Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

Since Lakhota is logged on:

How do you defend the legalization of the consumption of the derivatives of aborted fetuses?
Since Lakhota is logged on:

How do you defend the legalization of the consumption of the derivatives of aborted fetuses?

Just sounds like corporate business as usual.

One day Lakhota, you're going to realize we're on the same side, and the corporate oligarchies are on the other.

And it will be during those days that you immediately try to obtain a firearm when the globalist corporate forces declare International UN martial law --- everywhere.
thats > a year old as well. Why you make a thread based on old info?
thats > a year old as well. Why you make a thread based on old info?

Because it's suddenly being a popular topic among Libertarians, and the document that PROVES IT wasn't declassified until more than a year later (like now).

Also, it isn't like 12-24 months ago is a long time, the topic is quite relevant, especially since other food and cosmetic products are also using the derivatives of aborted fetuses.


There it is! Look up! There's your proof!

But anyway, fellow Satanist, thanks for the free BUMP!

Obviously Snopes needs to do better research, the documents of the Federal proceedings can be found right here:


Learn to research for yourself, instead of using shadow government monitored websites to fact check for you.

That link actually confirms you are not consuming fetal tissue when drinking Pepsi. It confirms exactly what I said in my first post in this topic.

I don't know what you thought you were proving with that link, especially since you did not quote any part of it.
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Obviously Snopes needs to do better research, the documents of the Federal proceedings can be found right here:


Learn to research for yourself, instead of using shadow government monitored websites to fact check for you.

That link actually confirms you are not consuming fetal tissue when drinking Pepsi. It confirms exactly what I said in my first post in this topic.

I don't know what you thought you were proving with that link, especially since you did not quote any part of it.

How about you read what's in plain sight.
It's hard for the public to understand why we are now repairing, enhancing, and protecting our bodies with products that MODEL the operation of our cells.

It's even harder for them to understand concepts of a virus capturing the cell machinery of human tissue and turning it into something something essentially "non-human"..

Unfortunately, the tools of science were cruder than they are today when all this started almost 20 years ago. Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) were the go-to.. But in RETROSPECT -- nearly every important breakthru using SC comes from NON-EMBRIONIC strains. We no longer NEED ESCells for much.

The use of NAMED strains of these cells is so that OTHER SCIENTISTS can exactly replicate the results. OR to delinate a patent to make it narrow enough for acceptance.

If this work were to start TODAY (not 20 yrs ago) -- I doubt embryonic cells would be used. (if indeed they were used here for development).

There may be a limit to what can be explained to the public in the performance of science and research. And that can't be overcome with education given the sorry ass state of education in this country. It MAY BE -- that other COUNTRIES, with a better educated populace, will take over our lead on these important developments..
Have they harvested more than what was used initially?
Have they created a demand for more?

Because if, like G said, it's all so far removed from the origin it bares no similarity it's really a non-issue
have they harvested more than what was used initially?
Have they created a demand for more?

Because if, like g said, it's all so far removed from the origin it bares no similarity it's really a non-issue

Hail Satan
Have they harvested more than what was used initially?
Have they created a demand for more?

Because if, like G said, it's all so far removed from the origin it bares no similarity it's really a non-issue

Reality doesn't matter.

All that matters is The Fear.
Obviously Snopes needs to do better research, the documents of the Federal proceedings can be found right here:


Learn to research for yourself, instead of using shadow government monitored websites to fact check for you.

That link actually confirms you are not consuming fetal tissue when drinking Pepsi. It confirms exactly what I said in my first post in this topic.

I don't know what you thought you were proving with that link, especially since you did not quote any part of it.

How about you read what's in plain sight.

How about you quote what proves whatever point you think you are making.

Obviously Snopes needs to do better research, the documents of the Federal proceedings can be found right here:


Learn to research for yourself, instead of using shadow government monitored websites to fact check for you.

Those letters were regarding the inclusion (for a vote of stockholders) on the subject of excluding the use of fetal tissue in products or research.. It does not ACKNOWLEDGE the use of that material. Although a cloned historical copy of fetal tissue seems to be used in the RESEARCH of a Pepsi contractor --

1) It didn't need to happened.. Especially today with better samples and methods.
2) Nothing in the product contains human tissue of any kind.

They used the human tissue to build a TEMPLATE for a flavor enhancer. That's how we LEARN about how our senses and body works. That TEMPLATE neither requires or promotes the FURTHER use of human tissue in any way..

Other than the fact that OTHER discoveries and breakthrus WILL CONTINUE to use human tissue to learn how you function and enhance your life and health. Almost NONE of that will use human fetal tissue...

You won that debate YEARS AGO

--- you should celebrate and thank science for complying and doing the ethical thing.

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