Obama and the Dems are giving the GOP plenty to pounce on in 2014

if anything they may adjust that because of what happened here. So it may happen

Obama can't dictate the price. His FORCED and often unnecessary coverages are dictating the cost. Since the law is now the LAW OF THE LAND as so many said when the GOP demanded changes how will Obama change the drivers of the cost?

they can tweak things to affect the prices though. Honestly this have to cover everything whine really is childish. You had this before Obamacare as well. You have it with Car insurance also. ( see young or bad drivers). You want to claim that the rolout was bad and it could have bad affects down the road? Ok fair enough, but dont cry about things that where the norm before obamacare.


Auto coverage prices are dictated by YOUR CHOOSES of coverage. The fact that my grandmother needs maternity coverage and that it is forced upon her is beyond dumb.

Too bad Pelosi thought that we had to pass the bill to find out what's in it, otherwise dumbass shit like this could have been avoided.

Truth is dems wanted this shit passed regardless of how fucked up it was figuring they could fix it later.
The GOP is too fractured at the moment to be able to take advantage of any advantage that the Dems have given them with Obamacare.

An animal is most dangerous when it's injured and close to death - and that's the state the social conservative movement is at right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

That's my prediction, at least.
Anyways having those things on your insurance is irrelevant. Health insurance was never about an ala carte system. Its a stupid argument to make that wont win you shit.
The GOP is too fractured at the moment to be able to take advantage of any advantage that the Dems have given them with Obamacare.

An animal is most dangerous when it's injured and close to death - and that's the state the social conservative movement is at right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

That's my prediction, at least.

I'd agree with this. I'm sure we are going to see the biggest voter fraud and suppression attempts from the far right that this nation has ever seen. They know they can't win fairly, so they are going to pull out every dirty trick in the book they can to rig the elections.
The GOP is too fractured at the moment to be able to take advantage of any advantage that the Dems have given them with Obamacare.

An animal is most dangerous when it's injured and close to death - and that's the state the social conservative movement is at right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

That's my prediction, at least.

I'd agree with this. I'm sure we are going to see the biggest voter fraud and suppression attempts from the far right that this nation has ever seen. They know they can't win fairly, so they are going to pull out every dirty trick in the book they can to rig the elections.

That's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about internal party struggles, not external.

Both parties use as many "dirty tricks" as they possibly can get away with, all the time.
Anyways having those things on your insurance is irrelevant. Health insurance was never about an ala carte system. Its a stupid argument to make that wont win you shit.

Dude that stuff isn't irrelevant when you get the bill for it. And car insurance has always been alacart. Do you want car rental with it? Do you want roadside assistance? Do you want full coverage or just liability? Do You Want A 500 Dollar Deductible Or 1000.

Obamacare gives you 0 choices. 90 and infertile? Doesn't matters, you got maternity coverage anyhow. Ever done drugs in your life? No? Well you get rehab coverage anyways.

Your argument is a total fail
The GOP can pick you apart like me on a drunk night in a strip bar. Point is will they blow it by letting you drag them into a STUPID debate over social issues
All of the liberals talking points are useless. The Republicans just have the people sit back and talk about their experiences with Obamacare. The republicans can be good listeners and say, I hear you, I care. Look concerned because you are, and say, "We tried." Just nod.

Nod your way to victory in November 2014.
The GOP can pick you apart like me on a drunk night in a strip bar. Point is will they blow it by letting you drag them into a STUPID debate over social issues

It's not quite that simple, but you've certainly boiled it down to the essentials.

The Dems are in a bad spot at the moment over Obamacare - but it's not as bad it could be, and the Dems have their shit together a lot more than the GOP does at the moment.

The GOP isn't in the greatest spot either, the shutdown hurt them, both in the sense that the GOP got the majority of the blame for it, and the sense that it resulted in the internal political dirty laundry of the GOP being aired for all on national television.

There is a multi-front war going on in the GOP.

There's the old-school social conservative faction, who are desperately clinging to their last gasps of power.

There's the new, upstart tea party folks, who mean well, but simply don't understand how the system works.

And there's the status-quo GOP, as always where all the actual power is, trying their best to think strategically about actually beating the Dems and maintain their lavish, comfortable status quo lives.

Don't get me wrong, the Dems are not doing great. But I think the GOP is doing worse.
What does easyboop think? Or is this thread too complicated being full of personal speculation and all?
I hope to hell we can be smart enough this time to leave the damn social issues at the curb. All the social issues don't mean shit if we can't stop our country from going down the toilet financially.


Your social conservative values are USELESS if you can't win the seat. Our country is more important that who is fucking who behind closed doors.

True and rather irrelevant. You know that they have not learned a damn thing. VA would have been an easy win but the GOP wanted to talk about abortion yet again. And yet again lost.

I wish they would learn but I don’t think that they have yet. I have one more thing to add as well – the fiscal fight is coming again in a few months and we are going to get an identical repeat of the last one with different issues/points. The GOP will take it on the chin and the Obamacare debacle will be completely washed away until the employer mandate hits.

Then, I am willing to bet, they will repeat the same debt ceiling fight again before the next election. The GOP seems totally unaware of the damage that they are doing to themselves.
The GOP is too fractured at the moment to be able to take advantage of any advantage that the Dems have given them with Obamacare.

An animal is most dangerous when it's injured and close to death - and that's the state the social conservative movement is at right now. It's going to get worse before it gets better.

That's my prediction, at least.

Agree totally.

I must admit though that the losses now will help to shape a FAR stronger party later. The GOP is undergoing fundamental battles that can (I hope) change the fundamentals of the party. My fear though is that the social conservatives are going to win. Some recent studies posted here pointed to the fact that the social conservatives have a larger base than the actual small government fiscal conservatives. If that should happen I think that the GOP essentially dooms itself. Those ‘death throws’ that you are seeing might not die at all and we will be left with a democrat powerbase for a LONG time.
The GOP can pick you apart like me on a drunk night in a strip bar. Point is will they blow it by letting you drag them into a STUPID debate over social issues

It's not quite that simple, but you've certainly boiled it down to the essentials.

The Dems are in a bad spot at the moment over Obamacare - but it's not as bad it could be, and the Dems have their shit together a lot more than the GOP does at the moment.

The GOP isn't in the greatest spot either, the shutdown hurt them, both in the sense that the GOP got the majority of the blame for it, and the sense that it resulted in the internal political dirty laundry of the GOP being aired for all on national television.

There is a multi-front war going on in the GOP.

There's the old-school social conservative faction, who are desperately clinging to their last gasps of power.

There's the new, upstart tea party folks, who mean well, but simply don't understand how the system works.

And there's the status-quo GOP, as always where all the actual power is, trying their best to think strategically about actually beating the Dems and maintain their lavish, comfortable status quo lives.

Don't get me wrong, the Dems are not doing great. But I think the GOP is doing worse.

Well, there is also the whole thing of the Dems currently failing at what is a benevolent policy that helps Americans whereas the GOP under he-whose-name-shouldn't-be-spoken (he was in power from 2000-2008) wasted hundreds of Billions first destroying the middle east then rebuilding it.
2014 Elections: What Will they Mean for Hillary and Democrats?

Written on Monday, December 9, 2013 by David L. Goetsch

The 2014 elections will be what are generally referred to as mid-term elections. Seats in Congress will be up for grabs, but of course the president does not have to run. Because the president is not running, mid-term elections typically generate less interest and, in turn, less participation from voters. However, the 2014 mid-term elections are likely to break the mold. What you may ask makes these mid-term elections different from those in the past? In a word, “Obamacare.” Whether the candidate in question is a Democrat, Republican, or from a third-party, there will be one issue that will stand out above all others in 2014, and that issue is Obamacare. Further, try as they might candidates will not be able to escape, gloss over, or kick the can down the road on this all-important issue. Obamacare will either be the unraveling of a presidency or the making of a legacy, and the mid-term elections of 2014 will determine which it will be. What the mid-term elections in 2014 will not be—unfortunately—is the undoing of Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations, no matter how much Republicans and conservatives wish that would be the case.

Republicans and conservatives—unfortunately there is a difference these days—are hoping to clean up in the mid-term elections of 2014, and Obamacare has certainly set the table for a string of Republican victories in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Naturally, Republicans and conservatives are hoping that a big win at the polls in 2014 will spell disaster for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. I certainly hope the same thing. However, I am afraid the 2014 elections will not be a plebiscite on Hillary. In fact, conservatives will be sadly mistaken if they think Republican victories in 2014 presage bad tidings for Hillary. I say this because Hillary believes in one thing and one thing only: her election as president. She has no abiding moral, philosophical, or political views. What she believes at any given moment is whatever she needs to believe to position herself for a run at the presidency. Obamacare or any other issue that gets in her way will be cast aside like used Kleenex. On any issue that stands between her and the Oval Office, expect to see Hillary switch gears faster than Dale Unser. Sensing weakness, Hillary has already began putting some serious distance between herself and Barack Obama. By the time the 2016 elections roll around she will claim she doesn’t even know the man. In fact, if she needs to in order to win the presidency Hillary will run as a newly enlightened moderate who claims she fought against Obamacare and only resigned as Secretary of State when she lost the battle. Hillary Clinton’s loyalty to Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, and any given political issue has less depth than a sheet of paper. Hillary will not let Obamacare stand in the way of her aspirations. The 2014 mid-term elections will be a plebiscite, but on one individual and one issue only: Barack Obama and Obamacare.


Read more at 2014 Elections: What Will they Mean for Hillary and Democrats? - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update
I hope to hell we can be smart enough this time to leave the damn social issues at the curb. All the social issues don't mean shit if we can't stop our country from going down the toilet financially.


Your social conservative values are USELESS if you can't win the seat. Our country is more important that who is fucking who behind closed doors.

Lots of examples you gave there. You must have just forgot to mention them.

The economy is stronger now than it was in 2012. Our deficit is smaller, housing construction is up, unemployment is down, consumer spending is up, the market is up, the auto makers are healthy, we are only in one war and it is being paid for.

What are you going to pounce on? The debt that the GOP created?

Anyways having those things on your insurance is irrelevant. Health insurance was never about an ala carte system. Its a stupid argument to make that wont win you shit.

Dude that stuff isn't irrelevant when you get the bill for it. And car insurance has always been alacart. Do you want car rental with it? Do you want roadside assistance? Do you want full coverage or just liability? Do You Want A 500 Dollar Deductible Or 1000.

Obamacare gives you 0 choices. 90 and infertile? Doesn't matters, you got maternity coverage anyhow. Ever done drugs in your life? No? Well you get rehab coverage anyways.

Your argument is a total fail

85% of the nations insured people have had maternity coverage for years....men, elderly, infertile.....all. And nobody ever said shit about it.

Dumb argument.
The problem for the GOP is not the Dems. The problem for the GOP is the Tea Party. The government shut down emboldened the movement and they will be pushing some very extreme characters into the primaries.

Karl Rove is prepared with a ton of money to fight them, but what success will he have. The Senate has been lost for at least the two last voting cycles....mainly because the TP pushes some loons through the primaries.

you do realize, had the democrats listened to the tea party, the event which is currently crushing them and dashing their chances in future elections wouldn't be happeneing right now. the tea party was right. what you thought was going to be a political disater for them is turning out to be a positive moment.

No, it is not at all. Tea Party candidates at the senate level will be crushed, badly. And TPM candidates will most likely be primaried out at the House level.

Why? Not the economic issues but their stupid social issues are out of step with the rest of America.
I think the obamacare problems will continue for some time. Once the cost becomes widely known it will get worse.

or things will correct themselves and nothing will happen. People think short term these days and not longterm.

The problems will subside I'm sure but the sticker shock for the middle class will continue. When the business mandate kicks in NEXT YEAR there will be a much larger wave of pissed off people. This disaster isn't going away any time soon.

ACA, if we are smart enough not to shut down govt and try to default the debt, is a winnable argument for maintaining the House GOP majority.
you do realize, had the democrats listened to the tea party, the event which is currently crushing them and dashing their chances in future elections wouldn't be happeneing right now. the tea party was right. what you thought was going to be a political disater for them is turning out to be a positive moment.

That is your opinion. The ACA has not been fully implemented. The web site was a huge blunder, I will admit. But the premise of the program is good. If the enrollment approaches what is envisioned, it could succeed. If it doesn't then we will see.

The problem that many have with the Tea Party and the GOP stance on the ACA is they want a Repeal! If they sat down with the Dems and tried to fix some of the issues, then maybe I could see that. REPEAL REPEAL REPEAL just won't cut it.


According to recent polls REPEAL REPEAL REPEAL wins 53% of the vote. That is not opinion.

Oh, tell the truth, for once in your TPM reactionary life. Fifty-two percent favor either scaling back the Affordable Care Act (20 percent) or repealing it (32 percent), compared with a combined 50 percent who gave those responses in mid-October.

68% want it to stay the same or reform it, while 32% want it to be repeal, less than 1/3rd. Poll: Views on Obamacare Repeal Virtually Unchanged - NationalJournal.com
I hope to hell we can be smart enough this time to leave the damn social issues at the curb. All the social issues don't mean shit if we can't stop our country from going down the toilet financially.


Your social conservative values are USELESS if you can't win the seat. Our country is more important that who is fucking who behind closed doors.

Too bad people like you continue to call women "sluts" and "whores". When you preferred elected officials hear idiots like you speak...what should they do? Dismiss you as the idiot that you are or try to preach to the choir and join in the chorus calling women they don't know "sluts" and "whores"?


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