Obama Administration defended Pepsi's usage of aborted fetal tissue to flavor their

Then confess that Obama has legalized cannibalism.

I am a conservative. It pains me that some people might think that that implies I am a purveyor of misrepresentations, distortions and out-right lies like you. You disgust me.

If it were just him, you'd have no worries. But there are so many like him. It just has to give you pause.

Lol, you stupid ass-hat, have failed to answer a single question of import and have no arguments to counter, but you declare yourself to be the obviously correct person on this thread.

In short you are a complete loser and a jerk off.
This thread is disgusting. And people wonder why I don't drink Pepsi? True or not, that's nasty. Exiting.

Nobody wonders why you don't drink Pepsi.

When you say "true or not", you are saying that the facts do not matter to you. Do you get that?

When you don't answer reasonable questions and engage in ridicule and lies you concede the argument as you have presented no facts. You do get that?

lol, libtards abound!

No. I ridicule MORE when I am right. When I am wrong, I retract my statements and apologize to those who were right. Since you will NEVER do that....I ridicule you. It is fun.
I am a conservative. It pains me that some people might think that that implies I am a purveyor of misrepresentations, distortions and out-right lies like you. You disgust me.

If it were just him, you'd have no worries. But there are so many like him. It just has to give you pause.

Lol, you stupid ass-hat, have failed to answer a single question of import and have no arguments to counter, but you declare yourself to be the obviously correct person on this thread.

In short you are a complete loser and a jerk off.

Would you describe yourself as a "conspiracy theorist"?
Nobody wonders why you don't drink Pepsi.

When you say "true or not", you are saying that the facts do not matter to you. Do you get that?

When you don't answer reasonable questions and engage in ridicule and lies you concede the argument as you have presented no facts. You do get that?

lol, libtards abound!

No. I ridicule MORE when I am right. When I am wrong, I retract my statements and apologize to those who were right. Since you will NEVER do that....I ridicule you. It is fun.

It is obvious that you are wrong in everything you have said since Obama knew Ayers prior to 1995, and various experts assert that the literary style is more similar to Ayers style in 'Dreams' and prior to the election their friendship was common knowledge.
If it were just him, you'd have no worries. But there are so many like him. It just has to give you pause.

Lol, you stupid ass-hat, have failed to answer a single question of import and have no arguments to counter, but you declare yourself to be the obviously correct person on this thread.

In short you are a complete loser and a jerk off.

Would you describe yourself as a "conspiracy theorist"?

No, but I would describe yo as a troll, a Sorosbot, and an ass hole.
When you don't answer reasonable questions and engage in ridicule and lies you concede the argument as you have presented no facts. You do get that?

lol, libtards abound!

No. I ridicule MORE when I am right. When I am wrong, I retract my statements and apologize to those who were right. Since you will NEVER do that....I ridicule you. It is fun.

It is obvious that you are wrong in everything you have said since Obama knew Ayers prior to 1995, and various experts assert that the literary style is more similar to Ayers style in 'Dreams' and prior to the election their friendship was common knowledge.

How much did Obama pay Ayers for his help?
Lol, you stupid ass-hat, have failed to answer a single question of import and have no arguments to counter, but you declare yourself to be the obviously correct person on this thread.

In short you are a complete loser and a jerk off.

Would you describe yourself as a "conspiracy theorist"?

No, but I would describe yo as a troll, a Sorosbot, and an ass hole.

You are not a conspiracy theorist? But....you believe that Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams", that Pepsi favors it's product with aborted fetuses, that Our President is not a legitimate holder of his office, that Obama and Clinton were snacking on nachos while watching the live feed of the Benghazi attack.............
No. I ridicule MORE when I am right. When I am wrong, I retract my statements and apologize to those who were right. Since you will NEVER do that....I ridicule you. It is fun.

It is obvious that you are wrong in everything you have said since Obama knew Ayers prior to 1995, and various experts assert that the literary style is more similar to Ayers style in 'Dreams' and prior to the election their friendship was common knowledge.

How much did Obama pay Ayers for his help?

Probably same as you; a couple of blow jobs.
Would you describe yourself as a "conspiracy theorist"?

No, but I would describe yo as a troll, a Sorosbot, and an ass hole.

You are not a conspiracy theorist? But....you believe that Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams", that Pepsi favors it's product with aborted fetuses, that Our President is not a legitimate holder of his office, that Obama and Clinton were snacking on nachos while watching the live feed of the Benghazi attack.............

I think Ayers ghost wrote a good deal of it toward the end of its composition, helped organize it coherently, and then helped to edit it and prep it to send to publishers, but it is really just a guess, but some think he essentially wrote the whole thing. It doesn't take a conspiracy monger to believe that, just some knowledge of how books get published and how publishers will hide the ghost writers if they think it will help the book sell.

Pepsi uses products that if you t race it back all the way to its source comes from aborted fetuses, yes, and IMO that makes it still human material. I ask how many generations these cells have to be cultured before it stops being human, but no one cares to answer that. Guess they don't like the obvious conclusions therefrom.

I think Obama a legitimately elected President, and won more because McCain and Romney were so bad more than that Obama was so good. I think that there was a lot of voter fraud, but how much, I don't know. I do know that it very likely that Obama's hero Chavez in Venezuela likely won an election or two by massive fraud, and I don't want that here in the US.

Benghazi is dereliction of duty, maybe Obomo was nailing his queer lover and all Coked up, I don't know. I do know that there is a cover up and the Obama administration is hiding people from the media to keep them from letting their story out.

None of that is conspiratorial but simply realizing what our political system is; an occupation government owned by international corporations who flood our elections with a heeping portion of their windfall profits.

And want my country taken back for its citizens to own once again.

Ass-hats like you are running interference for the crony corporations because you like to bend over for the Man if he will give you an extra slice of potato.

All it takes is just a few extra minutes of research and some of these wingnuts could at least post with some degree of cred.

I'm sure, that opening post looks like a bonafied psychopath wrote it.

The germane questions to this are:

1. how many generations of cultured cells are required for a cell line to no longer by considered human?

2. Similar to #1, but how long does it take for them to no longer be fetal cells?

3. How much viral change is required for human/fetal cells to stop being human or fetal?

No one will answer those questions.

I wonder why?

All it takes is just a few extra minutes of research and some of these wingnuts could at least post with some degree of cred.

I'm sure, that opening post looks like a bonafied psychopath wrote it.

Why shoot the messenger?

He conveys shocking information that the vast majority of Americans do not know and do not want to know.

That makes the messenger a freak? Or does it show our society is RUN BY MORAL FREAKS?
Well, since you seem to endorse g5000's response, maybe you can answer the question for him since he seems too busy.

How many generations removed from the original cells does a line of cells have to be fore them to cease being human? or to cease being fetal cells?

OMG - another 'pro-life' loon! If you cannot understand g5000's explanation the problem is yours not mine.

Don't dodge the question like some coward libtard. I read his explanation and he does not answer my question; HOW MANY GENERATIONS TILL THE LINE OF CELLS ARE NO LONGER HUMAN?

lol, fucking idiots.

The line of cells never has been 'human' so your question is meaningless.
OMG - another 'pro-life' loon! If you cannot understand g5000's explanation the problem is yours not mine.

Don't dodge the question like some coward libtard. I read his explanation and he does not answer my question; HOW MANY GENERATIONS TILL THE LINE OF CELLS ARE NO LONGER HUMAN?

lol, fucking idiots.

The line of cells never has been 'human' so your question is meaningless.

The cells were taken from human fetuses/unborn babies, so are you saying that unborn babies are not human?

They are genetically human, so what makes them not human?

You make an unwarranted assertion and then tell me my line of questions are meaningless, but the Truth is that your system of values is meaningless and merely a cover for amoral behavior.
Don't dodge the question like some coward libtard. I read his explanation and he does not answer my question; HOW MANY GENERATIONS TILL THE LINE OF CELLS ARE NO LONGER HUMAN?

lol, fucking idiots.

The line of cells never has been 'human' so your question is meaningless.

The cells were taken from human fetuses/unborn babies, so are you saying that unborn babies are not human?

They are genetically human, so what makes them not human?

You make an unwarranted assertion and then tell me my line of questions are meaningless, but the Truth is that your system of values is meaningless and merely a cover for amoral behavior.

This only proves that [MENTION=45264]Peterf[/MENTION] is not a conservative. Only Progressive eugenicists that rejoice in the extermination of over 20,000,000 black fetuses would say a fetus is not human.

It's what the Nazis said about Jews when they experimented on them (they had propaganda videos of them living side by side with rats, and thus they could experiment on them like rats).

BlackGenocide.org | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
EDIT to OP +++ Adding a copy of the Federal proceedings within the Security and Exchange Commission:


Yeah, this is pretty fucked up

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ?ordinary business?

Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!

LARGO, FL, March 5, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Pepsi Company, which is set to release the new product Pepsi Next in the coming weeks, is facing a more robust boycott as pro-life activists protest the company use of cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor-enhancing research. But Pepsi has succeeded, with help from the Obama Administration, in keeping its controversial operations from consideration by its shareholders.

In a decision delivered Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that PepsiCo’s use of cells derived from aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”

The letter signed by Attorney Brian Pitko of the SEC Office of Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36-page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. In that filing, PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject the Shareholder’s Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”

Read this testimony (for graphic reasons I only put the intorduction):

We've heard all the stories of doctors eating fetuses, "vampires" or cannibals buying them, abortion clinics chopping them up in a garbage disposals, aliens using them for hybrid births, even people selling them marinated in Prego sauce.

But....where do they REALLY go?

I witnessed an abortion in the very room it took place some time ago. Tongs were inserted and broke the fetus' neck (which was clearly visible on the monitor). It was then removed swiftly through a suction device and ended up inside of a metal, box-shaped container. And I imagine other fetuses were also inside of this container, as it was the size of a large deep freezer such as one you would use to store food in your garage or basement.

There was definitely liquid inside of the container, and the fetus appeared to still be alive - even after the neck was broken. Possibly, the nerves in the body caused further movement, but it was quite disturbing to see regardless.

Does anyone know where the fetuses are really taken after they are put into the large containers? Are they shipped to labs for Stem Cell research, are they sold, or are they simply buried in a mass fetus grave?

I have to admit, I hate thinking about what I witnessed that day -- but I'd rather know the truth than continue hearing so many lies.

How are they honestly disposed of? Well I decided to investigate for myself, I had to know...

Welcome to Progressive Paradise!
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
Adolph Hitler

This has been proven not to be true, total BS. Some whacked out pro life made this shit up.​
Last edited by a moderator:

All it takes is just a few extra minutes of research and some of these wingnuts could at least post with some degree of cred.

I'm sure, that opening post looks like a bonafied psychopath wrote it.

But, if they did that, they wouldn't have lies to bitch and whine about.

The internet has shown normal people that there are a lot of crazies out there who just blindly believe this stuff.

Next, they'll be saying that pepsi adds dead baby parts TO THEIR SODA!!
Oh crap. These idiots are actually saying Pepsi puts aborted babies in their sodal.

Why can't admin delete this lying garbage?

Disgusting and the rw scum is loving lying about it and about the president.
EDIT to OP +++ Adding a copy of the Federal proceedings within the Security and Exchange Commission:


Yeah, this is pretty fucked up

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Obama agency rules Pepsi use of cells derived from aborted fetus ?ordinary business?

Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!

LARGO, FL, March 5, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Pepsi Company, which is set to release the new product Pepsi Next in the coming weeks, is facing a more robust boycott as pro-life activists protest the company use of cells derived from an aborted fetus in flavor-enhancing research. But Pepsi has succeeded, with help from the Obama Administration, in keeping its controversial operations from consideration by its shareholders.

In a decision delivered Feb 28th, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ruled that PepsiCo’s use of cells derived from aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations.”

The letter signed by Attorney Brian Pitko of the SEC Office of Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36-page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. In that filing, PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject the Shareholder’s Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.”

Read this testimony (for graphic reasons I only put the intorduction):

Welcome to Progressive Paradise!
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
Adolph Hitler

This has been proven not to be true, total BS. Some whacked out pro life made this shit up.​

Because.....you just say so?

lol, get out of here, twit.​
Last edited by a moderator:

All it takes is just a few extra minutes of research and some of these wingnuts could at least post with some degree of cred.

I'm sure, that opening post looks like a bonafied psychopath wrote it.

But, if they did that, they wouldn't have lies to bitch and whine about.

The internet has shown normal people that there are a lot of crazies out there who just blindly believe this stuff.

Next, they'll be saying that pepsi adds dead baby parts TO THEIR SODA!!

There are so many logical fallacies in that one post I am not even going to start listing them.

But you did prove one thing, Dud; you are a moron.

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