Obama Announces Plan To Destroy Israel

Arabs aren't natives of the land of Israel Joe Blow, they're recent 19th and 20th century invaders from neighboring Arab lands, just like their leader and founder Yassir Arafat who was born and raised in EGYPT.

Besides, Israel currently has 2 million Arab Muslims, a quarter of its population, who live as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights and benefits as other Israelis. And who prefer to live in Israel over any other Arab country, and yes, that includes with their Palestinian "brethren", because they enjoy the highest standard of living than all other Muslims in the region.

Joe Blow, the ignoramus.

Actually, it's more like 1 million... not counting the five million Palestinians who live behind barbed wire in slums in the "occuppied territories" and strap bombs onto their kids trying to kill Zionists.

Seriously. Fuck Israel. The day it's driven into the sea. the world will celebrate.
Five million, Joe Blow? Do you mind showing me how you arrived at those numbers? You need to brush your teeth because all you seem to do is talk shit.
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joe has said hat he wants to see Israel gone wiped off the face of the earth.
Anti Zionism = modern anti Semetism.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr eloquently said.

Zionism = Apartheid....
Nope, actually:

Shariah Law = Apartheid.





Roudy----you don't understand-----everyone---especially jews-----LOVE TO BE SUBJUGATED
to ISLAMIC OVERLORDS and the BEAUTY OF ISLAM Keep in mind-----
the jews of Baghdad FLOURISHED ----and were highly educated-----all because the
and favors. I am fully aware of these facts------because I have been told by
people who know------muslims. Hubby has an acquaintance----a yemeni----
who always like to remind him how DELIGHTED the yemenite jews were to
live among muslims in yemen and how WONDERFULLY they got along

of course------a muslim from new dehli also told me how delighted hindus were
to be under MUGHAL RULE--------- thngs were so good for them back then

also----keep in mind-----there are still a few thousand jews in Iran and something like
14 jews left in Indonesia-------and one in Afghanistan (if he is still alive)
Roudy----you don't understand-----everyone---especially jews-----LOVE TO BE SUBJUGATED
to ISLAMIC OVERLORDS and the BEAUTY OF ISLAM Keep in mind-----
the jews of Baghdad FLOURISHED ----and were highly educated-----all because the
and favors. I am fully aware of these facts------because I have been told by
people who know------muslims. Hubby has an acquaintance----a yemeni----
who always like to remind him how DELIGHTED the yemenite jews were to
live among muslims in yemen and how WONDERFULLY they got along

of course------a muslim from new dehli also told me how delighted hindus were
to be under MUGHAL RULE--------- thngs were so good for them back then

also----keep in mind-----there are still a few thousand jews in Iran and something like
14 jews left in Indonesia-------and one in Afghanistan (if he is still alive)
Yes, of course they keep blabbering about this so called "apartheid" and "ethnic cleansing" while they are the worst practitioners of it!
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.

the danger of an "atom bomb" iran has nothing to do with a NUCLEAR STRIKE
on israel-------it relates to TERRORISM. The expected forms of terrorism for
the future ----depend on radioactive materials and lots of SENSE OF POWER as
in "WE GOT THE BOMB---WE CAN DO ANYTHING". There was a pakistani
attempt to blow up TIMES SQUARE------I strongly believe that was part of the
"WE GOT THE BOMB" mystique

Iran is far more focused on SAUDI ARABIA than on Israel Iran is confident
that once it OWNS Saudi arabia------getting rid of Israel will be a piece of cake
for which no nuclear weapons will be needed
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.

the danger of an "atom bomb" iran has nothing to do with a NUCLEAR STRIKE
on israel-------it relates to TERRORISM. The expected forms of terrorism for
the future ----depend on radioactive materials and lots of SENSE OF POWER as
in "WE GOT THE BOMB---WE CAN DO ANYTHING". There was a pakistani
attempt to blow up TIMES SQUARE------I strongly believe that was part of the
"WE GOT THE BOMB" mystique

Iran is far more focused on SAUDI ARABIA than on Israel Iran is confident
that once it OWNS Saudi arabia------getting rid of Israel will be a piece of cake
for which no nuclear weapons will be needed

This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.
Well hopefully that won't happen and Iran's nuclear sites will be whacked way before that, much to the dismay of you neo *****, I mean neo Nazis.
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.

the danger of an "atom bomb" iran has nothing to do with a NUCLEAR STRIKE
on israel-------it relates to TERRORISM. The expected forms of terrorism for
the future ----depend on radioactive materials and lots of SENSE OF POWER as
in "WE GOT THE BOMB---WE CAN DO ANYTHING". There was a pakistani
attempt to blow up TIMES SQUARE------I strongly believe that was part of the
"WE GOT THE BOMB" mystique

Iran is far more focused on SAUDI ARABIA than on Israel Iran is confident
that once it OWNS Saudi arabia------getting rid of Israel will be a piece of cake
for which no nuclear weapons will be needed

This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?

takers of what? Iran will not put a nuclear bomb in the hands of SUNNI
Hamas. Hezbollah is liable to do anything-----but maintaning a NUCLEAR
BOMB is not like carrying a lunch box Hezbollah is more likely to use nuclear
materials in TERRORISM ------Iran will claim "WHO ME"??
the danger of an "atom bomb" iran has nothing to do with a NUCLEAR STRIKE
on israel-------it relates to TERRORISM. The expected forms of terrorism for
the future ----depend on radioactive materials and lots of SENSE OF POWER as
in "WE GOT THE BOMB---WE CAN DO ANYTHING". There was a pakistani
attempt to blow up TIMES SQUARE------I strongly believe that was part of the
"WE GOT THE BOMB" mystique

Iran is far more focused on SAUDI ARABIA than on Israel Iran is confident
that once it OWNS Saudi arabia------getting rid of Israel will be a piece of cake
for which no nuclear weapons will be needed

This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?

takers of what? Iran will not put a nuclear bomb in the hands of SUNNI
Hamas. Hezbollah is liable to do anything-----but maintaning a NUCLEAR
BOMB is not like carrying a lunch box Hezbollah is more likely to use nuclear
materials in TERRORISM ------Iran will claim "WHO ME"??
Nazi Ass(hole)-man is also ignorant. Wot a freaking suprise! Ha ha ha.
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.
Well hopefully that won't happen and Iran's nuclear sites will be whacked way before that, much to the dismay of you neo *****, I mean neo Nazis.

My bet is on the grounds there is no strike on Iran in the next 5 years. If there is a strike on Iran in the next 5 years, the bet will be void. But since you say talking to Iran will result in Iran nuking Israel, a "2nd Holocaust, I was thinking you might put your shekels where your mouth is. So the bet is assuming they stay that course.

I just wondering if you really believe the zionist horseshit your parrot. I guess not.
the danger of an "atom bomb" iran has nothing to do with a NUCLEAR STRIKE
on israel-------it relates to TERRORISM. The expected forms of terrorism for
the future ----depend on radioactive materials and lots of SENSE OF POWER as
in "WE GOT THE BOMB---WE CAN DO ANYTHING". There was a pakistani
attempt to blow up TIMES SQUARE------I strongly believe that was part of the
"WE GOT THE BOMB" mystique

Iran is far more focused on SAUDI ARABIA than on Israel Iran is confident
that once it OWNS Saudi arabia------getting rid of Israel will be a piece of cake
for which no nuclear weapons will be needed

This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?

takers of what? Iran will not put a nuclear bomb in the hands of SUNNI
Hamas. Hezbollah is liable to do anything-----but maintaning a NUCLEAR
BOMB is not like carrying a lunch box Hezbollah is more likely to use nuclear
materials in TERRORISM ------Iran will claim "WHO ME"??

So you won't take the bet?

Then you clearly don't believe the zionist bullshit you spew. If you did, you would take the bet.
You don't seriously expect people to put down a grand on future speculation pertaining to nuclear weaponry in the hands of a theocracy, do you?

They haven't even conducted their first explosive test yet.

And, with any luck, and some backbone on the part of The West, they never will.

Uncertainty, or unwillingness or inability to pony-up on a bet, is not a reliable barometer of the efficacy (actual or potential) of logical speculation about the future.
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This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?

takers of what? Iran will not put a nuclear bomb in the hands of SUNNI
Hamas. Hezbollah is liable to do anything-----but maintaning a NUCLEAR
BOMB is not like carrying a lunch box Hezbollah is more likely to use nuclear
materials in TERRORISM ------Iran will claim "WHO ME"??
Nazi Ass(hole)-man is also ignorant. Wot a freaking suprise! Ha ha ha.

Ignorant? Are you now denying Iran aids Hamas? I thought that was one of the zionist talking points. That Hamas is supposedly a terrorist organization and that Iran funds these "terrorists".

Isn't it funny, anyone that fights Jewish supremacism is a "terrorist". Anyone that questions their power structure is a "racist" or "neo nazi".

Why don't you take the bet? Put your shekels where your mouth is.
This bet will apply to Hezbollah or Hamas as well since they receive aid from Iran? Any takers?

takers of what? Iran will not put a nuclear bomb in the hands of SUNNI
Hamas. Hezbollah is liable to do anything-----but maintaning a NUCLEAR
BOMB is not like carrying a lunch box Hezbollah is more likely to use nuclear
materials in TERRORISM ------Iran will claim "WHO ME"??

So you won't take the bet?

Then you clearly don't believe the zionist bullshit you spew. If you did, you would take the bet.

what "zionist bullshit" did I "spew" which you decide I "don't believe"???
why do you fling nonsensical feces? it's all you have?
You don't seriously expect people to put down a grand on future speculation pertaining to nuclear weaponry in the hands of a theocracy, do you?

They haven't even conducted their first explosive test yet.

And, with any luck, and some backbone on the part of The West, they never will.

Uncertainty, or unwillingness or inability to pony-up on a bet, is not a reliable barometer of the efficacy (actual or potential) of logical speculation about the future.

No, because they don't believe the bullshit they spew. Not at a deep level. If a "mushroom cloud over Israel" was such a sure thing due to talking to the Iranians, they would either have to be stupid not to take it or really not believe what they say. There just zionist warhawks that want any excuse for war.
Roudy is a zionist fifth columnist, not a real American by any stretch. If you are even from America.
Obama, destroying Israel, don't make me laugh. All his closest advisors and biggest donors are Jews.

I will make a bet with you neo-*****, I mean neo-cohens, I mean neo-cons. Let's lay down $1000 dollars, put your money where your mouth is. I will give the first one of you who takes this bet $1000 dollars if Iran engages in a pre-emptive nuclear first strike on Israel in say the next 5 years starting from the day of the bet(that means the end of Obama's term and into the middle of the term of the next guy). If a nuclear strike doesn't occur, you give me $1000 dollars.

Watch your language....you're not speaking to your family.
"...mushroom cloud over Israel..."
Screw the mushroom cloud over Israel argument.

Iranian ballistic missile technology already reaches too far...


To allow them to attain nuclear weaponry that can be bolted on top of these missiles risks far more than mere injury to Israel...

Not to mention where their ballistic missile technology is likely to be, given another several years of unimpeded and newly-inspired (by the attainment of nuclear warheads) R&D efforts on new and more far-ranging additions to their ballistic missile arsenal...

Not to mention the risk such a combination poses already (and will pose in future) to US and Allied naval, airbase and other military and political assets in the region...

Personally, I see allowing a Radical, Militant Islamic Theocracy to attain nuclear weapons to be about as intelligent as time-traveling backwards and giving them to Pope Urban II just prior to the Council of Clermont in 1095...

A stupid, foolhardy, spineless approach, should we be stupid enough to allow it...

But that's just me...

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