Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

Basically when you look at the author, you can usually tell if it's going to be a pack of lies. The author of the OP has a very casual relationship with being truthful. Not sure what Billy's problem is.

then tell me is Pepsi profiting of the remains of a dead fetus yes or no? you do know the reason it is against the law to sell organs don't you? so why isn't it against the law to do the same of selling a fetus

Who is "selling a fetus"?

He said it was against the law, he did NOT say anyone was actually doing it, Einstein.

A remedial reading course I am sure is available at your local community college.
then tell me is Pepsi profiting of the remains of a dead fetus yes or no? you do know the reason it is against the law to sell organs don't you? so why isn't it against the law to do the same of selling a fetus

Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi is buying flavoring that is generated in part from a line of cells that trace back to aborted human fetuses.

The libtards think that because it has been an actively used line of cells for umpteen generations over the course of 40 years that that somehow magically makes these cells no longer human.

I keep axing them why they that is true, but they don't seem able to give an answer that makes any sense.

But then, we are dealing with libtards.
Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

snopes.com: Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?

To non-scientists this may sound a bit strange, but the reality is that HEK 293 cells are widely used in pharmaceutical research, helping scientists create vaccines as well as drugs like those for rheumatoid arthritis. The difference here is that Senomyx's work for Pepsi is one of the first times the cells have (potentially) been used to create a food or beverage. (And it's important to note that no part of a human kidney cell are ever a part of Senomyx's taste enhancers or any finished food products.)

For Debi Vinnedge, who runs the anti-abortion group Children of God for Life, that doesn't matter. "It's the eeew factor. It strikes a really strong reaction in people," she said in an interview.

Even though HEK 293 cells trace their origin to a single fetal kidney back in the 1970s — everything since has come from cultured cell lines — Vinnedge considers their use unethical because it indirectly creates a market for aborted fetuses and encourages scientists to hunt for new embryonic cell lines. She argues that Senomyx could use other, non-fetus-based cell lines, such as those from animals. ...

Though Rosenberg states there is nothing on the company website linking Senomyx with HEK293, a little Googling turned up a patent issued in 2008 for "Recombinant Methods for Expressing a Functional Sweet Taste Receptor," in which a line item mentions HEK293.
And Melanie Warner wrote for CBS News that:
Is this claim true? Neither Pepsi nor Senomyx returned calls, so we don't know the companies' side of the story. But a perusal of Senomyx's patents suggests that it may well be. All but 7 of the company's 77 patents refer to the use of HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney) cells, which researchers have used for decades as biological workhorses. ..

Senomyx has not yet responded to our request for information.

So Senomyx admits to using the human cells for testing for response to flavorings, but wont answer any questions for more details.

Sounds like a cover-up, lol.

Meanwhile Pepsi took a change in tack:

Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not “conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties — that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.” Boykas also assured Vinnedge that “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” -

I.e. 'We didn't do it, but we will stop...for now'

roflmao, libtards are so fucking hilarious.
How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers

HEK cells are also widely used within pharmaceutical and cell biology research for the same or similar reasons. It is however the first time HEK cells have been used in the food industry, which carries a certain “ick” factor for many. There’s also the issue of just not knowing how these new flavors are created. As stated in another CBS news report:13

“So what exactly is this magic ingredient that will be appearing in a new version of Pepsi, and how is it made? Unfortunately, those questions are hard to answer. Senomyx... refers to them only as 'enhancers' or 'ingredients'... The products work by triggering receptors on the tongue and tricking your taste buds into sensing sweetness — or saltiness or coolness, in the case of the company's other programs...

So are Senomyx's covert ingredients safe? That, too, is anyone's guess... many of its enhancers have 'been granted' GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, but all that means is that the company did its own assessment and then concluded everything was fine. We don't know whether Senomyx did any testing since the company isn't required to submit anything to the FDA.14

There's no reason to think that Senomyx's products will cause harm, but until or unless Pepsi decides to share details about how exactly it's achieving a 60 percent reduction in sugar while keeping the taste the same, customers will be drinking their 'scientifically advantaged' sodas completely in the dark.”

Good thing for Pepsi that libtards love being in the dark, lol.
so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

"Yeah but..."

I'm just getting you ready for the learned response from the peanut gallery.

That you are unfamiliar with because you don't read them, but you magically know that they are invalid and nuttery?

roflmao, libtards are the proof that Western civilization is dead and rotting.
There is no doubt that the food industry uses artificial flavors for food flavoring and other things, and that some of these chemicals are grown in cells that at one time way, way back were take from human fetuses.

My question; how many generations of cell culturing is required to make these cells no longer human?

Simple question, so simple even a libtard could understand it.

So why not one answer yet?

We've developed a lot of things, we humans. What we haven't developed is words sufficient to describe the depth of your abject moronity.

You don't have the slightest idea what's going on with that research that Pepsi doesn't use anyway. Nothing is developed from the stem cells. Nothing. If anything they would be used to monitor how this or that synthetic chemical compound would cause it to react; those results were then used to further develop or discard each compound, depending on the results. The chemical compounds themselves would be completely unrelated to the cells in question. They're completely an outside entity.

Amazing what you can learn when you actually read the material.

Perhaps what they should be developing is a brain enhancer.

Lol, NONE OF IT WAS DEVELOPED BY PEPSI, you fucking fraud.

Jeez Looeeez, Pogo the serial liar has just castigated me for not knowing the facts as he demonstrates he doesn't know the facts, lolol.

Pepsi buys the flavoring from a third company jack ass.

Now you shut the fuck up...no, keep talking.

You are the poster-child of libtard stupidity.

Nobody said Pepsi developed it, dumb shit.

Reading comprehension: scourge of the simpleminded.
We've developed a lot of things, we humans. What we haven't developed is words sufficient to describe the depth of your abject moronity.

You don't have the slightest idea what's going on with that research that Pepsi doesn't use anyway. Nothing is developed from the stem cells. Nothing. If anything they would be used to monitor how this or that synthetic chemical compound would cause it to react; those results were then used to further develop or discard each compound, depending on the results. The chemical compounds themselves would be completely unrelated to the cells in question. They're completely an outside entity.

Amazing what you can learn when you actually read the material.

Perhaps what they should be developing is a brain enhancer.

Lol, NONE OF IT WAS DEVELOPED BY PEPSI, you fucking fraud.

Jeez Looeeez, Pogo the serial liar has just castigated me for not knowing the facts as he demonstrates he doesn't know the facts, lolol.

Pepsi buys the flavoring from a third company jack ass.

Now you shut the fuck up...no, keep talking.

You are the poster-child of libtard stupidity.

Nobody said Pepsi developed it, dumb shit.

Reading comprehension: scourge of the simpleminded.

So that research that Pepsi doesn't use is not referencing research that Pepsi executed?


You are such a stupid fucking liar, it just baffles the mind that you are still alive.
so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

snopes.com: Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?

To non-scientists this may sound a bit strange, but the reality is that HEK 293 cells are widely used in pharmaceutical research, helping scientists create vaccines as well as drugs like those for rheumatoid arthritis. The difference here is that Senomyx's work for Pepsi is one of the first times the cells have (potentially) been used to create a food or beverage. (And it's important to note that no part of a human kidney cell are ever a part of Senomyx's taste enhancers or any finished food products.)

For Debi Vinnedge, who runs the anti-abortion group Children of God for Life, that doesn't matter. "It's the eeew factor. It strikes a really strong reaction in people," she said in an interview.

Even though HEK 293 cells trace their origin to a single fetal kidney back in the 1970s — everything since has come from cultured cell lines — Vinnedge considers their use unethical because it indirectly creates a market for aborted fetuses and encourages scientists to hunt for new embryonic cell lines. She argues that Senomyx could use other, non-fetus-based cell lines, such as those from animals. ...

Though Rosenberg states there is nothing on the company website linking Senomyx with HEK293, a little Googling turned up a patent issued in 2008 for "Recombinant Methods for Expressing a Functional Sweet Taste Receptor," in which a line item mentions HEK293.
And Melanie Warner wrote for CBS News that:
Is this claim true? Neither Pepsi nor Senomyx returned calls, so we don't know the companies' side of the story. But a perusal of Senomyx's patents suggests that it may well be. All but 7 of the company's 77 patents refer to the use of HEK 293 (human embryonic kidney) cells, which researchers have used for decades as biological workhorses. ..

Senomyx has not yet responded to our request for information.

So Senomyx admits to using the human cells for testing for response to flavorings, but wont answer any questions for more details.

Sounds like a cover-up, lol.

Meanwhile Pepsi took a change in tack:

Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not “conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties — that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.” Boykas also assured Vinnedge that “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” -

I.e. 'We didn't do it, but we will stop...for now'

roflmao, libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Again the illiterati take a dump on the thread.

I linked that story several days ago dumbass, and Pepsi says nothing about "stopping". It says they don't -- and that Senomyx doesn't use such cells anyway.

----- Which is what was already established when this silly thread started and was laid to rest before you knuckledraggers came in to resurrect it for want of looking sufficiently stupid.

Apparently you're easily impressed by shiny objects of bad propaganda writing. Why am I not surprised.

The Snopes page was also linked by AmyNation way back at the beginning.

Last edited:
Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

snopes.com: Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?

So Senomyx admits to using the human cells for testing for response to flavorings, but wont answer any questions for more details.

Sounds like a cover-up, lol.

Meanwhile Pepsi took a change in tack:

Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not “conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties — that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.” Boykas also assured Vinnedge that “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” -

I.e. 'We didn't do it, but we will stop...for now'

roflmao, libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Again the illiterati take a dump on the thread.

I linked that story several days ago dumbass, and it says nothing about "stopped". It says they don't -- and that Senomyx doesn't use such cells anyway.

Which is a repeatedly demonstrated LIE. Senomyx does use the human fetal cell line to test their flavors and they have admitted to it. Pepsi this summer said they will no longer use flavors derived from such testing.

So, once again, your lies come crashing down and you look stupid as a pile of dog shit, which you are...a pile of dog shit.

----- Which is what was already established when this silly thread started and was laid to rest before you knuckledraggers came in to resurrect it for want of looking sufficiently stupid.
Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

snopes.com: Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?

So Senomyx admits to using the human cells for testing for response to flavorings, but wont answer any questions for more details.

Sounds like a cover-up, lol.

Meanwhile Pepsi took a change in tack:

Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not “conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties — that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.” Boykas also assured Vinnedge that “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” -

I.e. 'We didn't do it, but we will stop...for now'

roflmao, libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Again the illiterati take a dump on the thread.

I linked that story several days ago dumbass, and Pepsi says nothing about "stopping". It says they don't -- and that Senomyx doesn't use such cells anyway.

----- Which is what was already established when this silly thread started and was laid to rest before you knuckledraggers came in to resurrect it for want of looking sufficiently stupid.

Apparently you're easily impressed by shiny objects of bad propaganda writing. Why am I not surprised.

The Snopes page was also linked by AmyNation way back at the beginning.


lol, adding more text like a sneak theif......

Dumbass, I quoted Snopes because they laid out the facts I support and use to query you stupid shit libtards.

When do human cells stop being human cells? After 40 years of use? After how many generations of cultured cells?

And you are being such an ass-hat, it really is amusing. Please don't stop, roflmao.
How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers

HEK cells are also widely used within pharmaceutical and cell biology research for the same or similar reasons. It is however the first time HEK cells have been used in the food industry, which carries a certain “ick” factor for many. There’s also the issue of just not knowing how these new flavors are created. As stated in another CBS news report:13

“So what exactly is this magic ingredient that will be appearing in a new version of Pepsi, and how is it made? Unfortunately, those questions are hard to answer. Senomyx... refers to them only as 'enhancers' or 'ingredients'... The products work by triggering receptors on the tongue and tricking your taste buds into sensing sweetness — or saltiness or coolness, in the case of the company's other programs...

So are Senomyx's covert ingredients safe? That, too, is anyone's guess... many of its enhancers have 'been granted' GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, but all that means is that the company did its own assessment and then concluded everything was fine. We don't know whether Senomyx did any testing since the company isn't required to submit anything to the FDA.14

There's no reason to think that Senomyx's products will cause harm, but until or unless Pepsi decides to share details about how exactly it's achieving a 60 percent reduction in sugar while keeping the taste the same, customers will be drinking their 'scientifically advantaged' sodas completely in the dark.”

Good thing for Pepsi that libtards love being in the dark, lol.

--- and wrong YET AGAIN there, Doofus. The GRAS list is established and maintained by the FDA, not by the manufacturer. It goes back to legislation signed by Eisenhower in 1958.

Are you going for some kind of wrong record here? Because if so I need to increase my bet.
Lol, NONE OF IT WAS DEVELOPED BY PEPSI, you fucking fraud.

Jeez Looeeez, Pogo the serial liar has just castigated me for not knowing the facts as he demonstrates he doesn't know the facts, lolol.

Pepsi buys the flavoring from a third company jack ass.

Now you shut the fuck up...no, keep talking.

You are the poster-child of libtard stupidity.

Nobody said Pepsi developed it, dumb shit.

Reading comprehension: scourge of the simpleminded.

So that research that Pepsi doesn't use is not referencing research that Pepsi executed?


You are such a stupid fucking liar, it just baffles the mind that you are still alive.

Get your mommy to explain the English language to you some day.
Have her go over the difference between the word "using" and the word "develop".
snopes.com: Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?

So Senomyx admits to using the human cells for testing for response to flavorings, but wont answer any questions for more details.

Sounds like a cover-up, lol.

Meanwhile Pepsi took a change in tack:

Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

I.e. 'We didn't do it, but we will stop...for now'

roflmao, libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Again the illiterati take a dump on the thread.

I linked that story several days ago dumbass, and it says nothing about "stopped". It says they don't -- and that Senomyx doesn't use such cells anyway.

Which is a repeatedly demonstrated LIE. Senomyx does use the human fetal cell line to test their flavors and they have admitted to it. Pepsi this summer said they will no longer use flavors derived from such testing.

Bullshit. The letter sent to COGFL, as I linked earlier in the week, reads:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo. <<

See the letters in bold? That's what we call "present tense". If they had said "will no longer use" that would be what we call "future tense". Again, get your mommy to explain these arcane rules of English so even your tiny pea brain might better comprehend. Nowhere does Pepsi use the word "stop". Or anything like it.

And again, since Children of Wacko called off their boycott in 2012, that would make your "this summer" date for your Pepsi fantasy nothing but another cow flop.

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How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers

HEK cells are also widely used within pharmaceutical and cell biology research for the same or similar reasons. It is however the first time HEK cells have been used in the food industry, which carries a certain &#8220;ick&#8221; factor for many. There&#8217;s also the issue of just not knowing how these new flavors are created. As stated in another CBS news report:13

&#8220;So what exactly is this magic ingredient that will be appearing in a new version of Pepsi, and how is it made? Unfortunately, those questions are hard to answer. Senomyx... refers to them only as 'enhancers' or 'ingredients'... The products work by triggering receptors on the tongue and tricking your taste buds into sensing sweetness &#8212; or saltiness or coolness, in the case of the company's other programs...

So are Senomyx's covert ingredients safe? That, too, is anyone's guess... many of its enhancers have 'been granted' GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, but all that means is that the company did its own assessment and then concluded everything was fine. We don't know whether Senomyx did any testing since the company isn't required to submit anything to the FDA.14

There's no reason to think that Senomyx's products will cause harm, but until or unless Pepsi decides to share details about how exactly it's achieving a 60 percent reduction in sugar while keeping the taste the same, customers will be drinking their 'scientifically advantaged' sodas completely in the dark.&#8221;

Good thing for Pepsi that libtards love being in the dark, lol.

--- and wrong YET AGAIN there, Doofus. The GRAS list is established and maintained by the FDA, not by the manufacturer. It goes back to legislation signed by Eisenhower in 1958.

Are you going for some kind of wrong record here? Because if so I need to increase my bet.

Provide a link for context, ass wipe or your bullshit is nothing more than just that, BULLSHIT.

Often times regulatory agencies rely on testing done by the manufacturer to validate their products, stupid as that is.
Last edited:
Again the illiterati take a dump on the thread.

I linked that story several days ago dumbass, and it says nothing about "stopped". It says they don't -- and that Senomyx doesn't use such cells anyway.

Which is a repeatedly demonstrated LIE. Senomyx does use the human fetal cell line to test their flavors and they have admitted to it. Pepsi this summer said they will no longer use flavors derived from such testing.

Bullshit. The letter sent to COGFL, as I linked earlier in the week, reads:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research – including research performed by third parties – that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo. <<

See the letters in bold? That's what we call "present tense". If they had said "will no longer use" that would be what we call "future tense". Again, get your mommy to explain these arcane rules of English so even your tiny pea brain might better comprehend. Nowhere does Pepsi use the word "stop". Or anything like it.

And again, since Children of Wacko called off their boycott in 2012, that would make your "this summer" date for your Pepsi fantasy nothing but another cow flop.


Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

As reported last November by The New American, a PepsiCo shareholder had filed a resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort halt the company from contracting with Senomyx, which, according to documents collected by Vinnedge, used cell lines derived from aborted babies in its process of producing artificial flavor enhancers.

According to a report by LifeNews.com at the time, Pepsi had “ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.”

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not “conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties — that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.” Boykas also assured Vinnedge that “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.”

Wow, Pepsi says otherwise......
How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers

Good thing for Pepsi that libtards love being in the dark, lol.

--- and wrong YET AGAIN there, Doofus. The GRAS list is established and maintained by the FDA, not by the manufacturer. It goes back to legislation signed by Eisenhower in 1958.

Are you going for some kind of wrong record here? Because if so I need to increase my bet.

Provide a link for context, ass wipe or your bullshit is nothing more than just that, BULLSHIT.

Often times regulatory agencies rely on testing done by the manufacturer to validate their products, stupid as that is.

You don't even deserve reading, let alone a link. Start addressing me like a human and maybe I'll consider it.

We did all this in the trans fats thread. Go find it there, dipwad.

Nobody said Pepsi developed it, dumb shit.

Reading comprehension: scourge of the simpleminded.

So that research that Pepsi doesn't use is not referencing research that Pepsi executed?


You are such a stupid fucking liar, it just baffles the mind that you are still alive.

Get your mommy to explain the English language to you some day.
Have her go over the difference between the word "using" and the word "develop".

lol, you clearly implied you were talking about Pepsi's research otherwise there is no point to mentioning it.

You are a lying piece of shit.
Which is a repeatedly demonstrated LIE. Senomyx does use the human fetal cell line to test their flavors and they have admitted to it. Pepsi this summer said they will no longer use flavors derived from such testing.

Bullshit. The letter sent to COGFL, as I linked earlier in the week, reads:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo. <<

See the letters in bold? That's what we call "present tense". If they had said "will no longer use" that would be what we call "future tense". Again, get your mommy to explain these arcane rules of English so even your tiny pea brain might better comprehend. Nowhere does Pepsi use the word "stop". Or anything like it.

And again, since Children of Wacko called off their boycott in 2012, that would make your "this summer" date for your Pepsi fantasy nothing but another cow flop.


Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

As reported last November by The New American, a PepsiCo shareholder had filed a resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort halt the company from contracting with Senomyx, which, according to documents collected by Vinnedge, used cell lines derived from aborted babies in its process of producing artificial flavor enhancers.

According to a report by LifeNews.com at the time, Pepsi had &#8220;ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.&#8221;

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not &#8220;conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties &#8212; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.&#8221; Boykas also assured Vinnedge that &#8220;Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.&#8221;

Wow, Pepsi says otherwise......

^^ Can't tell the difference between a direct quote and a third-party headline :lmao:

You just reposted the same letter I did. It's still in the present tense. The laws of grammar haven't changed in the last ten minutes. Duh.
Last edited:
--- and wrong YET AGAIN there, Doofus. The GRAS list is established and maintained by the FDA, not by the manufacturer. It goes back to legislation signed by Eisenhower in 1958.

Are you going for some kind of wrong record here? Because if so I need to increase my bet.

Provide a link for context, ass wipe or your bullshit is nothing more than just that, BULLSHIT.

Often times regulatory agencies rely on testing done by the manufacturer to validate their products, stupid as that is.

You don't even deserve reading, let alone a link. Start addressing me like a human and maybe I'll consider it.

We did all this in the trans fats thread. Go find it there, dipwad.


In other words you don't have a link.

Libtards like you are so fucking hilariously stupid. You lie, and lie, and lie as though your lies will never be found out.

Eat shit, stupid bitch.
Bullshit. The letter sent to COGFL, as I linked earlier in the week, reads:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo. <<

See the letters in bold? That's what we call "present tense". If they had said "will no longer use" that would be what we call "future tense". Again, get your mommy to explain these arcane rules of English so even your tiny pea brain might better comprehend. Nowhere does Pepsi use the word "stop". Or anything like it.

And again, since Children of Wacko called off their boycott in 2012, that would make your "this summer" date for your Pepsi fantasy nothing but another cow flop.


Pepsi Says It Will STOP The Use of Aborted Fetal Cells In Flavor Research - :

As reported last November by The New American, a PepsiCo shareholder had filed a resolution with the Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort halt the company from contracting with Senomyx, which, according to documents collected by Vinnedge, used cell lines derived from aborted babies in its process of producing artificial flavor enhancers.

According to a report by LifeNews.com at the time, Pepsi had &#8220;ignored concerns and criticism from dozens of pro-life groups and tens of thousands of pro-life people who voiced their opposition to PepsiCo contracting with biotech company Senomyx even after it was found to be testing their food additives using fetal cells from abortions.&#8221;

But after a nearly year-long campaign led by COGFL that included a nationwide boycott of PepsiCo products, in late April Boykas sent a letter to Vinnedge assuring her that PepsiCo would not &#8220;conduct or fund research including research performed by third parties &#8212; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.&#8221; Boykas also assured Vinnedge that &#8220;Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.&#8221;

Wow, Pepsi says otherwise......

You just reposted the same letter I did. It's still in the present tense. The laws of grammar haven't changed in the last ten minutes. Duh.

Another attempt at deflection.

Pepsi said they would not after a year of telling the prolifers to buzz off.

You don't get it to no surprise, since you have a marked predisposition to not understand anything you don't want to.

fucking liar.

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