Obama and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's a sickness...
January 6, 2016
Obama and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind
By Lauri B. Regan


Paine may have been discussing the British monarch circa 1776, but his insight is equally applicable to Obama and Co., who reign like kings while exhibiting ignorance and incompetence. This is particularly surprising, given that many liberal policymakers, including Obama, are highly educated, and therefore presumably adept at critical thinking and analysis. But after seven years of Obama leading the Democratic Party in insane notions of transforming the country, it is clear that rational thought and common sense are skill sets greatly lacking among liberal elites.

Whether blinded by ideology, motivated by egocentrism and nihilism, or solely focused on their goals of destroying America’s exceptionalism (while ensuring that Democrats rule forever), liberals are incapable of scientific inquiry, common sense analyses, and reason. Their irrationality is best illustrated by examining some of the faux wars they have chosen to fight and the real ones in which they have surrendered.

Global Warming: The fight against anthropogenic global warming, manmade climate change, or what normal people simply refer to as “weather”, has been a cause celebre of the left since Al Gore jumped onboard the gravy train a decade ago. Much like other liberal causes, this war has become a religion for its proponents. However, environmentalists have become religious fanatics who pronounce the science “settled” and consider any views to the contrary blasphemy. They urge the prosecution of skeptics including one Democratic senator suggesting that “climate denial” should be made a “crime against humanity.”

Liberals are so blinded by their nihilism that they proclaim this the greatest threat to mankind notwithstanding the global proliferation of Islamic terrorism, an imminently nuclear Iran, nuclear-armed rogue regimes in North Korea and Pakistan, and precarious relationships with other foes such as Russia and China.


Islamic Terrorism: Anyone questioning the liberal mantra that Islam is a religion of peace, despite data to the contrary, is labeled an Islamophobe with the aim of shutting down honest debate. Islamists declared war on the U.S. well before 9/11 and yet liberals still refuse to name the enemy. To liberals, political correctness trumps common sense. Irrationally, they are importing hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees despite knowing that terrorists are entering the country. FBI training materials were insanely scrubbed of any mention of jihad, Islamic extremism or other terms potentially offensive to Muslims, likely resulting in Tamerlan Tsarneav slipping through the cracks. And while logic would dictate expanding the number of terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Obama is releasing known terrorists back to the killing fields, common sense -- and his oath of office -- be damned.


Iran: War with Iran? Whatchu talkin bout, Willis? Gary Coleman’s famous line is the reaction the administration and Iran deal supporters project when anyone questions the wisdom of Obama’s weak-kneed diplomacy with the mullahs. That irrational mentality ignores the fact that Iran has been at war with America since the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis in 1979.

Liberals ignore chants of “Death to America,” the murder of our soldiers on battlefields in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iranian-sponsored terrorism across the world from Buenos Aires to the Gaza Strip, and breaches of international law including the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Yet as illogic would dictate, liberals support a deal that, in effect, allows this rogue mullahcracy, the world’s largest state sponsor of Islamic terror, to go nuclear. Go figure.

Poverty and Unemployment: Paine sensibly recognized, “From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.” Unfortunately, the Democrats are so ignorantly enamored by European-style socialism, despite its complete collapse, that the U.S. economy has not grown during Obama’s reign and the divide among economic classes has widened.

Liberal economic policies like Keynesian taxing and spending and increased minimum wages are illogical and have failed. Affirmative action and other forms of social manipulation will not produce more productive members of society but rather, more resentful minorities. And bringing in untold numbers of indigent immigrants, whether Hispanic, Muslim, or otherwise, will only create more of a burden on government-run social welfare programs. The illogic of liberalism has led to a doubling down of failed policies that are creating more poor, unemployed, and government dependents -- and Democratic votes.

Racism: Obama, Holder, Jarrett and the gang would have us believe that we are a country of racists. Ignoring the fact that Americans elected an African-American to the highest office in the land twice, this gang of angry black folks is fueling the flames of hate -- at the expense of African-Americans. Obama’s divisiveness has set the civil rights movement back decades as Black Lives Matters groups protest violently, police across the country are paralyzed while crime rises, and everyone who does not agree that we are a racist country is labeled, well racist.

Enemies: Liberals irrationally imagine enemies around every corner. The enemies Hillary Clinton is the most proud to have made are Republicans, while Obama is Nixonian in his view that all dissenters are foes to be quashed. Whether sic’ing the IRS on those with whom he disagrees or ordering the NSA to spy on Congress and the Israelis, Obama has enlisted all troops to fight his perceived domestic enemies. His DOJ nonsensically fails to prosecute criminals (Black Panthers and CAIR) while fabricating cases against individuals who disagree with his policies, including Bob Menendez who voted against his Iran deal.


Constitution: Obama took an oath to defend the Constitution. He has been at war with its constraints since day one, usurping power from the other branches of government and ignoring the laws that he swore to uphold and the security of the country he vowed to defend. He has chosen to transform the country through a strategy of divide and conquer despite promises of bipartisanship and transparency. Whether ObamaCare, illegal immigration, or the Iran deal, Obama has reduced Congress to an insignificant thorn in his side.


Can Republicans help usher in a new “Age of Reason?” One can only hope, but one thing is clear; under the dictatorial, insanely irrational policies of the liberals dominating the Democratic Party, the country is destined to fall into the same abyss as the Roman Empire. Unlike Paine, liberals are intolerant and unwilling to reason let alone debate their positions, shutting down all civil discourse and opposing views. Years of Democratic rule have resulted in division, chaos, violence, and a decline in civilized and societal norms. Would that a modern-day Paine write Common Sense, Part II to inspire a new revolution in the country; one in which Americans once again rise up to gain their independence against an oppressive government.

Read more: Articles: Obama and the Insanity of the Liberal Mind
North Korea and Iran: The Nuclear Duo
Obama administration takes North Korea testing issue to the UN while ignoring Iran link.
January 8, 2016
Joseph Klein


North Korea conducted its fourth nuclear test on January 6th, which it claimed was a hydrogen bomb. Despite some skepticism as to North Korea’s claim that it had actually tested a hydrogen bomb, the Obama administration acknowledged that North Korea had indeed tested some sort of nuclear device. The administration condemned North Korea’s latest testing as a violation of a series of past United Nations Security Council resolutions.

"We do not and will not accept North Korea as a nuclear armed state, and actions such as this latest test only strengthen our resolve," declared Secretary of State John Kerry.

Mr. Kerry is a bit late with his declaration. North Korea has had an active nuclear arms program for nearly a decade and has conducted three of its four nuclear tests during President Obama’s time in office. None of the sanctions contained in the Security Council resolutions have stopped North Korea from thumbing its nose at the so-called “international community” and conducting as many nuclear and missile tests as it wishes. Kerry’s declaration begs the question - “resolve” to do what? Pass yet another Security Council resolution with a few more symbolic sanctions and some additional travel restrictions on senior North Korean officials?

The Obama administration’s claim of “resolve” in dealing effectively with nuclear threats rings hollow. Its idea of what “resolve” means was demonstrated by the loophole-ridden nuclear deal with Iran, which contains no safeguards against Iran’s cooperation with North Korea on nuclear technology and development. No doubt the administration would offer North Korea a similar deal if its leader Kim Jong-un were as crafty as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in lulling President Obama and Kerry into a false sense of security.

Moreover, rather than work closely with China to maximize its leverage in defusing North Korea’s nuclear threat, the administration chose to prioritize climate change in its relationship with China above all other issues.

The administration’s solution to the North Korea problem is to double down on its failed strategy of relying principally on the UN for concerted “international” action. It joined Japan, a non-permanent member of the Security Council, in calling for the December 6th emergency session. After about two hours of closed door consultations, the Security Council issued a press statement condemning the test and vowing further unspecified measures in response:

“The members of the Security Council strongly condemned this test, which is a clear violation of Security Council resolutions1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), 2087 (2013), and 2094 (2013) and of the non-proliferation regime, and therefore a clear threat to international peace and security continues to exist. The members of the Security Council also recalled that they have previously expressed their determination to take ‘further significant measures’ in the event of another DPRK nuclear test, and in line with this commitment and the gravity of this violation, the members of the Security Council will begin to work immediately on such measures in a new Security Council resolution.”

Even if Russia and China were to come around and support another resolution under the enforcement provisions of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, it is hard to believe that it will make any difference. Before the emergency Security Council meeting even began, Russian UN Ambassador Churkin was already lowering expectations, saying softly to reporters: “Cool heads, cool heads” and “proportionate response.”

North Korea regards the UN Security Council, and the Obama administration for that matter, with about as much contempt as Iran does. Indeed, all North Korea’s leaders have had to do is look at how Iran has been treated when it behaves badly. Iran was rewarded with a deal that merely postpones its nuclear arms program in return for the lifting of sanctions and unfreezing of many billions of dollars. Moreover, Iran suffered no consequences to speak of from its recent violations of the Security Council resolutions prohibiting it from developing or testing ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The Security Council held meetings but did nothing. As U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last December, “Beyond having Security Council discussions on the matter there’s been no follow-on action. Discussions are a form of U.N. action.”

For its part, the Obama administration put off the imposition of any separate U.S. sanctions it had been considering in response to Iran’s missile launchings as soon as the Iranians claimed that any such sanctions would violate President Obama’s “holy grail” nuclear deal.


North Korea and Iran: The Nuclear Duo
Obama Inc: "Will Not Accept" North Korea as a "Nuclear State"
Denying reality is not a plan
January 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Problem solved then. North Korea has nukes, but Obama won't accept that. The only answer must be a courageous policy of willful denial. Also anyone who points out that North Korea has nukes should be blamed for the crisis. It worked with Islamic terror. It'll work here.


North Korea is a nuclear state. Denying reality is not a plan. And yet that's all Obama does.

You just haven't actually done anything to stop it. Which means that you do accept it.


Hopefully this will be followed by a stern letter and then offers of yet another nuclear deal that will aid and reward North Korea.

Obama Inc: "Will Not Accept" North Korea as a "Nuclear State"
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.
CandyAss just look at what's going on around the planet everything this goofy obongo administration is doing is wrong/not working. You can take your liberal mind and shove it up your ass, that goes for C_Clayton_Jones too...:bye1:
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.

Liberals insult minorities on a daily basis by claiming they need government because they can't do the simplest of things, such as get a photo ID.
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.

Liberals insult minorities on a daily basis by claiming they need government because they can't do the simplest of things, such as get a photo ID.

I'll agree with you on that one thing. Liberals are wrong for resisting ID laws.

Daily insults? You're nuts.
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.
CandyAss just look at what's going on around the planet everything this goofy obongo administration is doing is wrong/not working. You can take your liberal mind and shove it up your ass, that goes for C_Clayton_Jones too...:bye1:

Oh shut the fuck up.

You gave no examples....feel free to pick a spot where Obama supposedly failed....your move chump.
Oh look, another copy & paste twit with no original thoughts of their own!
He's just bypassing the libturd screeches of 'link', 'link'.

Yeah, it's annoying when someone calls you on your lies. It's a common malady of Conserveatives.
It's annoying when libturds pretend not to have seen the links already posted, and then pretend there's something 'wrong' with the source when they do see them, and then there's something 'wrong' with the next source, and so on ad nauseum. Libturds just play the incredibly boring game of discredit the source at any cost. So, I think it was good of AJ to provide us with some good articles.
Oh look, another copy & paste twit with no original thoughts of their own!
He's just bypassing the libturd screeches of 'link', 'link'.

Yeah, it's annoying when someone calls you on your lies. It's a common malady of Conserveatives.
It's annoying when libturds pretend not to have seen the links already posted, and then pretend there's something 'wrong' with the source when they do see them, and then there's something 'wrong' with the next source, and so on ad nauseum. Libturds just play the incredibly boring game of discredit the source at any cost. So, I think it was good of AJ to provide us with some good articles.

They're blog posts.

As for asking for source material, its the way to keep people honest. If you're casual about the truth I guess it doesn't matter; you're going to believe whatever your little heart desires.

The 9/11 truthers are fantastic at this...since most of the research into building collapses was done by the government...they simply say the government was behind 9/11 and it makes the government research jaundiced.

It's as if the conserve-hate-ives have tried to mimick the 9/11 truther strategy. You guys no longer believe unemployment numbers (unless they are higher) issued by the government, you guys no longer trust government findings (unless they support an argument you're making), you guys no longer trust election results for damn sure unless it is an off year and the liberals mysteriously forget how to rig elections....

This is why thereare requests for proof... If your argument is strong, you should be able to find credible sources in the media to back them up.

Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't trust them either.
That's the problem - 'Credible sources' are constantly referred to as biased, or the author has an agenda, etc etc etc. The fact is most people seem to be very attached to their beliefs and any evidence to the contrary just gets then bending over backwards to discredit what goes against them. I always post links but am beginning to think it simply isn't worth the hassle because of this silly time wasting game.
That's the problem - 'Credible sources' are constantly referred to as biased, or the author has an agenda, etc etc etc. The fact is most people seem to be very attached to their beliefs and any evidence to the contrary just gets then bending over backwards to discredit what goes against them. I always post links but am beginning to think it simply isn't worth the hassle because of this silly time wasting game.

If you look at your source's body of work and can find no pattern of such bias, you needn't worry about the opponents. Unless you have inherent bias to start with. And even if you do, finding corroborating sources can dispell the bias/opponent
That's the problem - 'Credible sources' are constantly referred to as biased, or the author has an agenda, etc etc etc. The fact is most people seem to be very attached to their beliefs and any evidence to the contrary just gets then bending over backwards to discredit what goes against them. I always post links but am beginning to think it simply isn't worth the hassle because of this silly time wasting game.

If you look at your source's body of work and can find no pattern of such bias, you needn't worry about the opponents. Unless you have inherent bias to start with. And even if you do, finding corroborating sources can dispell the bias/opponent
We must be reading different boards. Maybe you conduct yourself in the way you describe, but most don't, they will simply go out of their way to discredit and maligh, deflect and derail. It's so tedious I will probably only provide links in the future to honest posters like you :)
I'm pretty sure the Liberal mind is superior to the Conservative mind. The "trust no one" mantra works on paper but is ill suited for the real world. Insulting women, Hispanics, Blacks and other minorities as a matter of habit is a sign that the conservative mind belongs to lazy people who think it is too much trouble to grow and develop beyond high school.
CandyAss just look at what's going on around the planet everything this goofy obongo administration is doing is wrong/not working. You can take your liberal mind and shove it up your ass, that goes for C_Clayton_Jones too...:bye1:

What was working so well when Bush was president that we should put that crowd back in power,

because the indisputable fact is, if you elect a Republican president and a Republican Congress, that is exactly where we go,

right back to 2001.

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