Obama Administration: Death by a thousand cuts


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Fast and Furious, Ben Ghazi, IRS, AP and Fox News, Holder's many instances of purgery and false testimony, and now the latest cut is secretly spying on millions of Americans using Verizon phone records. Their biggest mistake was the AP scandal, they bit media hand that fed them, lied for them, got them re elected, and kept them in power. Now the rug is being pulled out from underneath them.

How's that hopey changey thing going now? LOL
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Is going perfectly---they're getting away with everything up to and including gloating about it.
Won't last long. The media stick together, its an us verses them mentality. They're going to use the Obama administration as an example to teach the politicians to never fuck with the media again. How do you think all these scandals on a daily basis are coming to light? They have so much dirt on the Obama administration that they've kept the lid on all these years. This is just the beginning.
Olde School....win or come home on your shield.

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Is going perfectly---they're getting away with everything up to and including gloating about it.
Won't last long. The media stick together, its an us verses them mentality. They're going to use the Obama administration as an example to teach the politicians to never fuck with the media again. How do you think all these scandals on a daily basis are coming to light? They have so much dirt on the Obama administration that they've kept the lid on all these years. This is just the beginning.

The beginning has lasted to long already. American's have lost the power to do anything.
No one gives a crap about any of your so called scandals. The presidents ratings are unafected and with all your bullshit you still lost the election.

Starting the day with a prayer and ending with a probe aint cuttin it. You right wing nut cases are chasing away women, latinos, blacks and the youth. good luck in the next election you tool.
This White House of cards is crumbling right before our very eyes.
Is going perfectly---they're getting away with everything up to and including gloating about it.
Won't last long. The media stick together, its an us verses them mentality. They're going to use the Obama administration as an example to teach the politicians to never fuck with the media again. How do you think all these scandals on a daily basis are coming to light? They have so much dirt on the Obama administration that they've kept the lid on all these years. This is just the beginning.

The beginning has lasted to long already. American's have lost the power to do anything.
Do you think the AP and their brethren in the media aren't going to take revenge on the Obama administration for what they did? I don't think they love this president and his cronies more than they love their own skin. They will make sure this never happens again.
No one gives a crap about any of your so called scandals. The presidents ratings are unafected and with all your bullshit you still lost the election.

Starting the day with a prayer and ending with a probe aint cuttin it. You right wing nut cases are chasing away women, latinos, blacks and the youth. good luck in the next election you tool.
This White House of cards is crumbling right before our very eyes.

Yes, and that is what worries me. When a dangerous leader is exposed on this level one must question what he will be willing to do in order to stay in power. In Obamas' case he will keep Holder ( his queen on chess board ) and most likely make a very aggressive move against the right soon here.

If the counter move by the Republicans is equally agressive or greater in aggression I'd expect the entire thing could explode into a huge battle with HLS involved, possible martial law - a real internal upheaval that would leave us wide open to our enemies blindsiding us with an attack.

With the latest news of cyber attacks, Russians already have our missile defense technology Obama gave them - even reports of possibility we could not respond in event of nuclear attack - this is not the time to be in a chaotic state. IMO. Good to see you on board. - Jeri
Yes, and that is what worries me. When a dangerous leader is exposed on this level one must question what he will be willing to do in order to stay in power. In Obamas' case he will keep Holder ( his queen on chess board ) and most likely make a very aggressive move against the right soon here.

If the counter move by the Republicans is equally agressive or greater in aggression I'd expect the entire thing could explode into a huge battle with HLS involved, possible martial law - a real internal upheaval that would leave us wide open to our enemies blindsiding us with an attack.

With the latest news of cyber attacks, Russians already have our missile defense technology Obama gave them - even reports of possibility we could not respond in event of nuclear attack - this is not the time to be in a chaotic state. IMO. Good to see you on board. - Jeri

We saw that Valerie Jarret and Hillary ran the bin-Laden takedown.....Obama was scared shitless it would fail and ruin his presidency.....he was sidelined during the operation but hustled out in front of the cameras to tell the world, and other al-Qaida hotshots, what HE had done.....then the pusy demanded to know whcih SEAL had fired the fatal rounds.....they wouldn't tell him. I doubt very much if he would respond to a nuclear strike on our Homeland.....he'd crawl out of his bunker and beg the chinese or russians to negotiate an end to the attack and offer them Alaska or something......God willing we'll get through the next 3 1/2 years without somebody lobbing ICBMs at us.
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No one gives a crap about any of your so called scandals. The presidents ratings are unafected and with all your bullshit you still lost the election.

Starting the day with a prayer and ending with a probe aint cuttin it. You right wing nut cases are chasing away women, latinos, blacks and the youth. good luck in the next election you tool.
This White House of cards is crumbling right before our very eyes.

Yes, and that is what worries me. When a dangerous leader is exposed on this level one must question what he will be willing to do in order to stay in power. In Obamas' case he will keep Holder ( his queen on chess board ) and most likely make a very aggressive move against the right soon here.

If the counter move by the Republicans is equally agressive or greater in aggression I'd expect the entire thing could explode into a huge battle with HLS involved, possible martial law - a real internal upheaval that would leave us wide open to our enemies blindsiding us with an attack.

With the latest news of cyber attacks, Russians already have our missile defense technology Obama gave them - even reports of possibility we could not respond in event of nuclear attack - this is not the time to be in a chaotic state. IMO. Good to see you on board. - Jeri
You're right. Gullible Americans elected him, and then re elected him. The warnings were all there from the beginning that Obama is a radical who wants to "transform" America. Reverend Wright, his associations with terrorists and other radicals, etc...they were all ignored. Even Ben Ghazi which happened before the 2012 election, was ignored. Had the media not given him cover for his bold faced treasonous lies to the American people, no president would have the chance to get re elected under those circumstances. And it didn't help to have an incompetent Romney with the horrible advisers he had around him, that had conceded foreign policy to Obama.
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The thing is he is moving so fast he has taken the country off the rails here and our enemies are taking notice. It is a very bad message to be sending at this point and time. imo. - Jeri
The thing is he is moving so fast he has taken the country off the rails here and our enemies are taking notice. It is a very bad message to be sending at this point and time. imo. - Jeri
It's a question of whether the people will be able to slow him down enough until the mid terms and the next presidential election or not. I doubt he will be impeached and it's not good for the country either, might lead to a racial civil war.
Death by half a dozen pin pricks... Riiiiiiiight.
This drip drip bleeding will continue throughout the mid term elections and beyond. There is so much that has not been uncovered yet. Do you think that the cases that are being exposed now are just isolated cases, or business as usual for the arrogant illegal way this administration runs it's affairs?
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No one gives a crap about any of your so called scandals. The presidents ratings are unafected and with all your bullshit you still lost the election.

Starting the day with a prayer and ending with a probe aint cuttin it. You right wing nut cases are chasing away women, latinos, blacks and the youth. good luck in the next election you tool.

In America, madam, the pendulum swings. All those lies the LeftWingNuts tell people to scare them? They'll get it after paying their vacations away in taxes for Obamacare. And that will never go away except by people wishing things were the way they used to be, only instead of going back to that, they may be like Europe where people are given a small percentage of their paychecks while the fat cats in their respective capitols party hard.

You will see it in your lifetime unless the pendulum swings back. It could in a free society. It may not be a free society when Obama's mover shows up to take him back to Chicago.
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Death by half a dozen pin pricks... Riiiiiiiight.

Goodbye FirstAmendment 10 Commandments at court houses all over the states

Goodbye privacy to secret phone, mail, and aerial viewing by Bureaucrats with time on their hands, curiousity, and carte blanche from the Congress. When caught, they can follow First Lady Clinton's "I forget" method or "Oh, I did make a mistake. I'm sorry," and get away with it.

Goodbye First and Second Amendments with expulsion of public school children for merely saying the word, "gun."

This country is daily sinking into dictatorship, and the leftist press is not reporting it, making people wonder why they are representing the growth of government for government's sake, and not the people of the United States of America as journalists traditionally used to represent.

There are a thousand cuts in Obama care. In fact, there are over 2,500 cuts, page by page, now that we're able to read it since it was shoved through by Nancy Pelosi with threats and punishments given out to those who didn't cow tow right away.
Death by half a dozen pin pricks... Riiiiiiiight.

Goodbye FirstAmendment 10 Commandments at court houses all over the states

Goodbye privacy to secret phone, mail, and aerial viewing by Bureaucrats with time on their hands, curiousity, and carte blanche from the Congress. When caught, they can follow First Lady Clinton's "I forget" method or "Oh, I did make a mistake. I'm sorry," and get away with it.

Goodbye First and Second Amendments with expulsion of public school children for merely saying the word, "gun."

This country is daily sinking into dictatorship, and the leftist press is not reporting it, making people wonder why they are representing the growth of government for government's sake, and not the people of the United States of America as journalists traditionally used to represent.

There are a thousand cuts in Obama care. In fact, there are over 2,500 cuts, page by page, now that we're able to read it since it was shoved through by Nancy Pelosi with threats and punishments given out to those who didn't cow tow right away.
The govt. is now a unionised behemoth that feeds on itself by voting for representatives that make it grow, thinking that there will be more hiring of govt workers (Democrat foot soldiers), better benefits and ability to rig more elections. Eventually after they're done sucking the blood of the American tax payer, the socialist balloon will explode and go bankrupt as we are witnessing in Europe now.
No one gives a crap about any of your so called scandals. The presidents ratings are unafected and with all your bullshit you still lost the election.

Starting the day with a prayer and ending with a probe aint cuttin it. You right wing nut cases are chasing away women, latinos, blacks and the youth. good luck in the next election you tool.
This White House of cards is crumbling right before our very eyes.

Yes, and that is what worries me. When a dangerous leader is exposed on this level one must question what he will be willing to do in order to stay in power. In Obamas' case he will keep Holder ( his queen on chess board ) and most likely make a very aggressive move against the right soon here.

If the counter move by the Republicans is equally agressive or greater in aggression I'd expect the entire thing could explode into a huge battle with HLS involved, possible martial law - a real internal upheaval that would leave us wide open to our enemies blindsiding us with an attack.

With the latest news of cyber attacks, Russians already have our missile defense technology Obama gave them - even reports of possibility we could not respond in event of nuclear attack - this is not the time to be in a chaotic state. IMO. Good to see you on board. - Jeri

Counter move by the republicans ? You think that might actually happen ? Do they remember how to perform a "counter move". ( and no McCain doesn't count )

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