Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

SEC court filings are not "classified", and these documents don't say what you think they do.

First it was "conspiracy theory."

Then it was "denial"

Now it's "you don't know how to read."

Coming from the same Libtards how cannot read.

"Shall not be infringed."

Not to mention the HEK cell line is actually (100% confirmed) being used in OTHER PRODUCTS (like shampoo)

Translation: "the fact that the documents don't say what I want them to say proves they're hiding something". Circular reasoning from the same guy who keeps posting "Hail Satan" when he can't think of anything. :cuckoo:

Weird thread, dood.
SEC court filings are not "classified", and these documents don't say what you think they do.

First it was "conspiracy theory."

Then it was "denial"

Now it's "you don't know how to read."

Coming from the same Libtards how cannot read.

"Shall not be infringed."

Not to mention the HEK cell line is actually (100% confirmed) being used in OTHER PRODUCTS (like shampoo)

Translation: "the fact that the documents don't say what I want them to say proves they're hiding something". Circular reasoning from the same guy who keeps posting "Hail Satan" when he can't think of anything. :cuckoo:

Weird thread, dood.

Pogo, even if we accept the lesser charge being made by g5000 (which is the LEAST egregious of the possible accusations), it is STILL EXTREMELY REVOLTING AND ABHORRENT. Yet further research beyond the documents easily verifies that Pepsi had used these cell lines to flavor their drinks.
First it was "conspiracy theory."

Then it was "denial"

Now it's "you don't know how to read."

Coming from the same Libtards how cannot read.

"Shall not be infringed."

Not to mention the HEK cell line is actually (100% confirmed) being used in OTHER PRODUCTS (like shampoo)

Translation: "the fact that the documents don't say what I want them to say proves they're hiding something". Circular reasoning from the same guy who keeps posting "Hail Satan" when he can't think of anything. :cuckoo:

Weird thread, dood.

Pogo, even if we accept the lesser charge being made by g5000 (which is the LEAST egregious of the possible accusations), it is STILL EXTREMELY REVOLTING AND ABHORRENT. Yet further research beyond the documents easily verifies that Pepsi had used these cell lines to flavor their drinks.

It is, huh? Why? I figure if you have a point you can articulate it.

And please -- something a little deeper than "Hail Satan" if you can handle it.

This thread is making me really really thirsty.
First it was "conspiracy theory."

Then it was "denial"

Now it's "you don't know how to read."

Coming from the same Libtards how cannot read.

"Shall not be infringed."

Not to mention the HEK cell line is actually (100% confirmed) being used in OTHER PRODUCTS (like shampoo)

Translation: "the fact that the documents don't say what I want them to say proves they're hiding something". Circular reasoning from the same guy who keeps posting "Hail Satan" when he can't think of anything. :cuckoo:

Weird thread, dood.

Pogo, even if we accept the lesser charge being made by g5000 (which is the LEAST egregious of the possible accusations), it is STILL EXTREMELY REVOLTING AND ABHORRENT. Yet further research beyond the documents easily verifies that Pepsi had used these cell lines to flavor their drinks.

Pepsi doesn't add any stem cell material to their drinks to increase the flavor.
Translation: "the fact that the documents don't say what I want them to say proves they're hiding something". Circular reasoning from the same guy who keeps posting "Hail Satan" when he can't think of anything. :cuckoo:

Weird thread, dood.

Pogo, even if we accept the lesser charge being made by g5000 (which is the LEAST egregious of the possible accusations), it is STILL EXTREMELY REVOLTING AND ABHORRENT. Yet further research beyond the documents easily verifies that Pepsi had used these cell lines to flavor their drinks.

Pepsi doesn't add any stem cell material to their drinks to increase the flavor.

Still -- I think I'd rather drink that than... Coke :puke3:
There is no evidence that Pepsi puts fetal cells into its soda to add flavor.

You have to be a real pathetic and paranoid moron to believe such crap.
Pepsi doesn't add any stem cell material to their drinks to increase the flavor.

Judging from those documents, the burden of proof concerning that claim falls on you.

You are "judging" those documents staggeringly incorrectly.

As has been pointed out many times already in this thread, and as a very basic knowledge of biology would tell you, the purpose of stem cells is that they can be grown into any number of different human cells - in this case, human taste receptor cells. Those cells are then used to test artificial flavorings, and see how taste receptors respond to them.

These stem cells in question came not from an aborted fetus, but an ongoing cell culture that has been growing since the 70s. They are used for any number of testing procedures, from flavoring to shampoo to prescription drugs.

10 minutes of quick research would have saved you quite a bit of embarrassment.
>> Senomyx is an American biotechnology company working toward developing additives to amplify certain flavors and smells in foods. The company claims to have essentially "reverse engineered" the receptors in humans that react for taste and aroma, and that they are capitalizing on these discoveries to produce chemicals that will make food taste better. Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells.

... The company developed Substance 951, a potentiator used to amplify the sweetness of sugar in food products, thereby allowing the manufacturer to reduce the amount of sugar used.

Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using "proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors have been previously expressed in HEK293 cells.[1] HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. These cells, originally came from a healthy, electively aborted human fetus in the early 1970s.[2] Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries. Senomyx collaborates with seven of the world's largest food companies to further their research and to fund development of their technology. Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Kraft Foods, Cadbury Adams, PepsiCo, Firmenich SA, Nestlé SA, and Solae all collaborate with Senomyx, but do not specify where its additives may be found in their products.

... Senomyx's products work by amplifying the intensity of flavors. Because very small amounts of the additive are used (reportedly less than one part per million) Senomyx's chemical compounds will not appear on labels, but will fall under the broad category of "artificial flavors."<< (Wiki)

Uh-oh. See that? "early 1970s". You know what that means, 2A.

-- You'll have to have your title changed from "Obama" to "Nixon".
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If you say it often enough, will people start to believe that Pepsi really used aborted fetal tissue?

Do you see the caliber of conspiracy theory nutters that are coming here to tell you that YOU are a nutjob?

You might want todo a little soul searching.
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Seems they are also "anti gay".

Funny how right wingnuts see these weird right wingnut sites as "equal" to CNN, USA Today, Time, and so on.

On one hand they say: That conflict is between radically opposed views of the worth and dignity of every human life and of family life and community.

and then they say: LifeSiteNews.com understands that abortion, euthanasia, cloning, homosexuality and all other moral, life and family issues are all interconnected.

Would they let animals suffer too? Or just people? And how do gays fit in there between "euthanasia, cloning" and "morals""?
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Do you see the caliber of conspiracy theory nutters that are coming here to tell you that YOU are a nutjob?

You might want to do a little soul searching.

Woah, are you saying that a government agent forged those documents from the Security and Exchange Commission and has managed to keep it uploaded on the Government website for all these months unnoticed?


That's a very high caliber of conspiracy theory!
Here is how it works.

Way back in 1972, a fetus was aborted in the Netherlands. Inside that fetus were some itty bitty kidney cells. Those itty bitty kidneys cells have been cultured and descendant cells have been grown from them.

Whatever cells Senomyx used are who knows how many generations removed from the original cells. Senomyx is the actual company which created the flavor enhancers used by Pepsi.

Senomyx is not the only company which uses this line of cells. Many vaccines, drugs, and tasty foods have been developed through the use of these cells.

Anyway, Senomyx then forced the cells to take up tiny pieces of DNA from an adenovirus.

The result is new cells which are not human in any way, but which have a weird and serendipitous characteristic. They have receptors shaped identically to certain taste receptors you have in your mouth.

A receptor is like a keyhole. And the flavor molecule is like a key. The trick is to create a flavor molecule that fits in the receptor.

If the flavor enhancer fits in the artificially created receptor, then it will fit into the taste receptors in your mouth.

(cue Weird Science by Oingo Boingo)

So if you drink Pepsi with those flavor enhancers, you are not consuming the fetal cells. Nor are you consuming their descendants. Nor are you consuming bits of adenovirus. You are consuming flavor enhancers which fit perfectly in your mouth.

"The result is new cells which are not human in any way"

Do, having a virus in your cells or any other changes to its DNA makes that cell no longer human?

Where do you get that idea?
Pepsi doesn't add any stem cell material to their drinks to increase the flavor.

Judging from those documents, the burden of proof concerning that claim falls on you.

You are "judging" those documents staggeringly incorrectly.

As has been pointed out many times already in this thread, and as a very basic knowledge of biology would tell you, the purpose of stem cells is that they can be grown into any number of different human cells - in this case, human taste receptor cells. Those cells are then used to test artificial flavorings, and see how taste receptors respond to them.

These stem cells in question came not from an aborted fetus, but an ongoing cell culture that has been growing since the 70s. They are used for any number of testing procedures, from flavoring to shampoo to prescription drugs.

10 minutes of quick research would have saved you quite a bit of embarrassment.

So how many generations of cell growth is required before tissue taken from a human being is no longer tissue from a human being?

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