Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Here's the thing. The Jewish Community is America is embarrassed as shit about what the Zionists are doing.

Zionism new friend are the Funditarded Christians who think Israel needs to be there so Jay-zus can come back.

Funny I haven't met any :confused:

Chapter 5: Connection With and Attitudes Toward Israel | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project

c'mon, that is an absolute delusional mantra of an ideologue. Since Joe claims he has a degree in history and his viewpoints are utterly similar to the angle of history perception by Soviet propaganda I tend to think that was also were he obtained it ;)

I don't think he's even that well read.
"...mushroom cloud over Israel..."
Screw the mushroom cloud over Israel argument.

Iranian ballistic missile technology already reaches too far...


To allow them to attain nuclear weaponry that can be bolted on top of these missiles risks far more than mere injury to Israel...

Not to mention where their ballistic missile technology is likely to be, given another several years of unimpeded and newly-inspired (by the attainment of nuclear warheads) R&D efforts on new and more far-ranging additions to their ballistic missile arsenal...

Not to mention the risk such a combination poses already (and will pose in future) to US and Allied naval, airbase and other military and political assets in the region...

Personally, I see allowing a Radical, Militant Islamic Theocracy to attain nuclear weapons to be about as intelligent as time-traveling backwards and giving them to Pope Urban II just prior to the Council of Clermont in 1095...

A stupid, foolhardy, spineless approach, should we be stupid enough to allow it...

But that's just me...
Iran has never threatened to nuke anyone. The US Government has nuked in the past. And now zionists are threatening to nuke Iran. The US Government and Israel are greater threats to world peace than Iran.

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"...Iran has never threatened to nuke anyone..."
A little difficult to do, when you don't have any nukes, yes?

But their leadership HAS called for the eradication of one of our allies within recent memory, just for starters and warm-ups.

"...The US Government has nuked in the past..."
Yes we have.

What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?

"...And now zionists are threatening to nuke Iran..."
Nuke them, or merely attack them conventionally?

And, of course, either way...

What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?

"...The US Government and Israel are greater threats to world peace than Iran..."


What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?
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"...Iran has never threatened to nuke anyone..."
A little difficult to do, when you don't have any nukes, yes?

But their leadership HAS called for the eradication of one of our allies within recent memory, just for starters and warm-ups.

"...The US Government has nuked in the past..."
Yes we have.

What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?

"...And now zionists are threatening to nuke Iran..."
Nuke them, or merely attack them conventionally?

And, of course, either way...

What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?

"...The US Government and Israel are greater threats to world peace than Iran..."


What does that have to do with Iran's likely future intentions and shifts in policy, if they are allowed to attain nuclear weaponry, and the logical need to prevent that at all costs?
They haven't called for the destruction of any country. And the nation of Iran hasn't waged an offensive war in hundreds of years.

The point is, the US and Israel are hypocrites. They both have nukes, the US has used nukes. Both the US and Israel have a history of offensive wars. And now zionist jews are calling for nuking Iran, yet Iran is somehow the threat to world peace. That is nonsense. Quite frankly, given the circumstances, if Iran is really pursuing nuclear weaponry, it is entirely reasonable, given the history of the US and Israel and the threat they pose to their nation.
Islamo nazi pigs lie------ Israel has never threatened to nuke Iran and and jews are not
asking the USA to nuke Iran. HOWEVER the filthy pigs of Iran have attacked
Islamo nazi pigs lie------ Israel has never threatened to nuke Iran and and jews are not
asking the USA to nuke Iran. HOWEVER the filthy pigs of Iran have attacked

Shel Adelson, the biggest donor the the GOP, a zionist fifth columnist Jew called for the US to nuke Iran.

When did Iran attack Israel?
Islamo nazi pigs lie------ Israel has never threatened to nuke Iran and and jews are not
asking the USA to nuke Iran. HOWEVER the filthy pigs of Iran have attacked

Shel Adelson, the biggest donor the the GOP, a zionist fifth columnist Jew called for the US to nuke Iran.

When did Iran attack Israel?

no he did not. the filthy pigs of Iran attacked Israel
in 2006 in a concerted effort to blow the brains out
of children thruout the length of Israel ------blowing the
brains out of children is just about the only thing nail bombs
can do The filthy pigs launched TENS OF THOUSANDS
of those bombs onto Israel and threatened more-----and
BOASTED the ablity to reach almost the entire length of the
country. BTW---hezbollah is owned and operated by Iran

Poor Nus kharah allah is a very disappointed man-----as are you.
Islamo nazi pigs lie------ Israel has never threatened to nuke Iran and and jews are not
asking the USA to nuke Iran. HOWEVER the filthy pigs of Iran have attacked

Shel Adelson, the biggest donor the the GOP, a zionist fifth columnist Jew called for the US to nuke Iran.

When did Iran attack Israel?

no he did not. the filthy pigs of Iran attacked Israel
in 2006 in a concerted effort to blow the brains out
of children thruout the length of Israel ------blowing the
brains out of children is just about the only thing nail bombs
can do The filthy pigs launched TENS OF THOUSANDS
of those bombs onto Israel and threatened more-----and
BOASTED the ablity to reach almost the entire length of the
country. BTW---hezbollah is owned and operated by Iran

Poor Nus kharah allah is a very disappointed man-----as are you.

Yes he did, did you watch the video. He said it in plain english. Is english your first language?

Hezbollah receives support from Iran, it isn't owned by Iran. They are allies, there is a difference. I pity the level of brainwashing you have undergone from zionist propaganda.
"They haven't called for the destruction of any country..."
Former Iranian President Mahmoud AhmAJerkInADinnerJacket said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth; parroting his masters' (The Council's) thoughts. Later, when excoriated by much of the world, he publicly backpedaled with a bullshit qualifier in an interview on CNN ( Iran's president ranges far in interview: talks Israel, slams homosexuality - CNN.com ) - but the truth had come out, and the damage had been done. Too late to stuff that particular genie back in the bottle.

"...And the nation of Iran hasn't waged an offensive war in hundreds of years..."
Given that they've been under the heel of Euro-Trash Imperialists for centuries and under the heel of Moghul (Mongol)-Trash Imperialists for centuries before that, well, that's not much of a surprise. But they're back in the game now, led by Religious Despots and Militant Fundies, and burning with a desired to catch-up to the rest of the world and to make up for lost time.

"...The point is, the US and Israel are hypocrites..."
I believe you to be absolutely wrong about that being the point.

The REAL POINT is that it is not safe to give Militant Islamic Fundies a nuclear arsenal, and all the spin-doctoring and attempts at deviation from that point do no good service to the United States nor The West at-large.

"...if Iran is really pursuing nuclear weaponry, it is entirely reasonable..."
Fortunately, your point of view is neither prevalent in the US and The West nor is it likely to be allowed to become dominant and decisive in the collective foreign policy of The West - thanks to recovering spine-patient France, embarrassing us into a wake-up.

Good God... we're not talking about 'fairness' here - we're talking about prospects for security and survival... and giving nuclear firecrackers to hyper-religious dingbats.

Under such pressures, fairness goes right out the window, in the real world.

You will have a difficult time advocating for a Medieval Militant Islamic Fundamentalist Martyr-Obsessed regime being allowed to acquire nuclear weaponry to bolt on top of their existing stocks of mid-range ballistic missiles, just because it's "fair".
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"They haven't called for the destruction of any country..."
Former Iranian President Mahmoud AhmAJerkInADinnerJacket said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth; parroting his masters' (The Council's) thoughts. Later, when excoriated by much of the world, he publicly backpedaled with a bullshit qualifier in an interview on CNN ( Iran's president ranges far in interview: talks Israel, slams homosexuality - CNN.com ) - but the truth had come out, and the damage had been done. Too late to stuff that particular genie back in the bottle.

"...And the nation of Iran hasn't waged an offensive war in hundreds of years..."
Given that they've been under the heel of Euro-Trash Imperialists for centuries and under the heel of Moghul (Mongol)-Trash Imperialists for centuries before that, well, that's not much of a surprise. But they're back in the game now, and led by Religious Despots and Militant Fundies.

"...The point is, the US and Israel are hypocrites..."
I believe you to be absolutely wrong about that being the point.

The REAL POINT is that it is not safe to give Militant Islamic Fundies a nuclear arsenal, and all the spin-doctoring and attempts at deviation from that point do no good service to the United States nor The West at-large.

"...if Iran is really pursuing nuclear weaponry, it is entirely reasonable..."
Fortunately, your point of view is neither prevalent in the US and The West nor is it likely to be allowed to become dominant and decisive in the collective foreign policy of The West - thanks to recovering spine-patient France, embarrassing us into a wake-up.

Good God... we're not talking about 'fairness' here - we're talking about prospects for security and survival.

Under such pressures, fairness goes right out the window, in the real world.

You will have a difficult time advocating for a Medieval Militant Islamic Fundamentalist Martyr-Obsessed regime being allowed to acquire nuclear weaponry to bolt on top of their existing stocks of mid-range ballistic missiles, just because it's "fair".

Those are Jewish media lies. He never said such a thing. That is a deliberate mis-translation. There are not even direct words for the statement you claim he said in Farsi.
"The Actual Quote:

So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want "wiped from the map"? The answer is: nothing. That's because the word "map" was never used. The Persian word for map, "nagsheh" is not contained anywhere in his original Farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase "wipe out" ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran's president threatened to "wipe Israel off the map." despite never having uttered the words "map." "wipe out" or even "Israel."

The Proof:

The full quote translated directly to English:

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

Word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

Here is the full transcript of the speech in Farsi, archived on Ahmadinejad's web site"
'Wiped off the Map' – The Rumor of the Century - by Arash Norouzi

You can believe whatever you want. But the fact remains, the US and Israel are the ones making threats(nuclear threats now), and they are the ones have been aggressive in the past, not Iran. the Islamic Republic of Iran has never waged an offensive war on anyone. Since it's inception it has been under attack from the United States(see Iran-Iraq War, where the US supported Saddam), and has been involved in Iran prior to that(see the 1953 coup). The US has an aggressive history against Iran, not the other way around. Thus Iran protecting themselves buy building a nuclear program would be completely legitimate if it keeps the US military out of their country.

The US ZOG government and Israel don't represent western interests and they never have.
...and an effective Secretary of State?

Chemical Weapons have been removed by the U.N. without a shot fired.

How much did that victory cost us, in blood and treasure? No blood, negligible treasure.

Thank you, Secretary Kerry and President Obama (praise be unto Him!)!

You're soooooo stupid....you must be a Liberal?

"Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into neighboring Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported on Sunday.
Last week, the head of the Free Syrian Army told CNN that opposition intelligence indicated Assad was moving chemical arms out of the country.

“Today, we have information that the regime began to move chemical materials and chemical weapons to Lebanon and to Iraq,” General Salim Idriss told CNN.

“We have told our friends that the regime has begun moving a part of its chemical weapons arsenal to Lebanon and Iraq. We told them do not be fooled,” Idris told reporters in Istanbul."
Syria Hiding Saddam?s WMDs Back in Iraq | FrontPage Magazine

Now try this:
If you say ‘gullible’ very slowly it sounds like ‘oranges.’

^^^ Believes everything she reads on the internet. :lol:
Shel Adelson, the biggest donor the the GOP, a zionist fifth columnist Jew called for the US to nuke Iran.

When did Iran attack Israel?

no he did not. the filthy pigs of Iran attacked Israel
in 2006 in a concerted effort to blow the brains out
of children thruout the length of Israel ------blowing the
brains out of children is just about the only thing nail bombs
can do The filthy pigs launched TENS OF THOUSANDS
of those bombs onto Israel and threatened more-----and
BOASTED the ablity to reach almost the entire length of the
country. BTW---hezbollah is owned and operated by Iran

Poor Nus kharah allah is a very disappointed man-----as are you.

Yes he did, did you watch the video. He said it in plain english. Is english your first language?

Hezbollah receives support from Iran, it isn't owned by Iran. They are allies, there is a difference. I pity the level of brainwashing you have undergone from zionist propaganda.

wrong again It is clear that you have never had SHIITE friends -----I have---
for more than 45 years. SHIITEs ----even shiites who are not Iranian----are
OWNED BY IRAN ------lock stock and barrel Bahrani shiites are owned by
Iran. Iraqi shiites are OWNED by Iran. The very first muslim who was a close
friend to me-----was an INDIAN SHIITE -----Iran owned him too.----but I will admit---
Iranian shiites had a very low tolerance for him ----poor guy----he tried so hard
to speak a bit of farsi. Shiites are SO into Iran----that they consider farsi something
like a holy language-----that URDU speaker studied farsi in his muslim oriented school

John "Lurch" Kerry is a paid apparatchik of Barack Hussein Obama (Peace be on him)

Hey....who'd ya' vote for.....(giggle, giggle....)
Surprise me.

Senator/War Hero John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!

As I knew he would.

"...John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!"

It has become redundant to show what a moron you are....

....but it is fun:

1". ...Kerry has personally exacerbated tensions between Israel and the Palestinians that were already complicated ... He stabbed both Israel and the moderate Arab states in the back by publicly accepting the terms of a weak nuclear deal with Iran that would have likely started the collapse of sanctions against Tehran and put in motion a process that would have made it possible for the Islamist state to reach their nuclear goal.

2. He then added to that folly by rushing to Geneva to sign that agreement only to be embarrassed by the insistence of the French—of all countries—that there at least be a fig leaf of accountability for the arrangement. That blew up the P5+1 talks and left Kerry trying to explain both his appeasement and the failure while also obviously fibbing about the last-minute conditions being his idea rather than the brainchild of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius.

3. It must be admitted that to have done so much damage to American interests in so little time is quite an accomplishment. Though he has plenty of competition for the title, John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.

4. Yes, folks, that’s your international “one-two punch”, [Obama and Kerry] the two who represent our best interests as a nation abroad."
Europe Loses Trust in Obama - WSJ.com


"John Kerry may have already become America’s worst secretary of state in history.."

Who was the dolt who said "...John Forbes Kerry is turning out to be one hell of a good Secretary of State!"????
Isn't it amusing how many of the things you fervently believe, actually have no basis in fact?

How can I possibly be a great poster with gnats like you as my opposition. I need a higher quality of opposition!
^^^ Cuts and pastes from Right-Wing media in lieu of making sound arguments herself.

The only time there is no tension in an Israel-Palestinian negotiation is when there is no negotiating.
Roudy is a zionist fifth columnist, not a real American by any stretch. If you are even from America.
...so said the neo Nazi ass-licker of IslamoNazis and America haters. Why do you guys always whine so much?
Nope, actually:

Shariah Law = Apartheid.


This was seriously the best you could come up with, that they don't let non-believers into their holiest city?

Seriously? that was the best you could come up with.

you obviously know nothing about SHARIAH LAW so why comment?

It's not a lack of knowledge, it's a lack of concern.

The ONLY Reasons why we have a beef with the Islamic World is because of Israel and Oil.

We gotta keep propping up Israel, we got to keep pumping the oil.

Otherwise, I truly cannot give a shit what they do in their little corner of the planet.

Our middle East policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
Zionism = Apartheid....
Nope, actually:

Shariah Law = Apartheid.


This was seriously the best you could come up with, that they don't let non-believers into their holiest city?

Seriously? that was the best you could come up with.
Hah? SHADAP will ya, you fucking idiot. No this is the tip of the iceberg. Go back and find out how Shariah law treats non Muslims, you ignorant douchebag. But then again, what can we expect from Neo Nazi Joe Blow.
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This was seriously the best you could come up with, that they don't let non-believers into their holiest city?

Seriously? that was the best you could come up with.

you obviously know nothing about SHARIAH LAW so why comment?

It's not a lack of knowledge, it's a lack of concern.

The ONLY Reasons why we have a beef with the Islamic World is because of Israel and Oil.

We gotta keep propping up Israel, we got to keep pumping the oil.

Otherwise, I truly cannot give a shit what they do in their little corner of the planet.

Our middle East policy is to stick our dicks in a hornet's nest and then complain about getting stung.
And you think people give a shit what an ignorant trailer trash Nazi thinks because......?

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