Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

Your topic title is false. Untrue.

Pepsi does not use aborted fetal tissue to flavor their drinks.

Basically when you look at the author, you can usually tell if it's going to be a pack of lies. The author of the OP has a very casual relationship with being truthful. Not sure what Billy's problem is.

then tell me is Pepsi profiting of the remains of a dead fetus yes or no? you do know the reason it is against the law to sell organs don't you? so why isn't it against the law to do the same of selling a fetus

Who is "selling a fetus"?
Basically when you look at the author, you can usually tell if it's going to be a pack of lies. The author of the OP has a very casual relationship with being truthful. Not sure what Billy's problem is.

then tell me is Pepsi profiting of the remains of a dead fetus yes or no? you do know the reason it is against the law to sell organs don't you? so why isn't it against the law to do the same of selling a fetus

Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?
then tell me is Pepsi profiting of the remains of a dead fetus yes or no? you do know the reason it is against the law to sell organs don't you? so why isn't it against the law to do the same of selling a fetus

Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.
Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.
never said it was added to any of their beverages but the are using them at least parts of them in there product research in their testing. so what I said remains true Pepsi is profiting of the remains of a dead fetus.
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Who is "selling a fetus"?

so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.

"Yeah but..."

I'm just getting you ready for the learned response from the peanut gallery.
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so how is Pepsi getting those fetuses are the dumpster diving in the back of abortion clinics?

Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.
never said it was added to any of their beverages but the are using them at least parts of them in there product research in their testing. so what I said remains true Pepsi is profiting of the remains of a dead fetus

Cells that have been growing in a lab for 40 years don't have any "part" of a fetus in them.

Are you claiming that a rogue Government agent forged the judicial proceedings on the Federal Security and Exchange Commission, and then bypassed the security of the government website and managed to upload those forged documents, and has gone unnoticed for over 12 months?



Hey 2A -

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your point with this legal document?

Your entire thread's been dismantled, taken to the warehouse, labeled and stored in drawers under "urpin' legends". Even the wacko cranks that begat it, gave up on it long ago. What's your problem?

The only thing impressive about any of you posting, Pogo, is the extent to which you will lie.

2A has given FACTs admitted to by the appropriate US agencies, and all you give is ridicule.

I ask questions and all you do is ridicule them.

You are nothing more than trolling this thread because you dislike the facts presented.

Glad to see you have so much time to build OUR argument that you have nothing to add.

Is your name 2A or any version thereof? Was the question directed at you?

No. So shut the fuck up.
There is no doubt that the food industry uses artificial flavors for food flavoring and other things, and that some of these chemicals are grown in cells that at one time way, way back were take from human fetuses.

My question; how many generations of cell culturing is required to make these cells no longer human?

Simple question, so simple even a libtard could understand it.

So why not one answer yet?

We've developed a lot of things, we humans. What we haven't developed is words sufficient to describe the depth of your abject moronity.

You don't have the slightest idea what's going on with that research that Pepsi doesn't use anyway. Nothing is developed from the stem cells. Nothing. If anything they would be used to monitor how this or that synthetic chemical compound would cause it to react; those results were then used to further develop or discard each compound, depending on the results. The chemical compounds themselves would be completely unrelated to the cells in question. They're completely an outside entity.

Amazing what you can learn when you actually read the material.

Perhaps what they should be developing is a brain enhancer.
Margaret Corsi
Consumer Relations Representative << (April 2011)

-- which was confirmed a year later:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.

A "Consumer Relations Representative" in NOT under oath when these make these statements.

In a federal Court, you are under oath.

You must produce a document of EQUAL credence, supported by oath or affirmation, in order to counteract the Federal proceedings.


Bull Shit. I "must", my ass. Who the fuck died and left you boss?

No one is under oath when they write a letter, ya flaming gasbag. Moreover, nothing about being under oath prevents anyone from lying anyway so the point is moot. More moreover, nobody's on trial here, idiot.

Like it or not, the evidence is entirely against your wacko conspiracy theory and your thread is to rational discourse as the Hindenburg is to aviation. Full of hot air.

Again, we ask: what is your point in posting the attorney's opinion about the stockholders? Or do you even have one?
Did you even bother to read it?
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'This is bizarre

How is cannibalism normal business?

even if it's vague eating of descended cells, it still seems like cannibalism to me.


what a sick evil world we live in

Damn. I went to a lot of trouble to explain no one is eating any cells, and you went and completely ignored it.

still the fact remains Pepsi is profiting off the death of a human fetus. there is a reason we are not allowed to sell our organs, and the same reasoning should apply to profiting of the remains of a dead fetus

And your evidence is ..... where?

Here is how it works.

Way back in 1972, a fetus was aborted in the Netherlands. Inside that fetus were some itty bitty kidney cells. Those itty bitty kidneys cells have been cultured and descendant cells have been grown from them.

Whatever cells Senomyx used are who knows how many generations removed from the original cells. Senomyx is the actual company which created the flavor enhancers used by Pepsi.

Senomyx is not the only company which uses this line of cells. Many vaccines, drugs, and tasty foods have been developed through the use of these cells.

Anyway, Senomyx then forced the cells to take up tiny pieces of DNA from an adenovirus.

The result is new cells which are not human in any way, but which have a weird and serendipitous characteristic. They have receptors shaped identically to certain taste receptors you have in your mouth.

A receptor is like a keyhole. And the flavor molecule is like a key. The trick is to create a flavor molecule that fits in the receptor.

If the flavor enhancer fits in the artificially created receptor, then it will fit into the taste receptors in your mouth.

(cue Weird Science by Oingo Boingo)

So if you drink Pepsi with those flavor enhancers, you are not consuming the fetal cells. Nor are you consuming their descendants. Nor are you consuming bits of adenovirus. You are consuming flavor enhancers which fit perfectly in your mouth.
You're addressing people that want 99% of Americans to live in caves and hunt wooly mammoths with wooden spears.
And there you have it! It is possible to have an emotion about something.....even if you do not know that said something has actually happened.

If nutters would stop doing that very thing, the world would be a better place.

And on they go with this comic book hysteria, even though the crank group that tried to boycott Pepsi on this myth called off that boycott over a year and a half ago when the "duh" moment came that the fantasy is not the reality.

>> ...Unfortunately, there is some misinformation being circulated related to research techniques that have been used for decades by universities,
hospitals, government agencies, and private companies around the world. These claims are meant to suggest that human fetal tissue is somehow used in our research.
That is both inaccurate and something we would never do or even consider.
It also is inaccurate to suggest that tissue or cells somehow are being used as product ingredients. That&#8217;s dangerous, unethical and against the law. Every ingredient in
every one of our products is reviewed and approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

We hope this information is helpful and reassuring. Thank you again for reaching out to us and allowing us to clarify the situation."

Margaret Corsi
Consumer Relations Representative << (April 2011)

-- which was confirmed a year later:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.

Our Responsible Research Statement is available on our website, under Corporate Governance: Corporate Governance | PepsiCo.com. Any research funded by PepsiCo and conducted by Senomyx for PepsiCo must abide by this responsible research statement. << (here)

So even though the crank group that started this bullshit based on the science they called "the ewww factor" (their words) called off their own myth 19 months ago, mental midgets like 2A and Bowie plow on blindly as if it were real. As noted before, some people just have no shame about embarrassing themselves. Once again, they prefer to live in comic books over reality.

Now they'll have to move on to other myths such as "Pepsi removed 'under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance", "Pepsi is owned my Mormons", "Pepsi is contaminated with AIDS", and "Pepsi can depicts 9/11 attacks" or "spells out the word 'sex'".

Be sure to tune in for that.

More deflection, red herring and ad hominem ridicule with no facts or reason relevant to the question.

No one is saying Pepsi is doing the research and no one is saying that Pepsi wouldn't deny it, which is all you have demonstrated.

The facts are plain and simple Pepsi is buying material from a third party that makes flavor enhancers, and those enhancers use material that ultimately originated from fetal kidney tissue.

So how many generations of culturing is required before those cells are no longer human fetal cells/tissue?

I know you wont answer because you never do, as you are a lying, ideologically blinded troll.
Let's use your logic then, nothing is diminished or modified by time, therefore crimes of genocide against American Indians or slavery and discrimination against Blacks are current crimes and as the actual perpetrators are dead, reparations in the billions are due to their decendents. You concede that then I'll concede Pepsi is made with fetus cells.
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So why don't you answer my fucking questions, Pogo, you lying ass bastard?

When did you imagine you made up a question, you silly incoherent troll? You asked me absolutely nothing.

Blithering idiot. No wonder you can't understand the thread -- you can't even comprehend your own posts.

Lol, I have been asking those of you who think there is no merit to the thread's topic to answer several questions.

Since you would rather troll than answer, I can see you are just another libtard liar.

Pogo gave me negs for the above post; but I don't give a shit, not even a little bit, but it is interesting how HE STILL HASNT ANSWERED THE QUESTION!


Do these libtard cowards have the slimmest shred of self-respect or honesty?

Guess that answer is a firm NO!
Pepsi doesn't have any "fetuses", and has no need to "get" any of them.

Seriously, a few minutes of research, or even reading the thread, would help you out a lot.

A company that Pepsi contracts for "artificial flavorings" has used stem cells in the testing process of those "flavors". The stem cells that they use come from a lab culture that's been growing since the 70s.

Neither fetal cells, nor the cultured ones, are actually added to the Pepsi beverages.
never said it was added to any of their beverages but the are using them at least parts of them in there product research in their testing. so what I said remains true Pepsi is profiting of the remains of a dead fetus

Cells that have been growing in a lab for 40 years don't have any "part" of a fetus in them.


If the cells are originally taken from a human fetus, what is so magical about 40 years that makes them no longer human?
Hey 2A -

What in the wide world of blue fuck is your point with this legal document?

Your entire thread's been dismantled, taken to the warehouse, labeled and stored in drawers under "urpin' legends". Even the wacko cranks that begat it, gave up on it long ago. What's your problem?

The only thing impressive about any of you posting, Pogo, is the extent to which you will lie.

2A has given FACTs admitted to by the appropriate US agencies, and all you give is ridicule.

I ask questions and all you do is ridicule them.

You are nothing more than trolling this thread because you dislike the facts presented.

Glad to see you have so much time to build OUR argument that you have nothing to add.

Is your name 2A or any version thereof? Was the question directed at you?

No. So shut the fuck up.

lol, internet tough guy told me to shut up, *snort* roflmao
There is no doubt that the food industry uses artificial flavors for food flavoring and other things, and that some of these chemicals are grown in cells that at one time way, way back were take from human fetuses.

My question; how many generations of cell culturing is required to make these cells no longer human?

Simple question, so simple even a libtard could understand it.

So why not one answer yet?

We've developed a lot of things, we humans. What we haven't developed is words sufficient to describe the depth of your abject moronity.

You don't have the slightest idea what's going on with that research that Pepsi doesn't use anyway. Nothing is developed from the stem cells. Nothing. If anything they would be used to monitor how this or that synthetic chemical compound would cause it to react; those results were then used to further develop or discard each compound, depending on the results. The chemical compounds themselves would be completely unrelated to the cells in question. They're completely an outside entity.

Amazing what you can learn when you actually read the material.

Perhaps what they should be developing is a brain enhancer.

Lol, NONE OF IT WAS DEVELOPED BY PEPSI, you fucking fraud.

Jeez Looeeez, Pogo the serial liar has just castigated me for not knowing the facts as he demonstrates he doesn't know the facts, lolol.

Pepsi buys the flavoring from a third company jack ass.

Now you shut the fuck up...no, keep talking.

You are the poster-child of libtard stupidity.
Margaret Corsi
Consumer Relations Representative << (April 2011)

-- which was confirmed a year later:
>> We can assure you that PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research &#8211; including research performed by third parties &#8211; that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses. Furthermore, Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.

A "Consumer Relations Representative" in NOT under oath when these make these statements.

In a federal Court, you are under oath.

You must produce a document of EQUAL credence, supported by oath or affirmation, in order to counteract the Federal proceedings.


Bull Shit. I "must", my ass. Who the fuck died and left you boss?

No one is under oath when they write a letter, ya flaming gasbag. Moreover, nothing about being under oath prevents anyone from lying anyway so the point is moot. More moreover, nobody's on trial here, idiot.

Like it or not, the evidence is entirely against your wacko conspiracy theory and your thread is to rational discourse as the Hindenburg is to aviation. Full of hot air.

Again, we ask: what is your point in posting the attorney's opinion about the stockholders? Or do you even have one?
Did you even bother to read it?

lol, you are too damned stupid. The SEC report was under oath, jack ass.

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On something as ridiculous as this thread...anyone who takes such accusations seriously are , by definition, morons; you're getting outraged at someone who pokes fun at such idiotic claims is a whole separate sector of misplaced aggression.

Yeah, that is the same exact thing you lying libtards said about reports that Stalin was starving millions in the USSR, or that Mao was slaughtering people on an unheard of scale, or that Hitler was killing millions of Jews and Polish Catholics.

You don't even understand what the OP is stating, lol.

It must be depressing to live the cowards life that you do.

It is even sadder to see how utterly delusional you are about what governments are capable of doing and what corrupted governments are capable of allowing.

Don't worry, Missy, just go on back to sleep.

I admit that I Just read the title; it's retarded and so are you.

So you admit you don't know jack shit about the subject.

Thank you , now go back to sleep, darling.
I admit that I Just read the title; it's retarded and so are you.



Your topic title is false. Untrue.

Pepsi does not use aborted fetal tissue to flavor their drinks.

They use material from a food flavor manufacturer who uses a line of cells that ultimately came from aborted human fetuses.

So why are they no longer human?

Your topic title is false. Untrue.

Pepsi does not use aborted fetal tissue to flavor their drinks.

Basically when you look at the author, you can usually tell if it's going to be a pack of lies. The author of the OP has a very casual relationship with being truthful. Not sure what Billy's problem is.

Ignorant fucktards like you who reach a conclusion before reading the facts pertaining to the subject.

That is irrational and stupid and totally libtard.

Thank you for participating sweetheart, now go on back to sleep and let adults handle real world issues. OK, dear?


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