Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them

My country punk. We founded it. Let me know if you need boxes or help packing.

WE??? commies didn't found this country. And being a liberal, you probably think it's Indian, so you're an indian? or are you a wasp? the most evil people to walk the earth according to your crazy ass leftwing beliefs, I cant wait for this one
My background is Liberal WASP, even owned slaves, like the Founders.

That may be your background, but you're a fucking commie.
My country punk. We founded it. Let me know if you need boxes or help packing.

WE??? commies didn't found this country. And being a liberal, you probably think it's Indian, so you're an indian? or are you a wasp? the most evil people to walk the earth according to your crazy ass leftwing beliefs, I cant wait for this one
My background is Liberal WASP, even owned slaves, like the Founders.

ok, that makes sense...so you still like having them on the plantation, nice!
Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
You’re a liar – which comes as no surprise, of course.

On 16 January 2013, President Obama announced a list of 23 executive actions intended to address the issue of gun violence in the U.S., one of which was to "clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes" (to counter the claim that a provision of "Obamacare" legislation barred doctors from asking such questions). Nothing in that action mandated that doctors must ask such questions of Medicare patients (or any other patients), however.

snopes.com: Medicare Requires Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns?

Nothing is being ‘reported,’ there is no ‘database,’ and guns are not going to be ‘confiscated.’

You and others on the right clearly have no shame; you’re such desperate partisan hacks you’ll contrive any lie for some perceived political gain.
Obama admin. wants doctors to ask patients if they own guns and report back to them
You’re a liar – which comes as no surprise, of course.

On 16 January 2013, President Obama announced a list of 23 executive actions intended to address the issue of gun violence in the U.S., one of which was to "clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes" (to counter the claim that a provision of "Obamacare" legislation barred doctors from asking such questions). Nothing in that action mandated that doctors must ask such questions of Medicare patients (or any other patients), however.

snopes.com: Medicare Requires Doctors to Ask Patients About Guns?

Nothing is being ‘reported,’ there is no ‘database,’ and guns are not going to be ‘confiscated.’

You and others on the right clearly have no shame; you’re such desperate partisan hacks you’ll contrive any lie for some perceived political gain.
Kind of like obamaturd telling everyone that they could keep their health insurance if they liked it for political gain. Idiots.
Obama Announces Gun Control Actions

The department proposed a rule to give certain entities covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act permission to submit to the background check system the “limited” information required to prevent people with mental illness from obtaining firearms

Which dept.?

The Department of Health and Human Services relaxed some privacy protections to help identify in the background check system those people who, under federal law, should be prohibited from owning a gun for mental health reasons.


The truth is NOBODY knows what powers have been granted.
WE??? commies didn't found this country. And being a liberal, you probably think it's Indian, so you're an indian? or are you a wasp? the most evil people to walk the earth according to your crazy ass leftwing beliefs, I cant wait for this one
My background is Liberal WASP, even owned slaves, like the Founders.

ok, that makes sense...so you still like having them on the plantation, nice!
When someone says "plantation" I know I'm talking with an ignorant right-wing child.
During my brothers recent physical exam during the turn your head and cough segment his
doctor asked him if he owned any guns.My brother was taken aback by this question and didn't answer right away.The doctor squeezed a little harder and asked the question again.My brother answered that he didn't own any...The doctor held on a bit longer and asked "are you sure"...My brother sweating and in a considerable amount of pain answered he was....The doctor finally released him and then said...

Tell your brother (meaning me) you made an appoint for him and I will see him next month...

If ANY doctor asks me if I own a gun, I will pull up my pant leg, unholster my little .22 semi-auto, and lay the gun down on the counter. Then I will invite the doctor over to my home to show him/her my entire gun collection.

Obama and his minions fail to understand that there are more firearms in the USA than there are people.

That equates to the USA having the world's LARGEST STANDING ARMY, and when the shit hits the fan, I would highly recommend that the anti-gun turds either duck or take cover.

Get a load of this number. In 2011 in just Michigan alone, there were 786,880 hunting licenses sold.

Assuming most these licenses were issued for firearms use, thats almost twice the number of soldiers in the US Army.

So yea, there will be an Army alright

Children will be asked if their parents own guns.
Interesting. So now children will be asked by the government to inform on their parents?

I haven't heard of that as an agenda item, since China in the 1960s. And before that, since Germany in the 1940s. Both those regimes practiced it. (How about the USSR?)

Interesting role models our present government is choosing.

But not unexpected, I guess.
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Children will be asked if their parents own guns.
Interesting. So now children will be asked by the government to inform on their parents?

I haven't heard of that as an agenda item, since China in the 1960s. And before that, since Germany in the 1940s. Both those regimes practiced it. (How about the USSR?)

Interestig role models our present government is choosing.

But not unexpected, I guess.
Having the NSA means you don't really have to ask. It's just an honesty test.
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Children will be asked if their parents own guns.
Interesting. So now children will be asked by the government to inform on their parents?

I haven't heard of that as an agenda item, since China in the 1960s. And before that, since Germany in the 1940s. Both those regimes practiced it. (How about the USSR?)

Interestig role models our present government is choosing.

But not unexpected, I guess.
Having the NSA means you don't really have to ask. It's just an honest test.

Thanks for the government-uber-alles viewpoint. :bowdown:
Interesting. So now children will be asked by the government to inform on their parents?

I haven't heard of that as an agenda item, since China in the 1960s. And before that, since Germany in the 1940s. Both those regimes practiced it. (How about the USSR?)

Interestig role models our present government is choosing.

But not unexpected, I guess.
Having the NSA means you don't really have to ask. It's just an honest test.

Thanks for the government-uber-alles viewpoint. :bowdown:
Actually that's just reality. Know your enemy.
Having the NSA means you don't really have to ask. It's just an honest test.

Thanks for the government-uber-alles viewpoint. :bowdown:
Actually that's just reality.

And for remindinng us that asking children to inform on their parents is "just reality" to your ilk.

Know your enemy.
And for reminding us that normal, law-abiding Americans are "your enemy". We'll keep it in mind, little housepainter.
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