Obama And Friends Looking Forward To Higher Gas Prices, But Why?

By limiting the production they get more money for the oil they do put on the market. This is the problem with trying to explain something to CON$, they don't even know about things as basic as SUPPLY and demand!!!!!!!!

So you're all for it I suppose??

I'm trying to figure out what your position is because it seems to be all over the place.

I just said this practice must end but you seem to support it. If Democrats are responsible, which they are, you would support it. But since you think big oil is it's bad. Ether way we the consumer gets ripped off.
How the hell do you figure that?????

Obviously what I'm for is UNCAPPING the capped wells and putting that oil on the market. At a stockholders meeting in 2001 it was revealed that 2/3 of the oil in the Texas and Oklahoma oil fields is CAPPED!!!!!!!!

There are several reasons wells are capped and not all of them are evil oil companies.

FYI, a well's peak production is when it first goes into production. After that it's all downhill. Obama knows this and wants to decrease domestic oil production. No new wells means a drastic decrease in production.
Oh Mud, bad word, Peaked. No such thing, you know. Peak oil is a liberal myth. Peaked oil wells are a liberal myth. Bad Mud, very bad Mud.
Oh Mud, bad word, Peaked. No such thing, you know. Peak oil is a liberal myth. Peaked oil wells are a liberal myth. Bad Mud, very bad Mud.


Anyone in the business knows that oil under pressure will yield the most when you first crack the thing open.
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Our oil is off-limits. No more new wells

So we must use other people's oil with a shrinking dollar causing the price to go up as the value of the dollar goes down.

Real smart Einstein.

The goal should be to drive the price down, not intentionally drive it up. Not to mention all of the wealth that is leaving our shores.
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!!Non-sense, there is no oil monopoly. You might want to look that word up. So why do you support them??? jobs, taxes, etc..Obviously YOU want higher prices. greater supply to the demand drives pirces down.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! then it's not new oilRemember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

That last bit had to come from your imagination.

typical lib posts about oil.


While thier fingers are typing on a keyboard made from it.

Yep! Same thing with them about how beef is evil, while they are wearing leather shoes and sandals :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo: libs
But the big oil monopoly you stupidly support intentionally drives the price up!!!!Non-sense, there is no oil monopoly. You might want to look that word up. So why do you support them??? jobs, taxes, etc..Obviously YOU want higher prices. greater supply to the demand drives pirces down.

None of the oil from new wells goes on the market. The new wells are CAPPED!!!!!!!! then it's not new oilRemember the BP oil spill? That was a new well, a very productive well that was CAPPED improperly causing it to explode. It didn't explode because they were pumping oil improperly, no oil was being pumped at all.

Big oil wants more leases to drill for oil to prevent independent oil companies from drilling and actually putting that oil on the market.

That last bit had to come from your imagination.

typical lib posts about oil.


While thier fingers are typing on a keyboard made from it.

Yep! Same thing with them about how beef is evil, while they are wearing leather shoes and sandals :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo: libs
Or like CON$ who claim to believe in a free market economy and then defend the oil monopoly to the hilt. :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo: CON$
They gotta sell them Volts.

yea well, consumer reports just panned it, confirming what any sane person already knew. ;)

as for fossil fuels, obama hates them and is on record endorsing higher energy costs etc....so what the hell, all in eh?
Still the same problem. We use 24% of the world's oil, and have 3% of the world's reserves. But you silly asses still insist we can drill our way out of dependance.

The whiney cry of every single hate-America k00k lefty in this country!!!:lol: Indeed........a miserable, jealous of others success asshole that is ALWAYS the common thread with the global warming religion.
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Or like CON$ who claim to believe in a free market economy and then defend the oil monopoly to the hilt. :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo: CON$
Yes the OIL monopoly!

how about the Oxygen monopoly, what up wit dat? :lol:

And don't tell me monopolies are against the law, that will only show your complete ignorance of how the world works.

:lol:as compared to your ignorance as to what constitutes a monopoly? don't worry, I won't....:lol:

how about the Oxygen monopoly, what up wit dat? :lol:

And don't tell me monopolies are against the law, that will only show your complete ignorance of how the world works.

:lol:as compared to your ignorance as to what constitutes a monopoly? don't worry, I won't....:lol:
Gee, why am I not surprised you are too stupid to be aware of any monopolies?
Oh that's Right, you are a CON$ervative.

The Rockefeller Family has CONTROLLED the oil monopoly in this country for about 100 years. The anti-trust laws changed nothing, so please explain what took away their monopoly.
you should really be more civil, you know? manners....they don't cost anything.
you should really be more civil, you know? manners....they don't cost anything.
Are you saying my incivility as a result of your dumb act broke up the Rockefeller oil monopoly that the anti-trust laws couldn't?
Well, gas prices are heading to $4 and guess what. Obama says he's monitoring the situation.


I can tell he's concerned. So concerned that he decided to grant 1 drilling permit.


In about six months that should pan out pretty good. :eusa_angel:
Well, gas prices are heading to $4 and guess what. Obama says he's monitoring the situation.


I can tell he's concerned. So concerned that he decided to grant 1 drilling permit.


In about six months that should pan out pretty good. :eusa_angel:
Well, gas prices are heading to $4 and guess what. MudHen defends the oil monopoly.


Blaming Obama should fix it in about six months.

Well, gas prices are heading to $4 and guess what. Obama says he's monitoring the situation.


I can tell he's concerned. So concerned that he decided to grant 1 drilling permit.


In about six months that should pan out pretty good. :eusa_angel:
Well, gas prices are heading to $4 and guess what. MudHen defends the oil monopoly.


Blaming Obama should fix it in about six months.


So, it's just, "Oh gee, sorry. We screwed up but it's too late to do anything about it."

Hope you like walking Dumbass.
If Obama grants ten thousand drilling permits, it ain't gonna make a bit of differance;

Bracing For Peak Oil Production By Decade's End - Forbes.com

Not in the short term but eventually it will.

If Liberals would stop putting our resources off-limits we wouldn't be in as bad a spot as we are today. Right now we're ripe for international blackmail from our enemies:

I love this administrations' energy policy.
Institute regulations intended to raise the costs of energy.
Place millions of acres of land off-limits to drilling and energy production and just use everyone else's.
Encourage inventors to dream up alternative sources of energy. It should bear fruit in about 20 or 30 years.
Cut NASA and turn it into a Muslim outreach program. All of the benefits of the program will disappear.
Pass Green legislation that will cost Americans twice the amount everyone else pays.


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The Obama Administration is dead set on going the way of so-called "green-energy".

Problem is they totally ignore the negatives while they focus on the so-called advantages to the environment.

Corn based ethanol isn't the answer. It reduces the mileage of gas when added and causes damage to engine parts. Both of my cars have need repairs because of damage caused by the burning of water based gasoline products. And what's worse, it doesn't burn as clean as advertised.

Ten Ways The Obama Administration Is Raising Gas Prices

1. Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing Under President Obama: The oil futures market is just that, a futures market. The price-per-barrel spikes in oil this week have not affected the domestic market yet. In fact, former Shell Oil President John Hofmeister made the prediction in December 2010 that America would face $5/gallon gasoline by 2012, a full month before the revolution in Egypt began. At the end of President George W. Bush’s two terms in office, prices were 9% lower than when he took office (adjusted for inflation). The day before President Obama was inaugurated; the average price of a gallon of gas was $1.83. Today, that average is $3.14.
2. President Obama Has Crippled Domestic Oil Exploration: Putting aside calls from some who want to increase domestic exploration to areas in Alaska and elsewhere, President Obama has completely shut down the existing oil drilling infrastructure in the U.S. At least 103 permits are awaiting review by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement. The federal government has not approved a single new exploratory drilling plan in the Gulf of Mexico since Obama “lifted” his deepwater drilling moratorium in October 2010. Obama also reversed an earlier decision by his administration to open access to coastal waters for exploration, instead placing a seven-year ban on drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and Eastern Gulf of Mexico as part of the government’s 2012-2017 Outer Continental Shelf Program.
3. The Obama Permitorium is Costing the Government Much-Needed Revenue: The Gulf accounts for more than 25 percent of domestic oil production. With production in the Gulf expected to drop in 2011 by 220,000 barrels per day, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates the U.S. will suffer $3.7 million in lost revenue per day as a result of lost royalties. If that holds, the federal government would lose more than $1.35 billion from royalty payments, just this year.
4. The Obama Administration Has Been Held in Contempt of Court: Federal District Court Judge Martin Feldman held the Obama Interior Department in contempt of court on February 2, 2011, for dismissively ignoring his ruling to cease the drilling moratorium which the judge had previously struck down as “arbitrary and capricious.” Judge Feldman has since given the Administration 30 days to act on permits it has needlessly and purposefully delayed saying inaction was “not a lawful option.”
5. Jobs Are Being Killed by Obama’s Oil Policies: As a direct result of Obama’s oil policies, companies that help supply our domestic energy needs are going out of business. Most recently, Houston-based Seahawk Drilling filed for bankruptcy. The Chief Operating Officer of the offshore drilling company, Randy Stilley, stated: “The decision by regulators to arbitrarily construct unnecessary barriers to obtaining permits they had traditionally authorized has had an adverse impact not only on Seahawk, but on the sector as a whole.”
6. And More Jobs Are Being Killed: Vendors, suppliers, even restaurants and retailers are losing ground or going out of business as a result of the economically crippling policies Obama has unilaterally imposed. According to Reuters, many of the thirty-plus deepwater rigs in the Gulf have moved to other markets. Each rig directly employs approximately 200 people, but that doesn’t even count the ripple effect across the nation. One industry official told CNBC that the industry was on “life support.” But President Obama is spending billions to finance offshore jobs…in Brazil. The Obama Administration committed at least $2 billion in 2009 towards Petrobras, one of the largest offshore oil drilling companies in the world.
7. Decreasing Our Domestic Supply Increases Foreign Dependence: Even Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits that “any disruption in the Middle East means a partial disruption in the oil we import. It’s a world market and [a disruption] could actually have real harm of the price.” If this is the case, then cutting our domestic supply hardly seems like an appropriate response. Rather than face this reality, Secretary Chu ridiculously called for an increase in renewable energy investments, which is a complete non-sequitur.
8. Renewable Energy Is Not the Answer to Mideast Turmoil: According to the EIA, petroleum accounts for less than one percent of electricity production. So wind and solar, which do not produce transportation fuel even if Obama’s $40,000 Chevy Volt quadruples production, can only replace coal and natural gas, of which America has an abundant supply. As for biomass, over 40 percent of domestic corn consumption goes to ethanol, which provides less than 10 percent of our transportation fuel and causes food prices to increase. Three large production platforms in the Gulf could provide an amount equivalent to all of the biofuels produced in the U.S.
9. Regulations and Delays: The Obama EPA has added costly new regulations to refineries in the name of global warming, while the Obama Interior Department issues new rules that make it much harder to develop natural resources on government land. The EPA is also denying approval of the Keystone pipeline which would increase the amount of oil the U.S. receives from our friendly neighbor Canada by over a million barrels per day.
10. The Middle East Is Not the Sole Cause of Rising Oil Prices: Global oil prices have been rising steadily for months based on variety of factors including those listed above and as the world economy pulls out of a recession. In fact, Egypt is not a major producer of petroleum, and only 2-3 percent of the world’s supply moves through the Suez Canal. Certain spikes are not abnormal and can be more easily weathered with a smarter domestic energy strategy.

This week, Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman told Bloomberg Television: “We’re hoping capacity will be brought to bear so it will continue to support our economic recovery.” Mr. Poneman needs to head down his hallway to meet with his boss Secretary Chu and explain how energy prices affect an economic recovery. Because it was Chu who, in the name of environmental radicalism, stated in 2008: “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” It would seem President Obama and Secretary Chu are getting their wish and you are paying for it every day.

“The Obama Administration is repeating the mistakes of President Jimmy Carter’s failed energy policies, which marred his term and stigmatized the 1970s. They are leading us straight into another national energy disaster,” Steve Forbes warned in Politico yesterday. And what would that “energy disaster” cost the American people? According to The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis, an increase in the per-barrel price of imported crude oil by $10 in the first quarter of 2011 and by $20 in the second quarter would reduce gross domestic product by $20 billion, drop potential employment by nearly 100,000 jobs, and increase gasoline prices by 18 cents per gallon in 2011 alone.

Yesterday, Carney said that “the president is extremely aware of the impact that a spike in oil prices can have on gasoline prices and therefore on the wallets and pocketbooks of average Americans.” If that is true, and if Energy Secretary Chu really has recanted his belief that Americans ought to be paying $8 a gallon for gas, then the President must completely reverse his entire energy policy so far by allowing Americans to develop our own natural resources, issuing permits in a timely manner, and removing regulatory and litigation delays on energy projects.

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