Obama Administration Moves to Restore Funding for Anti-Israel U.N. Organization


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama loves funding the Jew hate. Just don't hate on the muslims, you may be prosecuted

The Obama administration is waging a quiet effort on Capitol Hill to restore U.S. taxpayer funding for a United Nations organization that has long been accused of having an anti-Israel bias, according to State Department funding requests obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The State Department earlier this month petitioned Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.), a member of the Senate’s appropriations committee, to consider restoring funding to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, otherwise known as UNESCO.

Taxpayer funding to the organization was cut in 2011 after UNESCO accepted Palestine as a member state, a move that violated U.S. law barring the funding of any U.N. group that skirts the peace process by prematurely admitting Palestine as a full member nation.

The cutoff in U.S. contributions, which totaled around $80 million annually, brought UNESCO to the brink of financial collapse and sparked further consideration of actions deemed by critics to be anti-Israel in nature.

In its petition to Leahy, the State Department asks for a funding waiver in the 2016 appropriations bill that would allow the U.S. government to restart yearly payments of $76 million to UNESCO. The administration also is seeking authority to give the organization up to $160 million to help erase outstanding debts.

Obama Administration Moves to Restore Funding for Anti-Israel U.N. Organization
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was. I blame his not-so-secret love affair for prolonging Arab-Israeli animosity. .

Republicans have had the knives out for UNESCO for years. The palestinian recognition is just the final straw for the camel
The UN created Israel.

The Arabs have only themselves to blame.

Greater Israel must declare itself, demand public video-taped loyalty oaths from all who wish to reside in Israel, and deport the rest.
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was. I blame his not-so-secret love affair for prolonging Arab-Israeli animosity. .


The great Obama?:slap: the same way he settled Libya ,Egypt and Iran The guy is a friken genius:uhoh3:
The UN created Israel.

The Arabs have only themselves to blame.

Greater Israel must declare itself, demand public video-taped loyalty oaths from all who wish to reside in Israel, and deport the rest.
There are only 2 means to peace for Israel. Either Israel goes ahead and genocides the stragglers in Gaza and the West Bank, or the UN enforces a 2 state solution and has its soldiers occupy the "country" for 50+ years.

My hope is that if we're lucky our great grandchildren will be having this same conversation. Because if not, we'll have wiped ourselves off the planet beforehand.
The UN created Israel.

The Arabs have only themselves to blame.

Greater Israel must declare itself, demand public video-taped loyalty oaths from all who wish to reside in Israel, and deport the rest.
You support Obama, you don't support Israel. Didn't you support arming up Iran?
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was. I blame his not-so-secret love affair for prolonging Arab-Israeli animosity. .

WTF is wrong with you....SERIOUSLY? OBAMA moves to begin funding an anti-Israel hate group, & you say 'Bush's fault'.

Earlier you claimed that OBAMA using then honoring a deserter was Bush's fault. Thank you for proving that liberals like yourself have a serious mental illness, a severe hatred for Bush, or all 3.
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was.
The great Obama. the same way he settled Libya ,Egypt and Iran The guy is a friken genius
Times are tough when you have to follow a birdbrain like Bush. He couldn't find Osama He got thousands of Americans killed. He laid the groundwork for ISIS. Need I say more?
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was.
The great Obama. the same way he settled Libya ,Egypt and Iran The guy is a friken genius
Times are tough when you have to follow a birdbrain like Bush. He couldn't find Osama He got thousands of Americans killed. He laid the groundwork for ISIS. Need I say more?
Please don't say more...your ignorance is giving me a headache.
WTF is wrong with you....SERIOUSLY? OBAMA moves to begin funding an anti-Israel hate group, & you say 'Bush's fault'. Earlier you claimed that OBAMA using then honoring a deserter was Bush's fault. Thank you for proving that liberals like yourself have a serious mental illness, a severe hatred for Bush, or all 3.
I can't help it if you have trouble facing facts. Do they really allow you to vote? Dead Chicagoans do a better job!
The UN is one of the most corrupt, wasteful, useless organizations in the world today.
It's Bush's fault. If he hadn't got us mixed up in Iraq, Obama could have had this Israel-Palestine thing settled. It's just amazing how the guy seemed to step in shit no matter where it was.
The great Obama. the same way he settled Libya ,Egypt and Iran The guy is a friken genius
Times are tough when you have to follow a birdbrain like Bush. He couldn't find Osama He got thousands of Americans killed. He laid the groundwork for ISIS. Need I say more?

No need to say more, your stupidity is obvious. There was no isis before Obama. Obama found Bin-laden?..who knew?:dunno:
The UN created Israel.

The Arabs have only themselves to blame.

Greater Israel must declare itself, demand public video-taped loyalty oaths from all who wish to reside in Israel, and deport the rest.
You support Obama, you don't support Israel. Didn't you support arming up Iran?
I support Greater Israel. Your post is a lie. You are such a poor excuse for being a Jew.
WTF is wrong with you....SERIOUSLY? OBAMA moves to begin funding an anti-Israel hate group, & you say 'Bush's fault'. Earlier you claimed that OBAMA using then honoring a deserter was Bush's fault. Thank you for proving that liberals like yourself have a serious mental illness, a severe hatred for Bush, or all 3.
I can't help it if you have trouble facing facts. Do they really allow you to vote? Dead Chicagoans do a better job!
You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass.

For example, BUSH's administration created the procedures and search for Osama. Obama, as reported, has attended almost none of his Intel meetings during his administration, choosing to get his reports via ipad...and even then he ignored his Intel / advisors and lied his ass off about ISIS and terrorism since 2010!

When the news reports Obama does something horrible you blame Bush. The news reported today that Obama and his EPA broke the law. Please tell us how it was really BUSH that broke the law.

Obama declared the day before the Paris attacks how HE had 'contained' ISIS...only to be embarassed by them. Please tell us how that was all BUSH's fault.

Obama blamed a video for the deaths of 4 Americans. Please tell us all how that was all BUSH's fault.

Liberals like yourself don't deal in fact but live in deranged fantasy. Your intense hate has driven you insane....GET HELP!
Times are tough when you have to follow a birdbrain like Bush. He couldn't find Osama He got thousands of Americans killed. He laid the groundwork for ISIS. Need I say more?
Please don't say more...your ignorance is giving me a headache.
I'm ignorant? I'm not the one that started a post talking about ''jew hate". It's a lie and you know it. If you're getting a headache, it's from trying to keep all your lies straight.

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