's the only poll I give a fuck about.
ABC Washington Post likes to put their sampling as follows:

"Washington Post-ABC News Poll"

"This Washington Post-ABC News poll was conducted by telephone December 15-18 2011, among a random national sample of 1,005 adults, including landline and cell phone-only respondents. Results for the full sample have a 3.5 point error margin. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of New York."

It is not clear if it is done during freeway traffic rush hours, or not: Is all.

Obama tends to have a fairly consistent 28% or so strong approval. The strong Obama disapproval is closer to a third. Disapprovers tend mainly to be those. Moderate approvers tend to be at 20% or so. Disapprovers tend to be 15% more or less.

Abt-SRBI may or may not know what a rush hour is. They may have gone to Ivy League schools.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Stalled-Eagle-Soaring-With-New-Head-Gear not concerned with Rush Hour problems--Or Hunting!)
The Republican Party famously got its start with the attempted genocide of white working Americans in the 1860's. Roosevelt would take a more integrated approach to US economic policy, in the 1930's. The German Third Reich supported the law, killing off Jews, Slavs, Dissidents and Undesirables in that Time Frame. Republicans and Ivy League Supporters would all keep the money in the US foreclosures crisis of 2007-2011. The bias of the GOP, and Ivy League supporters, clearly shows.

Now White People mostly seem to have noticed what teachers like Gingrich, and supporters like Huntsman, Romney, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, et., al., are for. ABC news finds a 49% surge for Obama, with a 20% disparagement of The Holocaust, kinds of supporters at GOP! House Democrats do nearly 50% better than House GOP.

President Barack Obama's approval rating climbs to 49%... as House squabbles over payroll tax | Mail Online

They even seem to be polite about it, not directly so-stating(?) that White Genocide, and Black Genocide attempts are opposed! Maybe if someone does some math, or the "Nein! Nein! Nein!," GOP response to the Obama-Biden, economic lubrication--Gop later, GOP Cantor opposed to the Stimulation from the worldwide disaster relief: Then the Obama prospects would even become more excited, going into 2012!

Can anyone believe that females actually foaled any spawn, during all that time-frame(?): Unless maybe they were for Clinton, or someone(?): Not showing off a lot of trophies like Herman Cain(?). . .or Newt(?)!

Obamas supporters are getting excited again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP Senate Candidates now maybe waiting at least for Bachmann or Palin to Man Up(?): And maybe do an X-Rated film for little kids(?)!)

Gallup 12/17 - 12/19 1500 A 43 50 -7
Rasmussen Reports 12/17 - 12/19 1500 LV 47 51 -4


half of congress is....democratic, but don't tell anyone in the MSM its a secret you see. Nitwit.
In our season of rememberance, Giving Thanks for all the bounty of the year: One thing stands apart from the rest: I am so glad I do not own some goddammed cell phone, ipod, twitter box, or anything wrapped around my skull!

Soon it will be the ritual season of remberances: "Ronald Reagan Proved That Deficits Don't Matter!"

Some in the House are probably going to run on that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(House Maybe Run Into Al Gore, maybe, if striking a match outside some store!)
The Republican Party famously got its start with the attempted genocide of white working Americans in the 1860's. Roosevelt would take a more integrated approach to US economic policy, in the 1930's. The German Third Reich supported the law, killing off Jews, Slavs, Dissidents and Undesirables in that Time Frame. Republicans and Ivy League Supporters would all keep the money in the US foreclosures crisis of 2007-2011. The bias of the GOP, and Ivy League supporters, clearly shows.

Now White People mostly seem to have noticed what teachers like Gingrich, and supporters like Huntsman, Romney, Bachmann, Paul, Paul, et., al., are for. ABC news finds a 49% surge for Obama, with a 20% disparagement of The Holocaust, kinds of supporters at GOP! House Democrats do nearly 50% better than House GOP.

President Barack Obama's approval rating climbs to 49%... as House squabbles over payroll tax | Mail Online

They even seem to be polite about it, not directly so-stating(?) that White Genocide, and Black Genocide attempts are opposed! Maybe if someone does some math, or the "Nein! Nein! Nein!," GOP response to the Obama-Biden, economic lubrication--Gop later, GOP Cantor opposed to the Stimulation from the worldwide disaster relief: Then the Obama prospects would even become more excited, going into 2012!

Can anyone believe that females actually foaled any spawn, during all that time-frame(?): Unless maybe they were for Clinton, or someone(?): Not showing off a lot of trophies like Herman Cain(?). . .or Newt(?)!

Obamas supporters are getting excited again!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(GOP Senate Candidates now maybe waiting at least for Bachmann or Palin to Man Up(?): And maybe do an X-Rated film for little kids(?)!)

Talk about a total bullshit re-write of history. Only a leftwing extremist would claim the Republican party originated with the attempted GENOCIDE of white working class Americans? GENOCIDE? Let's start with that one, ok? Because you obviously haven't a clue what GENOCIDE even means since nothing like that ever happened to whites in THIS country! No one and no group ever attempted the genocide of WHITES in this country so obviously you have a MALIGNANT ulterior motive for using that word at all, much less one that doesn't apply whatsoever when it comes to WHITES in this country. Especially in light of the fact after the defeat of the South, southerners could have been treated like the typical conquered seen in OTHER nations in OTHER wars -but were not. So you are in reality defending Democrat SLAVE OWNERS and pretending the Civil War was about the genocide of WHITES? You realize to try and spin it that way you really have to a large evil streak -as if sure, all working class whites lived in the SOUTH? Really? None lived in the north and none lived in the west -just the south. You have to be truly demented or downright EVIL to even write the lying filthy bullshit you wrote. But then, if I were a leftwing extremist ideologue, I'd probably want to prevent the ignorant and lazy from finding out the truth about your own disgusting, state slavery agenda. Leftwingers always believe in slavery -whether it is being done by the individual or by the state. But in all cases leftwing extremists have no regard for the individual and firmly believe they are ENTITLED to the fruits of the labor of someone else, whether that is done personally by another individual or by the state -but a firm and unshakeable belief in SLAVERY one way or the other is the very heart of leftwing extremism and DEMOCRATS.

The only reason you chose to use the word "genocide" was to avoid the truth by the most deceptive means possible by tossing in the loaded word "genocide" instead of the fact it was ANTI-SLAVERY at the roots of the Republican Party and not some desire to exterminate white people. The people you falsely claim were the target of a systematic extermination were in fact SLAVE OWNERS who wanted to keep right on owning other human beings in order to maximize their total exploitation of them.

This is in reality some of the slippery, deceitful bullshit re-writes intended to target the ignorant and those too fucking lazy to read history. I would cross the street to avoid meeting someone as evil as you to write such filth.

And maybe leftwing extremists like YOU should stop invoking the Holocaust honey -because Nazi Germany was a LEFTWING EXTREMIST TOTALITARIAN nation. No matter how often creeps like you try to deceive others, Nazism is LEFTWING extremism, not rightwing. Which is why it is STILL leftwing extremists who share the same political positions as Nazis -NOT US conservatives or Republicans. Just because they haven't tossed in the mass murder of social undesirables into the mix doesn't change the fact that there is little about the Nazi political agenda the left has NOT adopted to itself. And anway, they are finally starting to show the true depths of their nature feeling more and more comfortable about revealing their anti-semitism. Again. It wasn't Republicans who urged FDR to enter the war on the side of Nazis, was it? For a reason - totalitarianism under ANY flag is always LEFTWING in origin, not rightwing.

Insisting fellow Americans are enemies of the state or the personal property of others or the personal property of the state and whose reason for existence is so others can ruthlessly exploit them for their own benefit -is a leftwing thing. IT IS at the heart of the class warfare rhetoric and is merely the left declaring a "right" own the fruits of labor of yet another group of Americans -on the grounds it just isn't FAIR if we "let" people actually benefit from their own hard work. (The average work week of the "rich" is 70 hours a week -so naturally, the left insists they are entitled to the benefit of that, not the individual who busted his ass to earn it in the first place.)

Who owns the fruits of the labor of the individual is always at the heart of ALL leftwing extremism whether discussing communism or nazism. There is no argument for conservatives who believe it belongs first and foremost to the individual who worked to earn it. The left insists since the individual is actually state owned property -the government is the primary owners of it and has the power and "right" to decide how much it will ALLOW the individual to keep. A free people decide how much they CHOOSE to give government. HUGE uncompromising disagreement about the proper role of government between left and right -but not between two leftwing extremist ideologies like communism and nazism. They only disagreed about which should be wielding all that power, but NOT about whether the state should even have it at all which is where the right disagrees with BOTH. The left pretends the only difference between left and right is about who wields all that state power -but it is in fact THE biggest and most successful lie of the left of all. They need to keep the political discussion about who wields all that state power insisting THEY deserve to be the ones on the grounds they are so touchy-feely good at pretending to give a shit. Because if the debate is allowed to be about the REAL difference -which is whether government should have that power at all -the left LOSES. They know it, we know it which is why the left tells filthy LIES like THIS monster did trying to divert attention entirely from the REAL debate. Which is about the proper size and power of government and the increasing power and control it has over the individual as it expands its power -power it can only get by taking it from the individual. The left believes man is owned by its own creation and should exist as state owned slaves. Where slavery in any form exists -you will find leftwing ideology behind it. A decidedly anti-American position -which is also why the left has to constantly expand the list of fellow Americans it declares to be "enemies of the state". For the left the only real enemies of this nation are at all times FELLOW AMERICANS.

It would take a MORON to call the change in approval ratings for Obama from 48% to 49% a "surge"! ROFLMAO Now tell everyone the truth -if Obama had an "R" after his name you'd be pointing out the fact the majority of people want the guy voted out. But since you are a leftwing extremist ideologue who never lets FACTS and TRUTH interfere with yoru political agenda, you will go on right on pretending Obama is "enjoying" a surge.

Only a leftwing extremist would insist being successful in this country is a "crime" and sow the seeds of discontent and envy and insist it is both beneficial and an American value, a founding principle of this nation in fact - to believe yourself entitled to the fruits of the labor done by someone else. Leftwing extremists in reality oppose individual rights and oppose freedom -and constantly try to deceive people into believing their own totally perverted definition of what is even meant by "freedom". The leftwing extremist insists true freedom is some court of a few unelected people telling you that you have the "freedom" to indulge in just about any immorality imaginable. All while they frantically work behind the scenes to strip Americans of their REAL freedom that they are unlikely to EVER peacefully get back. FREEDOM is about WHO MAKES THE RULES and that is ALL it has ever been about. But the left desperately NEEDS to avoid that discussion so the left will constantly insist it is entirely about what those particular rules happen to be at any given time while deceitfully insisting how those rules come about is entirely irrelevant.

A FREE people decide for themselves what rules they CONSENT to be governed by with future generations having the ability to change those rules to suit their needs but not having a "right" to force future generations to live by them and thereby enslave people not even yet born. The left OPPOSES this, the left opposes allowing the ability of the people to decide what laws they consent to be governed by through their elected representatives. It is why the left routinely goes to court in order to bypass the will of the people and get an handful of unelected people to ram unwanted laws down the throats of all Americans against their will -people who cannot be held accountable by the people -and in effect are intent on changing our system from a representative democracy to an oligarchy which is a major step along the way of getting to the leftwing extremist's true goal of a totalitarian state and the total enslavement of the people who will be rendered impotent and decidedly NOT free. It is why it is always the LEFT that insists the Constitution is a "living" document when in reality that only means "the constitution means whatever the LEFT needs it to mean at any given time". In reality the Constitution is a binding contract between WE THE PEOPLE and government where by WE THE PEOPLE have given our consent to be governed WITH THIS SET OF RULES. Not with a " set of constantly changing rules that are changed in order to keep expanding the power and control of government over the individual which can only come by government stripping every more power from the individual and laying claim to it itself".

Obama is nothing but a political HACK, it's all he has ever been. All he ever knew was the pay-to-play corrupt Chicago politics and it is all he has done as President intent on putting taxpayers on the hook for the political payback to Democrat supporters. It is why the ONLY jobs he has EVER been concerned about are UNION JOBS -because unions exist as Democrat money laundering operations. It is why he massively expanded the size of public unions -private unions just don't have enough people to matter anymore but PUBLIC UNIONS are viewed as the cash cows they are by both Democrats and the union thugs running them alike -and at ALL times it is taxpayer funds being funneled back and forth between public unions and DEMOCRATS. In reality Obama is in over his head, he was never qualified for the job and he hasn't a clue how to BE President. THIS is what it looks like when electing someone who lacks the basic skill set needed to do the job at all. And no amount of class warfare rhetoric is going to change that -and no amount of class warfare rhetoric will every improve the life of those stupid enough to fall for it. Personally I'm sick of hearing leftwingers constantly insist fellow Americans are the enemies of this country. As if they actually think the country belongs to just them. The list of fellow Americans leftwing extremists have declared to be enemies of this country -is the majority of Americans and still growing. And they have caught on.

BTW -I think it is VERY fitting that you would have a reference to Jim Crow laws in your signature. Jim Crow laws were passed and enforced by the very people you claim Republicans were founded for the specific purpose of committing GENOCIDE. Slavery, lynching, Jim Crow, murdering civil rights workers, trying to block black kids from going to school with white kids -all DEMOCRAT history. TOTALLY OWNED by Democrats. That you deliberately tried to sweep under the rug as being nothing more than "working class" values. You are a typical leftwing ideologue -if the truth and facts don't work for you, make it up, disguise it and try to distract others from seeing the filth that lies at the very heart and soul of leftwing ideology. :puke:
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Nuremburg Proved That Ronald Reagan didn't matter. He had claimed that he had never left the Democratic Party. His claim was that it had left him. That may have been said before.

Now The Republicans are faced with a Tiny Minority faction, testing whether that nation, or any nation so construed and so misguided: Can Long Endure(?)!

It doesn't seem to be working at all well on their behalf: Or on behalf of anyone else.

Actually, of course: Ronald Reagan was already proving that before! Lincoln had been first, freeing only some of the slaves: And killing off 700,000 white people. Then there were the countless wounded. Roosevelt would start to free the rural South, and in that manner would engage both whites and blacks to a semblance of prosperity. The Civil Rights Movement would later note that actually: The Law was still in place, and to the detriment of persons of off-white skin color.

Hairdressers could understand that.

It is now likely that they seem to be noticing that again: Except that it is now more inclusive of all parts of the rainbow--which originates of light that is white!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Great-Eagle-Soaring-On-Track-To-Hook-Up-With-Traffic-News Chopper, not involved!)
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