Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

I couldn't bring myself to type those words, personally

Why not? You have the right to worship whatever deity you wish, it's a free country. Embrace your inner Gosnell, channel your Demonic Yearnings, take pleasure and delight in the consumption and devouring of fetuses. Give into your anger, let the hate flow through you.

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First there was denial that this even happened. So we waited for months for those federal documents to be declassified, and now the Libtards excuse it, when previously they said it was too reprehensible to be true.
ah yes, more hearsay and conjecture.

The documents of the federal proceedings are available in the OP, they were just declassified.

Thanks for the free bump!

Trust me.. Nothing here got "declassified".. These documents were between companies and SECommision. They got FOIA'd or requested by public disclosure laws.

I'm telling you man.. The war is over on this.. I'm glad your side won the Embryonic SCell debate. You were right. Wasn't neccessary. Isn't happening (rarely) at all anymore.

Sign the treaty --- go to the next war...
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I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but was this introduction of baby products intentionally done (ok, maybe only in part) to try to secure an appetite among the population for the killing of fetuses wholesale?
I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but was this introduction of baby products intentionally done (ok, maybe only in part) to try to secure an appetite among the population for the killing of fetuses wholesale?

there was a massive campaign to obscure the science and make folks who objected to fetal tissue usage out to be morons and zealots. When in reality, the science moved so fast that other methods of gathering stems and tissue soon made fetal tissue pretty irrelevent. If you remember in your state, when Bush ordered the halt to GOVT useage of NEW Embryonic Stem Cells lines, your dear leaders opened a multi-billion $$$ CA. Stem Cell Institute that ended producing SQUAT over the years compared to non Emb. SCell work.. It was an "in your face" kinda gesture that Cali really couldn't afford to waste.

So Yes.. Cali was an EXAMPLE of GOVT FUNDED (and voter approved) attempts to commercialize SPECIFICALLY on fetal tissue..
I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but was this introduction of baby products intentionally done (ok, maybe only in part) to try to secure an appetite among the population for the killing of fetuses wholesale?

Mmm..., veal! :eusa_drool:

You'd think by now people would be smart enough to check this stuff out first before getting outraged over something so ridiculous on its face.

not totally ridiculous in that fetal cells appear to have been used in the preliminary stages of research.. That part probably shouldn't have happened. And wouldn't need to happen today..

But yes -- to imply it as the contents of their product is not true..
Oh shit, I got to totally get me a six pack of Pepsi Next!!!!

Nothing goes down better on a hot day then some fine carbonated fetal brain.


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