Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them

The NRA has been blocking any study which suggests that guns actually kill people.

Guns don't kill people...PEOPLE kill people.

A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand - Seneca
If this is true, which I rather doubt, I believe there are very few ordinary physicians who would comply with such an Orwellian suggestion. But psychologists and psychiatrists will routinely ask a certain category of patients if they own or have access to firearms. These behavioral professionals are required by law (in most states) to notify authorities if an individual's profile suggests violent potential.
My country punk. We founded it. Let me know if you need boxes or help packing.

WE??? commies didn't found this country. And being a liberal, you probably think it's Indian, so you're an indian? or are you a wasp? the most evil people to walk the earth according to your crazy ass leftwing beliefs, I cant wait for this one
My background is Liberal WASP, even owned slaves, like the Founders.
. Wow! You're old.
Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
You’re a liar – which comes as no surprise, of course.

On 16 January 2013, President Obama announced a list of 23 executive actions intended to address the issue of gun violence in the U.S., one of which was to "clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes" (to counter the claim that a provision of "Obamacare" legislation barred doctors from asking such questions). Nothing in that action mandated that doctors must ask such questions of Medicare patients (or any other patients), however.

snopes.com: Medicare Requires Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns?

Nothing is being ‘reported,’ there is no ‘database,’ and guns are not going to be ‘confiscated.’

You and others on the right clearly have no shame; you’re such desperate partisan hacks you’ll contrive any lie for some perceived political gain.

Thanks for the FACTS.

But, I wonder, how many times will this lie be repeated by the Commies on the right.

Dummies humping Putin's leg don't seem to know that their hero would take their guns.
Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
You’re a liar – which comes as no surprise, of course.

On 16 January 2013, President Obama announced a list of 23 executive actions intended to address the issue of gun violence in the U.S., one of which was to "clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes" (to counter the claim that a provision of "Obamacare" legislation barred doctors from asking such questions). Nothing in that action mandated that doctors must ask such questions of Medicare patients (or any other patients), however.

snopes.com: Medicare Requires Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns?

Nothing is being ‘reported,’ there is no ‘database,’ and guns are not going to be ‘confiscated.’

You and others on the right clearly have no shame; you’re such desperate partisan hacks you’ll contrive any lie for some perceived political gain.

Thanks for the FACTS.

But, I wonder, how many times will this lie be repeated by the Commies on the right.

Dummies humping Putin's leg don't seem to know that their hero would take their guns.

You fail to realize Progressivism is a bright idea of racist President Woodrow Wilson.​

It is an idea which departed from the traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

It is an idea which has proven not to work.

How long will you guys cling to this bad idea in light of the evidence of it's continued failure?​
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Next Obama will have the doctors ask if you like gladiator movies. :badgrin:

How about asking the kids.
Does your Mom and Dad have any framed pictures of the President hanging on the walls at home?
Does your Mom and Dad have any black friends?
liberal gun grabbers are lying scum. you can't believe a word they say. but their agenda is catching up with them. it will cost them seats in the midterms. if Hillary runs her anti gun agenda will cost her in 2006. Americans have made it clear they will not sacrifice their rights to government.
Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
You’re a liar – which comes as no surprise, of course.

On 16 January 2013, President Obama announced a list of 23 executive actions intended to address the issue of gun violence in the U.S., one of which was to "clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes" (to counter the claim that a provision of "Obamacare" legislation barred doctors from asking such questions). Nothing in that action mandated that doctors must ask such questions of Medicare patients (or any other patients), however.

snopes.com: Medicare Requires Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns?

Nothing is being ‘reported,’ there is no ‘database,’ and guns are not going to be ‘confiscated.’

You and others on the right clearly have no shame; you’re such desperate partisan hacks you’ll contrive any lie for some perceived political gain.

I see the usual leftist fanatics are doing the usual diversion and obfuscation.

"Debunking" things the OP never said, and acting as though this makes him somehow "wrong".

From the linked article:
Barack Obama picked far left 36 year-old organizer Vivek Murthy as the next Surgeon General.

Murthy is the 36-year-old president and co-founder of the anti-gun group Doctors for America, which advocates ObamaCare and gun control laws.

Doctors for America has also promoted the invasion of privacy by doctors by allowing them to ask patients if they have guns at home, including asking children if their parents own guns, and pushing back against Florida Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to sign into law a bill prohibiting doctors there from asking the question.

As you see, Obama is hiring people who are pushing for exactly what the OP warned against.

The leftist fanatics are keeping their perfect 0-for-everything record intact. :cuckoo:
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you still have no Idea what you're talking about
real Weak!!!


Your arguments are foolish, that I do know


one has to have a legit argument first .... saying obama care is trying to find out if you have guns is as moronic as saying I want to take guns away from dead people being kill for owning guns ... so by snapping their cold dead fingers off to get their gun ... Idiot!!! it amazes me when idiots like you don't understand sarcasm when they see it ... it amazes me when threads like this thread are posted, how moronic you and others like you are ... you wouldn't know a argument if you saw one .... you're way tooooooooo stupid

WTF? did that make sense to you when you typed it? Does it make sense to you now that you have had a chance to sober up?
the mentality they are trying to drive into our culture is rat on your neighbor for the benefit of the community. rat and you shall be rewarded. it's like NKorea.
I'm sure it's pretty easy to get liberals to become informants and snitches. Most of them already are.
Here's a big surprise- not. Obama picked a radical leftie as surgeon general. The reason is because the guy will help carry out the liberal agenda. He wants doctors to ask all patients if they own guns. Children will be asked if their parents own guns. The information will be put in a government database. The new surgeon general also wants to spend tax dollars to come up with reports claiming that gun control makes us safer. We've already done that many times and found that it's false, but this time the money will be given to those willing to come to the conclusion that the left wants to push as propaganda.

No one wants to take your guns. Fucking liberals aren't the least concerned for people's well being.

Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find Out if Patients Own Guns ? And Put Info into Obamacare Database | Top Right News
Any doctor that ask me that will get without hesitation a response of none of your fucking business.
Just noticed the guy Obabble is nominating for Surgeon General....another ideological abomination.
I'm sure it's pretty easy to get liberals to become informants and snitches. Most of them already are.

the prezbo has had a couple of snitch websites already
Yep, he started it during his first campaign when he organized his "truth squad". He knows his base if void of integrity and trustworthiness and has exploited those traits masterfully.

Your arguments are foolish, that I do know


one has to have a legit argument first .... saying obama care is trying to find out if you have guns is as moronic as saying I want to take guns away from dead people being kill for owning guns ... so by snapping their cold dead fingers off to get their gun ... Idiot!!! it amazes me when idiots like you don't understand sarcasm when they see it ... it amazes me when threads like this thread are posted, how moronic you and others like you are ... you wouldn't know a argument if you saw one .... you're way tooooooooo stupid

WTF? did that make sense to you when you typed it? Does it make sense to you now that you have had a chance to sober up?

the prezbo is a radical

get a load of this leftist he wants to be the surgeon general

a real anti gun nut Vivek Murthy

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