Obama administration and Democrats Intentionally Facilitated Spread of Russian Intel Service (RIS) Propaganda & Used It In Their Failed Coup Attempt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...and referrals for more indictments are said to be coming because of the damning evidence just exposed last Friday with the release of new official documents.

Declassified US IG Report notes were released last Friday revealing the FBI did not have 'high confidence' in the validity of part of known Trump-hating foreign ex-spy Steele's 'Dossier'. Multiple reasons for them not to believe anything in the Dossier included:

1) The fact that Steele was being paid by Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, the Russians, and the FBI, and during an investigative interview Steele stated he did not believe he was not bound to any loyalty of service to the FBI because he was working for several others.

2) Steele testified he told the FBI he had no clue if any of the Dossier contents were true or not, that he had collected the information and that some of it had even come from Russian sources.

3) Steele to the Dept of State's Deputy Director during a meeting which led her to immediately notify the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI that Steele had lied, had expresses a personal goal of politically hurting the President by releasing his Dossier before the election, and that he was to be considered 'untrustworthy'.
-- Steele proved this by leaking excerpts of the debunked Dossier to the media, a violation of the contract he had signed with the FBI as conditions for working with them. (Interesting, the FBI - caught leaking information like a screen door on a submarine - cut OFFICIAL ties with Steele for leaking. Other official evidence, however, shows Steele continued to work with the FBI, Ohr, and even Mueller on the Dossier BEFORE an official investigation had been opened and before a Special Counsel had even been appointed)

The declassified US IG Report notes makes it clear the FBI ASSESSED parts of the 'Dossier' as 'part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate US foreign relations'.

- RESTATEMENT: The FBI officially identified part of the Dossier Steele was peddling as part Russian Counter-Intelligence Propaganda pushed by the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS).

"According to a document circulated among Crossfire Hurricane team members and supervisors in early October 2016, Person 1[Sergei Millian] had historical contact with persons and entities suspected of being linked to RIS [Russian intelligence]. The document described reporting [REDACTED] that Person 1 'was rumored to be a former KGB/SVR officer.' In addition, in late December 2016, Department Attorney Bruce Ohr told SSA 1 [FBI Agent Joe Pietnka] that he had met with Glenn Simpson and that Simpson had assessed that Person 1 was a RIS officer who was central in connecting Trump to Russia."

The story that Russian-Secret-Agent-Trump-paid-hookers-to-pee-on-a-bed and other fairy tales was known as false before then former FBI chief James Comey ever "briefed" Trump on it."

'Furthermore, the "briefing" over time has taken on the patina of extortion. Comey claims it was a defensive briefing.'

Reports show that during an interview FBI Agent Baker stated he and other FBI officials were worried when then FBI Director Comey made the decision to brief President Trump on the existence of the Dossier and its contents (already assessed to not only be false but to be official RIS propaganda). Why would you tell the President of the United States that he is NOT being investigated and then tell him a Dossier containing damning accusations exists.....while failing to mention that these accusations have already been debunked / assessed as part of Russian Counter-Intelligence Propaganda? Baker testified he and other FBI agents were worried Comey was threatening / considering extortion of the President.


BREAKING: FBI Knew Before Mueller Probe That Hillary's Steele Dossier Was Russian Disinformation (Cont)

Comey penned his own memoirs and then leaked parts to the MSM (CNN), who went public with it - "so the network would have a "news peg" on which to hang the mention of the far fetched "pee tape" tale. Three days later, CNN "broke" the hand-delivered and false "story." CNN won an award for its coverage."

The former Director of the FBI tactically leaked / spread KNOWN / VERIFIED Russian Intelligence Service propaganda in a coordinated move against the President of the United States with the intent of using the lies to weaponize public opposition to the President and manipulate Congress into mandating an investigation by a Special Counsel led by former Obama FBI Director Robert Mueller, who had already been working with Steele and Oher before the official investigation was announced and before Mueller was ever appointed Special Counsel:

Comey, Andrew McCabe, FBI attorney James Baker and company knew the information was false and Russian disinformation, but they used it anyway to get secret FISA warrants, set-up the Mueller investigation and mire Trump in the sludgy muck of the DC swamp.
There is your illegal Russian Collusion.

The FBI paid and worked with a known Trump-hating biased foreign ex-spy who was working for and being paid by Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS (who Mueller claimed he had never heard of when he testified under oath before Congress) and either Russian Intelligence Service operatives or those associated with the RIS who passed along their assessed propaganda to Steel, who then gave it to the FBI. The FBI KNEW all of this, that Steele was a liar and, through his actions, a Russian operative, who openly declared in his interview that - despite continuing to work unofficially with the FBII - he felt no loyalty of service to the FBI because he had other employers paying him.

The EVIDENCE PROVES the FBI then knowingly, intentionally - by THEIR actions - worked with / facilitated Russian efforts to create mistrust / division in the US by leaking and using assessed DIS propaganda in a coordinated effort to illegally spy on Trump and his team with the distinct objectives of either manipulating a US election to manufacture the results they wanted (a Trump loss / Hillary win) and, if failing to do so, to affect a political coup to remove the newly elected President of the United States.

Every collaborator, every participant - no matter who they are or how powerful they are / were - should not only be indicted, charged, convicted, and sent to prison for a long time, they should be sent to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility, Cuba where America's traitors, enemies, and terrorists are being held.

BREAKING: FBI Knew Before Mueller Probe That Hillary's Steele Dossier Was Russian Disinformation (Cont)

Comey penned his own memoirs and then leaked parts to the MSM (CNN), who went public with it - "so the network would have a "news peg" on which to hang the mention of the far fetched "pee tape" tale. Three days later, CNN "broke" the hand-delivered and false "story." CNN won an award for its coverage."

The former Director of the FBI tactically leaked / spread KNOWN / VERIFIED Russian Intelligence Service propaganda in a coordinated move against the President of the United States with the intent of using the lies to weaponize public opposition to the President and manipulate Congress into mandating an investigation by a Special Counsel led by former Obama FBI Director Robert Mueller, who had already been working with Steele and Oher before the official investigation was announced and before Mueller was ever appointed Special Counsel:

Comey, Andrew McCabe, FBI attorney James Baker and company knew the information was false and Russian disinformation, but they used it anyway to get secret FISA warrants, set-up the Mueller investigation and mire Trump in the sludgy muck of the DC swamp.

And I wake up to more right wing fantasy. I tell you, it's getting kind of desperate and also, a little sad. The almost frantic attempt to throw any piece of poo against the wall to try and deflect from the fact that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are destined for the wastebin of history. But onward. I really want to know who has that pee pee footage. I'll bet it's priceless.

A few things,

1) The Steele Dossier (which has been largely verified) was initially started by the never-Trump crowd. Opposition research. Deal with it.
2) Robert Mueller served two administrations (Bush Jr and Obama) and is a lifelong Republican.
3) Seriously, linking an alt-right rag that cites Devin Nunes (Trump's personal fluffer) as having any credibility whatsoever is to be immediately dismissed.

Bottom line. Trump and his campaign did these things they are accused of. No amount of deflection will change that.
They were doing this all the while a deadly virus was being born in Wuhan China.
Trump briefly acknowledges that Russia aided his election — and falsely says he didn’t help the effort

"For years, Trump has regularly denied that Russia was involved in the effort to interfere in the election and he’s certainly never acknowledged the intelligence community’s assessment that it did so in order to boost his own chances. At times, he’s implied that Russian President Vladimir Putin would have been happier if Hillary Clinton had won, though Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win during a news conference in Helsinki last year.

That phrase — “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected” — is therefore significant. So significant, in fact, that when Trump spoke to reporters a few minutes later, he denied that Russia had, in fact, boosted his campaign. (He also again claimed that Russia wanted Clinton to win.)
He was right the first time: Russia did boost his election. But he was wrong when he said he had nothing to do with it."
When Hillary, Barack and almost the entire DOJ fabricated information to incriminate Trump, that was the insurance policy they talked about. The Obama administration was the most corrupt ever. They're all still hiding behind corrupt bureaucrats who will continue to lie and cover up for them. And what is old jug ears doing while the USA fights for its life? Well he's still bitching that Dreamers, even though his EO was unconstitutional, should be legal. That Muslim was the worst President ever and he's still an anti American asshole.
When Hillary, Barack and almost the entire DOJ fabricated information to incriminate Trump, that was the insurance policy they talked about. The Obama administration was the most corrupt ever. They're all still hiding behind corrupt bureaucrats who will continue to lie and cover up for them. And what is old jug ears doing while the USA fights for its life? Well he's still bitching that Dreamers, even though his EO was unconstitutional, should be legal. That Muslim was the worst President ever and he's still an anti American asshole.

They tell them what they are going to do--------- but when you are to low on the IQ comprehension charts it gets past most ppl don't know what their words are really saying. they word stuff in such a way the average American today is an idiot who can't gain that ability. They lost it in ways again the average dumb ass can't understand from the food we eat the feds gawd u name it...

The enslavement has started now they meet resistance ..... ppl are waking up to their tyrannical bs!! Fabricated to enslave us alll. HUNGER GAMES.

by claiming what they do they can then FORCE the VACCINE bs because ppl are so freaked out about it all.

EXAMPLE of power grab from fear.
1) The Steele Dossier (which has been largely verified) was initially started by the never-Trump crowd. Opposition research. Deal with it.
2) Robert Mueller served two administrations (Bush Jr and Obama) and is a lifelong Republican.
3) Seriously, linking an alt-right rag that cites Devin Nunes (Trump's personal fluffer) as having any credibility whatsoever is to be immediately dismissed.

Bottom line. Trump and his campaign did these things they are accused of. No amount of deflection will change that.



Obviously NOT because the official, verified, certified government document just shredded all of your unsubstantiated, made-up, false claims.



It's true - you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him DRINK, and you can lead a butt-hurt, Trump-hating, TDS-suffering, reality-denying snowflake to certified, verified, official US govt evidence but you can't make them THINK / accept it.

When Hillary, Barack and almost the entire DOJ fabricated information to incriminate Trump, that was the insurance policy they talked about. The Obama administration was the most corrupt ever. They're all still hiding behind corrupt bureaucrats who will continue to lie and cover up for them. And what is old jug ears doing while the USA fights for its life? Well he's still bitching that Dreamers, even though his EO was unconstitutional, should be legal. That Muslim was the worst President ever and he's still an anti American asshole.

LOL. Obama Derangement Syndrome rages 3+ years after he left the Oval Office. Let me correct this for you. Obama ran the cleanest administration in my lifetime. 8 years. No grand juries convened, no indictments handed down, no prison sentences given. This despite all the bullshit phony scandals and conspiracy theory laden manure that the right wing media could think up to throw against the wall. And nothing stuck.

When I see posts like this, it puts a smile on my face. Because I know it chaps right wing ass. Barack Obama will be remembered as a good president. And there is nothing you or the rest of your ilk can do to change that.
Trump briefly acknowledges that Russia aided his election — and falsely says he didn’t help the effort

"For years, Trump has regularly denied that Russia was involved in the effort to interfere in the election and he’s certainly never acknowledged the intelligence community’s assessment that it did so in order to boost his own chances. At times, he’s implied that Russian President Vladimir Putin would have been happier if Hillary Clinton had won, though Putin himself said he wanted Trump to win during a news conference in Helsinki last year.

That phrase — “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected” — is therefore significant. So significant, in fact, that when Trump spoke to reporters a few minutes later, he denied that Russia had, in fact, boosted his campaign. (He also again claimed that Russia wanted Clinton to win.)
He was right the first time: Russia did boost his election. But he was wrong when he said he had nothing to do with it."

'AND SAYS HE DID NOT HELP IN THE EFFORT' - YOU added the partsan 'falsely' because you still can't accept the Weismann-Mueller report findings which stated no finding of illegal Russian collusion.


LOL. Obama Derangement Syndrome rages 3+ years after he left the Oval Office. Let me correct this for you....

No thank you. We have endured enough of your own personal, unsubstantiated, opinionated rantings day in and day out - never posting anything substantive to back up the debunked TDS-conspiracy lunacy. We prefer to stick to the documented, verified, certified existing EVIDENCE.

A snowflake telling you, 'Let me correct this for you...' is about equivalent to a Lemming saying, 'Follow me - I know the way' as he plunges over the cliff.

LOL. Obama Derangement Syndrome rages 3+ years after he left the Oval Office. Let me correct this for you....

No thank you. We have endured enough of your own personal, unsubstantiated, opinionated rantings day in and day out - never posting anything substantive to back up the debunked TDS-conspiracy lunacy. We prefer to stick to the documented, verified, certified existing EVIDENCE.

A snowflake telling you, 'Let me correct this for you...' is about equivalent to a Lemming saying, 'Follow me - I know the way' as he plunges over the cliff.


What you are sticking to is alt-right conspiracy theory laden garbage. And you don't like getting called out on it.
There is NO EVIDENCE to support any of your rantings. Just wet dream fantasies. :)
What you are sticking to is alt-right conspiracy theory laden garbage.

Why do you continue to refer to the US IG Report as 'alt-right conspiracy theory', lil' butt-hurt, TDS-suffering snowflake?


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