Obama Administration Blocks Virginia’s Off-Shore Drilling Plans


VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
I love how greentards love to increase what we pay at the pump. I am not against alternative energy, but find one that works and in the meantime we need oil.

Newly sworn-in Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s pledge to make the state the “energy capital of the East Coast” has run into a roadblock as the Obama administration has announced it will block Virginia’s plans for offshore oil and natural gas production until at least 2012.

Virginians Support Production
McDonnell, who highlighted the importance of offshore energy exploration during his successful run for governor last year, was eager to get drilling underway as soon as possible. In a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in late December, McDonnell urged the department to lease tracts off the Virginia coast for oil and gas drilling in accordance with a five-year plan devised by the Bush administration. The lease sale would be the first off the Atlantic coast since 1983.

“Any effort to remove or delay Virginia’s participation in the lease sale would significantly hamper our efforts to create jobs [and would] eliminate much-needed new revenue and undermine support for President Obama’s commitment to make the United States more energy secure,’ McDonnell wrote.

Interior Department Delaying
Interior’s Mineral Management Service (MMS), which has jurisdiction over offshore drilling, wants to submit the plan to further review, delaying lease sales until 2012 at the earliest. An estimated 130 million barrels of oil and one trillion cubic feet of natural gas are thought to be within the proposed 2.9 million-acre drilling site located 50 miles from the Virginia coast.

McDonnell’s quest to make Virginia a leader in energy production enjoys bipartisan support in the state legislature. The General Assembly approved a pro-drilling resolution on February 8 by an overwhelming 69-28 vote.

Salazar has also applied the brakes to many more energy production projects outside Virginia.

‘Most Anti-Energy Policy’
He is delaying a 2008 plan to begin development of rich deposits of oil shale in roughly 2 million acres of federal land in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Last fall he announced new environmental requirements would have to be met before full-scale oil shale development could get underway. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the area contains enough oil to displace all foreign oil imports for several centuries.

“Taking steps to increase the supply of affordable domestic energy ought to be a no-brainer, but this administration’s policy is to do just the opposite,” said Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.

“This administration has reduced on-shore and offshore drilling for oil and natural gas to levels well below that of both the Bush and the Clinton administrations,” Lieberman explained.

“This is easily the most anti-energy policy since the Carter administration, and that’s not even taking into account President Obama’s support for cap and trade—a multitrillion-dollar energy tax that would kill at least a million jobs. What our struggling economy really needs is a truly pro-energy policy that expands supplies, lowers prices, and creates tens of thousands of high-paying energy industry jobs,” said Lieberman.....

heartland.org / environment
How about you actually let the private sector creat jobs for once? I mean it's not like we are in a recession or anything.
How about you actually let the private sector creat jobs for once? I mean it's not like we are in a recession or anything.

The only time this administration is for Nuclear Power plants & off-shore drilling is when Obama is on the campaign trail. Here we are--still stimulating foreign countries--while buying all of our energy from them--& we can't do it ourselves--because of this administration.

Not 1 single penny in the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill for a nuclear power plant.

Anything that will help us, they block, while they waste time and effort on things we don't want or care about, like the giant ripoff known as 'barrycare.'
It's a shame. To have so many vast resources to use and just let them lay where they are.
I love how greentards love to increase what we pay at the pump. I am not against alternative energy, but find one that works and in the meantime we need oil.

Newly sworn-in Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s pledge to make the state the “energy capital of the East Coast” has run into a roadblock as the Obama administration has announced it will block Virginia’s plans for offshore oil and natural gas production until at least 2012.

Virginians Support Production
McDonnell, who highlighted the importance of offshore energy exploration during his successful run for governor last year, was eager to get drilling underway as soon as possible. In a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in late December, McDonnell urged the department to lease tracts off the Virginia coast for oil and gas drilling in accordance with a five-year plan devised by the Bush administration. The lease sale would be the first off the Atlantic coast since 1983.

“Any effort to remove or delay Virginia’s participation in the lease sale would significantly hamper our efforts to create jobs [and would] eliminate much-needed new revenue and undermine support for President Obama’s commitment to make the United States more energy secure,’ McDonnell wrote.

Interior Department Delaying
Interior’s Mineral Management Service (MMS), which has jurisdiction over offshore drilling, wants to submit the plan to further review, delaying lease sales until 2012 at the earliest. An estimated 130 million barrels of oil and one trillion cubic feet of natural gas are thought to be within the proposed 2.9 million-acre drilling site located 50 miles from the Virginia coast.

McDonnell’s quest to make Virginia a leader in energy production enjoys bipartisan support in the state legislature. The General Assembly approved a pro-drilling resolution on February 8 by an overwhelming 69-28 vote.

Salazar has also applied the brakes to many more energy production projects outside Virginia.

‘Most Anti-Energy Policy’
He is delaying a 2008 plan to begin development of rich deposits of oil shale in roughly 2 million acres of federal land in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Last fall he announced new environmental requirements would have to be met before full-scale oil shale development could get underway. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the area contains enough oil to displace all foreign oil imports for several centuries.

“Taking steps to increase the supply of affordable domestic energy ought to be a no-brainer, but this administration’s policy is to do just the opposite,” said Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.

“This administration has reduced on-shore and offshore drilling for oil and natural gas to levels well below that of both the Bush and the Clinton administrations,” Lieberman explained.

“This is easily the most anti-energy policy since the Carter administration, and that’s not even taking into account President Obama’s support for cap and trade—a multitrillion-dollar energy tax that would kill at least a million jobs. What our struggling economy really needs is a truly pro-energy policy that expands supplies, lowers prices, and creates tens of thousands of high-paying energy industry jobs,” said Lieberman.....

heartland.org / environment



WTF other reason would this MONUMENTAL FRAUD keep America dependent on our enemies oil ?????????

Am I missing something on this issue ????

If so, let me know.
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Where does the Gov of VA stand on the Uranium mining quandry going on in VA?
So how's everyone enjoying their addiction to the drug that is oil? :eusa_think:
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I dunno, here in KY the drillers ars busy and probably won't get around to drilling on my place for another year.
I guess those off shore rig hands will just have to stand in the unemployment line along with the other 10% of Americans....

It's a shame really.

I love how greentards love to increase what we pay at the pump. I am not against alternative energy, but find one that works and in the meantime we need oil.

Newly sworn-in Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell’s pledge to make the state the “energy capital of the East Coast” has run into a roadblock as the Obama administration has announced it will block Virginia’s plans for offshore oil and natural gas production until at least 2012.

Virginians Support Production
McDonnell, who highlighted the importance of offshore energy exploration during his successful run for governor last year, was eager to get drilling underway as soon as possible. In a letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar in late December, McDonnell urged the department to lease tracts off the Virginia coast for oil and gas drilling in accordance with a five-year plan devised by the Bush administration. The lease sale would be the first off the Atlantic coast since 1983.

“Any effort to remove or delay Virginia’s participation in the lease sale would significantly hamper our efforts to create jobs [and would] eliminate much-needed new revenue and undermine support for President Obama’s commitment to make the United States more energy secure,’ McDonnell wrote.

Interior Department Delaying
Interior’s Mineral Management Service (MMS), which has jurisdiction over offshore drilling, wants to submit the plan to further review, delaying lease sales until 2012 at the earliest. An estimated 130 million barrels of oil and one trillion cubic feet of natural gas are thought to be within the proposed 2.9 million-acre drilling site located 50 miles from the Virginia coast.

McDonnell’s quest to make Virginia a leader in energy production enjoys bipartisan support in the state legislature. The General Assembly approved a pro-drilling resolution on February 8 by an overwhelming 69-28 vote.

Salazar has also applied the brakes to many more energy production projects outside Virginia.

‘Most Anti-Energy Policy’
He is delaying a 2008 plan to begin development of rich deposits of oil shale in roughly 2 million acres of federal land in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado. Last fall he announced new environmental requirements would have to be met before full-scale oil shale development could get underway. The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates the area contains enough oil to displace all foreign oil imports for several centuries.

“Taking steps to increase the supply of affordable domestic energy ought to be a no-brainer, but this administration’s policy is to do just the opposite,” said Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.

“This administration has reduced on-shore and offshore drilling for oil and natural gas to levels well below that of both the Bush and the Clinton administrations,” Lieberman explained.

“This is easily the most anti-energy policy since the Carter administration, and that’s not even taking into account President Obama’s support for cap and trade—a multitrillion-dollar energy tax that would kill at least a million jobs. What our struggling economy really needs is a truly pro-energy policy that expands supplies, lowers prices, and creates tens of thousands of high-paying energy industry jobs,” said Lieberman.....

heartland.org / environment



WTF other reason would this MONUMENTAL FRAUD keep America dependent on our enemies oil ?????????

Am I missing something on this issue ????

If so, let me know

Allow me.

Imagine if the US government were actually in the oil business. Imagine the conservatives ""howling" that big government is nationalizing oil. They would be in the street rioting. But they aren't. So we can put that scenario to bed.

What actually happens is the US government LEASES the land to oil companies then they drill and refine any oil they find. It belongs to them. It's not "ours". It goes on the open market and we compete with everyone else for that oil.

If the price starts to fall, they hold back until the price goes back up. Perfectly legal. It's why OPECs price so closely matched "supply and demand".

Better would be to invest in nuclear and other types of energy that would actually compete against the oil companies.

The bottom line is that offshore oil drilling doesn't help because the oil found is NOT ours, it's theirs (meaning the oil companies who lease the land).

Republicans have been trying to push this since the last election and it doesn't make a lick of sense. Once it's explained, they go "Oh!" and move on.
Saying black crack is sure to make the Bass come a runnin.

He's too busy considering running for his old office to worry about me. :lol:

But I suppose I'll reword it as to not hear him complain.
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How about you actually let the private sector creat jobs for once? I mean it's not like we are in a recession or anything.

The only time this administration is for Nuclear Power plants & off-shore drilling is when Obama is on the campaign trail. Here we are--still stimulating foreign countries--while buying all of our energy from them--& we can't do it ourselves--because of this administration.

Not 1 single penny in the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill for a nuclear power plant.

View attachment 9747

You know what's really funny? Any nuclear power plants would have to be built by mostly Democrats because so few Republicans earn degrees in science. Isn't that funny?

Funny, when you explain how these things work, Republican stop talking.
How about you actually let the private sector creat jobs for once? I mean it's not like we are in a recession or anything.

The only time this administration is for Nuclear Power plants & off-shore drilling is when Obama is on the campaign trail. Here we are--still stimulating foreign countries--while buying all of our energy from them--& we can't do it ourselves--because of this administration.

Not 1 single penny in the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill for a nuclear power plant.

View attachment 9747

You know what's really funny? Any nuclear power plants would have to be built by mostly Democrats because so few Republicans earn degrees in science. Isn't that funny?


LOL...i don't know many construction workers with science degrees...well, except for those that can't find science related jobs and are having to scrounge whatever work they can get their hands on.

Now, IF you meant to say DESIGN instead of BUILD, I know a HELL OF A LOT of good ol' southern fried, down home, republican by birth, drafting engineers who can draw the hell out of a blue print.

I THINK you meant to say OPERATE, in which case, there'll be a WHOLE SHITLOAD of asians involved. Because most of the democrats I know got law degrees, business degrees or some poli-sci bullshit degree. They don't know which end of the uranium atom to split from.

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