'Obama Administration Most Corrupt Since Nixon'? MORE!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“Barack Obama likes to say he had the most scandal-free administration. I think that’s out the window now, it looks like he had the most corrupt administration since Richard Nixon.”

“I don’t know why the media isn’t calling Barack Obama’s office and asking him for a comment after this entire charade has been exposed".

The Russian hacking attempt of our electrical grid, the hacking of Hillary's server, the counter-Intel OP that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, getting liberal hate groups to take money to spread racial division and violence - President Obama learned about it all in 2014 ... and allowed it continue for 2 years.

The Russian Interference began in 2014, but Robert Mueller, tasked with investigating Russian collusion and their attempt to alter / affect US elections, refused to even glance at the Obama administration.

President Obama was never asked 1 question.

Although Russia was identified as THE big enemy, Hillary was never asked about her taking over $100 million from the Russians OR about her campaign paying a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI and paying the Russians for the Dossier that Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI used illegally to spy on the opposing party's political candidate...

The deal between the Obama DOJ & FBI yo protect Hillary from indictment and prison...

The exposed seditious conspiracy, the attempted coup against Trump by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI...

It all happened on his watch...and former FBI Agent Strzok's text messages suggest President Obama knew!

On Friday Mueller released his report stating his investigation found NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, & NO OBSTRUCTION determined regarding President Trump.

The same can NOT be said about President Obama or his proven criminal administration, as no official investigation of President Obama or his proven criminal collaborating agency directors has been conducted ... yet.

The FACT / evidence exposed remains - President Obama's administration, based on this exposed scandal alone, makes the Obama administration the most scandalous / criminal since Nixon...

Jesse Watters: Obama administration most 'corrupt' since Nixon

Nixon tried to hide the spying on of a political party during an election. Obama's administration protected 1 proven criminal and attempted to affect a coup!
Obama was a continuation of Bush as I see it.
But I think he was under control.

Probably every president since JFK, until Trump came along- who knows now ?
Nunes said the investigations to come around the other way for abuse of power and other crimes will reveal some surprise names, my bet is on Obama and either Rosenstein or Schiff although anyone paying attention to my earliest analysis would not find that surprising.
Just what are the justification for a charge of Treason? I think using Americas intelligence agencys to attempt to sway an election and when thatfailed attempting to overthrow a legally elected Persident should qualify. Do you think this is the reason they recently expanded Quantanmo?
Say what you want about Obama, but you can bet your last dollar that man thought this whole thing out and made sure he would be untouchable if the worst case scenario unfolds. And even though she was 'appointed' Secretary of State during his presidency doesn't necessarily mean they were close friends, and that he wasn't wise enough to keep his distance from her nefarious activities - he never trusted Brennan over at CIA either.
Say what you want about Obama, but you can bet your last dollar that man thought this whole thing out and made sure he would be untouchable if the worst case scenario unfolds. And even though she was 'appointed' Secretary of State during his presidency doesn't necessarily mean they were close friends, and that he wasn't wise enough to keep his distance from her nefarious activities - he never trusted Brennan over at CIA either.
He's a retired millionaire with Secret Service protection for the rest of his life, kicking back, sipping his own home-grown coffee at his Maui beach home right now, quietly reading the headlines.
The 'fact' that he may be personally 'Un-touchable' does not change the FACT that HIS administration has been tainted by ANOTHER scandal, arguably the biggest in US history - a Presidential Administrations' Intel and Law Enforcement Agencies protecting the former 1st Lady / Secretary of State / Democratic Party's Presidential Candidate from indictment for exposed proven crimes and their exposed / proven collaboration in seditious conspiracy by / in order to attempt to affect a political coup, to overthrow the newly elected President of the United States.

The political will to go after Barak Obama is the only thing stopping anyone from doing so. It was reported that within the text messages between former FBI agents Strzok and Paige was the comment by Strzok that how the 'Secret Society' had already met and that the President wanted to be kept abreast of what was going on.

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

FBI texts: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'

"A new report released Wednesday by a prominent Republican senator suggests texts between an FBI lawyer and an agent who was once part of Robert Mueller's special counsel team show that then-President Barack Obama was keeping tabs on the agency's investigation into the Hillary Clinton email scandal."

Republicans have seized upon previously released text messages between Strzok and Page as evidence of a coordinated anti-Trump effort within the FBI, and Trump himself wasted no time in reacting to the latest texts.

tweeted Wednesday morning.

In the report, Johnson and his fellow Republicans wrote that the text about Obama "raises additional questions about the type and extent of President Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email scandal and the FBI investigation of it."

Condemn and attack the GOP and Republicans all you want, but it was FBI Agent Strzok that provided the 'smoking gun' - the evidence that suggests Barak Obama was being kept informed of everything going on with protecting Hillary from indictment (the DOJ's & FBI's little 'agreement'). THAT means Obama was well aware of the Obstruction of Justice, even facilitated it.


He's a retired millionaire with Secret Service protection for the rest of his life, kicking back, sipping his own home-grown coffee at his Maui beach home right now, quietly reading the headlines.
, arguably the biggest in US history -
Next to Bush lying us into wars, trashing our Constitution by signing the Patriot Act and nearly wrecking our economy, not to mention the before, during and after lies about 9/11 still unanswered ? Really ?
“Barack Obama likes to say he had the most scandal-free administration. I think that’s out the window now, it looks like he had the most corrupt administration since Richard Nixon.”

“I don’t know why the media isn’t calling Barack Obama’s office and asking him for a comment after this entire charade has been exposed".

The Russian hacking attempt of our electrical grid, the hacking of Hillary's server, the counter-Intel OP that successfully got snowflakes to organize and march for them, getting liberal hate groups to take money to spread racial division and violence - President Obama learned about it all in 2014 ... and allowed it continue for 2 years.

The Russian Interference began in 2014, but Robert Mueller, tasked with investigating Russian collusion and their attempt to alter / affect US elections, refused to even glance at the Obama administration.

President Obama was never asked 1 question.

Although Russia was identified as THE big enemy, Hillary was never asked about her taking over $100 million from the Russians OR about her campaign paying a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI and paying the Russians for the Dossier that Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI used illegally to spy on the opposing party's political candidate...

The deal between the Obama DOJ & FBI yo protect Hillary from indictment and prison...

The exposed seditious conspiracy, the attempted coup against Trump by Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI...

It all happened on his watch...and former FBI Agent Strzok's text messages suggest President Obama knew!

On Friday Mueller released his report stating his investigation found NO EVIDENCE, NO CRIME, NO COLLUSION, & NO OBSTRUCTION determined regarding President Trump.

The same can NOT be said about President Obama or his proven criminal administration, as no official investigation of President Obama or his proven criminal collaborating agency directors has been conducted ... yet.

The FACT / evidence exposed remains - President Obama's administration, based on this exposed scandal alone, makes the Obama administration the most scandalous / criminal since Nixon...

Jesse Watters: Obama administration most 'corrupt' since Nixon


Easy, this whole thing is going to start with Fusion GPS, CNN, and the Ukraine investigation. Where it ends up has yet to be decided. But, the screws have absolutely started spinning in the opposite direction, and I do not know how afraid Leftists need be, but I do know their credibility is shot. ANYTHING they say anywhere, can now just be answered by a hardy laugh, and it should be!
Next to Bush lying us into wars, trashing our Constitution by signing the Patriot Act and nearly wrecking our economy, not to mention the before, during and after lies about 9/11 still unanswered ? Really ?

1. The Democrats not only voted to give President Bush the authority to go to war, democrats like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry gave speeches from the floor of Congress how we HAD to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Interesting how snowflakes always forget that part.
-- Barak Obama the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, on the other hand, violated the Constitution by taking the United States to war TWICE without Congressional approval to do so - One was to HELP the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 & the 2nd was an International War Crime, invading Syria without permission or request by that sovereign nation's leader / government.

'Pot, forget meeting 'kettle', let me introduce you to the BLACK HOLE!'

2. Obama had no need for the Patriot Act - he just weaponized the IRS to target US citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights by legally opposing his re-election ... while his CIA illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES ... and Republican Party Presidential Candidates and their team during an election (a la 'Watergate') ....

3. The rest of your post was just the scattered, un-follow-able ranting of a triggered snowflake, no doubt from the disastrous (for snowflakes) Mueller report....which also helps explain your 1st 2....

Did I forget to add " It must make Obama-haters heads spin." ?
How so? Who gives a damn if the President whose administration was the most criminal in US history sits his ass on a beach, behind a desk, or behind his huge house surrounded by his security NON-fence/wall/barrier?! :p
1. The Democrats not only voted to give President Bush the authority to go to war, democrats like Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry gave speeches from the floor of Congress how we HAD to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Interesting how snowflakes always forget that part..
Thanks Huckleberry, but if I need a history lesson from you, I'll give you you a shout. And I'm not a snowflake.
Easy, this whole thing is going to start with Fusion GPS, CNN, and the Ukraine investigation. Where it ends up has yet to be decided. But, the screws have absolutely started spinning in the opposite direction, and I do not know how afraid Leftists need be, but I do know their credibility is shot. ANYTHING they say anywhere, can now just be answered by a hardy laugh, and it should be!
Oh, I agree. I am just making observations ... and stomping on snowflake lies / spin ... watching the meltdown ... as it all unfolds. :p
Thanks Huckleberry, but if I need a history lesson from you, I'll give you you a shout. And I'm not a snowflake.
Well, snowflake, you need a lesson from someone, as your ignorance / delusion-slanted hatred for Bush shows....
How so? Who gives a damn if the President whose administration was the most criminal in US history
bush (1).jpg
I thought you said you did not need a history lesson...?

(nice 'cartoons' , piss-poor attempt to hijack the thread...)

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