Obama And Holder Lose---Lerner Back In Hot Seat

I knew that bunch of criminals couldn't escape, forever.
They'll find a way to wiggle out. All those bastards are slicker than snot on a doorknob.

Hossfly thought bubble:

"Oh boy! I finally have a chance to say "snot on a doorknob"! I'm gonna take it! I'm so funny!"
Is there some reason that this gross exercise of illegal suppression of political rights does not bother you? DO you think "everyone does it"? Or do you think maybe Holder et al did not engage in this suppression? Or is it OK because you're not a conservative or member of a TP group so you really dont care?
I just dont get it. Back when Nixon was trying this kind of thing even Republicans were appalled.
Back when Nixon was trying this kind of thing even Republicans were appalled.

Its the corruption of the Democrat Party, starting with Bill Clinton. Up until Clinton people thought if you were guilty of serious ethical lapses you really werent fit to remain in office. It was a shared belief. Then Clinton showed that winnign was the only thing that qualified you to remain in office. The actual nature of the crimes or allegations was irrelevant. As long as you could get away with it, you were good.
There was no suppression. Nothing to get upset about. No there, there.
So the fact the IRS apologized for suppressing those groups means it didnt happen?

They didn't apologize for suppressing anyone. Why the need to lie?
Actually they did. They admitted they targeted political groups.
Look, if you're just going to stick your head in the sand and say none of this ever happened, Lois Lerner never said she was under pressure to do something, Schumer et al never pressured the IRS to do something, the groups themselves never got questionnaires asking about their religious beliefs or their donors, their requests were never held up for months until after the election, then just quit posting. Because you look like an ignorant dick when you pull that shit.
There was no suppression. Nothing to get upset about. No there, there.
So the fact the IRS apologized for suppressing those groups means it didnt happen?

They didn't apologize for suppressing anyone. Why the need to lie?
Actually they did. They admitted they targeted political groups.
Look, if you're just going to stick your head in the sand and say none of this ever happened, Lois Lerner never said she was under pressure to do something, Schumer et al never pressured the IRS to do something, the groups themselves never got questionnaires asking about their religious beliefs or their donors, their requests were never held up for months until after the election, then just quit posting. Because you look like an ignorant dick when you pull that shit.

They admitted to targeting political groups for added scrutiny. Not to suppressing anyone. The fact that they also targeted some progressive groups and the fact that just about all of the tea party groups that were "targeted" ended up getting tax exempt status never seems enter your pea-sized brain.

No there, there. A bit of incompetence and poor decision making by some IRS employees. No connection to any political operation in any way. Sorry.
For using the power of the Gov't............aka targeting people for their beliefs.............they should have been tarred and feathered and thrown out of the country.
The sad thing is that criminals like this are jailed, there's a prison somewhere for political prisoners. It's like a country club with swimming pools, tennis courts, a golf course and other goodies. Almost heaven.
I knew that bunch of criminals couldn't escape, forever.
They'll find a way to wiggle out. All those bastards are slicker than snot on a doorknob.

Hossfly thought bubble:

"Oh boy! I finally have a chance to say "snot on a doorknob"! I'm gonna take it! I'm so funny!"
Jealous envy become you, Achmed.
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