Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them

Democrat senators in vulnerable states better vote against this 36 old anti-gun political activist for Surgeon General. 51 votes is all they need. This appointment must be stopped or Obamacare regulations will say that guns are a health risk and will require them to be banned.
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My country punk. We founded it. Let me know if you need boxes or help packing.

WE??? commies didn't found this country. And being a liberal, you probably think it's Indian, so you're an indian? or are you a wasp? the most evil people to walk the earth according to your crazy ass leftwing beliefs, I cant wait for this one
My background is Liberal WASP, even owned slaves, like the Founders.

You own slaves? Got any to sell?
Here's a big surprise- not. Obama picked a radical leftie as surgeon general. The reason is because the guy will help carry out the liberal agenda. He wants doctors to ask all patients if they own guns. Children will be asked if their parents own guns. The information will be put in a government database. The new surgeon general also wants to spend tax dollars to come up with reports claiming that gun control makes us safer. We've already done that many times and found that it's false, but this time the money will be given to those willing to come to the conclusion that the left wants to push as propaganda.

No one wants to take your guns. Fucking liberals aren't the least concerned for people's well being.

Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
Obama Surgeon General Pick Wants Doctors to Find Out if Patients Own Guns ? And Put Info into Obamacare Database | Top Right News

If a doctor is treating someone who is suffering from depression, then they have every right to enquire as to whether the patient has a gun, for obvious reasons.

And the patient has no obligation to answer.
Fellas, fellas... It's our country. We gotta share. So let's just agree to stay out of each other's business.

Excellent idea, I fully agree.

Now if you can just get the leftists to agree as well, and stop poking their noses into everything from my health insurance to my working conditions to my retirement funding to the flow rate of my toilet and things like that, a LOT of our problems would be solved.

And the very reason for the leftists' existence, would be gone.

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