Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods

The Country of origin is Israel. Why ware you in favor of boycotting the Jews?

The West Bank isn't Israel.

So why is accurate information on these products 'anti-Israeli'? And when have a said a thing about 'boycotting jews'?

Quote me.

Is Jerusalem Israel? what country is the "west bank" anyways?:dunno:
why do you have a problem with the labeling of those products as 'west bank?'
Why do you support the destruction of Israel?
how does a label bring about the destruction of Israel?
Hey moron, people like you would boycott stores which sell goods from Israel :slap:
Point of order: Israeli-made products are not "Jewish" products. That's the sort of mistake only the ignorant and the bigoted make. I wonder which category the OP falls into?
Umm..yes they are. of course they employ a lot of Arabs,, but they are still mostly Jewish companies. The Jews give Arabs jobs, so they can feed their families:cool-45:

No, they're Israeli companies. The fact that you don't know the difference is telling.

Then again, you seem to be confused about "Made in Israel" labeling, so anything more nuanced than that is only going to increase your confusion.

Israel a Jewish state ..The Jews, get it through your dumbass head
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. “trade community” and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.
The Jan. 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel.”
The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that prominent anti-Semitism watchdog groups have condemned as among the worst incidents of anti-Semitism in 2015
.This is a shift from the administration’s previous position. A State Department spokesman told reporters in November that such labeling could be perceived as “a step on the way to a boycott” and said boycotts would be opposed by the administration.
But earlier this month, senior Obama administration officials defended the EU’s move and reaffirmed its position against “Israeli settlement activity.

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Israel doesn't occupay the territories. they have their own governments.

what on earth are you talking about loon?

oh right....I forgot, you're white trash. you hate anyone who isn't white Christian equally.

jesus hates you.
Zip it bitch. Oh and its OCCUPY not OCCUPAY.Oh and no I can't stand xtians because the vast majority of christian zionists like the retard OP.That's all. Back to the kitchen now.

Shut your punk ass up Jew hater. In person I'd bust your white boy face
The West Bank isn't Israel.

So why is accurate information on these products 'anti-Israeli'? And when have a said a thing about 'boycotting jews'?

Quote me.

Is Jerusalem Israel? what country is the "west bank" anyways?:dunno:
why do you have a problem with the labeling of those products as 'west bank?'
Why do you support the destruction of Israel?
how does a label bring about the destruction of Israel?
Hey moron, people like you would boycott stores which sell goods from Israel :slap:
so you're against consumers making informed decisions.
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. “trade community” and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.
The Jan. 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel.”
The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that prominent anti-Semitism watchdog groups have condemned as among the worst incidents of anti-Semitism in 2015
.This is a shift from the administration’s previous position. A State Department spokesman told reporters in November that such labeling could be perceived as “a step on the way to a boycott” and said boycotts would be opposed by the administration.
But earlier this month, senior Obama administration officials defended the EU’s move and reaffirmed its position against “Israeli settlement activity.

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Israel doesn't occupay the territories. they have their own governments.

what on earth are you talking about loon?

oh right....I forgot, you're white trash. you hate anyone who isn't white Christian equally.

jesus hates you.
Zip it bitch. Oh and its OCCUPY not OCCUPAY.Oh and no I can't stand xtians because the vast majority of christian zionists like the retard OP.That's all. Back to the kitchen now.

You might want to think twice about calling out someone for a spelling error when you use its instead of it's just before doing so, then follow it up by not capitalizing words like Christian and being completely inconsistent in your use of spaces after the end of a sentence. ;)
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. “trade community” and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.
The Jan. 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel.”
The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that prominent anti-Semitism watchdog groups have condemned as among the worst incidents of anti-Semitism in 2015
.This is a shift from the administration’s previous position. A State Department spokesman told reporters in November that such labeling could be perceived as “a step on the way to a boycott” and said boycotts would be opposed by the administration.
But earlier this month, senior Obama administration officials defended the EU’s move and reaffirmed its position against “Israeli settlement activity.

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Get some psychological help Jew hater:cuckoo:
Right after I celebrate watching Israhell get blown off the map and it GLOW for EONS! :D
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. “trade community” and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.
The Jan. 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel.”
The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that prominent anti-Semitism watchdog groups have condemned as among the worst incidents of anti-Semitism in 2015
.This is a shift from the administration’s previous position. A State Department spokesman told reporters in November that such labeling could be perceived as “a step on the way to a boycott” and said boycotts would be opposed by the administration.
But earlier this month, senior Obama administration officials defended the EU’s move and reaffirmed its position against “Israeli settlement activity.

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Israel doesn't occupay the territories. they have their own governments.

what on earth are you talking about loon?

oh right....I forgot, you're white trash. you hate anyone who isn't white Christian equally.

jesus hates you.
Zip it bitch. Oh and its OCCUPY not OCCUPAY.Oh and no I can't stand xtians because the vast majority of christian zionists like the retard OP.That's all. Back to the kitchen now.

You might want to think twice about calling out someone for a spelling error when you use its instead of it's just before doing so, then follow it up by not capitalizing words like Christian and being completely inconsistent in your use of spaces after the end of a sentence. ;)
I don't capitalize christian or god on purpose :)
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Israel doesn't occupay the territories. they have their own governments.

what on earth are you talking about loon?

oh right....I forgot, you're white trash. you hate anyone who isn't white Christian equally.

jesus hates you.
Zip it bitch. Oh and its OCCUPY not OCCUPAY.Oh and no I can't stand xtians because the vast majority of christian zionists like the retard OP.That's all. Back to the kitchen now.

You might want to think twice about calling out someone for a spelling error when you use its instead of it's just before doing so, then follow it up by not capitalizing words like Christian and being completely inconsistent in your use of spaces after the end of a sentence. ;)
I don't capitalize christian or god on purpose :)

Fair enough!
Point of order: Israeli-made products are not "Jewish" products. That's the sort of mistake only the ignorant and the bigoted make. I wonder which category the OP falls into?
Umm..yes they are. of course they employ a lot of Arabs,, but they are still mostly Jewish companies. The Jews give Arabs jobs, so they can feed their families:cool-45:

No, they're Israeli companies. The fact that you don't know the difference is telling.

Then again, you seem to be confused about "Made in Israel" labeling, so anything more nuanced than that is only going to increase your confusion.

Israel a Jewish state ..

Israel is a nation whose demographics are as follows:

The World Factbook

People and Society :: ISRAEL

Nationality: noun: Israeli(s)
adjective: Israeli

Ethnic groups:
Jewish 75% (of which Israel-born 74.4%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 17.4%, Africa-born 5.1%, Asia-born 3.1%), non-Jewish 25% (mostly Arab) (2013 est.)

Hebrew (official), Arabic (used officially for Arab minority), English (most commonly used foreign language)

Jewish 75%, Muslim 17.5%, Christian 2%, Druze 1.6%, other 3.9% (2013 est.)

Now, if you want to divide the Jewish population between religious and non-religious, that's another issue.
Obama standing with the Israel Jew haters again..

Memo directs ‘trade community’ to label Jewish goods

A memo issued earlier this month by the Obama administration directs the U.S. “trade community” and government partner agencies to explicitly label Israeli-made goods that have been produced in the West Bank.
The Jan. 23 directive states that it is “not acceptable” to label goods coming from Israeli companies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as having been produced in “Israel.”
The order comes amid an effort by the European Union to label Israeli-made goods, a move the Israeli government called anti-Israel and that prominent anti-Semitism watchdog groups have condemned as among the worst incidents of anti-Semitism in 2015
.This is a shift from the administration’s previous position. A State Department spokesman told reporters in November that such labeling could be perceived as “a step on the way to a boycott” and said boycotts would be opposed by the administration.
But earlier this month, senior Obama administration officials defended the EU’s move and reaffirmed its position against “Israeli settlement activity.

Obama Administration Orders Labeling of Israeli Goods
You mean goods made in ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED areas. Good for Obama. The tide is turning against the terrorist state.

Get some psychological help Jew hater:cuckoo:
Right after I celebrate watching Israhell get blown off the map and it GLOW for EONS! :D
Dream on boy, why don't go join your islamofacist buddies. Scum like you should be targeted with them
Point of order: Israeli-made products are not "Jewish" products. That's the sort of mistake only the ignorant and the bigoted make. I wonder which category the OP falls into?
Umm..yes they are. of course they employ a lot of Arabs,, but they are still mostly Jewish companies. The Jews give Arabs jobs, so they can feed their families:cool-45:

No, they're Israeli companies. The fact that you don't know the difference is telling.

Then again, you seem to be confused about "Made in Israel" labeling, so anything more nuanced than that is only going to increase your confusion.

Israel a Jewish state ..

Israel is a nation whose demographics are as follows:

The World Factbook

People and Society :: ISRAEL

Nationality: noun: Israeli(s)
adjective: Israeli

Ethnic groups:
Jewish 75% (of which Israel-born 74.4%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 17.4%, Africa-born 5.1%, Asia-born 3.1%), non-Jewish 25% (mostly Arab) (2013 est.)

Hebrew (official), Arabic (used officially for Arab minority), English (most commonly used foreign language)

Jewish 75%, Muslim 17.5%, Christian 2%, Druze 1.6%, other 3.9% (2013 est.)

Now, if you want to divide the Jewish population between religious and non-religious, that's another issue.
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:
So if the West Bank reference is Anti-Isreal would that make this Anti-American??
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:

That (A) you don't know the difference between a Jew and an Israeli, and that (B) you seem to think labeling products from this one nation in the entire world is somehow discriminatory, but you can't seem to adequately explain why.
So if the West Bank reference is Anti-Isreal would that make this Anti-American??
View attachment 61678
If there was a worldwide push to boycott Texas made products by anit-Texas nutjobs, who want it's destruction, and it's people slaughtered, I don't suspect that Israel would be helping in that effort:slap:
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:

That (A) you don't know the difference between a Jew and an Israeli, and that (B) you seem to think labeling products from this one nation in the entire world is somehow discriminatory, but you can't seem to adequately explain why.

You wont even admit that Israel is Jewish state you're stuck in delusion.:uhoh3:
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:

That (A) you don't know the difference between a Jew and an Israeli, and that (B) you seem to think labeling products from this one nation in the entire world is somehow discriminatory, but you can't seem to adequately explain why.

You wont even admit that Israel is Jewish state you're stuck in delusion.:uhoh3:

I haven't denied it, either. It's irrelevant to why you see a "Made in Israel" label on a manufactured product to be any more discriminatory than a "Made in USA" or "Made in Sweden" label.
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:

That (A) you don't know the difference between a Jew and an Israeli, and that (B) you seem to think labeling products from this one nation in the entire world is somehow discriminatory, but you can't seem to adequately explain why.

You wont even admit that Israel is Jewish state you're stuck in delusion.:uhoh3:

I haven't denied it, either. It's irrelevant to why you see a "Made in Israel" label on a manufactured product to be any more discriminatory than a "Made in USA" or "Made in Sweden" label.

Actually it's made in the "West bank "that's bullshit
Jews run the corporations in Israel for the most part. In Judea and Samaria as well.
What's your point again?:dunno:

That (A) you don't know the difference between a Jew and an Israeli, and that (B) you seem to think labeling products from this one nation in the entire world is somehow discriminatory, but you can't seem to adequately explain why.

You wont even admit that Israel is Jewish state you're stuck in delusion.:uhoh3:

I haven't denied it, either. It's irrelevant to why you see a "Made in Israel" label on a manufactured product to be any more discriminatory than a "Made in USA" or "Made in Sweden" label.

Actually it's made in the "West bank "that's bullshit
why do you prefer uninformed consumers?
is there a difference between products manufactured in the West Bank vs other areas of Israel? Different, oversight, regulatory standards, quality control?

Perhaps these are the underlying reasons for the proposal and also for the support?

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