Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their


Do you see the caliber of conspiracy theory nutters that are coming here to tell you that YOU are a nutjob?

You might want to do a little soul searching.

Woah, are you saying that a government agent forged those documents from the Security and Exchange Commission and has managed to keep it uploaded on the Government website for all these months unnoticed?


That's a very high caliber of conspiracy theory!

They cant accept it so they will deny it and ridicule you for posting it no matter what documentation you have.

For the main stream folks, a pleasant lie is far better than a horrid truth.
It's hard for the public to understand why we are now repairing, enhancing, and protecting our bodies with products that MODEL the operation of our cells.

It's even harder for them to understand concepts of a virus capturing the cell machinery of human tissue and turning it into something something essentially "non-human"..

Unfortunately, the tools of science were cruder than they are today when all this started almost 20 years ago. Embryonic Stem Cells (ESC) were the go-to.. But in RETROSPECT -- nearly every important breakthru using SC comes from NON-EMBRIONIC strains. We no longer NEED ESCells for much.

The use of NAMED strains of these cells is so that OTHER SCIENTISTS can exactly replicate the results. OR to delinate a patent to make it narrow enough for acceptance.

If this work were to start TODAY (not 20 yrs ago) -- I doubt embryonic cells would be used. (if indeed they were used here for development).

There may be a limit to what can be explained to the public in the performance of science and research. And that can't be overcome with education given the sorry ass state of education in this country. It MAY BE -- that other COUNTRIES, with a better educated populace, will take over our lead on these important developments..

I get the flu and some of my cells get the virus into them, most do not lets say. Some of the infected cells recover, do they not?

Are they still human cells? How much change has to occur for the formerly human cell to become nonhuman?

The Proposal states:
Resolved: Shareholders request that the Board of Directors adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.....

We hereby respectfully request that the Staff concur in our view that the Proposal may be excluded from the 2012 Proxy Materials pursuant to Rule 14a-8(i)(7) because the Proposal deals with matters related to the Company's ordinary business operations.

Sounds kind of open and shut; Pepsi thinks the use of materials derived from aborted fetus to be a 'normal business practice'.
Yeah, I guess this cant be true either.

Aborted fetus cells used in beauty creams - Washington Times

A San Francisco cosmetics company has ignited an outcry among pro-lifers for including an unexpected ingredient in its anti-aging creams: skin-cell proteins from an aborted fetus.

Children of God for Life, a watchdog group that monitors the use of fetal material in medical products, called last week for a boycott of all treatments manufactured by Neocutis Inc., which acknowledges that the key ingredient in its product line was developed from an aborted boy.

“There’s just no excuse for using aborted babies in skin-care products,” said Debi Vinnedge, executive director of Children of God for Life, a 10-year-old organization based in Murfreesboro, Tenn. “The reaction, the shock and anger I’ve seen is incredible.”

In a statement released Friday, in response to a wave of condemnation from pro-life and religious blogs, Neocutis defended the use of its trademarked ingredient, Processed Skin Cell Proteins, or PSP, arguing that the fetal cell line was harvested in a responsible, ethical manner for use in treating severe dermatological injuries.

Guess its OK to use human remains for cosmetics if you1) refuse to agree that 'fetuses' aka unborn babies are not really human some how, and 2) claim to have replicated/reproduced them so many times that they magically become no longer human.

Sick world we live in.

Aborted Fetuses In Some Cosmetics: TRUE

Do cosmetics companies use fetal tissue obtained from abortions to help make those wrinkles go away and give your skin that healthy, youthful glow? In at least one case, the answer is an unqualified “yes.” One Swiss company has openly disclosed on their website that a key ingredient in their leading cosmetic product uses aborted fetal tissue, setting off a firestorm within the pro-life community of calls for boycotts of cosmetics companies that use aborted fetal cells in their products.

And you thought this was all just urban legend, right? So did I.

So far there’s no documented evidence that abortionists are selling fetuses to cosmetics companies so they can extract collagen, but the behavior of at least some abortionists seems to leave the question of whether this is happening somewhat open. The American Life League notes that with the easing of restrictions on the uses of fetal tissue under the Clinton Administration not only have public dollars begun to flow into fetal tissue research and product development, but the open market for fetal tissue that has resulted is subject to a disturbing amount of abuse and corruption:

You might recall that a few years ago, 60 Minutes did an expose on the sale of aborted fetal body parts. Life Dynamics Inc. (LDI, a pro-life organization based out of Texas, founded and directed by Mark Crutcher Abortion prolife news: partial birth abortion ban against abortion clinics,Planned Parenthood) was involved in a “sting operation” that uncovered a market of aborted baby parts for sale. Various body parts obtained at various gestational ages and in various conditions as well as their prices were all listed. In addition, it was revealed that abortionists were altering abortion procedures and re-scheduling their “patients” in order to obtain certain organs or parts at particular stages of development.
(See clinicquotes.com and lifedynamics.com)

So it was just a matter of time before a company such as Neocutis began to “productize” aborted fetal tissue in order to elbow into the enormous multi-billion dollar cosmetics market.
Dunno about that but what I can do is read back the history of a thread that was already debunked and discarded like five months ago.

Way to read the thread... :rolleyes:
Dunno about that but what I can do is read back the history of a thread that was already debunked and discarded like five months ago.

Way to read the thread... :rolleyes:

Ahhhh, the old appeal to the 'already decided that one' authority....lol, you just cant make this shit up, libtards are really that stupid.
Dunno about that but what I can do is read back the history of a thread that was already debunked and discarded like five months ago.

Way to read the thread... :rolleyes:

The only way to "debunk" this thread is to show that there is a rogue agent within the Government, with access tot he Security and Exchange Commission, who forged the entire judicial proceedings, and then managed to upload those proceedings to a Government website and has gone unnoticed for over 12 months.
Dunno about that but what I can do is read back the history of a thread that was already debunked and discarded like five months ago.

Way to read the thread... :rolleyes:

The only way to "debunk" this thread is to show that there is a rogue agent within the Government, with access tot he Security and Exchange Commission, who forged the entire judicial proceedings, and then managed to upload those proceedings to a Government website and has gone unnoticed for over 12 months.

I wouldn't bother with Pogo. He is brain-cell-challenged.
You guys just really really don't mind embarrassing yourselves.

Comical, in a pathetic way. :cuckoo:
You guys just really really don't mind embarrassing yourselves.

Comical, in a pathetic way. :cuckoo:

Guess it is a matter of perception, Pogo.

I am presenting links to evidence turned up by other people who are authorities, testimonies of others, and I am asking questions.

You are actin like a shit flinging monkey, ridiculing people you disagree with and making one logical fallacy after another, from false authority to ad hominem of sources.

You think we are embarrassing ourselves and we think you are too stupid to see your errors on many levels and different methods and means of erroneous thought.

You post ridicule and talk about shame, while we post and talk about facts and ask questions.

It is plain who the shameless ones are here.
Do not ever, and I mean EVER again claim that libs are gullible.


Why not? Almost all of them are.

Now I will admit that libtards do like to do so very clever things like using sock puppets and posing as part of their opposition to get people to say things that might embarrass them or that they can simply make up while winking to their comrades about how the opponent had trusted them, the fools.

Please, come on out and tell me why I shouldn't ever say that libtards are gullible, Ms Boop.
Hey Jimmy!

Have you seen the letter that the NYPD is sending out to registered gun owners advising them that they must forfeit some of their firearms? It is all over the Internet! Scary shit, huh!

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