Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

And most of the Islamic world are countries with secular constitutions, as well.

The biggest Islamic nation in the world? Indonesia. Secular constitution that garuntees rights to its non-Muslim minorities.

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.

Freedom of religion in Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay. Second biggest. Pakistan.

Freedom of religion in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of religion in Pakistan is guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan for individuals and religious sects. However this freedom is declared subject to "reasonable restrictions".[1]

Whoops, sorry, wrong again.

Hey, let's try Egypt..

Freedom of religion in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Egyptian constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites, although the Government places restrictions on these rights in practice. Islam is the official state religion, and Shari'a (Islamic law) is the primary source of legislation.

Now, are these countries wonderful examples of religious pluralism? Of course not.

But your statement that a 'constitution" promises religious freedom has been discredited....
Can you believe this ignorant Nazi dipshit? Now he's selling "freedom of religion" in Pakistan and Egypt! Dude I suggest you hang it up, because you're making yourself look like a total FOOL with each additional post!
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.
Well hopefully that won't happen and Iran's nuclear sites will be whacked way before that, much to the dismay of you neo *****, I mean neo Nazis.

My bet is on the grounds there is no strike on Iran in the next 5 years. If there is a strike on Iran in the next 5 years, the bet will be void. But since you say talking to Iran will result in Iran nuking Israel, a "2nd Holocaust, I was thinking you might put your shekels where your mouth is. So the bet is assuming they stay that course.

I just wondering if you really believe the zionist horseshit your parrot. I guess not.
I never made any of the claims you are making, Nazi douchebag. It's quite simple. Either Iran steps up and makes a serious enough commitment in eliminating the nuclear threat, or they will get whacked hard. And nobody knows which it will be, not even the Israelis, Americans, or even the Iranians themselves.
Take it easy baldy and get the hell out of my country.
Ha ha ha. Getting ready for the crossburning tonight, dressed as Nazi transvestite? LOL

Your obsession with Nazis is weird to say the least. You say Nazi every other post. I think you have Nazi Derangement Syndrome.
Hey, if it looks like a Nazi, smells like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, better not step on it, you might get shit on the bottom of your shoes. Ha ha ha.
Hey, Roudy... havin' fun in here, playing cats-paw with the latest prospects for the Arab Butt-Boy Brigade?
I gots ta tell ya, these corksoaking Nazis are sure fun to play with. This guy should try being a comedian, his starting punch-line should be: "Hey how'd ya guys like that religious tolerance in Pakistan and Egypt, those bastions of Islamic coexistence" <applause> Ha ha ha.
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Of course, their goal was Israel&#8217;s demise.

Historical facts show that the zionists came into Palestiine in the mid 1920's determined to create a Jewish State and disappear the natives.

But the Palestinian's Arabs were simply to rollover and play dead. Is that right?

Hey Cunto, no such thing as Palestinian Arabs in 1920. Just Arabs, mostly recent invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their dear leader and founder of the Palestinian National (bowel) Movement, Egyptian born and raised Yasser Arafat.

In 1920 if you called an Arab a "Palestinian" he would slap you in the face since it meant you were calling him a JEW.

True story. :cool:
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Take it easy baldy and get the hell out of my country.
Ha ha ha. Getting ready for the crossburning tonight, dressed as Nazi transvestite? LOL

Your obsession with Nazis is weird to say the least. You say Nazi every other post. I think you have Nazi Derangement Syndrome.

Excuse, I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk! Ha ha ha:



They have also made use of Nazi symbolism, and have praised figures of Nazi Germany in the past. According to academic sources, the group is racist and xenophobic, while the party's leader has openly identified it as nationalist and racist.

Allegations of Nazism

The Golden Dawn banner consists of a Greek meander in a style which has been compared to the Nazi Party banner. The party is regularly described as neo-Nazi by news media and academic sources, and members are frequently responsible for anti-semitic graffiti.

Ilias Kasidiaris, a spokesman for Golden Dawn, wrote an article that was published in Golden Dawn magazine on 20 April 2011, in which he said, "What would the future of Europe and the whole modern world be like if World War II (which the democracies, or in fact the Jews – according to general Ioannis Metaxas – declared on Germany) hadn't stopped the renewing route of National Socialism? Certainly, fundamental values which mainly derive from ancient Greek culture, would be dominant in every state and would define the fate of peoples. Romanticism as a spiritual movement and classicism would prevail against the decadent subculture that corroded the white man. Extreme materialism would have been discarded, giving its place to spiritual exaltation". In the same article, Adolf Hitler is characterized as a "great social reformer" and "military genius".


It's always the Jooos with you loser garbages of humanity and nazi corksoakers, isn't it?
Well hopefully that won't happen and Iran's nuclear sites will be whacked way before that, much to the dismay of you neo *****, I mean neo Nazis.

My bet is on the grounds there is no strike on Iran in the next 5 years. If there is a strike on Iran in the next 5 years, the bet will be void. But since you say talking to Iran will result in Iran nuking Israel, a "2nd Holocaust, I was thinking you might put your shekels where your mouth is. So the bet is assuming they stay that course.

I just wondering if you really believe the zionist horseshit your parrot. I guess not.
I never made any of the claims you are making, Nazi douchebag. It's quite simple. Either Iran steps up and makes a serious enough commitment in eliminating the nuclear threat, or they will get whacked hard. And nobody knows which it will be, not even the Israelis, Americans, or even the Iranians themselves.
I agree, Israel and America are far more likely to strike Iran than vice versa.
"...I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk!..."
Good catch, Roudy.


That symbol in the avatar bothered me too; reminiscent as it is of Nazi color-schemes coupled with symbology-elements.

Now I know why.

A Greek Neo-Nazi Party admirer (or member)?

He ought to fit right in with the worst of the Muslim militants; cutting a fine figure as a future Arab Butt-Boy and Bitch.

I really hate fucking Nazis and their kindred spawn like these.

It didn't take long to 'out' that particular piece of shit.

Time to start spreading the word...
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"...I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk!..."
Good catch, Roudy.


That symbol in the avatar bothered me too; reminiscent as it is of Nazi color-schemes coupled with symbology-elements.

Now I know why.

A Greek Neo-Nazi Party admirer (or member)?

He ought to fit right in with the worst of the Muslim militants; cutting a fine figure as a future Arab Butt-Boy and Bitch.

I really hate fucking Nazis and their kindred spawn like these.

It didn't take long to 'out' that particular piece of shit.

Time to start spreading the word...
Out me? I never hid my view. I am an open white nationalist.

Are you a Jew as well?
  • Thanks
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And most of the Islamic world are countries with secular constitutions, as well.

The biggest Islamic nation in the world? Indonesia. Secular constitution that garuntees rights to its non-Muslim minorities.

The Indonesian constitution provides for freedom of religion. The government generally respects religious freedom for the six officially recognized religions: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.

Freedom of religion in Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay. Second biggest. Pakistan.

Freedom of religion in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whoops, sorry, wrong again.

Hey, let's try Egypt..

Freedom of religion in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Egyptian constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites, although the Government places restrictions on these rights in practice. Islam is the official state religion, and Shari'a (Islamic law) is the primary source of legislation.

Now, are these countries wonderful examples of religious pluralism? Of course not.

But your statement that a 'constitution" promises religious freedom has been discredited....
Can you believe this ignorant Nazi dipshit? Now he's selling "freedom of religion" in Pakistan and Egypt! Dude I suggest you hang it up, because you're making yourself look like a total FOOL with each additional post!

About as much Freedom of Religion as there is in the Zionist Entity...

I mean, yeah, I guess you can all argue over who your Invisible Sky Man loves the best, but you just look silly doing it.
"...I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk!..."
Good catch, Roudy.


That symbol in the avatar bothered me too; reminiscent as it is of Nazi color-schemes coupled with symbology-elements.

Now I know why.

A Greek Neo-Nazi Party admirer (or member)?

He ought to fit right in with the worst of the Muslim militants; cutting a fine figure as a future Arab Butt-Boy and Bitch.

I really hate fucking Nazis and their kindred spawn like these.

It didn't take long to 'out' that particular piece of shit.

Time to start spreading the word...
One didn't even need to observe his avatar to conclude he's a Nazi. His disgusting words were enough.
"...I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk!..."
Good catch, Roudy.


That symbol in the avatar bothered me too; reminiscent as it is of Nazi color-schemes coupled with symbology-elements.

Now I know why.

A Greek Neo-Nazi Party admirer (or member)?

He ought to fit right in with the worst of the Muslim militants; cutting a fine figure as a future Arab Butt-Boy and Bitch.

I really hate fucking Nazis and their kindred spawn like these.

It didn't take long to 'out' that particular piece of shit.

Time to start spreading the word...
Out me? I never hid my view. I am an open white nationalist.

Are you a Jew as well?
Sounds like nazi boy has Jew Derangement Syndrome. They always do, irrevocably.

Are you a Jew? How about you? Oh, maybe you? Anybody here a Jew?

Jooo, Jooo, Jooo! Ha ha ha.
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"...I'm not the one who has a "Golden Dawn" Neo Nazi symbol as my AVATAR, you are, ya Nazi punk!..."
Good catch, Roudy.


That symbol in the avatar bothered me too; reminiscent as it is of Nazi color-schemes coupled with symbology-elements.

Now I know why.

A Greek Neo-Nazi Party admirer (or member)?

He ought to fit right in with the worst of the Muslim militants; cutting a fine figure as a future Arab Butt-Boy and Bitch.

I really hate fucking Nazis and their kindred spawn like these.

It didn't take long to 'out' that particular piece of shit.

Time to start spreading the word...
Out me? I never hid my view. I am an open white nationalist.

Are you a Jew as well?
And the Nazi asshole complains about apartheid.

"I'm a white nationalist", he says. Ha ha ha. Hilarious!
And most of the Islamic world are countries with secular constitutions, as well.

The biggest Islamic nation in the world? Indonesia. Secular constitution that garuntees rights to its non-Muslim minorities.

Freedom of religion in Indonesia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okay. Second biggest. Pakistan.

Freedom of religion in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whoops, sorry, wrong again.

Hey, let's try Egypt..

Freedom of religion in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, are these countries wonderful examples of religious pluralism? Of course not.

But your statement that a 'constitution" promises religious freedom has been discredited....
Can you believe this ignorant Nazi dipshit? Now he's selling "freedom of religion" in Pakistan and Egypt! Dude I suggest you hang it up, because you're making yourself look like a total FOOL with each additional post!

About as much Freedom of Religion as there is in the Zionist Entity...

I mean, yeah, I guess you can all argue over who your Invisible Sky Man loves the best, but you just look silly doing it.
No I'm talking facts while you're an ignoramus who claims religious freedoms and tolerance in Egypt and Pakistan (of all places).

Hey I have an idea, why don't you and Iceholeman get together and exchange Nazi notes? You never know, it might be the start of a great romantic relationship? Ha ha ha.
Iceman is a socktastic ambassador for the kind of people Roudy wants to paint as representatives of the legitimate movement to torch the leech that's been sucking the lifeblood from America for more than sixty years.

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