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Obama and the US economy!

Guess what, it is 2017 and GSEs are here with us to stay, can you point to the "reform" that is supposed to save us now?

As you know, EVERYTHING in my post is 100% true. Each provided the date and who was quoted.

As you know too, Fannie and Freddie followed the rules placed on them by congress. At the time, specifically by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Frank's lover was on the board of directors of Freddie Mac and received bonuses based on the number of subprime loans they were forced to buy.

Your arguments LAUGHABLE, what I know of your post is that is almost entirely false as far as it's relevancy in establishing Bush's admin foresight into the real estate collapse or what they advocated being at all able to prevent it.
GOP obstructionists? At least we had no corrupt GOP bubble...
The Clinton internet bubble was bad, but completely expected. Mostly private. The real estate, government created bubble, was completely avoidable. Bill Clinton had a major hand in it. He threatened banks if they refused to make insane loans. But it was good for "progress" and the bankers, so he did as was told.

Bullshit. It was Republican gutting of 1930's banking regulations put in place after the Great Depression late in Clinton's presidency which allowed banks to package subprime mortgages into high yield junk bonds which set the housing bubble into motion
So republicans forced all those people to default on the loans Bill Clinton insisted banks make? Sure thing.

If people have easy access to credit they will use it wether or not they can pay it back. It's up to the creditors and regulators to manage the risk and set unwriting standards.

Problem was that real estate pricing collapse was so unprecedented in modern history that it was thought of as fail proof assets. Risk on them was grossly underestimated by institutions on just about every level.
No, the problem was Fannie and Freddie buying 12 million crap loans and guaranteeing their $1.8 trillion value. They were then packaged and sold as a safe investment because they were guaranteed.

This is half baked nonsense. Fannie and Freddie are NOT ALLOWED BY LAW, to directly buy up "crap loans", which I assume you mean to be subprime. What they were allowed was to buy up derivative securities that were triple-A graded products, those actually did mix in subprime mortgages. The math behind these products is complex but explanation of their failure is quite easy to explain - the risk of real estate prices collapse was grossly underestimated.

This underestimation was not in any shape or form limited to any one, or one type of institution, it was pervasive throughout the market.

Of course today very few are left blind to this risk and THAT, more than any regulation or (non-existent) GSE reform is what re-inforces underwriting standards and ensures us that our real estate will not collapse tomorrow and take under our entire financial system.
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If people have easy access to credit they will use it wether or not they can pay it back. It's up to the creditors and regulators to manage the risk and set unwriting standards.

Problem was that real estate pricing collapse was so unprecedented in modern history that it was thought of as fail proof assets. Risk on them was grossly underestimated by institutions on just about every level.

Fannie and Freddie were mandated, by congress to make a higher percentage of their portfolio up of subprime loans.

They were? Link it up.

The only thing I've ever read about suggestions that GSE should buy into more subprime was from....Bush's administration, who chided GSE's for falling behind the private market in buying up subprime backed securities.
I offer that asshole no respect at all so I purposely spell his name wrong butt face.
You have your facts...I have mine,
regean was the worst thing to happen to the working class.
The middle class has eroded because of the actions of regeans policies and deregulation.
That is ridiculous first of all get his name right it's Reagan you dweeb. And the economy was roaring during Reagan's presidency. He saved the middle class in the 80's. The middle class was nearly destroyed by Carter's ruination. You guys use to be better at rewriting history, now you all just make shit up. Removing nonsensical regulations always leads to a better economy. We just had the best jobs month in 7 years by telling businesses the regulations are going away and you completely over look that fact and then you go and post the stupidest post of the week. Too bad for the dems the people have wised up...well some have.
regean changed the banking laws and we saw our first recession in decades.
Check the facts.
regean was an :asshole: and always will be.

Just so all those on the alt-right will realize, this all rides on the backs of the regean administration for their voodoo economics and 4 decades of trickle down economics.
The middle class has eroded because of the actions of regeans policies and deregulation.

Frank and Dodd were fully supported by the Republican President and Congress, so Markle is loose as a goose with the facts. :lol:

Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997

New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending

President Bush’s and the Administrations Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs – Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001
Just the Facts: The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

By Elliot Blair Smith,
Fannie Mae to pay $400 million fine

Franklin Raines was
Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Clinton and returned to Fannie Mae as its CEO in 1999. Raines is not a “chief” economic adviser for President Barack Hussein Obama but has advised the administration on mortgage and housing matters. Obama had hired another former Fannie CEO, Jim Johnson as a member of Obama’s V.P. search committee and who was forced to quit under fire.

Bloomberg News -
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis -

Democrats in their own words covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac

Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis

From the New York Times
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Published: September 11, 2003 WASHINGTON,

Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

Read more: New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae



From USNews and World Report
Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie Muddle
By Sam Dealey
September 10, 2008


So five years ago, there was one of those rare moments in Washington when the branches and personalities of government—in this case, the Bush administration—are less interested in protecting or expanding their turf than in fixing a looming catastrophe. What was Frank's response to the proposal?

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''



Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble – September 17, 2008

Barney's Rubble

Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?

Maxine Waters & Barney Frank - Then Vs. Now -
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Steve Kroft On Credit Default Swaps And Their Central Role In The Unfolding Economic Crisis -
The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street

All this, in addition to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by President William Jefferson Clinton caused the meltdown.

It COULD have been stopped or greatly reduced. Democrats fought that every step of the way and the Republicans wilted under the barrage of being called racist and worse.

It has nothing to do with Reagan and everything to do with Clinton rewriting the CRA which would punish banks if they did not loan enough to people that had no means to repay the loan.
The economy grew magnificently during Obama's terms, as evidenced by UE rates, the stock market, and wage growth.

A a recession is going to occur, probably in the next four years, because of the no-limit print money scam of Congress and the Fed at almost 0% interest for the last ten years, that will rival the Great Depression.

OK: who can diagram the above?
I offer that asshole no respect at all so I purposely spell his name wrong butt face.
You have your facts...I have mine,
regean was the worst thing to happen to the working class.

Definition of an asshole = using false wrong and dishonest facts to try and prove a stupid wrong uneducated narrative like yours.

Reagan was the best governor of California in our lifetime and he was by far the greatest president we've had in decades but because he is not a stupid nanny liberal that would give you free stuff you don't deserve you don't like

You are having the same kind of tantrum you had when mommy said no you can't have that candy it will ruin your appetite. Maybe if your mommy said no to you more often you would be a better citizen and be able to show some respect to president Reagan.

One thing I love about this message board is we have facts at our finger tips and thus we can quickly discover when someone is uniformed or lying.

Reagan was great and you hate that because his success is still front and center in most Americans minds. :badgrin:

A a recession is going to occur, probably in the next four years

Probably in the next four years, :lmao:so it's a sure thing but when it will happen is not known?

If that is so how do you know it will happen? I think you are guessing and wishing. You are aren't you? wishing and hoping. What a sad place to be in.
The whole time Obama was in office I was pissed off. I didn't like him or his policies one bit.

My business came within a gnats ass of folding more than once. Everyday was an economic struggle just to keep the doors open but I never wished for a recession so that my political rivals would see what a loser Obama was and I could claim that I was right.

That kind of thinking I will never understand. Why can't you libs just be happy for a good jobs report? It's good for all of us. It's good for charities, it's good for government in increased tax revenue, it's good for businesses. Man the extent of butthurt that is on display is historic and monumental.
Rambunctious ^^ slices my posts out of context (a reportable violation) because he can't answer them otherwise. Here is the full comment. You can see has failed again.

The economy grew magnificently during Obama's terms, as evidenced by UE rates, the stock market, and wage growth.

As a recession is going to occur, probably in the next four years, because of the no-limit print money scam of Congress and the Fed at almost 0% interest for the last ten years, that will rival the Great Depression.

R is absolutely lost when it comes to economics and finance.
Rambunctious ^^ slices my posts out of context (a reportable violation) because he can't answer them otherwise. Here is the full comment. You can see has failed again.

The economy grew magnificently during Obama's terms, as evidenced by UE rates, the stock market, and wage growth.

As a recession is going to occur, probably in the next four years, because of the no-limit print money scam of Congress and the Fed at almost 0% interest for the last ten years, that will rival the Great Depression.

R is absolutely lost when it comes to economics and finance.
Sorry Jake it just strikes me as funny whenever economic doom is predicted and the predictor can't tell you when such doom will ascend upon us. Sounds like a guess at best and a wish at worst. Re portable violation BuuuuAAAAHAHAHAHA!
Your arguments LAUGHABLE, what I know of your post is that is almost entirely false as far as it's relevancy in establishing Bush's admin foresight into the real estate collapse or what they advocated being at all able to prevent it.

LOL! Once again...you boldly concede that you have...NOTHING!

Reluctant as you are, I appreciate you conceding.
The economy grew magnificently during Obama's terms, as evidenced by UE rates, the stock market, and wage growth.

The Fed was forced to keep their interest rate at near ZERO for EIGHT YEARS because of the anemic economic growth. The first president in history to not have a single year of growth above 3%. The growth in the stock market is due entirely to the massive input of cash into circulation. Wage growth over EIGHT YEARS? What wage growth?

He wins the nomination & then the presidency and the economy crashes.

He resides over the worst growth in my lifetime.

He exits the office & the economy once again booms.

Interesting timeline no?

The economy was crashing before he entered office.

It improved while he was in office.

He left office with the economy and unemployment rates much BETTER than they were when he entered office.
He wins the nomination & then the presidency and the economy crashes.

He resides over the worst growth in my lifetime.

He exits the office & the economy once again booms.

Interesting timeline no?

The economy was crashing before he entered office.

It improved while he was in office.

He left office with the economy and unemployment rates much BETTER than they were when he entered office.
The timeline I outlined is not disputable. Add to that the immediate boost to the economy when he left and the results speak for themselves
Housing crash pretty much did us in. Bush had the dot.com crash and 9-11, so it's not like he skated through. Contrary to what liberals would hope to believe, the housing crash wasn't Bush's fault. He shares some responsibility, but liberal lending practices were a big contributor. We had been leading up to this since Clinton.

While we made some progress during Obama's term, it was very slow and not effective. We didn't show turn around until after the Republicans took the house. Coincidence, fuck I don't know, just an observation.

While we're due a correction to the worst at some point, Trump will likely lead us to where Obama couldn't. Meaning we didn't meet our potential under the Obummer admin. They passed on the interest rates to Trump, which should have taken place a long fucking time ago. Fact is without those low interest rates, Obama's economy is putrid. All he did is pass the problem onto a new admin., and so far it's not a problem.
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