Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Illegal Immigrant Facility


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The renewal of Democrat and RINO efforts to let illegal aliens who have already broken our laws, stay in the country while the foreigners who obeyed them are kept out, is having its predictable result: Thousands of them are streaming over the border illegally, in record numbers again.

This time there's an extra effect. Since there are signs that the Obama administration might let children of illegal aliens stay, foreigners are hurling their children into the U.S. at an unprecedented rate. They are even walking up to U.S. Border Pattrol agents as soon as they cross the border, asking to be arrested, knowing they won't be sent back.

Immigration facilities in border states like Texas, are jammed to bursting. So, many of the illegals are being sent to camps in American military bases.

Yielding to strident demands, the Obama administration to give Congressmen a tour of a base. But all photography, recording, questions etc. are FORBIDDEN durring the tour.

The Obamanites don't want any pictures or records getttinng out, that might show the public what the results of the immigration policiesw are, that let illegals stay in the country.

Has anybody hearrd yet, what justification the Obamanites have come up with for this flat violation of the 1stt amendment?


Immigrant Facility Invite Comes With Many Rules | The Daily Caller

Obama Admin Forbids Lawmakers From Taking Photos Of Illegal Immigrant Facility

9:47 PM 06/12/2014

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is welcoming members of Congress and their senior staff to tour a temporary shelter being used to house illegal immigrant children — but the invite comes with a list of rules, including a suggestion that members leave their cellphones in their vehicles.

Sent to members of Congress and staff by Rose Hacking, of the office of the assistant secretary of legislation at HHS, the invitation comes with the following commands:

* No recording devices will be allowed (We may ask you to leave your cellphone in our vehicle)
* No questions will be allowed during the tour, but questions will be addressed later
* No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
* We will provide photos of the facility after the tour

But one congressional staffer invited to tour the facility called the planned tours “a dog and pony show.”

“Don’t talk to anyone, don’t record anything you might happen to see, but come visit us and we’ll give you a sanitized story with only the photos and accounts we want you to have,” said the staffer, who requested anonymity.

“This isn’t some totalitarian closed society trying this tactic, this is our own government. They clearly wouldn’t be offering up this kind of dog and pony show if they weren’t hiding a very ugly truth somewhere.”
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtY8gDEWeiM]Obama: This is the most transparent administration in history - YouTube[/ame]
If George Bush had issued such orders for non-classified info, the comparisons to Hitler - and the calls for impeachment - would have soared to the Heavens.
America should melt the Statue of Liberty to build a fence along the border. A fence would be useful, right? The Statue of Liberty just sits there, not doing anything.
America should melt the Statue of Liberty to build a fence along the border. A fence would be useful, right? The Statue of Liberty just sits there, not doing anything.

As usual, when the liberals can't defend their agenda, they start ranting hysterically. just as little knb does here.

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